Dreaming of seeing intestines, signifies you are about to be visited by a grave calamity, which will remove some friend. To see your own intestines, denotes grave situations are closing around you | sickness of a nature to affect you in your daily communications with others threatens you. Probable loss, with much displeasure, is also denoted. If you think you lay them upon something, which turns out to be a radiator, and they begin to grow hot and make you very uncomfortable, and you ask others to assist you, and they refuse, it foretells unexpected calamity, which will probably come in the form of a desperate illness or a misfortune for which you will be censured by those formerly your friends. You may have trouble in extricating yourself from an unpromising predicament.

…or a calif in a dream also represents someone who establishes the laws of his religion and follows the example of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Whatever he is wearing in the dream connotes one’s own state, or the growing or diminishing of his devotion. If one who is promised something sees the vice-regent or the calif in his dream, it means that his promise will be fulfilled, and his wishes will come true. Seeing him in a dream also means that someone from a different circle is backbiting him, or speaking of him without his consent, or that people are reporting him to the authorities, or that scholars are discussing him, or mentioning his work. A vice-regent or a calif in a dream also represents aloofness, seclusion, truthfulness, volunteering one’s services, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil, developing one’s own certitude and faith, repentance, abstaining…

Dreaming that you’re damaged or injured is a sign of good things to come.

…To dream that you are in an accident, symbolizes the guilt you are carrying with yourself. This guilt might come from something you did in the past and can not forgive yourself. This might be the meaning of you concerning and punishing yourself. If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are. The sign of dream could also want you to take things slower and move forward without pushing yourself too hard, because as a result of it, you will not achieve anything you have been expecting. Do not worry, just make sure you know what you are doing at the moment, think twice before you say anything to anyone. If you lose someone you love in an accident, it represents part of you, that is not part of you anymore. It also could symbolize your relation to that person, how important he is to…

…Dreaming of associating with a person who has committed a crime, denotes that you will be harassed with unscrupulous persons, who will try to use your friendship for their own advancement. To see a criminal fleeing from justice, denotes that you will come into the possession of the secrets of others, and will therefore be in danger, for they will fear that you will betray them, and consequently will seek your removal….

…Dreaming of horses drinking from waterhole means that you’ll experience joy in the future. If the animal that is drinking happens to be a donkey, it means that you will have a fight from which you will come out triumphant. If the waterhole is dry, it foretells a mystery or it may be a harbinger of adversities; if it’s dirty, it predicts the birth of a child. Dreaming of a waterhole usually means tranquility. If you dream that you drink from it, it usually means you’ll lose money, but it won’t be a substantial loss. If animals are drinking from it, it’s a harbinger of great news. If the water is clear, is a symbol of joy; on the contrary, if the water is dirty, it indicates the arrival of a new baby in the family. If you see a wild animal drinking water from a waterhole or someplace…

…(Absence | Becoming unknown | Loss of tracks) If one disappears from his house or from the country, and if his tracks could not be located in the dream, it means taking a long journey, turning out to be where he is suspected to be, getting married in that place, falling in love with an unknown person, falling sick in a foreign land, or it could mean death if the person is sick. However the disappearance of God’s loving people in a dream perhaps means thinking about one’s beloved, or being exposed to uncommon mysteries of the universe. If one disappears within the earth without going through a hole in his dream, and if he remains a long time therein until people think that he will never come out again in the dream, it means self-deception, arrogance and love for the world, and such a person will die in…

A zoomorphism dream indicates that you want to return to nature to feel more freedom and that it bothers you to live in such a hurry. You can express independence and find a new hobby. On the other hand, it can suggest that your main desires and sexual impulses have come to the surface.

…To come under the influence of absinthe in dreams, denotes that you will lead a merry and foolish pace with innocent companions, and waste your inheritance in prodigal lavishness on the siren, selfish fancy. For a young woman Dreaming that she drinks absinthe with her lover warns her to resist his persuasions to illicit consummation of their love. If she dreams she is drunk, she will yield up her favors without strong persuasion. (This dream typifies that you are likely to waste your energies in pleasure.)…

…Dreaming of medicine, if pleasant to the taste, a trouble will come to you, but in a short time it will work for your good | but if you take disgusting medicine, you will suffer a protracted illness or some deep sorrow or loss will overcome you. To give medicine to others, denotes that you will work to injure some one who trusted you….

When you are wearing a turban in a dream, then it means that a friend could harm you, usually by giving bad references about you. If during the dream you see a person who is wearing a turban, then this is an indicator that someone will come to propose a business, but you have to be careful with it because this person’s intentions are not the best.

The casket in a dream shows the necessity for the closure towards some situation or people. The dream could also show the new possibilities that are about to come, but firstly you must finish what you have started. Consider to plan the future and make sure you notice the potentiality in all aspects of your life.

…dream that you are being massaged by your ex-boyfriend means that you need to relax in your current relationship. Maybe you need to let go some of defensiveness that you have been putting forth. You may have been putting up a wall or shield around you. You need to learn to trust people again. To dream that you ex-boyfriend gives you a doll or stuffed animal, then such dream shows that you are seeking for supportive, encouraging and nurturing features in a relationship. This isn’t suggests that you want you ex-boyfriend back. Alternatively, the dream could characterize some undeveloped relationship which may (or may not) describe the relationship you had with your ex. To dream that you see your ex-boyfriend dressed in a costume at a hospital shows that you have come to terms with that relationship. Have you completed the healing process of your feelings in the heart?…

…The wake in dreams is interpreted as the celebration the dreamer is having. The wake that is seen in the dream could indicate something in the dreamer’s life that has come to an end. To get more detailed dream interpretation please also see the meaning of burial, it will give you more information about your dream and its meanings….

To dream about a great flood, and worse if the water is dirty, suggests that the dreamer and his/her family will face negative situations. To dream about people that are swimming in a flood, and are agonizingly trying to save their lives, suggests that the negative situations that are soon to come will affect many people (may be an economic crisis, epidemics, etc.). To dream about a flood but that its water is very clear, clean and calm indicates that the negative situations that the dreamer and his family are experiencing are mild and will soon pass.

Dreaming that we hear the melody of this musical instrument is usually a sign that someone wants to discredit us with rumors that could come to affect your business negatively. In general, as long as it’s accompanied by other symbols, the saxophone represents futile gossips, and rumors of all kinds that will act as obstacles in your affairs and relationships with others.

…Foxes figure so largely in folk-lore that one need not be surprised that fox-dreams, in the case of many people, are particularly significant. Silver foxes in dreams would appear to portend excessive good fortune; black foxes, excessive misfortune; ordinary foxes, good luck in a moderate degree.Among the fox-dreams that have been related to me was one dreamed by a Negro. ”I dreamed,” he said, ” I was starving to death in the streets of a big city, and had come to the decision that, sooner than go on in misery, I would terminate my existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke….

…For a young woman Dreaming that she is a bride, foretells that she will shortly come into an inheritance which will please her exceedingly, if she is pleased in making her bridal toilet. If displeasure is felt she will suffer disappointments in her anticipations. Dreaming that you kiss a bride, denotes a happy reconciliation between friends. For a bride to kiss others, foretells for you many friends and pleasures | to kiss you, denotes you will enjoy health and find that your sweetheart will inherit unexpected fortune. To kiss a bride and find that she looks careworn and ill, denotes you will be displeased with your success and the action of your friends. If a bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband, it foretells that many unhappy circumstances will pollute her pleasures. See Wedding….

…trying to escape, suggests that you’re engaging in risky businesses that’ll likely cause failures and losses. Dreaming of yourself as an actor in a play may mean that you’ll soon receive satisfactions and joys, even though they’ll be temporary and inconsequential. It also insinuates that you want to be the center of attention, but you must make sure that you don’t exaggerate it, so you don’t leave a bad impression on others. Dreaming of yourself as an owner or manager of a low-profile theater insinuates that you’re in risk of suffering important losses because of your own squandering, which could simply mean you’re wasting energy, or that the plans or ideas referring to the matters you’re handling in life are not clear enough. Dreaming of yourself as a manager or director of a big theater, in which serious plays are presented, may mean that your desires will come true….

Dreaming about any kind of water dispenser predicts the arrival of sincere and noble love. It generally means that a happy time will come soon and it’ll bring quietness for the spirit.

…If the steam comes out of a boiler or a pot in a dream, then it usually means that planned illusions will become truncated. Dreaming that you’re traveling in a steamboat in a gentle sea, is an indication that businesses will thrive, though gradually. If the ship sinks in the middle of a storm, then it’s usually a sign that serious sadness or failures will come, or you might face a possible family loss….

…To come close to a person in the dream with a pure and sweet breath, commendable will be your conduct, and a profitable consummation of business deals will follow. Breath if fetid, indicates sickness and snares. Losing one’s breath, denotes signal failure where success seemed assured….

To see yourself caught among briars, black enemies are weaving cords of calumny and perjury intricately around you and will cause you great distress, but if you succeed in disengaging yourself from the briars, loyal friends will come to your assistance in every emergency.

…Storm in dreams are always a warning calls from the subconscious. The storm is the symbol that is used to warn the dreamer that something more or less harmful or dangerous is coming against him. The dream suggests to start reviewing the necessary issues, because we don’t know where the storm will come from. Consider that business men are usually ready for unknown disturbances, because they have their matters under control most of the time. To dream that we hear the threat about an upcoming storm is usually a warning that some kind of dangerous disease will affect your life. There is also a possibility that you will have some conflicts between you and your family members or you will face some misfortune while dealing with your daily life. To dream that you’re in a house that is being shaken or even destroyed by a storm indicates serious disturbances…

Symbolizes your desire for a dilemma in your life to come to an end. You want to reach the union of contradictions.

Happiness will come. To take your shirt off, deceived hope. The shirt that is torn, good luck.

The dream in which you are wading in clear water signifies great fortune. The muddy water in which you are wading represents sickness, disappointments. If the dreamer is having games in the water, then the love will come in his life very soon.

Dream of a bull indicates some great personage from whom the dreamer will receive good or evil according to the bull, and the way he is acting in the dream. Seeing a mad bull, a struggle in which the dreamer will come out not on his best. Finding the liver and lungs of a bull, succession to an inheritance.

…To hear the roar and see a hurricane heading towards you with its frightful force, you will undergo torture and suspense, striving to avert failure and ruin in your affairs. If you are in a house which is being blown to pieces by a hurricane, and you struggle in the awful gloom to extricate some one from the falling timbers, your life will suffer a change. You will move and remove to distant places, and still find no improvement in domestic or business affairs. If you dream of looking on de’bris and havoc wrought by a hurricane, you will come close to trouble, which will be averted by the turn in the affairs of others. To see dead and wounded caused by a hurricane, you will be much distressed over the troubles of others….

Dreaming of waking up sometimes manifests as a feeling of flying, but almost always with many difficulties and limitations, which implies that the subconscious or spirit, being linked to the physical body, does not enjoy the freedom and independence it would like to have. Also, it indicates that the matters being handled by the dreamer, present many difficulties, and this is the reason for the concern. If during the flight the dreamer passes over beautiful green fields or forests, it suggests that even if the dreamer is suffering from some setbacks, better times will come soon.

Seeing a workshop where people are working usually means that your own desires won’t take long to come true. On the contrary, if you dream of an empty and deserted workshop, it’s a warning and it calls you to improve your own behavior at work, thus avoiding being fired or sanctioned. If, in the dream, you’re working there yourself, this is a sign of stability and improvement in current conditions.

…(Affiliation | Alliance | Business association) In a dream, business partnership means happiness, or it could mean exaggeration in one’s devotion toward God Almighty, or it could mean going to extremes to attain business success and prosperity in the world. If a poor person sees himself involved in a business partnership with a rich person in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy. If he is hoping for an inheritance, then seeing this dream means that it will come through, and that he will find abusiness partner. If one sees himself in a business partnership with a known person in a dream, it means that they deal justly and equitably with one another. If one’s partner in the dream is an unknown old person, then he represents his grandfather and such a year will be a prosperous business year for him. If one’s partner in the dream…

If it’s decapitated, it means your ideas, projects and dreams cannot be achieved or materialized in short term; dreaming of a big head indicates health and abundance; a small head means the start of an illness and impairment in the economy. Dreaming of a head separated from the rest of the body represents a mismatch between the way you think and the way you act. If you have an ailment in the head, it’s a sign of adversities to come.

Dreaming about property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage is fortunate omen, if the dreamer received it with happiness. If the dream caused bad feeling and the dreamer was unable to receive a dowry, then such dream is unlucky omen. It indicates hard work and a lot of obstacles. If the dreamer is lazy and not trying to live better, then such dream indicates even more troubles. If the dreamer has a lot of desire to solve his problems, then dowry is just the reflection of current harsh period. After though times, a better tomorrow will come. And if the dreamer will work extremely hard, then he will see himself or herself living in abundance, without any invincible problem.

In the dreams of young people the stains often reveal fear of sexuality and its consequences. If stains in the dream appear by the action of time, such dream reveals that there is an event or a fact that is not current and not for the future but remains stuck in the past, or that its consequences come from the past.

Dream of white feathers indicates riches and satisfaction. Black ones represents tears and delay in business. To eat them, bitterness. Be covered with feathers means fortune, honor, prosperity or satisfaction, according to color and the nature of the bird they come from.

Portends well-being and wealth that will come with an effort. If the candles go out during the dream, then such dream portends that our work will be in vain. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, then it shows that we know very well what we want in life. A flickering candle flame that is burning with difficulty, then it indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it goes off, then it shows that we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. It imposes a break. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, it indicates that we will undertake decisively and effectively a spiritual journey. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

…To dream of a map means that you’ll walk down a path that will bring you satisfaction and will also help you make your dreams come true. If in your dream you’re consulting a map, it means that you’ll probably experience some minor economic problems. If you dream that you’re analyzing a map it suggests that in the future you’ll take a path that will lead you to achieving your goals….

To dream you come in contact with a villain signifies that you are in danger of losing property.

If this man has a beautiful figure, then it signifies satisfaction, happiness, and good health. When a woman has this dream, violent squabbles ahead of her, when a man has this dream, tricks and deceits are waiting for him. To dream of a man in white clothing justice will come. In black clothing man signifies considerable loss.