An angel on the wing means death to the sick doth bring; To those in health much joy man, woman, girl, or boy.
Dream dictionary: wwww dot dream meanings
To dream of drinking coffee quarrelling doth show.
…Trees loaded with fruit success in business doth show Green trees honour and riches, decayed ones much woe. To cut down another’s trees, enemies you’ll defeat. Full blossomed trees shows your happiness is complete….
…(See Medicine.) In a dream-book published 1151, is this prediction: ” If any man doth dream he taken much physicked, it foretells a bad liver, and a quarrel with ye doctor; but a virgin who dreamed this dream, will marry her doctor first, and quarries thereafter.” Lucky lottery dream numbers – 37, 8….
Thorns and thistles doth calamities betoken.
…(Beryl | Gem | Peridot | Stone) In a dream, when these precious stones are placed on one’s ring, they mean a ranking authority that combines courage and reverence. Receiving a ring with such a stone from one’s son in a dream means that his son possesses an amiable character and good qualities. (Also see Ring | Topaz)…
…Rivers in dreams symbolize the time of life that goes away to never return. When a woman dreams of swimming or simply bathing in clean, transparent water, it can mean that she feels pleased with herself, enjoys a good health, has the sincere love of a man, and the sympathy of several people, which could dote her with some social prestige. Dreaming of any stream of clean, and clear water announces new opportunities, perhaps at work, in business or in love. Dreaming of a creek, pipe, or any stream that has dirty, muddy, and stinking water, announces that the dreamer is developing several diseases and illnesses. In some cases it may mean that bad people are trying to harm you. Dreaming of a river that has very clear water is an announcement of a peaceful, quiet and successful life, and a promise for a nice future. Dreaming of a…
Lovers fighting is joy, old people, death and pain. Fighting with swords deliverance and freedom doth show. To the debtor gives help, and relief from his woe.
…desert with its interminable extent of brown soil, dotted here and there with spidery looking trees, discovered no one; neither could I discern the slightest evidence of life in the town.Entering a broad, cobble-paved street, I was proceeding slowly along it, almost afraid to tread on account of the clatter made by my boots, when suddenly, without the faintest warning, I was surrounded by a crowd of people, all in brown clothes, and all wearing an air of the greatest mystery. Catching hold of me gently by the arms, with one finger laid on their lips to enjoin silence, they tiptoed cautiously forward, dragging me with them. In this manner we advanced some hundreds of yards, coming to a sudden standstill in front of a kind of brown bathing machine. One of the crowd then stepped forward, and, bowing to me with mock solemnity, very cautiously approached the wooden box….
Hopes are eclipsed. Death is near. Enjoyment may be put an end to. There is no use of dotting on the wife, for life is coming to an end. The friend is a traitor. All expectations will bear no fruit.
Digging graves doth portend a wedding propitious,
Dreaming of being deaf it your marriage doth portend.
Milking or killing cows foretells your prosperous state. Lean cows doth poverty, also famine, foreshow. Fat cows with plenty will your cupboards overflow.
Four-footed quadrupeds doth denote friends faithful.
To see a comedy acted, back- biting doth tell.
To dream that you preach, it much illness doth foretell. But to hear others preach, in life you should do well.
Dreaming of ploughing is good, but if the horses seem to sink into the ground, it portends loss of labour, dearth of corn, and ill-harvest weather; but to plough on a hill, and on a sudden to be loosening the team, and setting them up in a stable, doth show a lazy disposition in the ploughmen, and also that the horses shall not stand, but fall sick in the stable. See Farm, Manure and Husbandry.
…To believe you’re a wagoner it doth good beseem. To see one, or wander, an unlucky dream….
Clothes, when they are clean, of prosperity doth tell. But those unclean, show sickness and some funeral knell. Torn clothes forebodes quarrelling, fine clothes, station high, mean clothes denotes that in poverty you will sigh.
…A church denotes disaster, praying therein is well. And to build a church, some one’s death it doth foretells….
Caterpillars doth losses is trade signify.
To heat, or bake in an oven good tidings doth show.
…If anyone dream that he sees the moon shine, it shows that his wife loves him extremely well; it also implies the getting of silver; for, as the sun represents gold, so the moon doth silver. Dreaming you see the moon darkened, denotes the death or sickness of your wife, mother, sister, or daughter; loss of money, or danger in a voyage or journey, especially if it be by water; or else it denotes a distemper in the brain or eyes. To dream you see the moon darkened, and grow clear and bright again, implies gain to the woman that dreams, and to the man joy and prosperity; but to dream that you see the moon clear, and afterwards cloudy, presages the contrary. To dream you see the moon in the form of a full white face, implies to the virgin speedy marriage; to the married woman, that she…
Dreaming of buckles doth portend anger and wrong.
…Dreaming of seeing new petticoats, denotes that pride in your belongings will make you an object of raillery among your acquaintances. To see them soiled or torn, portends that your reputation will be in great danger. If a young woman dream that she wears silken, or clean, petticoats, it denotes that she will have a doting, but manly husband. If she suddenly perceives that she has left off her petticoat in dressing, it portends much ill luck and disappointment. To see her petticoat falling from its place while she is at some gathering, or while walking, she will have trouble in retaining her lover, and other disappointments may follow….
To dream of begging, an inheritance doth show.
Bears doth show much calumny, backbiting and pain.
…To dream of men with long beards, great honour doth show, but with short beards, contempt and poverty you’ll know….
Leaden bullets, or learning, some good news doth show.
An open window doth to successful work relate.
(Collar | Neckband | Neckwear) In a dream, a collarband represents the pleasure and pride of a mother or a wife to see her sons or daughter having a jewelry business. If an unmarried woman sees herself in a dream wearing a neckband, a necklace or a collarband made from pearls, peridot or chrysolite, it means that she will marry a noble and a high ranking man, beget children from him and find her ultimate pleasure and love in such a marriage. If the collarband is made from alum, then it means marrying a young eastern man. If the collarband is made from beads in the dream, it means that her husband is a mean and a contemptible person. If a man sees himself wearing a collarband in a dream, it means suffocation, distress or a quarrel. (Also see Neckband | Necklace)
To see Jews or Jewesses, bad luck doth beseem.
Adultery will lead you to danger and strife. But affliction will bring you to a joyful life. An anchor fixed, in your dream, will hinder your scheme, but when uplifted, your elevation doth seem.