It indicates we will get an honorable reward soon.
Dream dictionary: xxx mme dream meanings
…figure; he was too straight-limbed and square-shouldered for the working- man, too coarse-skinned and heavy-moulded for any possible specimen of the middle classes.Taking the vacant seat at his side, I offered him some tobacco for, though a rigid non-smoker myself, I invariably carry a few ounces of the highly treasured weed with me on my nocturnal wanderings, as also a neat little pocket revolver in case of blackmailers and other undesirables and soon had the gratification of hearing him unburden himself. “I can work if I want to,” he admitted with the utmost candour; every strong man can. To say the unskilled labourer can’t get a job is all bosh! There are a dozen and one jobs of a sort always open to him, only he prefers to live on his wife and children, and loaf. No, Im not that sort. That’s not on my programme. Im…