…To dream about one or more lions symbolizes that a higher power is protecting you; therefore, you’ll succeed in what you’ve decided to do. To dream that you’re taming or dominating a lion suggests that you have enough character, energy and ability to achieve your goals. But if the lion is enraged and attacks you, then it suggests that your enemies are too strong, and are threatening your victory. To dream about caged lions suggests that you doubt of your ability to accomplish what you want. To dream about a tamer that is facing a caged lion suggests how others can achieve what they propose helped by their reason and willpower. To dream about lion cubs suggests that soon there will be new tasks, work, business or social relationships that will need to be addressed. When a young single mother dreams that a lion cub approaches her, it suggests…

…When you are dreaming about entering the new doors, then such dream indicates the new chances the life is going to provide to you. You are going to the different phase of your life. If you see the doors that open to the outside, then it shows the necessity to be more opened to others. If the doors open to the inside, then it means you should look deeper into yourself, how you feel and what you want out of life. The dream, in which you see the doors that are locked and you are unable to open them, represents the opportunities you are unable to have. Perhaps the life has closed some of the choices you could do. The back door you see in a dream, indicates the hidden aspects and secret thoughts and ideas. If you have closed the door to someone, then it shows you are…

Guest is the symbol of new opportunities in dreamer’s life. Perhaps the dream shows that new things are coming into his waking life. There is also a possibility that the dreamer is taking some important part in reality. If you are the guest at someone’s house, then such dream indicates new challenges you will face. There is a chance that you will have small problems while dealing with these challenges, however it won’t be anything too difficult, because you can move away anytime you wish. Don’t be afraid, because these minor problems will be solved easily or they will pass soon.

If you dream of an Academy this could be the meaning of new relationships or chances that you will be given in the future sign. It also symbolizes the luck in love, new family, new opportunities you will have in your life.

If you are turning the knob, it shows how you are dealing with the issues in your waking life. If it works smoothly, you are going great. The knob also represents you confidence and self-trust while entering the new phases of your life. The knob may symbolize your desire for better knowledge, you tend to like learning new things and creating new stuff. If you dream that the door knob doesn’t work and you are unable to open the door with it, it means that you feel helpless in some situation, because the circumstances are not favorable to you.

…Wearing a patterned garment of mixed colors in a dream means being reprimanded by one’s superior. It also could represent a flower merchant. Wearing a double sided coat means duplicity and affectation. A washed garment in a dream means poverty and indebtedness. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Oth- erwise, if the person qualifies, it means controlling interests in a farmland, or it may represent a good harvest for that year. Wearing a garment which is brilliant in colors for a man in a dream represents his pride and arrogance. If one sees himself wearing a silken raiment and portraying a religious jurist in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of worldly titles who may invent something new. Announcing lost and found garments in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca or a journey to an Arab country. A woman wearing…

Dreaming of being in a theater means that you will have new relationships. It may indicate that you will acquire a new role. To dream of laughs and applause indicates you should choose a good way to achieve gratification for future goals. To dream that the theatre is on fire means you will be defeated in a new project.

When you dream of playing the backgammon game, it signifies new people in you life which you did not expect to see and you will not be satisfied and comfortable seeing them. If you dream that you are being defeated in backgammon game it might be the sign of a failure in your love life. Maybe you start making a new relationships with inappropriate people. Make sure you think twice before making new friends or lovers.

…(Knighthood | Robe) To put on a new raiment in a dream means a knighthood for a person who has lost his rank or position. It also means rising in station for an appointed person, wearing a new garment, or having constant disputes with one’s wife. Wearing a new raiment in a dream also could represent one’s love to preside over others or to be perceived as a great person….

…dream is an atheist, it means that he will be guided and have faith in God Almighty. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins. Hearing the roaring of thunder in a dream on the first day of October means death. If it is heard during the first six days of that month, it means benefits, or lower prices, but if it is heard near the end of the month, then it means a plague or a disaster. Hearing the sound of thunder at any other time during the month of October in a dream means evil. If it is heard during the month of November in a dream, it means blessings for the land, prosperity, the spreading of God’s words in a new land, the falling of a comet in a populated area, the death of a leader, a pollution that will devastate…

The sun is very good omen in dreams, because it signifies the choices the dreamer has made. If the dreamer sees the sunrise, then such dream foretells about something new, the fresh start or beginning of the new phase. The sunset is usually interpreted as the end. It could be the end of your sickness or the end of one phase. You are ready to start your new life, because what happened in the past is no longer important.

Dreaming of telling stories or anecdotes that make someone laugh indicates that the dreamer is naturally prone to be a victim of backbiting and criticism, and prefers the superficial, the trivial, and frivolous, over what can be truly transcendent, which will create problems. If a young girl has this dream it insinuates that she has by nature a frivolous and perhaps sexy personality. In reality, this is a warning dream for the dreamer to correct his or her behavior.

…it indicates desire for an illicit relationship, perhaps as a result of a frequent and inappropriate friendship. A married woman who dreams of being very romantic with someone outside the family implies that she wants to have sex outside her marriage. When a man dreams of honestly loving a girl or a young woman, is an announcement of future prosperity and joy, but also suffering and setbacks. If it appears an old woman in the dream (the older, the worse) it indicates that you will be overwhelmed by sorrows and you can even end up in misery. Dreaming of looking for a loved one, even if you can’t identify any particular person, indicates that dreamer is yearning to love and be loved, perhaps because his family doesn’t give him any affection. In the case of a young girl, usually means that she wants to get married, though she doesn’t have…

…If you dream that your mouth is stopped by a gag, it denotes that you will soon thereafter be kissed by a pretty girl. To a young girl, such a dream predicts that she will see some gentleman who takes her fancy, and perhaps will fall in love with him. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13….

…(See Stranger.) Dreams of kissing work curiously: if a girl dreams that she is kissed by a young man m whom she takes no particular interest, it may be a good omen, and it may not; for if he happens to be a silly fellow who imagines that she is in love with him, it is a sign she will be slandered in a way that will make her unhappy; but if he has no such sentiment, then the sign is exactly the reverse — that is, someone will speak well of her to those whom she esteems highly perhaps to her lover. If a girl dreams she is kissed by her lover, it predicts that he will say something unpleasant to her at their next meeting; if a lover dreams that his sweetheart kisses him the sign is similar. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1….

…A girl operating a spinning wheel in a dream represents con- tentment, giving things their true worth, or devoting one’s life to a good cause. If the girl keeps on weaving, then when she finishes her work she unravels the fabric in the dream, it means God’s wrath, afflictions, or destruction. (Also see Spindle | Spinning | Wheel)…

If you dream that your mouth is stopped by a gag, it denotes that you will soon thereafter be kissed by a pretty girl. To a young girl such a dream predicts that she will soon see some gentleman who cakes her fancy, and perhaps will fall in love with him.

…(See Ice.) To dream of sliding on smooth ice, foretells good luck: if a girl dreams that a young man assists her in sliding, and that she enjoys it, she will soon get an agreeable lover; ragged or wet ice, or holes in the ice, foreshadow difficulties. If a girl dreams of falling down on the ice, and that her lover falls with her, and overtops her, they may as well go to the parson at once, and have the knot tied, as it is a sure thing to happen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 28….

…If a woman or girl dreams that her neck is large and thick, it is a sure sign she will bear many children: if it seems smaller than usual, it denotes to a married woman a miscarriage, and to a girl the loss of her beau: if a woman dreams that her neck is fair and beautiful, it foretells that some gentleman will make love to her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22….

…Dreaming of seeing a well, bright-looking girl, foretells pleasing prospects and domestic joys. If she is thin and pale, it denotes that you will have an invalid in your family, and much unpleasantness. For a man Dreaming that he is a girl, he will be weak-minded, or become an actor and play female parts….

For a young man to dream of going with a picnic party into the woods, is a sign that some silly girl will fall in love with him; if a young girl dreams this, some vain fellow will probably pay her attention and compliments merely to gratify his own vanity.

…For a young man to dream of going with a picnic party into the woods, is a sign that some silly girl will fall in love with him: if a young girl dreams this, some vain fellow will probably pay her attentions and compliments merely to gratify his own vanity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 37, 12….

…it means that she will find a compatible husband. Pregnancy in a dream has many meanings. In a dream, woman’s pregnancy means wealth, and man’s pregnancy means pain and sorrow. However, generally speaking, pregnancy in a dream also could mean prosperity and material success. The extent of wealth is measured by the number of months of such pregnancy and the size of one’s growth in the dream. This is true whether it is a man or a woman in the dream. If a young boy who is under the age of puberty sees himself pregnant in a dream, it represents his father, and if a young girl who is under the age of menstruation sees herself pregnant, then it represents her mother. If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material success. If one sees his pregnant wife delivering a baby boy in…

…(See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamoured of the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10, 19….

…(See Fast.) To dream of being hungry foretells that you will soon engage in some new enterprise which will prove successful. Hungry dreams are excellent omens to lovers, as they denote energy and success. If a girl dreams that a gentleman come to see her who is hungry, it is a sign that he will woo her in such an earnest and affectionate manner as to win her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 37….

…unlawful practices before contracting unknwon illness. Kissing one’s beloved from the mouth in a dream means money. Kissing a woman in a dream means desiring her, or receiving news from one’s beloved. Kissing an old woman in a dream indicates an excuse or regret for a slip of the mouth. Kissing a young girl in a dream means drinking a glass of wine. If a scholar kisses a beautiful woman in a dream, it could mean reciting the Qur’an, or speaking words of wisdom. If such a scholar is known to love the world and its pleasures, then what he has kissed in his dream is the world itself. Kissing God’s right Hand in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca and kissing the black stone. Kissing God Almighty in a dream means kissing the holy Qur’an, or kissing God’s holy Name. If one sees God Almighty kissing him…

…(Occupied) Seeing oneself involved or busy in a dream means a marriage to a virgin girl, or interfering in others’ business, or it could mean changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….

…(See Linin.) If a girl dreams that she has a ragged undergarment, it foretells that some rich greenhorn will try to seduce her, and failing, will offer her marriage: if she dreams that she has a good supply of beautified worked undergarments, it is a sign that she will sigh in vain for a lover; if she imagines that a gentleman gives her a new smock, she will be in danger of losing her chastity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1 2….

…To dream of losing your hat is a sign you with entertain in large company, either by making a speech, or otherwise attracting their attention: dreaming of the loss of money, a watch, or any valuables of that kind, predicts that you y/ill gain as much and perhaps more than your loss amounts to: if a girl dreams of losing her shoe-strings, she will be kissed by an agreeable young man; any article of clothing that you may dream of having lost, shows that you will rig yourself out in a new suit. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47, 6….

…young woman Dreaming that she is riding a white horse up and down hill, often looking back and seeing some one on a black horse, pursuing her, denotes she will have a mixed season of success and sorow,{sic} but through it all a relentless enemy is working to overshadow her with gloom and disappointment. To see a horse in human flesh, descending on a hammock through the air, and as it nears your house is metamorphosed into a man, and he approaches your door and throws something at you which seems to be rubber but turns into great bees, denotes miscarriage of hopes and useless endeavors to regain lost valuables. To see animals in human flesh, signifies great advancement to the dreamer, and new friends will be made by modest wearing of well-earned honors. If the human flesh appears diseased or freckled, the miscarriage of well-laid plans is denoted….

…To dream of polite people is a sign that a stranger will visit, or be introduced to you: if a girl dreams that her beau is stiff and formal in addressing her, it foretells that she will soon have a new admirer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

To dream of this valuable metal, shows that false friends are about you, and will attempt your ruin. To dream you are receiving or picking up pieces of money, if they are small, as sixpences, denotes want and a prison; if they are shillings, they indicate a small sum of money, and the acquisition of some new friends, but if they are half- crowns and crown-pieces, then they denote misery and a prison, bad success in your undertakings, disappointment in love, loss by lawsuits, attack from thieves, and bankruptcy in trade; if a woman with child dreams of silver, it shows she will have a girl and a good time, but the child will grow poor.

…For a girl to dream that she has got new, and beautiful ribbons on her bonnet or dress, is a sign someone will flatter her to her disadvantage: if she does not like the ribbon, it shows that she win hear of some scandal relative to herself; and if the ribbon is red, the scandal will impeach her chastity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39, 6….

…(Involved | Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others’ business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….

…To dream of eating hominy with a relish is a sign that you will marry below your station in life, or else you will entertain a new acquaintance who is much below you in position, who will eventually command your esteem. To an educated young girl such a dream predicts a runaway match. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 10….

…If a girl dreams she has a new doll with who she is greatly pleased, it foretells a disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

…Bird-dreams are very common. With them alone I might fill a volume. However, as my space is not unlimited, I can only deal briefly with a few of them.To dream of canary birds signifies good fortune in the shape of money— either a legacy, a rise in salary, or a present. Whereas to dream about doves implies good fortune of any other than a pecuniary nature, such, for example, as recovery from illness, success in work or success in love affairs.To dream of a cuckoo means an unexpected find, as, for instance, the picking up of coins or other valuables in the street, or the finding of something that has long been lost.Crows in dreams are harbingers of bad luck, and import losses, pecuniary and otherwise, quarrels and disappointments.Ducks, on the other hand, portend good fortune, presents, and kisses.Fowls imply quarrels; geese new dresses. To dream about eagles implies…

…(Drum | Musical instruments) In a dream, a tambourine means adversities, pain and sufferings. It also means fame for the one carrying it. If a girl dancer carries it in the dream, it means that she may win a lottery, or acquire a publicly known fortune. The sound of a tambourine in a dream represents a recognized and a baseless fallacy. Seeing a man carrying a tambourine means fame for him and for whoever accompanies him in the dream. A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend. In general, when musical instruments are used in one’s dream, playing them in a festival, a wedding, or in any type of celebration means trials. (Also see Musical instruments)…

…To see the moon in brilliant clearness: for a wife means love and good health, for a husband symbolizes increase in wealth. See the new moon, means advancement in business. In its decline, the illness of some great person. See the moon as a halo around the head, pardon and deliverance through intervention of a female. If moon is color of red, then it means voyage, journey. Dull and obscure moon denotes unfortunate or illness of wife, mother, sister or daughter loss of money, or peril on a journey (particularly if it is by sea), brain fever, and disease of your eyes. When obscure moon was seen in a dream and becoming bright, then it denotes profit if the dreamer is a woman, if a man, joy and happiness. From clearness to pass to obscurity means loss to a woman, sadness and misfortune to a man. See two moons,…

…Dreaming of a corridor represents a new path in your real life and a new phase of transition. In dreams a corridor is also a symbol of spiritual, emotional or mental paths. Dreaming that you’re going through a long corridor represents your need to avoid a situation or a repetitive behavior….