To dream that you throw yourself out of window, shows you will meet with some accident, or lose a lawsuit you expected to gain. If you step through a window, someone will injure you. An open window signifies that you are favoured by persons of distinction; a window closed, means embarrassments.
Dream dictionary: windows 10 dream meanings
…Dreaming of open windows suggests that you suspect being spied on, which can lead to various problems. Dreaming of yourself entering a house through the window warns that you’ll be caught for committing a disloyal act. Often, it also predicts that we’ll undergo disputes and litigation that will be resolved against our benefit. If during the dream we see ourselves opening a window, it’s a sign which tells us that we can expect success, joy and peace of mind in our efforts. If we see it closed, sorrows and bad luck await us. Windows decorated with flowers represent peace and harmony at home. If in the dream, we see ourselves cleaning windows, it means we’ll receive help from unexpected people, which will make us overcome bad situations we didn’t know how to overcome. Overall, windows mean that we’re well established in our professional lives and that we’re respected and…
…motionless. There was then a great stir and the crowd, moving away, bore me with them through innumerable streets streets that, narrow and winding, and crossing each other irregularly in all directions, were in reality alleys. The houses in them were fantastically picturesque. At all the windows stood, or leaned, men, and women, and queer looking things for which I can find no suitable name they were part human and part animal and all shouted, and yelled, and gesticulated, regardless of sense and order. At last, when the confusion had reached a climax, the crowd, again obeying some secret order, dived up another street, and the most deathlike hush ensued. Then, from far away in the distance, came the pattering of many soft-clad feet, and a long procession filed past me knights in armour on richly caparisoned horses, standard bearers, palanquins, litters with fair-haired ladies, men-at-arms,…
Seeing windows in your dream mean bright hopes and wide possibilities. Dreaming of looking out of a window symbolizes your attitude toward life, your intuition and opinion. Maybe you are trying to make a decision. Dreaming that you are looking to outside throughout the window means your sense, your intuition, your knowledge, and your point of view. Dreaming of looking inside a place through a window means you reflect on life. Closed windows represent desertion and abandonment. Seeing broken windows in a dream denotes misery and disloyalty. Seeing a tinted window in dream means you need to change some aspects of your life.
…To see, in your dream, one or more houses burning, but not wholly destroyed, signifies, for the poor, that they will become rich; and for the rich man, that his riches will be augmented; but if the fire is furious, and the houses fall down, the dreamer may expect losses, disappointments, shame and death. If he sees his bed burning, sickness; to see furniture and clothing, or curtains burning, is significant of trouble. A store seen burning, loss of business; to see the front windows of a house burning, shows the death of a brother; the rear windows, the death of a sister; a burning door, trouble for a housekeeper. To see a man burning in bed, foretells loss of goods and sickness; to see one’s finger burnt, shows that someone is envious of you. To dream that you are burning to death, shows that you will soon be…
…The dream about window denotes to new hopes, expectations and possibilities. If you look through the window in a dream, then it shows how you are trying to absorb the outside world and what possibilities it brings to you. Probably at this time of your life you are trying to make some important solution to particular problem, and the look through the window helps you while thinking about it. The dream in which you look through the window could also indicate the necessity to explore the world and life as it is. If you looked at the window as the mirror, then it foretells how you are seeking the answers of which you are deep down in your soul. Such dream also brings out the spiritual aspects of your personality. The dream, in which you shut down the windows, denotes to the closure you have made towards particular problem…
…Some time ago I dreamed I left my body, and, after travelling at a great rate through the still night air, arrived at the sphere I designate phantomania. The spot where I settled down was a lonely railway cutting, and I at once remarked on the loud moaning and sighing of the wind through the telegraph wires, and the curious jar, jar, jar of the iron railroad; and the metals which grew less and less like ordinary metals the longer I looked at them, suddenly became imbued with life, and, rising on end, rushed blindly hither and thither and then lay down again. Presently I heard whistle of an approaching train. Nearer, nearer, and nearer it came, and as it whizzed past me all the passengers put their heads out of the windows simultaneously, and burst into peal upon peal of mad, hilarious laughter. There was then a tremendous…
…the life. When we are not able to see the light and only perceive darkness, then it indicates our lack of responsiveness and our stubbornness. If we want to look out the window, but do not dare to do so, then it is a sign of uncertainty and fear of the consequences of our own particular action. Dreaming that we stare between the blinds reveals a sexual curiosity. Latticed windows denote a tendency to escape reality. If the window is closed with curtains, then it reveals our hidden aspects. We tend to keep private life securely. Closed windows that cannot be opened reveal that right now we feel stifled, limited and without the ability to move forward. When we are going out or coming through a window, then it indicates that we have made a wrong decision, a false path, whether in business, in project or in a relationship….
Seeing a window being open and looking outside to see a clear landscape, indicates our desire of knowing the future and the unconscious quest for a greater perspective, new points of view. Being in a room with shut windows or that they are showing darkness or barred windows, indicates our isolation and the inability to see new horizons.
…(Attic window | Aperture | Opening | Peephole) In a dream, a large window represents a woman of good character and conduct, while a tight window means the opposite. If a man sees himself sitting inside a window in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife in public. If one sees himself sitting at a distance from the window in a dream, it means that he will secretly divorce his wife. In a dream, the windows of a house also represent an outsider who is aware of the inner secrets of such a house. A window in a dream also means relief from difficulties, overcoming distress, renewing festivities and celebrating anniver- saries. Depending on their direction in the dream, windows also mean news, women, or children. Seeing the glass of one’s window tainted or colored means planting seedlings, inflorescence, conceiving children, continuing one’s education, buying new…
…To see windows in your dreams, is an augury of fateful culmination to bright hopes. You will see your fairest wish go down in despair. Fruitless endeavors will be your portion. To see closed windows is a representation of desertion. If they are broken, you will be hounded by miserable suspicions of disloyalty from those you love. To sit in a window, denotes that you will be the victim of folly. To enter a house through a window, denotes that you will be found out while using dishonorable means to consummate a seemingly honorable purpose. To escape by one, indicates that you will fall into a trouble whose toils will hold you unmercifully close. To look through a window when passing and strange objects appear, foretells that you will fail in your chosen avocation and lose the respect for which you risked health and contentment….
…Dreaming that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes. To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect in marriage, and fruitless speculations. To see another face with your own in a mirror indicates that you are leading a double life. You will deceive your friends. To break a mirror, portends an early and accidental death. To break glass dishes, or windows, foretells the unfavorable termination to enterprises. To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for your brilliancy and talent. To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause…
…If inside the room the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming it symbolizes the aspiration and longing to the welfare and security, and if it’s a bedroom, good understanding with the family and in the couple. If the atmosphere is unpleasant and oppressive, then it reflects the fears and frustrations of an unfortunate past, and if it is full of moisture there’s also the fear of being unhappy again in the future. If the room has no windows or doors it symbolizes isolation, fear and lack of willpower….
To dream of driving the station wagon, indicates the relationships between you and your relatives. Maybe there are some questions that have not been sorted out yet. If the dreamer who drives the station wagon is unable to open up the windows of this vehicle, then it shows the fear he has for not being good enough to protect his family and give what they have deserved.
…a dream mean worries because of money, a child, or the authorities. White or green drapes mean good results. Drapes hanging over the door of a mosque in a dream represent spiritual problems or religious failure. Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation. In a dream, seeing drapes hanging over a strange environment means fears which will culminate in satisfaction. Drapes adorned with gold means hallu- cination or dispelling one’s worries. If an unmarried person sees drapes in his dream, it means that he will get married and protect his chastity, or it could mean a business that will shelter him from poverty. If a fugitive or a scared person sees himself covered with drapes in a dream, it means a shelter from what scares him. Falling through a hole while hanging to a drape in…
…to a dream that occurred to him when he had sunk as low as any man could sink.”I had squandered two entire fortunes in drink, he said,” and, from living in a house of my own in Cadogan Gardens, was reduced to a garret in the South Lambeth Road. Not being brought up to any profession or trade, and having a serious physical defect, I could obtain no regular employment, but had to look out for odd jobs, such, for example, as carrying bags, opening carriage doors, and cleaning the brass work and windows of public, houses; and all the money I received I spent in drink. My wife had very rightly and wisely obtained a divorce from me. I was dead to all sense of decency and shame, and God alone knows in what act of outrageous devilry my wickedness might not have culminated, had it not been for…
If in the dream we are paying attention to the orientation of doors and windows, it means that this is a reflection of the direction our life is taking. Also the dream may be telling us to go back to our origins, a need for introspection.
…now no longer strange to her, and she found herself turning first to the right and then to the left in the most familiar and natural manner possible, until she came to 119th Street, where her anxious eyes immediately travelled to the house she imagined was her own. It was a mass of flames, and at one of the windows she saw the white and agonised faces of her husband and children.With the fury of a tigress she beat and pushed her way through the dense crowd of fugitives, whom she besought but besought in vain to assist her in the rescue of her family. Eventually she arrived opposite her house. Her husband and youngest child were still at the window clawing frantically at the iron bars, through which neither of them could crawl, and as soon as they saw her they yelled and grinned, and thrust out…
…I often dream of the same town. Sometimes all the inhabitants appear wearing costumes of one colour, sometimes all appear wearing costumes of another colour, sometimes they all appear clad in black. Having dreamed one of these dreams quite recently, I append the following description:I found myself approaching the town from the direction of a desert. It was a glorious evening, and the walls and windows of the houses shone like burnished gold in the ruddy glow of the slanting sunbeams. But what impressed me on this occasion, over and above all, was the silence; it seemed assumed for a purpose and to be part of a plot, in which everyone and everything participated, and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I was to be the victim of some unpleasant hoax. I cast my eyes in all directions there was not a soul to be seen the…
To dream of rats, is a sign you have many enemies if they come in at the doorway, they are your pretended friends, but to see them pass through your windows, or from holes, thieves will make an attempt on your property.
…To dream of a tiger signifies the advent of an illness, loss of money, accident, and disappointment in love. For my own part, I dreamed I was stalked and pounced upon by a white tiger, prior to being thrown from a bicycle; whilst a night or two before I was seized with appendicitis i.e. in December 1906 I dreamed a tiger got into the house through one of the lower windows, and after gorging itself on a dog, whose screams half frightened me out of my senses, came stealing up the stairs to attack me. The agonies I underwent, as I heard it drawing nearer and nearer, were such as one could only experience in sleep. I awoke as its hideous, striped head and malevolent, yellow eyes peeped gloatingly in at me through the door….
To dream that you are looking through the window means that you are thinking about the life and the opportunities it gives to you, but only if the window is pend. If the window is close, you feel trapped in some parts of your life. Seeing the house that has many windows, means that you have many opportunities in your waking life. The dream about broken window indicates the broken dreams the one has.
…When a woman is looking through a glass in her dream, at several men who aren’t her husband or lover, it suggest that her behavior isn’t very honest which will lead to disrepute. Dreaming of oneself looking through a crystal, usually means that bad times and loss of hope are coming. To dream that there’s another face next to yourself in a glass or mirror, suggests that the dreamer is leading a double life, which will lead him to trouble. Dreaming of smashing glasses, for example doors or windows, may suggest that your plans, intentions or projects will fail. If there’s broken glass in the dream, it almost always means that we’ll receive sad news. Dreaming about receiving cut glass objects shows the upcoming success, and in some cases the honor if you’re involved in artistic activities. Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to…
Danger to the luck and even life of the dreamer. If he is in a legal situation, the dream foretells a political revolution and a change of authority. If the earthquake overturns a house or only the roof, a wall, the doors or the windows, there will be suffered disappointments to the principal persons of that house.