Dreaming that you are viewing pornography indicates your issues with intimacy, power, control, and efficiency. You may have concerns about your sex life. Dreaming of a porno movie suggests your desire to be more sexual.
Dream dictionary: xxx porn hub dream meanings
In a dream, hubbub means witnessing social disorder, a public outcry, participating in a religious festival, or joining an important event that involves the interest of all people. (Also see Shout)
…in which I found myself, was at least three times the size of any I had hitherto seen. It was already full of white-faced people, who, sitting and lying among innumerable boxes in, apparently, the most uncomfortable postures, were fast asleep and snoring snoring to the most fantastic and taking of tunes I have ever heard. My not having a ticket greatly perturbed me. I expected every moment the collector would put in an appearance and make a scene, and, sure enough, in accordance with my forebodings, in he came, accompanied by the guard, engine-driver; foreman, and half-a-dozen other officials, who, rushing on me with livid faces and flashing eyes; were about to annihilate me altogether when a tremendous hubbub on the line attracted the attention of one and all, and a most extraordinary spectacle presented itself to our gaze. Exactly opposite our compartment was a monstrous green engine…
(Noise | Roaring | Hubbub) In a dream, it means witnessing social disorder, a public outcry or participating in a religious festival or an important public event that will attract the interest of people from all walks of life. (Also see Shout)