…hanging down from trees in a dream, it means rising prices and the same interpretation applies for all commodities. If he sees bread scattered on the ground and people walking over it in a dream, it means prosperity in that land which leads to vanity. A good looking loaf of bread represents one’s good religious stand, otherwise it means the opposite. Baking bread in a dream means working for one’s livelihood. Seeing squandered loaves of bread and not eating from them in the dream means meeting with brothers one has not seen for a long time. Having a loaf of bread baked with coarsely grounded grains in the dream means living a comfortable life, though with insignificant religious attendance. If it is a loaf of barley bread in the dream, it means a strenuous life, though well managed. Corn bread, chick peas bread or millet bread means tight financial conditions…
Dream dictionary: whatsapp ground dream meanings
To dream you see the ground covered with snow, or that it is snowing, is favourable.
…for the town for the theatre! Cannot we go there tonight?” ” Tonight!” I ejaculated; “say rather tomorrow!””No! Tonight” she answered, with a pout of her pretty lips;” you always try to disappoint me but I will have my way this time, you shall see! I will summon the horses!” She clapped her tiny, bejewelled hands together as she spoke. There was a loud clatter of hoofs, and the next instant two silver-grey, fiery-eyed horses trotted in at the front gates and galloped across the lawn. “Come!” she cried, seizing me by the arm, “let us be off at once!” Yielding to her wishes, I followed her out of the house and on to the lawn, where the steeds stood impatiently pawing the ground. Leaping nimbly on to one of them, she looked down at me with an artful smile on her bewitching lips, and crying out: “Through the…
The heaven in dream is the symbolism of happiness, joy, and divinity. You are feeling free and enjoying the life you are leading. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to look at things in more serious way, otherwise you wont be able to recognize the evil and danger situations. Make sure you keep the tranquility that is in you, but at the same time keep your feet on the ground.
…If we break any object which means servitude or dependence its equivalent to the release of these ties. To dream that a water-filled vessel breaks and pours on the ground indicates the definitive loss of affection. Breaking a sword means our victory over our enemies (if the sword is theirs) or our own loss (if it’s our sword). Breaking a necklace means our release of another person….
…raging rapids; and then, tearing past my hut with the thunder of hell, hurled every tree in the forest to the ground. The effect of the sky was now apparent in everything; the whole landscape mountains, river, and sands, and even the prostrate forest shone with a violet glow. So far the rain had held off, but presently a huge hand was thrust out of the sky and shaken menacingly, whereupon a great fissure opened, and a whole sea of bubbling, violet water descended with such terrific force that the earth gave way beneath it; and amidst an inferno of sand, rafters, and water I was borne down, down, till all became suffused in the blackness of hell and I lost consciousness. On recovery, I was standing knee -deep in an ocean of violet water that seethed and hissed on all sides of me. From time to…
Dreaming of cooking usually indicates that the dreamer is thinking of good friends that have distanced themselves and due to pleasant moments spent together, the dreamer wants them back. Dreaming about having some trouble or fight with someone while cooking, for example having food hitting the ground, or breaking something, indicates that the expected friends will create problems for the dreamer. Dreaming of cooking on a stove indicates that soon problems will diminish. When the dreamer is a woman, it indicates that her indifference and lack of affection causes her to lose friendships. Dreaming of a kitchen indicates surprising situations that will bother the dreamer. A woman that dreams of her kitchen being clean and organized hints that her life in the immediate future will be pleasant.
Maybe youve got a social or work improvement and the dream is expressing your fears to lose the gained ground. They can also be fears of getting old or unconsciously self-esteem issues that you harbor.
…Dreaming of flying a kite, denotes a great show of wealth, or business, but with little true soundness to it all. To see the kite thrown upon the ground, foretells disappointment and failure. Dreaming of making a kite, you will speculate largely on small means and seek to win the one you love by misrepresentations. To see children flying kites, denotes pleasant and light occupation. If the kite ascends beyond the vision high hopes and aspirations will resolve themselves into disappointments and loss….
…This is a very good dream to the majority of people. To see red apples on trees with green foliage is exceedingly propitious to the dreamer. To eat them is not as good, unless they be faultless. A friend who interprets dreams says: Ripe apples on a tree, denotes that the time has arrived for you to realize your hopes | think over what you intend to do, and go fearlessly ahead. Ripe on the top of the tree, warns you not to aim too high. Apples on the ground imply that false friends, and flatterers are working you harm. Decayed apples typify hopeless efforts….
…ghost. I cannot describe it, saving that it brings with it a very peculiar atmosphere that suggests to my mind an extremely cold, bizarre, and antagonistic presence. It fills me with the most fearful terror, and I awake trembling from head to foot.”Another blind man told me that, before an illness or death, he invariably dreamed he lost his way out-of-doors, and eventually found himself in a street where everyone was singing and dancing, and that, on his arrival, they joined hands and danced round him in a circle, and would not let him escape, till, for very weariness he sank on the ground, when all became silent and cold as the grave and he awoke shaking with fear.Another blind man told me that prior to a visit from his brother, he nearly always dreamed he was walking in a field full of blind animals that surrounded him on all…
To rise from bed forebodes sickness, from the ground, care. And good news if you dream that you rise from a chair.
…(A RECAPITULATION) The dreams in which one flies from one scene to another with breathless rapidity, and all the characters are bewilderingly mixed and everything is hopelessly incongruous, though apparently very meaningless, often contain many significant features.To quote an illustration: A certain Doctor Eastlake dreamed he was cycling through Hyde Park one very sunny morning, when a servant-maid, dressed all in pink and yellow, shot a perambulator straight in front of him, and he was thrown head over heels in the air; but instead of alighting on the ground, he found himself running about in a cage at the Zoo without anything on. Then, just as his mother-in-law, her face green with fury, advanced on him with uplifted parasol, the scene changed, and he was picking up sovereigns in the street as fast as he could. One of the coins, as he was about to pop it into his…
Dreaming of big fields of beet crops suggests that there is inner peace and tranquility in the dreamer. Dreaming that someone gives you a dirty, muddy, beet like if it was freshly taken out of the ground, and serves it in an ugly plate, as food, it may mean that someone wants to hurt you using rumors and gossiping.
If we see it planted on the ground, then it indicates diverse satisfactions and safe money.
…(See Sleigh-Ride and Thaw ) To dream that the ground is covered with clean, white snow, is a sign of joy and pleasure: if you walk in it, it foretells that you will go on a pleasant journey; to eat it, denotes health: if the snow is dirty, or melted in patches, you will have troubles, but they will not amount to much. To dream of a regular storm, is a sign you will be very successful in all your love and business affairs. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 67, 46….
To dream you see the ground covered with snow, or that it is snowing, is favourable, if the snow covers you all over, if single, you are sure to be married in a very short time; if the sun happens to shine, your sweetheart will love you dearly, and make you happy, winter or summer, his or her virtue will be spotless. Overall all who dream of snow will find the good effects of the dream.
To dream that you see the goat of the mountain indicates the strength and capability to stay form on the ground. The dreamer is going through life and its changes no matter what the circumstances are and what kind of the barriers he meets. The mountain goat can represent not only you, but the person in your waking life as well.
…complicated situation somehow will affect the dreamer and will be presented. Dreaming of killing a snake insinuates that you have already resorted to all the resources to avoid a disaster. If you actually manage to kill a snake within dreams, its a symbol of success against your close enemies, both visible and hidden. Dreaming of walking on snakes that are moving on the ground is a sign that indicates that you live in fear of being attacked or getting a disease. Dreaming of a dead snake means that after fighting, insulting, etc., everything will remain unsolved and with a lot of hate and rancor. Dreaming of handling snakes and that they are not attacking, suggests that the dreamer will be a victim of an unpleasant but inconsequential jokes. A young woman who dreams of snakes or other reptiles indicates that she will have various problems. If she is bitten by…
…(See Flood.) To dream that a river, or any stream, overflows its banks and surrounds your house with water, is a sign of wealth; that is, you will acquire riches in proportion to the quantity of water around, and the ground it covers: if you fancy that anyone is drowned in the water, it foretells a misfortune in connection with your riches. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9, 66, 18….
It symbolizes the maternity and depth. The peace and familiarity. Dreaming of a rich, green and sunny land is a good omen, because it signifies wealth, peace and mental or physical balance. If plowing the land, then we prepare wealth of future. When you are harvesting land, then it shows your wealth will be immediate. Not being able to work the land reveals that we have used all of our reserves and also physical or spiritual capacities. To dream of seeing ourselves lying face down on the ground symbolizes the possessiveness. If you dream of seeing yourself being lost in some kind of the land, then such dream symbolizes how lost you are. You do not recognize your own personality, therefore you feel lost. If you eat the soil, then such dream indicates your desire to take the life to the fullest.
For a married person to dream that the fire burns clear, and the smoke spins from the chimney, is a good omen, but to dream that the fire is difficult to light, and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that matrimony will prove incomplete. If the fire ceases to burn, it is a sign of separation.
Indecisions are making you losing ground, and the crab dream reflects the fear of involution. Perhaps new jobs or responsibilities of any kind exceed you and you dont know how to deal with them.
The snake is the symbol of knowledge. If the snakes you see are coming out from the bushes, holes or the ground, then it means that all of the hidden feelings and emotions are finally coming to the daylight. The snake is also a symbol of dreamers sexuality, therefore the one who dreams of it is lacking for sexual activities or has hidden desires.
Routes in dreams symbolize the destination. Crossroads indicates that we should choose between several options. If the route is straight and wide, then it signifies success and fortune. If it is narrow, our leeway is limited. If you go through a flat ground, then it means that we won´t have any problems. If there are many curves, our company will be complicated.
Dreaming of garbage scattered on the ground means that youre making business wrong or that you have negative social or romantic relationships, all of which will produce bad results. If a young woman dreams of trash on the floor of her home, suggests that her lover is not worth the effort or is cheating on her and will make her a bitter person. If a married woman dreams of trash on the floor of her house suggests that the husband is not what she thinking of, or that her friends are not reliable.
…A padlock in a dream represents an employee who is treated roughly and unfavorably. A padlock made from wood in a dream represents deceit and hypocrisy. Locking one’s door securely in a dream means managing and controlling one’s business in accordance with the divine laws. If one’s door does not have a lock in a dream, it means that one has no control over which way his life goes, and that he cares little about its consequences. Attempting to lock one’s door, but to no avail in a dream means one’s failure to complete an important project. Breaking a lock and entering a house in a dream represents a conqueror or benefits that will come through such a person. A padlock in a dream also represents a bolt, a door latch, one’s son, a handicapped wife, taking shelter away from one’s enemy, a hidden treasure, or a burial ground….
…a rank of honor and dignity. If one becomes tired during his flight between tow cities or places and finds himself incapable of benefiting or harming anyone, and if he seeks nothing from his flight but is still happy about flying in the dream, it means that he is trying to find money for his personal needs or business. If one sees himself flying from one land into another in a dream, it means that he will attain honor, power, comfort and satisfaction. If one sees himself flying hori- zontally in the dream, it means that his wife will straighten her act and without much effort on his part. If one sees himself flying vertically with his head up and his feet pointing to the ground in the dream, it means that he will receive benefits. The more he rises, the greater are his benefits. If rich people or craftsmen…
…When a woman dreams of one or more pearl necklaces this suggests that she desires to get married as soon as possible and that this will actually happen soon. If a woman dreams of stringing pearls together to make necklaces, then it indicates that her hopes of getting married are fading, and if it does eventually happen, it would be in a very long time, which is the reason she fears reaching an old age and being alone and poor. If a man or woman dreams of pearls scattered on the ground, it suggests that they are suffering from a difficult economic and moral situation and this will remain that way for a long time. This dream becomes worse, if the pearls are not genuine, but fake. Dreaming about pearls usually refers to business or love, depending on the conditions of the pearls to judge if the situation will…
Symbolizes the ideal, the soul and everything pure and precious that can exist inside the impure and perishable world. The pearls that have holes in it are interpreted as the dream about the necklace, which means that when they are putted together they symbolize the continuity. The single pearl symbolizes purity, wisdom and goodness. If the necklace of pearls breaks and all of the pearls fall out on the ground, then such dream represents the misfortune and disappointments you will suffer.
…In a dream, an earthquake represents fear of a higher authority. An earthquake in a dream is also interpreted to indicate major changes in that particular place, or a calamity that will befall a town or a country. If one sees the mountains rumbling, shaking and crumbling, then being restored to their original state in a dream, it means that a great happening will devastate such a place. If one sees the earth shaking or caving in, and if everything sinks into the ground, hitting a segment of the community and sparing another segment of it in the dream, it means that a calamity will befall that place, and it will manifest through social disorder, injustices or a plague. If one sees the earth shaking and the firmament rent asunder in a dream, it means that major adversities will hit their properties, cattle, farms and institutions, etcetera, as a…
To dream you see the ground covered with snow, or that it is snowing, is favourable.
…that one’s wife will not bear children, or it could mean changing one’s trade or profession. If the earth opens and swallows him in a dream, it means that he is ashamed of somethinghe did, or it could mean hurdles in one’s business, a journey, or imprisonment. If the earth looks like a desert land in the dream, it may mean that such a person may undertake an urgent trip. Beating the ground with a stick in a dream means taking a business trip. Eating dirt in a dream means earnings an equal amount of money to what one eats in his dream. If the earth cracks and opens, and if a beast comes and speaks to the people in their own tongue in a dream, it means that people will witness a miracle or a happening that will bewilder everyone. This may also mean nearing the end of one’s…
The ground indicates the different cycles of the year, life it is also a symbol of dreams the one is having. Usually the groundhog is dreamed by those who are kind of slow people. These qualities could be applied not only to you, but to another person in your waking life who is taking the important part in it.
To spit onto the ground indicates we must make a lot of effort to attain our goals. To spit on a person indicates bad luck.
See the earth being black, denotes to sadness, melancholy and depression. Kiss the earth means humiliation and sorrow. Eat something from the ground represents anger. Eat earth on itself, disgrace and loss of your job.
…To dream that you go down underground, whether into a well, a deep cellar or vault, or a cave, denotes your early death; but if you dream that you are digging in the ground and are in a hole which you have dug, the omen is different, for it denotes riches and long life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 9, 45 ….
…indicates that the dreamers prosperity and tranquility will soon turn into failures and sorrows. Dreaming of standing before an old table, with no dishes, indicates a risk of loss, poverty and various troubles, and even worse if there are no remains of food at the table. Dreaming of a deteriorated dining table, especially if its broken, indicates that business and affairs are not going well and that they will get worse every day if the dreamer doesnt take care of them. Dreaming of a dining table moving on its own indicates that business and affairs are not going well, which means that the dreamer has to make fundamental changes. Dreaming of a table, which strikes the ground by itself or scrapes the wood, it indicates that the dreamer has no considerations towards family or friends, which endangers the success of the dreamers business and affairs with serious economic problems….
To dream of carrots denotes profit and strength to them who are at law for an inheritance; for we pluck them out of the ground with their heads, branches, strings and veins.
If you are in a dairy, while dreaming then it means you will get a positive omen. Lots of luck will visit you and you will always have the tough ground under your feet.