…(Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money. Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts of money in caringforhis health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. Excreting involuntarily, then cleaning after oneself and carrying one’s pickings in a dream means earnings and money. Feces in a dream also mean honey. Defecating in one’s bed in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. Walking on feces in a dream means distress or depression. Walking away from the bathroom after cleansing one’s bowels in a dream means walking away from adversities. Falling into the sewers or a toilet bowl in a dream means entering a prison. Defecating in one’s pants in a dream means falling into sin, humiliation, speaking…

…(An organism living on another | Children | Insects | Parasites | Silkworm) In a dream, worms represent daughters or children living under their father. The same goes for all worms, annelids, intestinal worms, or parasites that live on cadavers. Seeing tapeworms coming out of one’s backside in a dream represents one’s grandchildren. If one sees worms coming out of his mouth in a dream, it means that some members of his family are plotting against him, though he knows about it, and he will finally escape from their danger, but at his own expense. If one sees worms coming out of his stomach in a dream, it means that he will distance himself from evil companions. Consequently, he will regain honor and purity. Worms leaving one’s body in a dream mean overcoming distress, or paying alms tax. Worms in a dream also represent one’s enemies. A silkworm in…

If you see feces of your own, then such dream indicates the negative aspects of your personality such as greediness, falseness, anger and envy. You must to accept these feelings, because every human being has negative features and thoughts. Perhaps the dream suggests you to let go these negative feelings if you wish to feel clear minded. If you are having difficulties while disposing your feces, then such dream shows the suppressed emotions and feelings you are suffering from. You are the person who keeps things for himself instead of sharing the worries with others. If you are playing with the feces, then such dream indicates the dishonest affairs and business you are getting yourself into. Be careful!

To dream that you see your own feces is interpreted as the things you do not like about yourself. The feces could also indicate the features you are trying to get rid from yourself such as negative people in your life or unwanted emotions. The feces of the animal or other human being are interpreted as your tendency to care about other people business too much.

…(See Grub.) To dream of fish-worms, such as are dug in the garden, is a sign of health and good fortune; dreaming of any destructive worms foretells sickness and losses: if you dream that worms spin down from a tree and light upon you, it denotes difficulties and bad luck Lucky lottery dream numbers – 65, 4, 70,…

The worms as the parasites in your body mean that you will have to protects yourself because of the other people’s behavior. The worms as the parasites in dreams also show the sickness you are suffering from, but don’t know it yet.

The dream in which you have the worms foretells that there are minor problems that are very annoying. The worms are also the symbols of hidden evil the dreamer will have to deal with.

The parasites such as worms or any other kind of, indicates the fact that you are hurt by some situation or some person in your waking life. The worms are also symbols of tiredness. Perhaps you need to take a break.

…Dreaming of worms, denotes that you will be oppressed by the low intriguing of disreputable persons. For a young woman Dreaming they crawl on her, foretells that her aspirations will always tend to the material. If she kills or throws them off, she will shake loose from the material lethargy and seek to live in morality and spirituality. To use them in your dreams as fish bait, foretells that by your ingenuity you will use your enemies to good advantage….

A wolf or worms show hidden enemies and strife.

To dream about worms means that you should check on your health, because something is not very good with it.

Vomit with worms mean triumph over enemies.

Worms in dreams are interpretative of the constancy of lovers and friends; and of recovery from illness, and success on the stage….

See Earth Worms.

Dreaming of earth-worms betokens secret enemies, that endeavour to ruin and destroy us.

These seen in dreams are always unpleasant omen.

Gaining many faithful friends.

Denotes warning to be cautious of envious persons. 9.

Getting released from hardship and toil, happiness. 235.

Having unknown powerful enemies.

(See snakes)

…(Ritual impurity) If one’s bowels discharge excess excrements in a dream, it means hindrance of one’s travel plans. If one discharges solid feces in a dream, it means that he does not spend his money on sickness. If it is an abnormal discharge of liquid matters from one’s bowels in the dream, it means that he will squander most of his money. If one uses a lavatory near a known ablution area in the dream, it means that his spendings relate to his passion, desires and wantonness. If the location is unknown in the dream, it means that he unknowingly, but willingly spends his wealth in unlawful avenues, whereby he will reap no reward or benefit from it. Discharging feces in the open and covering it with dirt in a dream means burying money in a hole and covering it with dirt. (Also see Impurity | Feces | Urinating)…

…— sitting in the front row of the stalls, gazing at the stage, which, like the entire auditorium, was bathed in funereal gloom. Presently a hollow sounding clock boomed twelve, and, ere the last notes had died away, the orchestra filled with vast formless things that, seating themselves, evidently in their accustomed places, at the signal of their conductor beat their spectral palms frantically together. On to the stage from either wing there then wriggled and writhed in ghastly imitation of worms, shapes which suggested more than I dare to name — and which I shrank from analysing. And whilst they were in the midst of their hateful evolutions, a cloud of arrows suddenly burst upon them, and, on looking round, I saw, to my terror, that boxes, circles, and gallery were filled with huntsmen, who now levelled their bows at me. A thousand burning pains rushed through my body,…

Dreaming of thin watery feces means disappointment with family and profession.

(See Excretion | Feces)

…{arb. Junub. A state of ritual impurity that inhibits performance of one’s prayers. Feces | Semen | Urine) In a dream, to be in a state of ritual impurity means that one is avoiding to comply with fundamental religious obligations. According to Islamic traditions, one must have ablution even if when pursuing any of his daily interests. If one sees himself performing his prayers without the required ritual ablution in a dream, it means corruption in his religious practices, though it also could be interpreted as committing oneself to serve God’s religion. Being in a state of ritual impurity in a dream also could mean confusion. If one sees himself in such a state and finds no water to perform his ablution in the dream, it means adversities and inability to sustain one’s needs in this world, or to satisfy one’s aspirations in the hereafter. Washing oneself or washing…

…In a dream, a kohl jar represents a woman who serves others, advises them in managing their finances and teaches women about their religious and spiritual role. One’s eyes in a dream represent his religious standing while the kohl is used to beautify them or as a cure. Putting the kohl brush or stick inside a kohl jar to extract kohl powder and apply it to his eyelid in a dream means marriage for a single person, profits for a poor person, or knowledge for an ignorant person. If the kohl jar contains ashes, or butter, or a foamy substance, or feces in the dream, it means that one is seeking earnings from falsehood and innovation. A kohl jar in a dream also may represent a coffer, lost money, a box to keep one’s personal papers or documents. (Also see Kohl)…

…To see or work with clay in your dream, represents creativity and the ability to shape your mind. It may also mean that you are able to manipulate things to your advantage. Alternatively, it indicates your need to set some goals and plans for yourself. You have some growing up to do and need to plan for the future. According to Freudian perspective, clay symbolizes feces. To see a clay pot in your dream, signifies devotion, virtue or purity. The clay pot is also a healing symbol….

(See Feces)

…Dreaming about a closed cash register and no one around to operate it indicates that nothing can be foreseen in the immediate future which means that everything is on hold around the dreamer. Dreaming about a functioning cash register full of money indicates that soon there will be good business and profits. On the other hand, if the cash register appears without money, then the opposite will occur. If during the dream there’s a person operating the cash register, it indicates that soon the dreamer will receive help. Dreaming about opening regular boxes indicates that the dreamer has a lot of interest in his work. If valuable objects appear in these boxes it indicates success in the immediate future. But if the box is empty, it indicates failures and difficulties. If the box appears with feces or manure or litter, it means that certain businesses might not be very…

See the interpretations of feces.

…(Panties | Underpants) One’s underwear in a dream represents his chastity. If one discovers wetness in his underpants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant. Seeing one’s underpants soiled with feces in a dream means divorce. Wearing one’s underpants inside-out in the dream means indulging in a loathsome and a forbidden act of anal intercourse with one’s wife. Wearing one’s underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels or financial growth. Wearing a new set of underpants in a dream means modesty and protection of one’s chastity. Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from pressure….

(See Feces)

If you want to understand better your dream about shit, please read the interpretations and the meanings of feces or defecate.

(See Worms)

The figs and the fig tree symbolize abundance and fertility, unless the fig tree is dry, then it becomes a symbol of poverty and sterility. To dream of ripe figs and to eat them, means we will enjoy good health, good profits and abundant pleasures without having to make any effort. If the figs are not mature it is that we are not yet ready to enjoy all these benefits. If fig fruits have worms or are rotten this pleasure will be achieved when we can no longer enjoy it. If we have this dream in the season when the figs are best the benefits will be maximum. If we have it during another season we can suffer scandal, breakups, diseases and problems.

…To dream of vomiting is usually a sign of health: if you imagine that you vomit up worms, it foretells that you will have good luck in preventing a loss, or a robbery. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 65….

…(Icy rain) In a dream, hail means calamity, sufferings, hunger, loss of property, poverty, mass persecution, or torture. In nature, this element cools the earth and eliminates many harmful insects, worms or scorpions and limits the danger of snakes. Thus, seeing hail in its proper season in a dream means eliminating the source of one’s stress and overcoming one’s difficulties, enemies, or jealous competitors. Seeing hail in the summertime in a dream means business losses, but if it falls in the winter in a dream, it means success and prosperity. Heavy falling hail in a dream means destruction of businesses, interruption of communication and damage to roads and highways. In that sense, hail in a dream means obstruction of public interests. In a dream, hail also represents a strange type of business that will come from the direction of the wind carrying such a storm. If no harm occurs…

(See Butterfly | Caterpillar | Worms)

…(Bloodsucker | Sponger) In a dream, a leech represents the grave’s worms that eat one’s flesh, or it could denote one’s own children. If a leech falls from one’s nose in a dream, it means that his wife will have a miscarriage. Leech in a dream also represent a base and a despicable enemy….