If you were dreaming of playing a banjo it represents joy and happiness you will receive from your friends, family and the ones you love. If you saw the others playing banjo it denotes of an escapade. Alternatively, very soon you will meet somebody you realy like and this will turn into very beautiful love story. Prepare yourself for amazing love journey, as it will bring joy and happiness for both of you.

…The element of fire in a dream represents might. Fire in a dream also means love. A product that is touched by fire in the process of its manufacturing or cooking in a dream means arguments and disputes. In a dream, fire also signifies glad tidings, a warning, war, chastisement, power, imprisonment, losses, sins, or blessings. If one sees a blazing fire with sparks shooting in every direction and burning in the forest and raging with tumultuous noise and uproar in a dream, it means insubordination, civic disorder or an adversity through which many people will die. If one sees fire burning inside his own heart in a dream, it means love or depression caused by separation from one’s beloved. Seeing two burning bushes trying to consume one another in a dream represents two armies fighting one another. If the two burning bushes remain intact and yield no loss…

…(See Thick.) For a girl to dream of baking pancake is a sign that some gentleman is in love with her; and if a married, woman has such a dream, she may be sure that some man, other than her husband, admires her; to dream of eating pancakes, foretells falling in love, to either sex; and if you relish them, you will be successful in your love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36….

…If the birdcage or aviary has any bird in it that means a good omen, in general regarding love or friendships. If it’s empty it’s an omen of sorrows about love or lack of love….

…him. If a woman’s hair seems black and curly, she will be threatened with seduction. If you dream of seeing a woman with golden hair, you will prove a fearless lover and be woman’s true friend. Dreaming that your sweetheart has red hair, you will be denounced by the woman you love for unfaithfulness. Red hair usually suggests changes If you see brown hair, you will be unfortunate in choosing a career. If you see well kept and neatly combed hair, your fortune will improve. Dreaming you cut your hair close to the scalp, denotes that you will be generous to lavishness towards a friend. Frugality will be the fruits growing out therefrom. To see the hair growing out soft and luxuriant, signifies happiness and luxury. For a woman to compare a white hair with a black one, which she takes from her head, foretells that she will be likely…

…Finding money in a dream means that soon you’ll receive very pleasant news related to your economic situation. Finding money also indicates the pursuit of love or power. Counting money indicates profit and luck. See others have money means you have big material losses. Lose money in a dream means serious disease or death. It may also mean temporary unhappiness at home and some setbacks in your affairs. You may feel weak, vulnerable and out of control in your daily life. Making money in a dream symbolizes success and prosperity. It can also mean your attitudes about love and the heart. It is often a symbol of sexuality and energy. To dream that you give money to someone else means you’re looking for love, or feel that your partner does not pay enough attention to you. Dream that you have no money denotes that you have a fear of…

…success in any branch of art; pinks, success in business; poppies, breaking off an engagement, work or business, losses; prim- roses, new friendships; roses (white), success in courtship and the arts; roses (yellow), danger from intrigue and jealousy; roses (pink), engagements, journeys of pleasure, presents; roses (red), weddings and legacies, falling in love; sunflowers, accidents (chiefly on land); sweet peas, reunion of parted friends and lovers, kisses; tulips, deaths, journeys to foreign parts; wallflowers, visits from old friends and to old places.To dream of forget-me-nots portends visits and presents from old friends, new clothes, success in work; heliotrope, falling in love, visits to places of amusements, meetings with those likely to influence one in after-life; violets, reciprocation of one’s affections, presents from lovers.If a girl dreams she is given a bunch of violets by her sweetheart, it is a sure thing he is sincere in his protestations of love….

…To dream of white horses foretokens good luck of various kinds; of black horses, serious misfortune in the shape of accidents (frequently on the water), deaths, loss of money or property, violent quarrels and rupture in love affairs; of roan-coloured horses, journeys; of grey horses, good fortune in many forms, viz.: legacies, presents, success in love affairs and work; of brown horses, nothing in particular; of chestnut horses, danger of all sorts, from fire, water, and other accidents, from assaults, and from illness. To quote even half the horse-dreams that have been told me would fill a book, so I must content myself with merely quoting a few. Shortly before a violent rupture with her husband, which terminated in a divorce, one lady I met told me she had dreamed she heard a loud neighing outside her house, and, on looking out of the window, saw a gigantic black…

Dreaming that the person you love is beautiful, although in reality he or she is not, indicates true and lasting love. Dreaming of beauty is always good and indicates spiritual and mental tranquility and, therefore, peace and harmony with others. If a woman dreams of beautiful children, it indicates that she is able to provide with genuine, sincere and honest love, which is reciprocated. Dreaming of beautiful things, no matter what it be (flowers, meadows, buildings, artworks) insinuates that many people appreciate you.

Hesitations in the love field or innocence, platonic love, and desires of romantic situations. White daisies are interpreted by some authors as a promise of love.

Dreaming of sleeping in a comfortable and clean bed indicates internal peace in the dreamer and love in those around you. Dreaming of sleeping uncomfortably indicates probable illness or difficult situations of various kinds, for example at work, in business, in love relationships, etc. Dreaming of others sleeping peacefully announces that the dreamer’s own affairs or businesses will march unhindered. Dreaming of sleeping next to an unpleasant person, or any annoying object or animal is a warning of possible dangerous rivals, either in love, in business or social affairs.

If you kissed someone in a dream, then such dream means that you are looking for love and affection. The kissing is also something we share with those we love, so it could show the lack of love you are suffering from, therefore you at least dream about it, because you get no kisses in your waking life. If it is not pleasurable for you, or your partner kisses somebody else, it means you are afraid of unfaithfulness.

…friendship, goodness, love, affection. The dream in which you see the puppy signifies your tender and sweet side of the personality. The puppy is the symbol of innocence. If you have this dream, it means that you are the one who is trying to help for others or have lots of love and tender feelings towards those you love….

…Bird-dreams are very common. With them alone I might fill a volume. However, as my space is not unlimited, I can only deal briefly with a few of them.To dream of canary birds signifies good fortune in the shape of money— either a legacy, a rise in salary, or a present. Whereas to dream about doves implies good fortune of any other than a pecuniary nature, such, for example, as recovery from illness, success in work or success in love affairs.To dream of a cuckoo means an unexpected find, as, for instance, the picking up of coins or other valuables in the street, or the finding of something that has long been lost.Crows in dreams are harbingers of bad luck, and import losses, pecuniary and otherwise, quarrels and disappointments.Ducks, on the other hand, portend good fortune, presents, and kisses.Fowls imply quarrels; geese new dresses. To dream about eagles implies…

…(Dining table) A dining table with its food ready to serve in a dream means blessings, accepting an invitation to dinner or lunch, financial comfort, status and winning victory over one’s enemy. In this case, one’s enemy is hunger. The food placed on the table represents a booty. Clearing the dinner table in a dream means cessation of comfort and blessings. The dinning table of one’s house in a dream represents his livelihood and sustenance, an important project that requires the help of many people, or a great person who is gracious, true and generous. Sitting on such a table in a dream means joining the company of such great man. If the dining table is topped with clean food and fresh bread in the dream, it means love between friends and brethren. To have little food and some bread on the table in a dream means lack of…

Dreaming of making candies with your own hands indicates that you’ll achieve the success desired with hard work and perseverance. Dreaming of eating any kind of sweets points out particularly to social success. In young people the meaning is about love and love affairs. In adults the meaning is of success and satisfaction. In old people it indicates memories of times gone by. A young person receiving candy as a gift indicates love, but also in some cases adulation and hypocrisy of false friendships. Dreaming of giving away candy indicates fear of failing in certain goals.

…(Love) In a dream, honey represents lawful money, love, prosperity, or wealth which is accumulated from a business partnership, or from a successful business. As for a pious person, honey in a dream represents the delight of his religious life and good deeds, while for profane and worldly people, it means little earnings which are acquired through toiling and hardships. If one sees the skies raining honey in a dream, it means confirmation of the social order, fostering proper moral standards, easiness, religious assiduity, blessings and plenitude. Honey in a dream also could represent a husband and a wife, or their private moment, taking a rest, or engaging in a marital relationship. However, honey in a dream also means distress, trouble, bad-temper, jealousy, or worrying about people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering…

To dream about reading or hearing some kind of lyrics indicates your feelings with particular song. Make sure you pay attention to the lyrics you hear and what kind of words it has, because it will tell much more about your dream. Sometimes these lyrics would mean nothing, only the reflection of the song you heard before your sleep or the day before you went to bed.

To hear a song in a dream, denotes the longing of something or joy the one has, depending on the style of the music, as for example the slow songs would indicate the tranquility or longing the one is experiencing, but the bouncy and happy music brings happy emotions and experiences the one has. The dreamer should also pay attention to the lyrics of the song, as it could hide a very important message and meaning.

…To dream of the commission of this sin forebodes great troubles and misfortunes, if you are in love, you will certainly fail in marrying the object of your wishes, if you have a law-suit, it will certainly go against you, by the treachery of those who pretended to be your friends, if you are in business, some heavy loss will happen to you. Such a dream announces that you are in great danger of losing your liberty and if you are about to take a voyage by sea, omit it for the present, for you will never reach the destined port. To dream you were tempted to commit this crime, and that you resisted it, is a happy omen, everything will flourish with you, be sure it is a good time to begin trade after such a dream. If you have a law-suit all will go in your favour,…

…(Flirting | Love poems | Philander) Courting a woman or singing love songs to her or displaying amorous behavior for her in public in a dream represents someone who divulges people’s secrets….

(Abstinence | Asceticism) To see oneself living an ascetic life in a dream means that one is earnestly seeking to show kindness and love for people and to earn their love. (Also see Perfume salesman)

To dream of asps, denotes that you will become extremely rich, and have great quantities of money by you: if you are in love, it imports that your love will be returned, and that your sweetheart will become through your means extremely wealthy.

If you dream about your home, then such dream indicates the protection, love and benefits. If you see the home of your childhood, then such dream indicates your desire for your own family. Perhaps you wish to start creating your own family. The dream about your childhood home could also represent the nostalgia of old days. Maybe you have too many responsibilities, therefore you wish you were a child and didn’t need to be in charge of many things. The home is the place where people feel safe and secured, therefore the dream about home could indicate your insecurities and fears. Maybe you are afraid to start something new or do not trust in yourself enough. Alternatively, the dream about home could show the connection you have with your family. You love your family and feel much attached to them.

…(Lending | Loan) If the borrowed object is pleasing in the dream, then it means good that will not last, and if the borrowed subject is despised, then it becomes a bad omen. Borrowing a vehicle, or taking a ride in a dream means unlawfully getting hold of someone else’s property. Borrowing a valuable object from someone in a dream means paying indemnity, reparation, or a fine of equal value to the object borrowed in the dream. The borrowed object also could signify prosperity and success in one’s life, or it could mean committing a shameful act, suffering from a scandal , or a warning which implies the need to avoid a scandal, deceit or corruption. Borrowing or lending in a dream represents the importance of, or one’s need for such an object or his love for it. Thus, the enchantment which is derived from borrowing or lending an…

If you dream of hearing the French language, but have no a clue what it means, because you do not speak French, then such dream indicates the sensitive and amorous aspects of your personality. In many countries the French language is known as the language of love. If you were talking in French, but in reality do not speak this language, then such dream denotes to new things you wish to learn or it is the way you show your love and affection.

…Dreaming of a round full waist, denotes that you will be favored by an agreeable dispensation of fortune. A small, unnatural waist, foretells displeasing success and recriminating disputes. For a young woman Dreaming of a nice, ready-made shirt-waist, denotes that she will win admiration through her ingenuity and pleasing manners. Dreaming that her shirt-waist is torn, she will be censured for her illicit engagements. If she is trying on a shirt-waist, she will encounter rivalry in love, but if she succeeds in adjusting the waist to her person, she will successfully combat the rivalry and win the object of her love….

…Seeing a greyhound in a dream means gaining authority, control and wealth. A greyhound in a dream also represents the backbone of an army general or his best helper or it could represent a good strategist, though he lacks principals and moral integrity. A Japanese spaniel or a Pekingese in a dream signifies mixing with, or doing business with a foreign counterpart. Bringing-up a dog for companion- ship in a dream means befriending a servant for whom one has great love and affection. Hunting with a dog in a dream means satisfying one’s lust or desire. Killing a dog in a dream signifies vanquishing one’s enemy. Seeing an expedition of hounds leaving a town for a chase or a hunt in a dream means blessings and prosperity for everyone, or it could mean taking action. Seeing the expedition of hounds returning from a hunt or a chase in a dream…

When you dream of an albino it signifies the innocence, steady and timeless life. This dream shows how healthy and long life you will have. Make sure you are liberal and open minded person. When you dream of an albino statue or figure of it, it symbolizes the ones you love and how caring you are about those you love. It represents how concerned you are about your family, the best things you want for them. This dream also tells you that things can get abandonment.

Dream of deftly swinging a loop denotes joy, love and happiness in your family affairs. Dream of working with a loop means you will succeed in love.

When you dream of demonstrating your affections for someone it represents how happy and dedicated you are in a relationship you are at the moment. This dream could also be a warning of your behavior with those you love. Make sure you do show how much you appreciate your relationship, how much you love them, how much dedicated to them you are.

…Dreaming of seeing frost on a dark gloomy morning, signifies exile to a strange country, but your wanderings will end in peace. To see frost on a small sunlit landscape, signifies gilded pleasures from which you will be glad to turn later in life, and by your exemplary conduct will succeed in making your circle forget past escapades. Dreaming that you see a friend in a frost, denotes a love affair in which your rival will be worsted. For a young woman, this dream signifies the absence of her lover and danger of his affections waning. This dream is bad for all classes in business and love….

To dream you are shooting is very favourable, if you kill much game. To the love it shows a good mistress, kind and good-humoured who will make an excellent and notable wife. To the tradesman and farmer, success and riches. To the sailor, wealth acquired in a distant country, but if you dream you kill little, or no game, then it presages bad luck, and disappointments in love. To dream you are shooting with a bow and arrow is a very favourable dream, particularly to lovers and tradesmen.

…To have one successfully treated in a dream, denotes a sudden rise from obscure poverty to wealthy surroundings. Dreaming of a cancer, denotes illness of some one near you, and quarrels with those you love. Depressions may follow to the man of affairs after this dream. Dreaming of a cancer, foretells sorrow in its ugliest phase. Love will resolve itself into cold formality, and business will be worrying and profitless….

If you are the maid of honor in someone’s wedding while dreaming, then such dream means that you are accepting these people love and wish them good luck in their future relationships, but only if you felt happy about it while dreaming. If you are not happy while being maid of honor, then it means you are not accepting the love of these people.

…in white represents nearby unsatisfactory changes that may even be harmful and all related to health. Dreaming of oneself dressed in a ridiculously unfashionable way suggests that the dreamer is reluctant to accept modern ideas and customs, i.e., is very conservative. Dreaming of oneself in a fashionable way is a very good sign, as it means good friendships, advantageous situations, healthy and corresponded love, successful businesses, etc. Dreaming of oneself buying or using new clothes in a good way, that is a suit or dress, means upcoming changes in the dreamer’s life. When the clothes’ color is black or dark gray it means unfavorable changes (sadness, poverty, disappointments, etc.). When it has one or more colors, especially bright green, it means joys and successes, especially social ones. Blue clothing means a change towards a more spiritual or intellectual state, the dreamer is always seeking a higher levels. Red means energy,…

…of friends. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that lie shall receive some damage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44, 5. Lead. To dream of lead denotes sickness, but to dream of leaden bullets good news. If you dream you are wounded by a leaden bullet it is a sign you will be successful in love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 50. Quicksilver. To dream of this metal is a sign your friend will all be false to you, it is also a sign of losses in property. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19,41. Silver. To dream that you are presented with spoons, or any silver plate for household use, foretells that you or some neat relative, will shortly marry: if you dream of buying these antiques, it is a sign of poverty: to dream of…

…(Canopy | Furniture | Love seat) A raised couch in a dream represents one’s wife, midwife or a high ranking position. If it is made of wood in the dream, it indicates respectability, and if it is not upholstered in the dream, it means lowness or inferiority. A fabric stuffed couch in a dream signifies honor, welfare, promotion, good words, new clothing, love, affection and unity. (Also see Bed | Mattress)…

The mallet in dreams is the symbolism of your new relationships. You will find the love of your life, but only if it is used in a game. The mallet that does nothing, indicates the bad behaviour of those you love.

…A falcon in a dream represents a thief, might, victory over one’s enemy, satisfying one’s purpose, love to have many children, marriage, slaves, mis- tresses, precious stones, health, relief, or it could mean love to travel. A falcon in a dream also means cessation of life, capture, hunting, shackles, imprison- ment, ties, etcetera. If it appears well trained, obedient and responsive in the dream, it means walking in the company of an important person who is surrounded with an impressive entourage. If one sees a falcon flying and gathering a flock of falcons in a dream, it means building an army. A falcon in a dream also represents an intelligent man who claims importance and dignity, though he is unjust. If one receives or holds a falcon in a dream, it means that he will bear a son who will become a very important person of his time. If…