If you see yourself in a convict, then such dream indicates aspects in your waking life that brings limitations. Perhaps you do not feel free in order to achieve the success. Maybe there are some boundaries that don’t let you move on. On the other hand, the dream about convict could show the suffering you have about the things you have done. Perhaps you feel ashamed of yourself. The dream suggests you to stop being so harsh on yourself and move on, because the life keeps going on.

To dream that some kind of verdict is about to be heard in court, means that you are awaiting for very important news. The verdict could also indicate your fear of being judged because you did something not good. The conscience is being felt. The dream suggests to get over it and if it is needed say sorry for the people you did the damage and this nightmare will stop.

If you heard some kind of the verdict in a dream, then it means you are not ready to confront the true. The dream may also show the apprehension you have of being evaluated by others, because the opinions of others are very important to you.

If you see yourself as an addict to something or someone, it symbolizes that you are not handling context very well. No matter how much you try, everything is falling apart. This is the sign, that you are not capable of controlling things you should be able to control. This dream could also mean how insecure, helpless, weak, fearful, upset and depressed you are. Make sure you know what kind of insecurities you have.

If you are convicted in a dream, then it means that you will get prosper. If the convict escaped, then you should prepare yourself for unexpected.

(See Enmity)

Usually the dream about twins symbolizes contraposition, duality and unity. The twins in dreams could also show the conflict between your two worlds: the conscious and unconscious. Perhaps you are trying to find the solution of the important question that is lurking in your mind. The conflict and unknown things shows your apprehension, therefore you see twins in your dream.

…during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thani. and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it. If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven. A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha*ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of…

…To dream that you participate in a fight represents damage to your freedom. Maybe you are feeling locked up and unable to use total expression of your emotions, thoughts, actions. Also, fight represents inner chaos. One aspect of your personality is in conflict with another aspect of your character. Perhaps an unsettled or unrecognized part is fighting for its right to show up. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your life. To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are reluctant to acknowledge your own complications and disorders. You are not taking any obligation or initiative in trying to resolve questions in your waking life. To dream that you are fighting to the death symbolizes that you are unwilling to acknowledge real conflict. Also, it suggests that you are hiding your own inner turmoil. Maybe you are very stubborn….

…Dreaming of seeing convicts, denotes disasters and sad news. Dreaming that you are a convict, indicates that you will worry over some affair | but you will clear up all mistakes. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing her lover in the garb of a convict, indicates she will have cause to question the character of his love….

When you dream of the war, then such dream identifies the chaos in your personal life. Maybe you are in conflict with someone in your waking life. Try to sort out those issues with the certain people. The dream of the war could indicate the personal conflict you are having with yourself. Maybe you have the disagreement with yourself and cannot find the right solution. Some people that were soldiers at war in their waking life, very often have dreams about war, because of the past and influence of the war that has been made.

…In a dream, accountability has various levels of interpretations. If an employee sees that he has received his account promptly in a dream it means rising in rank and increase of one’s income. If one sees himself under a strict supervision or reckoning in a dream, it means humiliation, distress or perhaps loss of his job. If a person is investigated in a court of people he not know in a dream, it means that he has strayed into innovation and will remain accountable for his deeds. (Also see Reckoning)…

To dream that you see the schedule denotes to things that are important to you. Perhaps you are very strict person that goes along the rules or you do not have any time for your jobs to be done.

Dreaming we consult any means of divination portends troubles. If we predict fate to others, it indicates they will be useful to us.

…I have, over and over again in my dreams, visited a certain district when the weather has been fine; but the other night I was there during a storm, and the experience, though interesting, was not too agreeable. I was in a hut on a wide, vast desert traversed by a broad river, and bounded by a long chain of mountains on the one side, and on the other by a forest of pines. On my arrival all was hushed and still; the air soft and sweet; the sky clear and blue; typical in every respect of an ideal summer day. The change was brought about in a totally unprecedented manner. The blue of the heavens was suddenly metamorphosed into a vivid violet, and the wind from the mountain tops, shrieking and roaring like ten million devils across the plain, converted the hitherto placid waters of the rivers into…

To dream that you are having a nightmare indicates the things you are afraid of. Maybe you were in conflict with someone, therefore your anger and aggression or even fear was brought to your dreams either.

Is very easy to interpret this dream if you are following a strict diet because hunger is simply a reflection of feeling true hunger at that moment. If this is not the case, we must analyze whether we are able to satisfy that appetite in the dream. If we eat, most authors interpret as a good omen because we will be intuiting a future with abundance. You can also interpret this dream considering that hunger in our dream speaks of an emotional or sexual need.

…Dreaming about a season symbolizes your emotional state of mind. Stormy or windy weather implies conflict and aggression. Rain and hail represent depression and sadness. Sun and rays represent hope and happiness. Dreaming about not having time to do things means stress, anxiety and fear. Dreaming about seasons may represent your fears of daily life. Dreaming about reading weather information can mean that you will change your place of residency and the current season. To dream that you don’t have time to do something may represent stress, anxiety and fear about resolving a difficult situation. Dreaming about time means you may feel discouraged and have difficulty with a business or person. This dream may also indicate doing something useless….

Dreaming of the joyful ringing of bells as a result of a party implies that finally there will be triumph in affairs that are currently in conflict. Dreaming of hearing the sound of one or more bells that are distant, especially if it happens to a very religious person, announces the death of a friendship that lives far away. Dreaming of hearing an alarm bell indicates anxiety, distress, and worry.

To dream it is in danger is a warning to keep a strict guard over your actions, lest you lose a good name; virtue is honoured by the greatest libertine, but mentally so. To dream you boast of your virtue shows you will yield to temptation, and not be able to conceal your fault. Let wisdom be your guide, persevere, and live honoured and happy.

It reflects the desire to avoid conflict and responsibilities of life. This dream reveals immaturity.

…When you are dreaming of having an agreement it symbolizes final solution to a collision, it shows a final resolution to a problem or conflict. Your inner self is in developing and making important decisions. Make sure you are in charge of your own actions, if you do so this will bring the final decision you’ve wanted to achieve….

…To see or carry a bucket in a dream indicates that the current situation will improve. If the bucket is full means love and abundance. If the bucket is empty means, you’ll overcome some loss or will be in conflict with someone….

…of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income and dignity. Plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream is worst than shaving it, and particularly when hair louses up one’s face or attractiveness. Nevertheless, plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream also could depict amelioration of one’s condition or look. Shaving one’s backside or abdomen in a dream means paying one’s debts. Shaving, clipping, or adjusting one’s moustache in a dream means lighteningone’s burdens, though it also could represent a mishap. If a rich person sees himself shaving his pubic hair or using a depilatory agent for that purpose in a dream, it means the loss of his wealth, or it could mean that he has overpaid for a property he has just purchased. If a poor person sees that, it means that he will become financially solvent. If one sees himself shaving it with…

…Dreaming of hearing voices, denotes pleasant reconciliations, if they are calm and pleasing | high-pitched and angry voices, signify disappointments and unfavorable situations. To hear weeping voices, shows that sudden anger will cause you to inflict injury upon a friend. If you hear the voice of God, you will make a noble effort to rise higher in unselfish and honorable principles, and will justly hold the admiration of high-minded people. For a mother to hear the voice of her child, is a sign of approaching misery, perplexity and grievous doubts. To hear the voice of distress, or a warning one calling to you, implies your own serious misfortune or that of some one close to you. If the voice is recognized, it is often ominous of accident or illness, which may eliminate death or loss….

…Also in this type of dreams, if the sound of thunder is heard on the twenty first day of April, it means that Western armies will drive East and establish military bases there. If the first of April happens to be a Sunday, then March will be a month of great fear and disturbances in the East, meanwhile, a conflict between the Western armies will end by the death of a Western leader and the defeat of his army. If the dream is seen on the eleventh day of April, it may mean that earthquakes or cyclones will devastate many countries. If the dream takes place on the thirteenth day of April, then it means that inflation will strike and price hiking will burden the common people. If the dream is seen on the seventeenth day of April, it purports a major political dispute between the leaders of the world,…

Dreaming of rough and violent seas indicates confusion, conflict and fear. A calm sea means friendly relationship with your superiors. A beautiful sea portends success in business or at work. Getting into the sea means abundance or wealth. Dream of drowning in the sea and not getting out of it is a sign of anguish and despair.

…the weathercock ejaculated sternly. A drunkard! He drinks every drop of rain that falls on the tiles!” “The beast!’ all the cowls and chimney-pots” shouted. ‘The beast! Let us hope that he is suffering.’”Have no fear on that account,’ Moses replied; he is connected with the kitchen range, and I have given the chef strict orders to cook a forty-course dinner every night!’”And can’t I have even one drop of gravy?”I groaned.”Not a drop,’ growled the weathercock, ‘for the dinners are damned, and so are you!’ — Which so frightened me,” added the Salvationist, “that I awoke, and from that very day to this have never tasted a thimbleful of alcohol.”Another Salvationist, who attracted my attention by the vigorous manner in which he pounded the drum, informed me he owed the fact of his now being saved — and he seemed to regard it as a very sure fact —…

The moving is a good omen, especially if you have no barriers to keep moving. If you find it very hard to move, for example to run, you are feeling tightened about some situation and need more space in order to move properly. The movement could also predict your desire to escape the current situation you are in. Perhaps you wish for more freedom and independency.

…If you see a torpedo in a dream, then it shows the necessity to become clearer with your emotions and senses. Probably you are very strict not only with yourself but others either. Otherwise, the dream could show your soft side and the torpedo suggests you to be more direct with yourself and others….

This dream may have various interpretations. Some authors explain that dream of younger siblings indicates that the weight of responsibilities overwhelms us, and older brothers shows a rivalry conflict in our lives. Other authors indicate that you can interpret the dream, considering that the brother who appears is a reflection of our own personality and with this key we can analyze that part of ourselves that requires our attention.

Family interests may cause long conflict.

Predict success and prosperity through hard work and teamwork. If bees make honey in our house, or our property, success and fortune are ensured. Being stung by a bee represents the existence of a danger to our reputation because of slander. Seeing angry bees attacking us signifies conflicts with partners, or that you are abandoning work because of the search for pleasures, which can bring misfortune and ruins. Killing bees is the worst dream, it indicates that the ruin is inevitable, and is near. Finally, see them on a flower is a symbol of a new love.

…Dreaming of the judgment day, foretells that you will accomplish some well-planned work, if you appear resigned and hopeful of escaping punishment. Otherwise, your work will prove a failure. For a young woman to appear before the judgment bar and hear the verdict of {Guilty}, denotes that she will cause much distress among her friends by her selfish and unbecoming conduct. If she sees the dead rising, and all the earth solemnly and fearfully awaiting the end, there will be much struggling for her, and her friends will refuse her aid. It is also a forerunner of unpleasant gossip, and scandal is threatened. Business may assume hopeless aspects….

Yellow Flower predict love mixed with jealousy, and that you will have more children to maintain than what justly belong to you.

…dream of killing the spider, shows unpleasant news you will receive or bad experience you are going trough. To see the spider that is spinning the web denotes to your hard work which will be appreciated. It also indicates the little steps you are making while working, especially the view of the web. The creativity and adjustment you have reflex in a dreams. As a bad omen, the spider can be interpreted only in those cases when you were caught by the spider and trapped in his web. Maybe there are some circumstances that you should be aware in your waking life. If the spider has bitten you, then such dream shows the argument you have with somebody. Maybe you feel you are unable to get away from the conflict you are at the moment. The spider that climbing on the wall, indicates the good fortune one will have….

Dreaming about a sandwich is interpreted as the representation of stressful situation. The recommendation of subconscious mind for the dreamer is to consider how to eliminate the pressure and stress, which is being put on him. To see a sandwich in the dream reflects ability to do two things quickly, but not properly. However, sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich. It can indicate that the dreamer is hungry. To see or eat a fish sandwich in the process of dreaming is good omen for rational person. This dream signalizes conflict between spiritual beliefs and what is practical. The rational mind is winning in this combat.

…This dream shows that we found ourselves facing a conflict situation in which the only way out is symbolized by the bridge. If instead of crossing the bridge we look at it and cannot decide to cross it or not to cross it, then it indicates that our situation will be deteriorating. To dream about a bridge in a summer landscape means that you will be happy. If it is a rickety bridge, built with farfetched materials or it’s very narrow bridge, then it indicates that we fear our future. If we fall from the bridge into a river, it means that we will be dragged by passions or instincts. If we fall into a cliff, then it symbolizes perdition. If we stop while we crossing it and do not get to the other side, then it shows our inability to make choices or it could indicate our fear…

In a dream, an accountant represents an astringent person who also has the power to carry sentences. If his accounting is strict and detailed in the dream it means that his sentence will be severe and painful. (Also see Ac- countability)

…his enemy, writing poems, or doing good deeds for the one who sees it in its perfect, radiant and glorious manifestation. If one sees the Divine Throne, and if he sees God Almighty sitting on it in a dream, it denotes his faith, certitude, determination and correct religious adherence. If one sees himself sitting upon the Divine Throne and his Lord sitting under it in a dream, and if one qualifies for governing, then it means that he will oppress the religious scholars, show arrogance and spread evil on earth. If one does not qualify for governing, then it means that he will become a disobedient son to his parents, oppose his teacher, rebel against his superior, issue a verdict without knowledge, commit aggression against others, or if he is a judge, he will be an unjust one. (Also see Allah | Carriers of the Divine Throne | Chair)…