If you are the winner of some important matter and even achieved the first place, you will achieve more than you expected. Your potentiality at something you do at the moment is even better then you thought of.

Will take some risks, that will bring great achievements.

…(Fight | Struggle) If one sees himself wrestled to the ground in a dream, it means that he may lose his wealth. However, the one who is wrestled to the ground in the dream will ultimately be victorious. The winner in the dream is the loser in wakefulness. If there is a witness during the fight, then it could mean that the winner in the dream may become the winner in wakefulness. This could also happen if the winner in the dream has better preparedness, or if he is fighting for his food, such as in a struggle between a beast and a human being. If one sees two friends fighting a wrestling match in a dream, the loser in the dream has better standing in wakefulness. Wrestling in a dream also could mean a sickness that may befall the loser, or it could denote the consequences of an…

…(Challenges | Game) Playing chess in a dream means mixing with all kinds of people. Playing chess in a dream also means deception, fights or a ploy. Seeing a chessboard, and if no one is playing it in a dream represents a strike, or people who are dismissed from their job. If one sees people playing it, then such people represent the leaders or the statesmen. The winner in a chess game in a dream is the winner of a political or a military maneuver. Whatever steps one takes in playing chess in a dream will be reflected in the political arena. Playing chess in a dream also could mean intending a fight, but not knowing whether he will win or lose. It also could mean facing dangerous people, so one is warned in the dream to be on guard against their tricks or ploys. Playing chess in a…

Dream of fighting against lion indicates you will deal with an important person. If you end up being the winner after the fight, it is a sign of triumph over your enemies. Dream of being scare of a lion indicates major obstacles and difficult problems to overcome. Dream of a lion in a cage announces repression of feelings, hidden passions. Riding a lion in a dream indicates triumphs and successes. Eating a lion in a dream indicates a dangerous disease.

…the judgment. If one sees himself standing before God Almighty on Judgment Day and if his good deeds weigh heavier than his sins in the dream, it means that he will reckon himself, reflect about his bad actions and correct the course of his life. Consequently, his reward in the hereafter will be greater. Seeing the Balance of the Day of Judgement in a dream means vulnerability of people’s secrets, exposing one’s actions in public, recognition of the ultimate truth, joy, happiness, victory and justice. If one’s deeds are praiseworthy, then he will be a winner. If one’s deeds are blameworthy, then he will be a loser. In general, a balance in a dream represents a guide, an example to follow, a scholar one seeks to learn at his hand, a ruler, a criterion and the Qur’an. It also may represent one’s tongue and correctness, truthfulness, lies, incredulity or trustworthiness….

…Dreaming of playing at dominoes, and lose, you will be affronted by a friend, and much uneasiness for your safety will be entertained by your people, as you will not be discreet in your affairs with women or other matters that engage your attention. If you are the winner of the game, it foretells that you will be much courted and admired by certain dissolute characters, bringing you selfish pleasures, but much distress to your relatives….

If you see the entrails in a dream, then it is interpreted as the bad symbolism of the dream. The dream, in which you notice your own or other’s entrails signifies disappointments, anguish and distress. On the positive note, the dream about entrails could be interpreted as the good omen, but only is you see entrails of the animals. The dream shows that you will defeat the competitors in your waking life and will become the winner in some situation. When you are trying to take off the entrails from someone, then such dream shows the cruelty of your personality. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of intestines.

When you dream of the enemies, then such dream foretells about the time to meet your components or be the best in some stage of your life. The enemies could also represent someone or something you are trying to avoid. Consider what kind of enemies you have in your waking life and if it is possible, try to fight them honestly. If you have become a winner while fighting the enemies, then such dream promises the victory in reality.

…If you dreamed of walking up the stairs, then such dream shows that you are going on the right direction and getting to the point where you supposed to be. The stairs also opens the view which you show for the others of what you have achieved and confronted. If the one was walking down the stairs, then such dream could mean that you are not making any progress anymore, instead you let not only other down, but yourself either. Make sure you do not give up and climb those stairs as the winner. The dream could also indicate your thoughts and feelings that are coming from the past, therefore you are going down the stairs and confront things that are no longer important in the present….

Dreaming about stadium, symbolizes a competition in which you will be the winner. To dream that you are in a stadium, has the symbolic significance of your firmness of purpose to finish your plans, achieve your goals and succeed. If the dream was more negative than positive, then it is an alert for you. It suggests for you to be more active in order to move forward.

To dream you are playing at dice, denotes a portion of your time will meet with various fortune — sometimes rich, sometimes poor. To play at cards, and you prove the winner, fortune will favour you during the year. If you play at any game with the opposite sex, and the winnings are returned, rest confident the party loves you, or will in time. If the cards are left scattered, it will be a long courtship. If left packed it is a double sign of a happy union. If your sweetheart is dressed in black, male or female, you may expect a widow or widower.

The devil in dreams is the symbol of bad features that are lurking in your personality. The dream could also represent the regrets you have about something you did in the past. Perhaps the dream suggests letting go these feelings of regret. On the other hand, the devil may indicate the wisdom, smartness and resourcefulness. If you were fighting the devil in a dream, then it shows the success while dealing with your components. You will be the winner. If you had some kind of conversation with a devil, then it means you will have some temptation and will find it hard to resist. If the devil was pretending someone else and you got sued in some deal, then it shows the unknown badness you will be taken into by not your will.

To see the target in a dream is a good omen, especially if you shoot it down. The dream promises you the position of the winner, because you already made up your mind which target you should take off. The dream reminds you to keep going on whatever the goal you are achieving.

If you have won some place in the competition, you will succeed in whatever you do in your waking life. You will be the winner.

And to eat roast meat, death and misfortune are thine. But to buy it, at cards you shall be a winner.

…In a dream, bees represent prosperity, or a dangerous adventure. Seeing a beehive and extracting honey from it in a dream means earning lawful money. Taking all the honey from the beehive and leaving nothing for the bees in a dream means being unjust. If bees sit over one’s head in a dream, it means winning the presidency over people. If bees sit in someone’s hands in a dream, they mean a good crop for a farmer, while for someone else, they means a fight. Bees in a dream also represent an army. Killing bees in a dream means obliterating one’s enemy. Bees in a dream also represent scholars, knowledge compilers, striving hard or collecting taxes. Bees in a dream also represent a bread winner who is a hard working person, stern and sometime dangerous, though he does bring some benefits to his companions. A bee sting in a…

…(Defeat | Depression) Losing a fight in a dream means joy. Losing a fight in a dream also could mean vanquishing one’s enemy if they are compatible. Otherwise, the winner of a fight is a dream denotes the loser in wakefulness. (Also see Defeat)…

…In a dream, a wrestling match means a dispute between two people, even if it were between a man and a lion. The winner’s stand in a dream is always better than that of the loser. If the match is between two men, then the one who challenges in the dream will be the loser in wakefulness. (Also see Wrestling)…

(Betrayal | Deception | Milk | Swindle | Trickery | War) If one sees that someone is misleading him or tricking him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will grant him victory over his enemy. The deceiver in the dream will be the loser, and the misled person in the dream represents the real winner. (Also see Fraudulent bankruptcy)