…establishing the truth, fulfillment of a promise, reaching a high rank among the members of one’s family, or perhaps it could mean that one may suffer from their envy and jealousy, or leave his homeland and migrate to another country, or it could mean that he may lose his parents and become an orphan. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’rdj) to the heavens to meet his Lord. If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet…

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and fertile country, where abound rich fields of grain and running streams of pure water, denotes the very acme of good times is at hand. Wealth will pile in upon you, and you will be able to reign in state in any country. If the country be dry and bare, you will see and hear of troublous times. Famine and sickness will be in the land….

…Foreshadows changes in our situation and work. If we’re in a foreign country and we do not move from there it reveals that our mind is unstable. If we go to or return from a foreign country: If we visualize the events of the trip it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends the dream, or suddenly we are in the place of diversion, that indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream that others are going to a foreign country such dream foreshadows that our competitors will leave the fight, the will give up….

Go there for a party or pleasure, danger of losing your firm life. Go on business trip, means joy, profit and great health. Find yourself in an unknown country, danger, loss of money.

Dreaming of a country house means wealth, achievement of inheritance and good business.

Envy, pride, wanting what others have. 18.

Reveals wishes of safety or tranquility to rest and reflect about the problems we are facing.

Provided of wheat, fruitful link, achievements on a fight or heritage. Business.

…(Jami | Masjid) The main city mosque or the central mosque in a dream represents the king, the governor, or the ruler of a Muslim country, since he takes care of establishing the divine laws as well as he is the symbol of Islam and the decisive judge between the lawful and the unlawful. Smelling an apple inside a mosque means getting married. A mosque in a dream is like the central market that people intend daily and endeavor to make profit therein. It is a place where people will profit according to their deeds and efforts. A mosque in a dream also represents one who is to be obeyed, respected and revered such as a father, a teacher, a shaikh or a man of knowledge. It also asserts justice if one who enters a mosque in his dream is unjustly treated. The main city mosque in a dream…

…If we see a flag waving, it portends wealth and honor. If we have it, recognition of our courage. If we lose it or it is taken away from us, it indicates the loss of power and command. If our country’s flag, our merits will be recognized. Being from a foreign country indicates that our worth will only recognized in another country. If it is an imaginary country, our dreams of greatness will not come true. If the flag is black, we will be fighting a disease. If it’s red, we will fight to defend feelings. If it is purple, for freedom. Yellow, we will fight for intelligence. Brown, for our material interests. The more damaged the flag is, the bigger acknowledge our merits will have and our worth….

…and to the one who is breast-feeding him. Hiring a wet- nurse to breast-feed one’s child in a dream means raising a child to be like his father, or to have the character of one’s father. Sucking milk from a woman’s breast in a dream also means prosperity and profits. Drinking the milk of a horse in a dream means receiving love and affection from someone in authority and earning benefits from such a relationship. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means a meeting with a ruler. In general, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or sheep’s milk in a dream represent lawful earnings. Milking in a dream means craftiness and cunning, or it could mean prosperity. Milking an Arabian she- camel in a dream means working in an Arab country. Milking an Asian Bactrian camel in a dream means working in another country. If blood comes out of…

If you have sores on a body, then such dream symbolizes the hard feelings you are keeping suppressed from others. Make sure you let them out and do not keep them in. Make sure you pay attention to the part of the body and where the sores where located as it would indicate the situation more clearly, as for example the sores that are located on the area of the chest, shows the worries you are having about something.

…(Absence | Becoming unknown | Loss of tracks) If one disappears from his house or from the country, and if his tracks could not be located in the dream, it means taking a long journey, turning out to be where he is suspected to be, getting married in that place, falling in love with an unknown person, falling sick in a foreign land, or it could mean death if the person is sick. However the disappearance of God’s loving people in a dream perhaps means thinking about one’s beloved, or being exposed to uncommon mysteries of the universe. If one disappears within the earth without going through a hole in his dream, and if he remains a long time therein until people think that he will never come out again in the dream, it means self-deception, arrogance and love for the world, and such a person will die in…

…(Lunar eclipse | Solar eclipse) Seeing a solar eclipse in a dream means that a calamity will befall the leader of a country, while a lunar eclipse represents a calamity that will befall the prime minister. It is also said that a solar eclipse in a dream signifies the death of one’s wife or his mother. If a cloud covers the light of the sun in a dream, it means that a sickness will befall the leader of the country or the governor of the land. If one sees the sun moving above the clouds but cannot come from under it in a dream, it means his death. The sun in a dream also may represent a great scholar. A cloud covering the sunlight in a dream means the fall of an unjust ruler. (Also see Moon | Sun)…

…journey by land. A banner or a flag in a dream also means that one will be wrapped in ambiguity in relation to a particular matter and he will not find a way out. If one sees a flag and a brigade in a dream, it means that he will be able to find his way through the difficulties and overcome his sadness and adversities. His heart will have peace and his path will open before him. If the flag represents a country in the dream, it means that one may visit such a country. If a woman sees herself burying three banners in a dream, it means that she will marry three men who belong to the noble class of the society. Such three people will die one after the other. As for a pregnant woman, a flag in a dream means a son and for an unwed woman,…

…In a dream, an earthquake represents fear of a higher authority. An earthquake in a dream is also interpreted to indicate major changes in that particular place, or a calamity that will befall a town or a country. If one sees the mountains rumbling, shaking and crumbling, then being restored to their original state in a dream, it means that a great happening will devastate such a place. If one sees the earth shaking or caving in, and if everything sinks into the ground, hitting a segment of the community and sparing another segment of it in the dream, it means that a calamity will befall that place, and it will manifest through social disorder, injustices or a plague. If one sees the earth shaking and the firmament rent asunder in a dream, it means that major adversities will hit their properties, cattle, farms and institutions, etcetera, as a…

…(Country | Farm | Floor | Glob | Land | Locality | Place | Property) In a dream, each locality has a particular meaning that relates to its substance and conditions. To see the land of the great gathering on the Day of Resurrection in a dream means the fulfillment of a promise, or that the person seeing the dream is worthy of keeping secrets. Earth in a dream also means becoming rich after poverty, or having peace after experiencing extreme difficulties. It also means a marriage to a beautiful young virgin, or it could mean receiving guidance and attaining a high ranking and an honorable position in the world. To see the glob being carried on the back of a whale or a steer without changing its conditions in a dream means that the king of the country will be dethroned. He will either step down or be…

…from jail and regain his dignity. Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown. Wearing a golden crown in a dream is also a bad omen. If a widow sees herself wearing a crown studded with gems in a dream, it means marriage to a wealthy person from another country. If the crown is made of gold in the dream, it means that she will marry an old man whom she will shortly inherit. If an unjust ruler sees himself wearing a golden crown in a dream, it means that he will lose his eyesight, while if he sees himself wearing a golden crown inlaid with gems in the dream, it means establishing trading interests with a foreign country. If a woman’s crown is stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Turban)…

(They represent the parents especially.) To have them broken or injured, indicates sickness in a foreign country, far away from the assistance of parents. When this dream comes to a young female, or she is the subject of it, then it means that she will marry a foreigner and live in a country far off from her parents. When the dreamer is a married woman widowhood, loss of power. To have well-proportioned thighs, indicates a speedy venture of a voyage, which will succeed perfectly. Receive a wound on the thighs means torment from parents.

…Huntsmen not infrequently figure in my dreams. On July 1st, 1909, I dreamed I was standing on the veranda of a house, overlooking a neatly kept lawn and a broad white carriage drive, beyond which was a spinney. It was a beautiful evening, and every object stood out with startling perspicuity in the powerful moonlight. Whilst I was gazing admiringly at the transcendental loveliness of the landscape, I felt a soft hand laid caressingly on my arm, and, on looking round, saw a lady clad in the costume of the middle ages. As she often figures in my dreams, I was in no degree astonished at her appearance. ”How romantic we are!” she said, with a smile; “I was quite under the impression that lingering so long in a great city had spoilt you for the pleasures of the country. With me it is too much country, I long…

Dreaming of somehow being related to the nobility of a country, suggests that the dreamer has ambitions that are over the top and that they will lead to failure. If a young woman dreams of somehow being related to the nobility of any country suggests that her vanity and ambitions make her prejudge people based on their appearance, without distinguishing their merits or their true personal value. She would even be willing to accept a rich man as her husband without loving him, if his physical appearance is attractive to her.

…Reading the front page of a letter, a paper, or a book in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Reading the last page, or the back cover of a book in a dream means indebtedness. Reading a book in a dream also means receiving an inheritance. If one finds himself as a lettered person and if he reads well in his dream, it means that he will attain a high ranking job. If one sees himself reading his book of records in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. Reading a book in another language in a dream means travelling to such a country, or going to places one is not familiar with and performing a job that will earn him fame. If one sees himself reading a book in a foreign language and is unable to properly decipher its words in a dream, it…

…to succeed in life, which promises future welfare. Dreaming of a broken and dirty flag indicates failures and losses. Dreaming of only one flagpole indicates that you don’t know for sure what you want. For a woman, who dreams of a flag, indicates that she will have to change her behavior and, after this, she’ll be successful; it also indicates that she will receive good news. Dreaming of your own country flag flowing in the wind during a turbulent day suggests that there will be a victory, but dreaming of this in a peaceful day means that you’ll be successful in whatever you are doing. A woman that dreams her country flag implies that she’s somehow related to military man and may have romantic relationships with a member of the army or the navy. Dreaming of foreign flags generally indicates various problems either in the family or with friends….

…emulating his trade or traditions, whether they be material or spiritual. If the Imam of the country dies in a dream, it means destruction of that city by war. On the other hand, if one sees a city in ruins in a dream, it means that the Imam has died. If one sees that he is immortal in a dream, it means the nearing of his death. Death in a dream also signifies being recalled to account for a major sin or a crime. To die in a dream with no apparent reason or illness and to exhibit no features of a dead person means longevity. To suffer from death-pangs in a dream means being unjust to oneself or to others. To sees oneself dead and naked in a dream means poverty. To see oneself dead and lying on a straw-mat or a carpet in a dream means prosperity and…

…(Prophet David, upon whom be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will gain power, authority, commit a sin, become an ascetic, be tried and oppressed by an unjust person, then he will be saved by God’s leave and regain the upper hand over his enemy. He will also receive an exalted office or rank of honor. It is also said, that if one sees the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream, that his country or town will be governed by a just ruler, an honorable president or a righteous judge. If in fact the ruler or the judge of that town, county or country is an unjust person, then seeing God’s prophet David (uwbp) in a dream means that God Almighty will surely replace him with a just and an honorable one. If one becomes God’s prophet David (uwbp), or if he wears…

…borne at a terrific speed through every description of varied scenery, in a country that was entirely new to me. I saw bare mountains rising to a prodigious height; wide plains where never a blade of grass grew; great sweeps of prairie alive with every kind of vegetable life; slow rivers, narrow rapid streams, and cataracts of hellish fury; forests of pines, moaning as in a hurricane; trees with strange faces like living things; woods full of flowers and peopled by maidens of exquisite beauty; meadows bathed in sunlight; and lofty cities built of coloured marble.And I was borne past all these and set down at the entrance to a sombre city, whose black and silent streets re-echoed to my footsteps. Cold with fear, — for every building I saw was black, and destitute of any sign of life, whilst overhead the blue sky had turned to an intense grey…

When you dream of being an American or that you are in America, when you are already one, it shows how freelance and self-supporting you are when it comes to doing things you like to do. Same meaning is attached to dream that is somehow related to America. This dream wants to tell you that you can be successful in anything you will go for. When you dream of being an American or that you are located in America (or any other form of dream about America) when you are not from there, it represents wealthy, rich and good life you will have. This dream could also be the meaning of your political ideas and intentions.

…If the bed is gloomy, dark, and shabby or located in a dingy, dark room it’s a warning of a possible disease for whom is laying on it. If empty bed, then it means danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is too small, means lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed it indicates that we are right with our partner. Dirty and messy, means disagreement and dissatisfaction. A broken bed means divorce or widowhood. A very ornate bed means refinement in love. If it is different from ours, new loves. To see people, who we do not know, in our bed, means danger of squabbles….

If the bed is gloomy, dark, in a bad condition, or located in a dingy, dark room, it warns that whoever is lying on it may have a disease. If it is empty, danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is very small, lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed, it indicates that we are good with our partner. Dirty and untidy, dissent and disagreement. Broken, divorce or widowhood. A much decorated bed symbolizes refinement in love. If it is different from the bed you have, then it shows new loves. Seeing people we do not know in our bed symbolizes danger.

Dreaming of having a cyst means that there’s something inside of you that is making you worry and that it hurts. You need to take it out and fix it. It could be that you may be hiding prejudices and resentments that create drama in your daily life, which could be making you to develop negative attitudes that you are hiding inside. This is bad for you. You need to know what these feelings are and eliminate them. It would be interesting to see where this cyst is located in your dream and to find the meaning of the location as well.

…To dream of beautiful apples usually signifies as a good omen. If you see apples among green foliage, but those are within your reach and are ready to be eaten, it suggests a long-awaited success announcement. To that you’re cutting the apples from the tree and eating them indicates that what you have long-hoped for it’s close to become a reality. By contrast, to dream about apples that are located on top of a tree beyond your reach suggests that your goals will still take some time to be achieved, so in the meantime, you must work hard. To dream about apples that are on the ground and worse if they are unripe or rotten, it suggests that your goals are not likely to be realized and therefore you must think and work on other plans or projects. Sometimes these types of dreams indicate losses, either due to your…

When you dream of the warehouse, then such dream represents the emotions and qualities that have been located. The warehouse could also denote to the memories the dreamer has from the past. If the warehouse is empty, then it suggests you to take some time and fill yourself with positive emotions.

Dream about the fir tree or a spruce forest is an excellent omen. The appearance of fir tree in dreams usually clarifies the resulting prediction. The importance and quality of their foliage, their size or site where is located and how is surrounded, are criteria that help determine the prediction for the near future. Fir usually announces important events that happily changed circumstances of the dreamer. Also indicates peace in the heart and spirit. If in the dream the dreamer or another person cuts a fir tree, it is a clear warning that should control expenses and exercise caution in all economic matters.

The cozy home indicates the domestic happiness. The building of your home and the way it is located signifies the things in your waking life. The basement symbolizes the unconscious mind of your, the top floor of the building is related to your spirituality and the other floors of the building shows your present life.

…dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization. A young woman who dreams of accompanying a queen is a sign that is not in accordance with the level or social environment in which she is located, or that she wants to get married soon….

…(M’izaab) If one sees the Gutter of Mercy in a dream, which is located on the roof of the Holy Ka’aba in Mecca inside a mosque or a house in a dream, it carries the same interpretation as that of seeing the Well of Zamzam in a dream. Standing under the Gutter of Mercy at the Holy Ka’aba in a dream means that one’s wishes will come true, and particularly if pure fresh water pours through it. However, if murky water comes through it, then it means the opposite. (Also see Gutter | Ka’aba | Zamzam)…

…Dreaming of a man-of-war, denotes long journeys and separation from country and friends, dissension in political affairs is portended. If she is crippled, foreign elements will work damage to home interests. If she is sailing upon rough seas, trouble with foreign powers may endanger private affairs. Personal affairs may also go awry….

(Planet | Policeman) The planet Mercury in a dream represents people of authority, writers, commanders, secretary of state, minister, traveling from one country to another, distress, adversities, or fights. If in wakefulness the Moon and Mercury are appearing simultaneously in the skies, then all dreams will be false and one may have to face lies, poverty, scary news, murders, or robberies. The planet Mercury in a dream also represents a policeman. (Also see Heavens)

…in one’s life or job or release from prison. Performing either the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers {arb. Kusiif or Jthusiif) in a dream means that a calamity will befall the leaders of the country or its renowned people, or it could mean the death of a great person of knowledge, whereby everyone will attend his funeral. As for the special prayer for rain {arb. Istisqa), performing it in a dream may represent an accident, or it could mean political unrest. If the people offer this prayer from its inception to its completion in the dream, it means that their adversity will be lifted. Praying any supererogatory prayers {arb. Nafl) in a dream represents piety and devotion to the leading example {arb. Sunnah) practiced by God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace. If a woman sees herself leading men in prayers in the dream, it means that she will shortly…

…To dream of traveling by railroad or steamboat is a very good omen, as it denotes thrift and success in your business; but if you dream you are journeying in your own private coach, it foreshadows poverty in the end, though you may have temporary good luck: if you dream you have crossed the ocean, and find yourself in a foreign country, you may be sure that good fortune will attend all your business transactions. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 11, 66….