To dream that you are recording some kind of video, means that you are very creative person. The dream could also indicate the fact that there is something going on in your waking life that you wish to remember, therefore in dream you are using the video recorder. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of video camera or camera.
Dream dictionary: xxx free. video dream meanings
To play the video game, denotes to your capability of getting what you want from those you are surrounded by. Perhaps you know how to manipulate people, therefore you are able to get what you want. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something you are trying to avoid. Perhaps there are some issues that have not been dealt of. If you were the one who is in the video game and somebody else is controlling you, then it shows you inability to stand for yourself.
To dream that you are recording something means that you are holding on your past too much and do not let yourself to move forward. The digital video recorder could also mean that you love the good times and the people that are related to your life and trying to keep these memories as much as it is possible.
If you are recording something on the video camera, it shows your desire to keep the important memories, no matter if they are pleasant or not. If someone is using the camera to videotape you, you should be careful of the certain person, because they could use the evidence that was taken with that camera. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of camera dream.
…To dream you are a free mason denotes you will soon make a number of new friends who will treat you on the square, it also foretells you will take a journey to the east. If you are already a member of that celebrated Order, and dream you attend a meeting of the lodge it portends sickness, and a heavy loss of property, to dream you are expelled from the Order shows you will attain a higher station in life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 78….
Mistrust the affirmations of your rivals.
…(Bondman | Servant | Submission) If a free man sees himself as a slave, and if he recognizes the person who enslaved him in the dream, it means that he will serve such a person, or perhaps he may blackmail him. Becoming a slave in a dream also means excessive borrowing of money until one becomes a slave to his lenders, or that the compounded interest of his loans weigh heavy on his family, or it could mean reorganization of one’s business, or that he may work for his lender to repay his debts, or it could mean that he may develop heart problems, or any debilitating illness. If one is sold as a slave in a dream, it means that he will regain honor and dignity, or perhaps fall in a trap, for selling a free person in a dream means humiliating him. Selling a human being in…
…Chains are a symbol of slavery in every aspect, like the psychological and mental auto- limitations that stop the self-improvement of spirit. In the religious area, it means to undergo religious concepts and beliefs even against your own thinking. And all this is somehow manifested in dreams, especially when there is repression. Dreaming of being chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to…
The prairie dog is interpreted as the symbol of some situations that are being wild, free and unexpected. The dream could also show that you wish to be free from all of the responsibilities and duties that you have. Perhaps you feel that you have too much on your shoulders.
…last half -hour. I came here to be alone utterly alone save for him!” and here she gave a kind of convulsive sob and stretched her hands appealingly before her. The woman interested me, and I felt that there was much in her that would furnish me with copy copy for some article on real humanity, on the flotsam and jetsam of womanhood.And so, instead of obeying her injunctions to go, I stayed.Tell me,” I said persuasively, your history. You can confide in me; I am old old enough to be your ” then I thought of my bare thirty-seven summers, and blushed ” well, old enough to be your uncle. May I sit down? “The seats,” she murmured, are free to all. I can go!”She rose, and I touched her gently on the arm. Come! I said, “You can trust me. Im only…
To see the Statue of Liberty when you are dreaming, acts as a symbol of freedom. The Statue of Liberty in the dream is a sign for the expansion of personal and cultural connections. Maybe dreaming about the Statue of Liberty is the representation that you become free from some difficulties. Alternatively, it means your own independence in full power. Or maybe you are learning to stand on your own. The Statue of Liberty is also a symbol of patriotism. If you have business, then this dream indicates bright future of free enterprise.
…(Astray | Injustice | Kill | Murder | Relief) In a dream, slaughter means displeasing one’s parents, or it could mean injustice. If one sees himself in a dream slaughtered, he should pray hard and seek refuge in God Almighty to help him. If one sees corpses of slaughtered people scattered around him in a dream, it means profits and achievement of his goals. Seeing slaughtered people in a dream also may mean that they have gone astray. If one sees a man or a butcher slaughtering him in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his assailant. If he is imprisoned, it means that he will be set free. If he is seized by fear, it means that he will reach safety and regain his equanimity and peacefulness. If he is a war captured prisoner, it means that he will be set free. If he is…
…This dream is fairly common and frequent and has vast hues. First we must distinguish from seeing ourselves being abandoned or if we abandon someone or something. When the abandoned is oneself, its typically a bad dream, unless we are abandoned by powerful people, indicating the possibility of being free from their domain, which gives hope for a better life. Also when in our dream we are abandoned by a lover it may mean that we are being freed. In other cases, it always predicts problems and difficulties. If our mother leaves us, it signifies material difficulties, if its the father, it means lack of the necessary willpower to carry out what you want, if its the spouse, then it means difficult material circumstances that are occurring because of our own actions. When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles…
To dream of the trapeze, denotes to free lifestyle you are willing to live. Probably you wish to be more thoughtless and free from your responsibilities and control. The dream could also indicate the sexual needs you have such as the variety of different poses, especially if you were swinging on a trapeze.
…all, but long rows of grotesque creatures, black and green half human and half bestial that, clutching hold of and encircling each other’s waists with their arms, swayed to and fro with ill-suppressed laughter. As I stared at them they suddenly shook themselves free, and with heads lowered so that I could perceive nothing of their faces, came bounding toward me over the grass. By a merciful providence, the train now took it into its head to move, and, getting up a tremendous speed, it was soon travelling along at a record pace; indeed, it went so fast that the coaches eventually left the rails, and it was their continual bump, bump, and bump on hilltops and trees that awoke me.The significant features of the dream may be characterised thus: Travelling per train portended trouble; the accident I witnessed, danger from drowning, which was further emphasised by the…
If you bought the house in a dream, then it shows something new and stable its on the way. If you sell the house in a dream, then it shows the fact that you will become free very soon from unwanted responsibilities. If you buy something and get the check for it, then you will receive great fortune in your waking life. If you spend too much money on something in a dream, then you should calm down and concentrate on one thing in your life.
…endeared thing. Tearing a book into pieces in a dream means getting rid of one’s trouble or becoming free from trials or evil encounters and receivingbenefits. Holding to a sealed book, decree, or a letter in a dream also signifies abidingby the rules of one’s superior. Holding a sealed book in one’s dream also signifies success, leadership and honor. If one is seeking marriage and sees a sealed book in his hand in a dream, it means that his betrothal to someone will end in marriage. Seeing or receiving a blank letter or a book from someone in a dream means absence of his news, or not knowing where he lives. If one sees a book descending to him from the heavens and if he thinks in the dream that he understood the contents, then whatever good or bad news it brings, it will be the same in wakefulness. A…
…Most writers and artists live in dreamland. In their hours of wakefulness, Phantasmagoria comes to them; in their hours of sleep they go to Phantasmagoria. Pursued and pursuing, in bed, at work or at play, they are never free from fantasies. In my novels my imagination runs riot, I make no attempt to suppress it. I write of the fantastic the weird, the occult; for at night I move, I breathe, I think in phantom land. So often have I visited this same phantom land that I have made a map of it, naming its isles, seas, mountains, lakes, forests, rivers, and plains. With many of the smaller landmarks, too, I am familiar, and I know what each turn and twist of certain roads have in store for me. Everything is portrayed to me so vividly that I believe my spiritual body, separating itself from my material body, actually…
If you dream that you are hitch-hiking, then such dream indicates the goals you have reached, but didnt deserve. The dream could also show that you are getting something free.
If you dream of overcrowded airport it represents your intentions of being free. This dream shows how big expectations you are having out of your work and personal life. This dream is a sign of the new beginning, new purposes and new tasks. Make sure of the new thoughts you are having and start realising them. This dream could also be the meaning of new relationships, new job or new happenings in your life. Do not worry, as these changes will be pleasurable. If you see the airport in a dessert it represents that your schedule will be changed not in a positive way. Anyhow, this is only for a temporarily period of time.
…In a dream, a lamp stand represent humankind and their character- istics. The lamp itself represents one’s soul, the oil represents one’s blood, and the wick represents his temperature. Once the wick is used up, and the oil is burned in the dream, it means one’s death. If one sees the wick in good condition, and the oil clean and radiant in the dream, it means that he will enjoy a life of purity and happiness. If the wick is black and the oil is murky in the dream, it means experiencing a wretched life. If the stand itself has some deficiencies in the dream, it means an illness in one’s body. If the stand is strong and clean, it means that one’s body and blood are free from illness. A broken lamp stand in a dream represents a terminal illness. (Also see Lamp’ | Wick)…
Symbolizes the duties and obligations that society subject to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to a form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If we are young and the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes a desire to integrate into the community and abide by its rules. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling of wearing the uniform which is incomplete, untidy or dirty then it refers that in our life we are subjected to constraints of professional, family or social aspects. If the weather is nice in the dream, then it is about our subordination and obedience to a higher law that come from ourselves. If we are not the soldier, nor we see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching in formation, reveals the existence of some danger that threatens our independence or personal security.
…(Atonement | Penance) In a dream, a tithe collector represents someone who interferes in people’s business. Seeing the tithe collector in a dream also denotes adversities, calamities, heavy losses , disasters, or trials that befall a believer to direct him to repent, to wash his heart from impurities, and to free him from the burdens of his sins. (Also see Atonement)…
If we are the soldiers, the dream shows us about a precaution that need to have because of a difficult situation in which we suspect we will have to fight, so this dream means that we are preparing for it. If during the dream we see soldiers around us, they symbolize obligations and a duty that is given to us by society. It implies that we are being tied down by an obligation from which we want to be free of, the type of uniforms worn can give us some clues about the origin of this repression.
…(Hog-like wolf) A hyena in a dream represents a fierce, an unjust and a perfidious enemy whose actions stem from the directives of an evil and an ugly old witch. If one sees himself eating the meat of a hyena in a dream, it means that he is bewitched and does not know it, though subconsciously, he will desire and seek to be free from such an evil spell. Riding a hyena in a dream means marriage. A lame hyena in a dream represents a witch, or the wife of an unknown person, a jobless person, a loafer, or a cheater. Riding a hyena in a dream also means gaining authority. A hyena in a dream also may denote exposing one’s secrets, interfering in people’s business, effeminacy, a her- maphroditic person, a wretched wife, or an ugly, treacherous and a disloyal woman. Thus, when interpreted to means a woman,…
…Reveals the unconscious desire to escape from a situation, occupation or person oppressing us. If we don’t finish packing our suitcase, then such dream indicates that we feel frustrated about something concerning our daily lives but without the desire to escape. If we carry a heavy, huge suitcase, it reveals that there is in us a secret that haunts us and we wish to be free. If someone steals our suitcase or we lose it that reveals we suspect that someone is exploiting us or trying to seize our property….
A vagabond dream indicates failure to meet responsibilities. On the other hand, this dream shows the need to escape your responsibilities of life and your desire to be free without worry.
The bond in which you are bonded with particular person while dreaming signifies the fact that you are feeling special feelings towards this person. In some cases the bond shows your fear of not being free.
If you dream of having debts, you will soon be free of them. Dreaming that another person owes you money means economic satisfaction.
The sailboat is very common dream for those who are making big changes in their waking life. The sailboat is also a symbol of freedom, therefore you feel the necessity for more space or you simply feeling free from all of the negativities and unnecessary responsibilities. To dream about the sailing boat which is moving along, means that you are taking the right direction towards your life. The sailboat that is difficult to move indicates how you are struggling with your life. You need to get things perfectly again.
To dream that you have a debt means that very soon will be free of financial problems. To dream that someone else owes you means you have great economic satisfactions.
Clearing all hindrances away; beginning a new start in life free from debt. 270.
the uniform symbolizes the duties and obligations that society engulfs to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to some form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling because of wearing the uniform that is incomplete, untidy or with undisciplined attitude, then it means that in our life we are subjected to professional, family or social constraints.
…To struggle within a mesh means we feel trapped and helpless in a difficult situation by an emotional bond or a vice or habit which we want to free ourselves from. If we do not get out of that indicates that we have given up. If we are fishing we are trying to retain memories and feelings. Fishing net also may indicate the desire to delve into ourselves to discover our innermost being and seek to improve it. If we break the net letting everything out we’ve captured, then it reveals the fear of losing what we had achieved. To dream that we repair the net, it is a symbol of the craving to prevent or remedy an error, negligence or misconduct that could be a danger to the continuity of affection. There are dreams in which we try to hunt birds with the net and these are mystical…
It is a symbol of labor, success in job. Seeing bees being free is a happy presage. Seeing them going from a flower to another: it indicates a new love. If a bee stings you, your reputation is in danger. If bees are angry or they attack us, it indicates problems with partners or difficulties at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that disappointment is inevitable and coming up next. Shatter the hive points that we are antisocial and misfit the environment.
…It is a symbol of work, job success. To see the bees free is a happy omen. To see them flying from flower to flower, it indicates a budding love. If a bee stings you, there is a danger to your reputation. If they’re angry or they attack, then that indicates problems with partners or sloppiness at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that ruin is inevitable and is close. Shattering the hive is a sign that we are antisocial and misfit with the environment….
…To dream of a sleigh-ride, where the sleighing is good, and the sleigh glides free and noiseless, is an excellent omen, as it foretells success and good fortune generally, particularly to farmers: but if you imagine the sleighing is poor, and that the runners screech on the ground, it foretells trouble and unhappiness. Young men who dream of sleigh-riding with girls, stopping at taverns, drinking, getting the girls boozy, and then performing unnameable pranks, are thus forewarned that they with be poor and shiftless as such dreams are certain omens of misery and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67, 40….
The milk in dreams is mostly a good omen. If you bought the large quantity of milk in order to sell it to others, you will experience the luck within your business matters. The milk that is wasted or given to others for free, shows the generous aspects of your personality. You give more to others than you receive from them. If the milk was spilled, you will have regrets for trusting your friends, because they will bring you misfortune in your business deals. If you drank the milk, but was not able to swallow it, you are in huge danger that was caused by those you trusted.
…a sarcastic commendation that matches the smell of his fart. If one breaks wind in a dream while sitting with a group of people who are experiencing difficulties, it means that their difficulties will be dispelled, and their suffering will ease. If they are merchants, it means that their merchandise will move faster. If one forces himself to break wind in a dream, it means that he will carry a burden greater than he can bear. If one breaks wind along with passing gas in his dream, it means that he will attain success in his life, and he will receive honor and profits from an important business trip. However, it is possible that his interests will become diverse, or that he could lose his focus, then he will return home free from such burdens. To fart from the mouth in a dream means faltering or a slip of a…
The sea in your dream signify your present life, how you deal with people around you and situations you get yourself in. Sometimes the sea is the symbol of unknowingness where this are very miserable. The sea is also a symbol of depression you might be suffering from or melancholy. For some people the sea in dreams is the very positive sign, because it waves relaxes us and we feel free from all of the stress, but only if the sea is calm. The stormy sea is the reflection of your thoughts and inner being. Perhaps you feel very stressful and do not know which direction to take in your life.