If you dreamed of being on stage, then such dream shows your relationship with other people, and representation of who you are. The way you behave on the stage, is the way you wish to be recognized in your waking life. Consider, that being on stage also shows the desire of the dreamer to be noticeable and known by those around you. If you looked at the stage, but did not go on it, because you felt better staying beside the stage, then it means that there is self-trust issues you have to deal with. Make sure you get self confidence.
Dream dictionary: what you have dreamed a dream meanings
…One night, as far back as 1894, 1 dreamed I was in a desert in Phantomnia, and that bounding towards me from a distance, came a white kangaroo decorated with large, brown spots that looked as if they had been recently painted, and which imparted to it a wooden appearance. It came right up to me, and eyeing me in the friendliest manner possible, said, “Have you seen my mother?” “No!” I replied, “I have not seen anyone here for the last two years, because it is fully that time since I visited these parts. What is she like?” The kangaroo was greatly perplexed. “Why,” he said, “To tell you the truth I haven’t the slightest idea. I thought, perhaps, you might know; but, of course; since you have been absent for so long, it is very obvious you are the last person I should have asked. Good-bye.” And,…
If you dream that you take it out of the bottom of the sea is interpreted as the harbinger of an extraordinary gain but that will have to be achieved with risk and effort on your part. Interestingly, some authors suggest that if you dreamed you are giving coral stones, or you someone give them to you, symbolizes that lies and falsehood will be installed in that relationship.
If you dreamed of the glass that has stains on it, then such dream indicates the moment of things getting better. On the other hand, the dream shows that you are looking for something in life, where you could be lead by somebody else.
…There are unquestionably certain people who, in their dreams, witness events that are actually taking place at the time.A lady I knew, Mrs. P., who lived in Gloucester Place, W., dreamed one night she was in a big seaport town, where the streets were all numbered and laid out in blocks according to the American system, and where in one part of the city the tramlines descended over a series of plateaux. The houses were very lofty, and in one street a single hotel occupied an entire block. Shortly after her arrival, the entire town shook and heaved under the influence of a stupendous earthquake; houses collapsed like packs of cards, and, amidst the most appalling shrieks and groans, the whole city burst into a lurid sheet of fire. Everywhere was the wildest confusion and despair. People of all nationalities, from fair-skinned Europeans and yellow-visage Chinese of which…
When you dreamed of the Beauty Contest the best description of this dream would be explained in the dream meaning of Pegeant. You will be able to see the full explanation of your dream and find the right answer to your questions.
…returned upon his memory. He made an immediate search for the papers, and recovered them; so that Mr. Reid was thus, by the instrumentality of his vision, enabled to carry to Edinburgh the documents necessary to gain the cause, which he was on the verge of losing. Here the account ends.”I think a feasible explanation of the dream is, that it was in reality a case of unconscious projection during sleep, when the spirit of Mr. Reid was disembodied through the agency of his dead father, who, having something of such vital importance to communicate, was thus permitted to converse with the phantasm of his son on the super physical plane.Lady B., with whom I am slightly acquainted, once had a very vivid dream of this description. She had been left a widow for some time, and was contemplating marrying again, when she dreamed one night she met her late…
If someone has dreamed of Beauty Parlon, it foretells that maybe you are considered too much about your outer beauty instead of looking deeper into inner beauty. Sometimes we put ourselfs out there as very nice and beautifull people, but it is always better to pay more attention to things which would make you feel better and more confident about yourself. Also this dream refers to the meaning of dream Salon.
If you dreamed of squeezing something, then such dream may indicate the pressure you feel from others and unable to move easily. On the other hand the dream could indicate the pressure and stress you put on others and do not let them act or perform normally. Probably you or somebody else gets this stress. Consider that the dream of squeezing may be a reflection of the relationships you are in, where you or somebody else is being squeezed.
If you dreamed about seeing a splinter, then such dream shows your tendency to worry about things which people have said about you or thinks about you. Make sure you care less of what other people thinks about you.
If you dreamed of some kind of tragedy, then it symbolizes the fails and disturbances.
If you dreamed of eating the spoiled food, then such dream indicates your fear of the others. On the other hand the dream may show that there are some thoughts and feelings you have that the attention must be paid.
If you dreamed of getting splashed by the water, then such dream shows the need to show yourself more, especially those things which you wanted to express for a long time.
If you dreamed about your spleen, then such dream indicates the bad mood or aggression you are carrying with you. The dream could also suggest you to be more fun and playful.
…The significance of stones (precious and other-wise). Amethyst, success in courtship; blood-stones, legacies; coral, a birth; cornelian, treachery; diamonds, drowning; emeralds, great success in the arts; jasper, inconstancy; opal, separation, divorce, rapture in friendships; pearls, great sorrow; rubies, lover’s kisses; turquoise, the breaking off of an engagement; sapphires, a wedding; common pebbles, petty troubles; black rocks, illness and death; sand, a serious calamity; chalk, ailment or death of a child; granite, accident on land; marble, death.To dream of teeth coming out portends illness or death, but not necessarily of the dreamer. For example, a man told me that, on the night preceding the death of one of his brothers, he dreamed his teeth fell out, and that on one of them was a portrait of the brother who died….
If you dreamed of the Star of the David, then such dream indicates the understanding of eternal life your unconscious mind has made.
…To dream of travelling by sea signifies unexpected news, an invitation, and a visit from a stranger. To dream of travelling by land portends minor worries and losses.Who has not dreamed that they have been rushing to the railway station that they have missed their train, or that they have got into the wrong train, which proved to be a non-stop to goodness knows where? Or that they have got into the train without a ticket, or without their friends, or without their luggage; or that they have seen their friends go sailing away in the wrong train, and they themselves stranded in some strangely unfamiliar and impossible place? Indeed, everything goes wrong in travelling in dreamland, and when we awake with our brain in a swirl, we are for the moment conscious only that we are lost, and that we will never see our home and relatives…
In the case that awake we are not committing adultery, dreaming about it shows some kind of dissatisfaction with our partner. We also need to take into account the characteristics of the person we dreamed of to see if those characteristics match with conflictive aspects in our relationship.
The one who dreamed of being in savanna needs to learn to adapt in different situations while living the life. You must take for granted everything that the life has offered for you, because either negative or positive emotions causes different experiences and lessons.
If you dreamed of seeing or using the sponge, then the dream denotes to your ability to learn new things quickly or adapt to certain situation. On the other hand, the dream shows your tendency to depend on others.
If you dreamed of seeing a spy, then such dream shows the mistrust you have towards the others. It could also mean that you are the person who likes to be interested in other people endeavors and lives. Probably you found out something that has nothing to do with you or something you were not supposed to know. If you saw somebody spying on you, then such dream warns you to be careful with those you are surrounded by. On the other hand, the dream may be an indication of your tendency to do things in a rush without thinking of the circumstances.
Fairy in a dream symbolizes paranormal powers and large capacities of imagination. Dream of them can represent our desire to achieve something that in reality we do not see able to get, as if in the dream were trying to compensate the frustration that our inability produces to us. But other authors, however, believe that dreamed of fairies is a prophetic dream showing the possibility of getting something we consider impossible.
If you dreamed of saving bonds, then such dream indicates the attachment, dedication and commitment you have made with some other person.
…(A RECAPITULATION) The dreams in which one flies from one scene to another with breathless rapidity, and all the characters are bewilderingly mixed and everything is hopelessly incongruous, though apparently very meaningless, often contain many significant features.To quote an illustration: A certain Doctor Eastlake dreamed he was cycling through Hyde Park one very sunny morning, when a servant-maid, dressed all in pink and yellow, shot a perambulator straight in front of him, and he was thrown head over heels in the air; but instead of alighting on the ground, he found himself running about in a cage at the Zoo without anything on. Then, just as his mother-in-law, her face green with fury, advanced on him with uplifted parasol, the scene changed, and he was picking up sovereigns in the street as fast as he could. One of the coins, as he was about to pop it into his…
…To dream the object of one’s affections is clothed in light blue or yellow signifies they are fickle; in dark blue or gold, that they are constant. To present to or receive from the object of one’s affections, or to see him or her wearing a convolvulus, yellow rose, poppy, or daffodil means he or she is inconstant. On the other hand, if in the place of these flowers are buttercups, white roses, or sweet peas, it means he or she is true. To dream one is kissing one’s sweetheart portends inconstancy on the part of the dreamer; to dream one sees one’s sweetheart kissing, or being kissed, by someone else, foretells the inconstancy of the one dreamed about:To dream one is dancing with the object of one’s affection means that the latter is, or will be, guilty of carrying on a flirtation with someone else. To dream of…
If you dreamed of the spring, then such dream shows the new starts of something important. It is also the dream of birth and renewal as on the spring everything in the nature wakes up. The dream shows that you are able to use all of your productivity.
…To extract any definite information from an idiot as to his dreams is next to impossible, and after many and sundry vain efforts I have had to desist. From what I have been told, however, by one who had charge of an idiot, the latter used very often to dream he was being chased by something alarming, that he was in danger of being drowned, and that he had all his toys taken from him. The idiot was often ill after the drowning dream, and very fretful and bad-tempered after dreaming he had lost his toys. The grimaces and noises he made in his sleep were generally more shocking than those he made when awake often, indeed, most terrifying. Once, and that a day or two before he had an accident, he evidently dreamed he was flying, for he sat up in bed and flapped his arms up…
If you dreamed of seeing a sprinkling, then such dream symbolizes the new beginning. What has been growing for a while now will give the results you hope for.
…If you dreamed of walking up the stairs, then such dream shows that you are going on the right direction and getting to the point where you supposed to be. The stairs also opens the view which you show for the others of what you have achieved and confronted. If the one was walking down the stairs, then such dream could mean that you are not making any progress anymore, instead you let not only other down, but yourself either. Make sure you do not give up and climb those stairs as the winner. The dream could also indicate your thoughts and feelings that are coming from the past, therefore you are going down the stairs and confront things that are no longer important in the present….
If you dreamed of the stork, then such dream indicates the new life and new beginning. The new beginning could indicate the new project or thoughts you have made.
…Dreaming of finding a lawyer suggests that the environment in which you live is intriguing and you should be aware of those who are trying to make a harm to you. Dreaming of a lawyer who is inside a tavern, suggests that the enemies of the dreamer will rely on dirty tricks to complicate your affairs. When you dream that you are defended by a lawyer, implies that the dreamer receive sincere help. Perhaps the dream shows that the help you receive is not from your family or friends, therefore the other person defends you and you feel some kind of fear about it. When you dreamed about any way related to lawyers, then it suggests that you are at risk of facing serious problems, but not necessarily legal. When a woman dreams of talking with lawyers, then it shows the risk she is taking while being in contact…
The cat in dreams could have many different explanations, depending on the circumstances of the dream. The cat that is dreamed of you and is being your own cat could simply be a reflection of your actual cat. The animal spends much of the time in your life, therefore it is very normal to dream about it. If you do not own the cat, but still dream of one, it could mean that you are surrounded by very mysterious people in your waking life. You should be aware of that and do not trust them, because they will always have various secrets. The cat could also denote to your personality as being very independent and a little bit arrogant person. If the cat is sick, your problems will go away very soon. No serious danger.
If you dreamed about your sexuality, then such dream could show the new attitudes you have made for yourself. Maybe at this time of your life you are trying to figure out the needs you have and desire you have hidden for a long time. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the fear of getting old and losing the sexuality you already have.
If you dreamed of the strawberries, then such dream symbolizes the sexuality and suppressed desires you have. On the romantic note, the strawberries are associated with love and affection towards certain person. On the other hand, strawberries are the indication of progressing ideas that are fulfilling your needs.
If you dreamed of the stream, then it shows the upcoming new thoughts and concepts you are going to have. If the stream was frozen, then it means that your feelings and senses have become apathetic. Make sure you will solve these uncomfortable feelings, otherwise it will lead you to disappointment.
I you dreamed of having the stress in a dream, then such dream indicates the actual tension and strain you are suffering in your waking life. The dream shows that even while you are sleeping you cannot relax, because the stress you are carrying with yourself if following you in your dreams. Make sure you find the way to remove the stress you have and pay more attention to your needs.
Dreaming of being accused by someone else means that fate holds an event that will fill you with absolute happiness. If the person who accused you is a woman then it indicates youll receive very unpleasant news. Try to be very careful. It also indicates bad news or unpleasant slurs. Dreamed of proving your innocence means overcoming obstacles.
…If you dream of someones death that is close to you, then such dream shows the fear of losing that particular person. The dream could also indicate the aspects of that certain person in your dream you do not like and wish he didnt have them. The death could also indicate the factors of some person you wish to implant in yourself, because you adore it so much. On the other hand, the dream could show the hate and antipathy you have to that person, therefore he is dead even in your waking life. If you dreamed of your own death, then it might show the different path of your life you are going to take. Perhaps you became wiser, smarter and more interested in new aspects of the life. On the other hand, the dream about your own death may show the features in your personality that no…
If you dreamed of the shaman, then your soul sends you a very important message which tells that you should look deeper into yourself and what your mind, body and soul needs. On the other hand, the dream might show that you are looking for knowledge and wisdom which could be given by others. The desperate condition of your mind is shouting for a help.
The ground indicates the different cycles of the year, life it is also a symbol of dreams the one is having. Usually the groundhog is dreamed by those who are kind of slow people. These qualities could be applied not only to you, but to another person in your waking life who is taking the important part in it.