…Toads in dreams foretell vicious acts that will either be done to the dreamer or by him….

…To dream that you find one is a good sign; to dream that you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with great disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64….

…(Intertwine) In a dream, interlocking one’s hands means a partnership, a contract, marriage, stagnation, stillness of business, delinquency in one’s prayers, negligence of one’s duties, difficulties with one’s family, or a meeting that purports evil….

Dreaming of a Tarot reading indicates your current situation and state of mind. You are open to explore your unconscious thoughts and feelings. Attention should be given to what the tarot cards say in your dream and the tarot card meanings. Wands represent fire, inspiration, spirituality and psyche. Swords represent air, determination, strength, conquest of fear. Water symbolizes emotions, purity and you outlook towards life. Pentacles mean financial gains, social influence, knowledge and connection with nature and earth.

Dreaming of fields and pleasant places shows a man that he will marry a discreet, chaste, and beautiful wife, and have handsome children. And to women it betokens a loving and prudent husband.

To dream of kids, show, in your trade you’ll have losses.

The dream about credit card represents the values and security. The situation in your waking life could give much more of the interpretation about dream, therefore you should reconsider if you owe something to someone and what duties you have. If you have lost the wallet with your credit cards, then such dream may suggests you to be more careful with your incomes and money, because the inattention can lead to bankrupt. If someone has stolen your credit card, then it shows the people around you should be aware , because they will take away lots of time, energy and even money from you.

Dreaming of shrouds is a bad dream, because it predicts disease and infidelity in love, business, or relationships. Dreaming of a shrouded corpse implies that there will be an abundance of problems in the immediate future. If someone removes the shroud, then it indicates that there will be fights due to jealousies.

Dream of marigolds symbolizes a gift from abroad.

…To go on errands in your dreams, means congenial associations and mutual agreement in the home circle. For a young woman to send some person on an errand, denotes she will lose her lover by her indifference to meet his wishes….

…Billiards, foretell coming troubles to the dreamer. Law suits and contentions over property. Slander will get in her work to your detriment. If you see table and balls idle, deceitful comrades are undermining you{.}…

To dream of hiding yourself in the woods, shows you are in danger.

To dream that you are looking at the crossroads and making the decision which way you should go, means that you are trying to make some important decision in your waking life as well. You do not know which way you should chose.

Birds denote luck in play, and a heap of treasure.

The forest shows your connection with the nature. There is also a possibility that you feel the lack of connection with the real world, because of the work and responsibilities you do in daily life. If you are lost in the forest, then you are looking for the exit of some situation, but have no idea how to solve it, therefore you feel confused. Otherwise, being lost in the woods promises riches, but only if you are poor. Walking around in the forest picking up the berries, mushrooms and enjoying the nature while dreaming shows your inner harmony.

To laugh with them, quick rupture. Dream you see a friend hat is dead, means unexpected news will be told. If you are in love, you will get married soon with the support of your friends.

To dream of fields and pleasant places, shows to a man that lie will marry a discreet, chaste, and beautiful wife; and to women it betokens a loving and prudent husband, by whom she shall have beautiful and prudent children.

Dreaming of cross roads, denotes you will be unable to hold some former favorable opportunity for reaching your desires. If you are undecided which one to take, you are likely to let unimportant matters irritate you in a distressing manner. You will be better favored by fortune if you decide on your route. It may be after this dream you will have some important matter of business or love to decide.

Birds, flesh, flies or foxes, denote your hopes are bubbles.

…Dreaming of floods destroying vast areas of country and bearing you on with its muddy de’bris, denotes sickness, loss in business, and the most unhappy and unsettled situation in the marriage state. See Water….

…Dreaming of shirt-studs, foretells you will struggle to humor your pride, and will usually be successful. If they are diamonds, and the center one is larger than the others, you will enjoy wealth, or have an easy time, surrounded by congenial friends….

Be in the woods or fields, or guarding cattle, shows shame and damage to the rich and profit or honor to the poor.

To dream you play at cards, tables, or any other game, shows the party shall be very fortunate.

If you are weeding in your dream, this is a sign that it is time for you to get rid of bad habits, negative attitude because it is time for you to step into new period in your life and grow yourself as a wise personality. This is the moment when the beginning and basis will be very important because you will build new relations or life. If you see dried weeds this shows your lost friendship.

In a dream, a birds’ salesman represents all types of gatherings, including celebrations or grief….

…Bird-dreams are very common. With them alone I might fill a volume. However, as my space is not unlimited, I can only deal briefly with a few of them.To dream of canary birds signifies good fortune in the shape of money— either a legacy, a rise in salary, or a present. Whereas to dream about doves implies good fortune of any other than a pecuniary nature, such, for example, as recovery from illness, success in work or success in love affairs.To dream of a cuckoo means an unexpected find, as, for instance, the picking up of coins or other valuables in the street, or the finding of something that has long been lost.Crows in dreams are harbingers of bad luck, and import losses, pecuniary and otherwise, quarrels and disappointments.Ducks, on the other hand, portend good fortune, presents, and kisses.Fowls imply quarrels; geese new dresses. To dream about eagles implies…

The weeds symbolizes malpractice. If you are weeding some kind of the garden or any other field, you are wasting your ideas, emotions to anywhere.

To dream you play at cards, tables, or any other game, shows the party shall be very fortunate.

Cards in the dreams are omen of loss and disappointment. Almost always indicates that we let ourselves be led by events without making an effort to control them with our willpower.

Black beards, gain in play; grey or red, illness and pain, mustachios show toil and trouble you shall only gain.

Seeing orchids in a dream symbolizes the beauty of romance and sensuality. It can suggest that you need to give some special attention or care about a person, or it may represent a special occasion.

Emerald means that you will let yourself be fooled by appearances, do not trust strangers.

Discovering a handsome picture that has been hidden.

Industry, prosperity.

Emerald is the stone of secret knowledge. If the dream is accompanied by pleasurable feelings, it expresses the deep desire to acquire knowledge and achieve the gifts of clairvoyance. It can also foretell enjoying perfect eyesight to old age. If accompanied by feeling of anxiety or terror, it reflects the fear of revival of our bad instincts, especially if the emerald is accompanied by a sapphire. It can also foretell an eye disease.

One must carefully consider before commencing an intended undertaking.

…If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful. Dreaming of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream. To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things. To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be…

They reflect sentimentality and a tendency of not wanting to reach to the bottom of things. If they are thunderclouds they can also be considered a harbinger of problems.

To eat, denotes healthiness.

See Rope.