To dream of white clouds, signifies joy and prosperity; black clouds, trouble.

(Mustard | Money | Poison) In a dream, mustard means poison. If one eats mustard in his dream, it means that someone may poison him, or that he may fall into a vicious circle, or acquire an evil reputation. It also means that he may receive clean money, though through awesome hardships. Mustard seeds in a dream only denote good if seen by a physician. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing mustard or sesame seeds in a dream means a sickness, a fever, or poison.

…Thick and heavy clouds show some error you’ll commit. Clear clouds, under your own tree happy you will sit….

To dream of the Tarot cards is an indication to keep reading your thoughts, because the inner you tell what it wants out from the life. Consider to pay attention of what the cards were saying and what kind of symbols it had written. If you saw the Wands, then it indicates your creativity, spiritual state of mind and curiosity. The suit of Swards denotes to strength, huge power, fearless. The Pentacles indicates the wisdom, business and communication with earth. The Cups foretells about your innocence, clearness and feelings.

…Dream of weed suggests your need to get rid of the negative things in your life to move on and start life again. It’s time to hide the envy and structuring relations for the future. Dream of weeds means you have to get rid of some old ideas or negative thoughts in your mind. Weed is symbol of neglect. Weeds can also represent friendships or relationships that were bad….

They symbolize the potential for creativity and it will depend on what occurs to the seeds in our dream, like where we sow them and their development. Creativity can refer to children, business, new feelings or personal creations, everything that is born and grown by the dreamer.

When you are running some errands, then such dream foretells about the balance and perception in some stage of your life. If you have sent the errand in a dream, then it shows the end of relationships with your significant other, because of the differences you both have.

Dreaming about friends is a sign of having luck in games or pleasant trips.

To dream you find bird’s nest is a good sign. To dream you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with a great disappointment.

To dream that you are shouting and screaming while using bad words, means that you are trying to express the anger that was hidden away. The dream suggests to calm down and solve your problems as the adults do without aggression and anger.

If you dreamed of saving bonds, then such dream indicates the attachment, dedication and commitment you have made with some other person.

Dream of lizards means trouble, envy, jealousy, despair, apathy and fickleness of character.

…Dreaming of hearing katydids, is a prognostic of misfortune and unusual dependence on others. If any sick person ask you what they are, foretells there will be surprising events in your present and future. For a woman to see them, signifies she will have a quarrelsome husband or lover….

To dream of fields and pleasant places, shows to a man that he will have a discreet and chaste wife, and to a woman a loving and prudent husband.

To dream you are counting numbers by thousands, is a token of great elevation to your children, and that you will live to share the benefits they desire.

Rats, ravens, or reeds show ill-will, death and disgrace.

…This is a good omen. It has wealth in store. However, sorrow will go with it for a short while. If the almonds are defective, your disappointment in obtaining a certain wish will be complete until new conditions are brought about….

Four-footed quadrupeds doth denote friends faithful.

To dream of being among friends, to young persons, signifies union; to laugh with them, quarrels.

…To dream of tamarinds shows much vexation and uneasiness through a woman, bad success in trade, a rainy season, and news from beyond sea that is disagreeable: in love they denote disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 77, 16….

Dream that you fight with toads betokens triumph over enemies.

In a dream, weeds represent someone who is loved by his family, though they do not benefit from him. He differs with those close to him and draws himself closer to those who envy him. He lives distant from his true friends, but close to his enemies. (Also see Grass | Unwanted)

Playing at cards, tables, or any other game in a dream, shows the party shall be very fortunate; and tables allude unto love, for love is the table, fancy the point that stands open; and he that dreams much of table playing shall be a great gamester, as well with Joan as my lady.

The crossroads means that there is some huge problem which will be solved very easily. Make sure you receive a help from those you trust.

To dream of friends or a forge is a bad sign.

To imagine that you are being carried over rapids in a dream, denotes that you will suffer appalling loss from the neglect of duty and the courting of seductive pleasures.

Dreaming of being in a pool room, either playing or just watching how others play billiards, means that you’ll face failures, if you get into or businesses that are unknown for you. It also hints that you may be affected by rumors or being blackmailed.

If they are blooming, it indicates that our projects come true happily, but if the flower falls indicates upcoming disappointments. If we see almonds but do not touch them, it will bring difficulties. If we pick them up, we can expect happiness. If we take them out of their shell, it signifies gains. If they are bitter, it indicates family disturbances without consequences.

Dreaming about flying birds is a sign of prosperity. It also indicates a sense of freedom.

Dreaming that your hands are covered with hair like that of a beast, signifies you will intrigue against innocent people, and will find that you have alert enemies who are working to forestall your designs.

The storm clouds in the dream signify some turbulence in your waking life. Perhaps this problem is taking your whole attention, therefore you dream about it and feel afraid of unknowingness.

Collecting and gathering goods, is humbling to you.

Dreaming about diamonds means greed. Be more generous.

Clean hands show good fortune, dirty, much untidiness.

(See Clapping hands)

…In a dream, the human voice represents one’s reputation or fame, and its strength or weakness reflects one’s state of mind or the condition of his health. Raising one’s voice in a dream means unjustly presiding over a crowd of people. Hearing a human voice in a dream means chairing an important responsibility. If the human voice emanates from an animal in the dream, it denotes great benefits and particularly if the animal speaks pleasing and soothing words or words of truth. If one raises his voice above the voice of a man of knowledge, a shaikh or a teacher in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin. A weak voice in a dream represents a man. Intentionally lowering one’s voice in a dream means being indebted to someone, or it could mean humility. If a man of authority or a policeman lower his voice in…

…To dream you wear a diamond, denotes that you will be crossed in love, and that your lover is unfaithful. For a man of business to dream that he is dealing in diamonds, is good, it is a sure thing with, him, that he will become wealthy, and retire to private life much respected. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 3….

Some authors interpret dream of wounds, as a warning of possible accident, so it is necessary to avoid risks. But taking into account the circumstances of the dreamer, this dream may be interpreted as the latent fear of hurting our dignity, self-esteem, etc. If for example we have recently begun a relationship, seeing yourself hurt in the dream may reveal your fear of getting your feelings hurt by the partner.

…To sign your name to deeds, is a bad sign; to a man, less in business; to a woman, the inconstancy of her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7. 8….

…Birds shot flying are false news, to catch them shows hate. Dreaming of bird’s nests, or eggs, show good luck is thine. But if then you eat them, in sorrow you will pine….