A warning that we are or we will be in difficult circumstances that will require having every bit of caution.

Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependence you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and truthful in your own skin. Dreaming about being abstinent also can mean that you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The interpretation of the abstinence symbol in the dream is telling for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for.

…the grave and he awoke shaking with fear.Another blind man told me that prior to a visit from his brother, he nearly always dreamed he was walking in a field full of blind animals that surrounded him on all sides, and felt him all over with their paws. They then suddenly vanished, and he found himself knee deep in water, when he invariably awoke.I once met a blind woman who informed me that, prior to receiving any disappointment, she always dreamed she was tormented by a little boy with a square-shaped head, who bit and pinched her till she shrieked with pain, when someone instantly came running up and shot him, and she always awoke with the report of the gun ringing in her ears.The ordinary dreams, such as I have mentioned in Part I, would seem to have the same significance to the blind as to other people….

When you dream of an accelerator, it signifies the achievement you will have, through your endeavor. This dream could also tell you to move on things a little bit slower, as there is no need to rush, you will reach the task you wanted to achieve for a long time. If you see the accelerator broken or fractured it means that you do not have control in some parts of your life, what you have to do is, to pull yourself together and take that control into your hands to get the results you wanted to get. Do not rush when you will make the important decisions.

The lake in dreams is associated with the love and affection. The lake that seems very calm and still, indicates very stable relationships with your lover. If the lake is a bit wavy, or there is some rain pouring on it, then you will face a hard times, especially in your personal love affairs. The dream in which you see some kind of the beast in the lake foretells that you are afraid of unknown.

…Whereas in some cases mice-dreams would appear to import nothing in particular, in others they undoubtedly point to illness, and death. I remember one lady telling me she had several times dreamed she was surrounded by mice, and that on each occasion the dream was followed by the illness of one of her children.Another case, in which the mouse-dream foretold illness, is that of a lady who dreamed that she was at a dance one night, and as she was about to commence waltzing a mouse suddenly leaped from off her partner’s head on to her own, and bit her on the ear in the most vicious manner. She awoke smarting with the pain and, a few days later, was laid up with a severe attack of influenza. The dream had been so vivid that she could not help remembering it, and associating it in some way with her…

The dream, in which you are using the Jacuzzi, shows the need of clearance and renewal of your mind. Perhaps you are overtired and need to relax a little bit.

Dream of spitting blood means misfortune o bad news from a distant part. However if you spit only a bit of it, things will get fixed sooner or later.

…To dream of a squirrel, shows that there is a possibility of enemies who are endeavoring to slander your reputation, however they won’t be able to do that. For the lover, it shows your sweetheart is a little bit of a bad temper….

The dream, in which you took the cocaine, shows your state of mind, where you feel useless and exhausted. Perhaps you are trying to get out of your duties and dedications. You have no arrogance or pride and would do anything to get out of the life you are living at the moment. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to have more fun and try to relax a bit in order to get satisfaction.

Dreaming of wheels or pulleys (of any kind) spinning really fast, means that you’re very active, maybe a bit of a nervous person, and a hard worker, which portends that you’ll have success in your activities. However, if you dream of wheels or pulleys that are not moving, are broken or old, then it means the opposite.

Dreaming that you hear the melancholic notes of a harp, indicates some things, that you have been enjoying (business, entertainment, pleasure, trips or just good luck), are coming to an end. Dreaming of a broken harp indicates the end of joy, for example, between lovers, perhaps a painful and difficult illness, either of your own or of family member; it may also mean making some mistakes in your political or social relationships. Dreaming of playing a harp indicates that the dreamer is overrated, so he should be a bit more humble, since that can lead to serious failures and frustrations.