When you see yourself driving in a driveway, then such dream indicates the end of something in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be understood like the symbol of new way and new opportunities the life is going to provide.

…The alder in dreams presages travels, chiefly by sea; unrest in home life and work.Ash, bad news of all sorts.Banyan, journeys and surprises.Beech, disaffection (or going abroad) of friends; disappointments in general.Birch, success in work.Broom, illness, sometimes death.Brambles, troubles, both domestic and financial.Cedar, presents of all kinds; loss (by death) of old friends.Chestnut, success in courtship, falling in love.Clematis, reunion of friends and lovers.Elm, death of a relation, of an old friend; or loss of employment.Hawthorn, sickness.Hazel, success of an extraordinary nature; recovery from illness; escape from an accident.Lilac, new clothes; present from lover; unexpected invitations.Mistletoe, great success in courtship and the arts.Olive, falling in love; the forming of new friend-ships.Palm, success in work and rise in social life.Pine, death, illness; and a journey to foreign parts.Poplar, danger from drowning or falling.Willow, death of a great friend or near relation; and sorrow due to illness.Addendum to TreesTo dream of…

When you dream of adopting a child, this symbolizes the new challenges you will have. It could be new activities or work are going to have. You should consider what you are looking for in life and what would make it completed. If you see yourself as an adopted child it signifies that you are missing a child in your life.

The robin in dreams is interpreted as the new beginning. The new and fresh phase of your life will be entered very soon, therefore you will have to deal with unknowingness. However, there is no need to stress out, because the dream shows that no matter what you do, everything will turn out great, because of the robin itself being a very positive omen.

If you are weeding in your dream, this is a sign that it is time for you to get rid of bad habits, negative attitude because it is time for you to step into new period in your life and grow yourself as a wise personality. This is the moment when the beginning and basis will be very important because you will build new relations or life. If you see dried weeds this shows your lost friendship.

To dream that you are knocking at the door, means that you’re trying to get into the new chapter of your life. If the doors are opened, you will get through very easily. If you hear knocking at the door, it could mean new opportunities in your waking life. Sometimes the actual knocking while you sleep makes you dream of knocking the door which means nothing.

To dream about breakfast, shows the start of a new task, project, plan, or scheme. Breakfast also symbolizes the birth of a new period in your life. On the other hand, breakfast in the dream can induced by external stimuli. Your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to eat for breakfast in this morning. It is not uncommon for your conscious ideas, thoughts and conceptions to be incorporated into your subconscious. And that shows up in your dream.

To receive an invitation reveals our desire for new relationships, new friendships and ambitions. The same thing happens when it is about us who invite someone. At the same time this dream warns us that we should be cautious.

Dreaming of past years suggests longing. If we dream of coming years, it announces new projects. To dream about the New Year predicts a change in your life.

Marriage in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life. Dreams involving marriage generally have some negativity, some highlights and some anxiety or fear. Often they referred to teardrop sensations, pain, or your independence. A dream that you remarried with your current partner represents truth, happiness and highlights a strong relationship between you. It can also foresee a new phase in your life. If in real life you will get married and dream about your future wedding, then it indicates stress of organizing the wedding and can be the cause of anxiety. On the other hand, the dream indicates an era of happiness and well-being. Dream about planning your own wedding is a metaphor symbolizing the union of the masculine and feminine side. Attending a wedding means changes and certain times in your life.

If you dream of the school, it could be interpreted as the past and the future. If you are still going to school it is obviously the place where you spend most of your time and experiencing many different emotions, therefore it reflects in the dreams. If you are not going to school for a long time, then the dream could indicate the lessons you learn at your waking life. The new experiences associates with the school, because it is the place where children learns something new every day.

Dreaming that we are on a cruise reflects our desire to start a new life stage (ship) and start it with a new love (water).

When you dream about the valley, then such dream indicates the new beginning for a dreamer. He will step into the new world that is exciting. The valley that is poor means the opposite and will bring into his life only sadness and misery which is impossible to avoid.

Dreaming that we are in a station usually symbolizes the doubts and the final preparations before a change, a new destination which generally produces uncertainty. Some authors believe that everything that happens in the station will be a premonition of what we can expect. For example, if the train is delayed, this will mean difficulties or impediments to when taking a new course. It is also important to observe people that appear next to us at the station and the feelings that this dream inspires us.

…Dreaming of a raft or canoe, or dreaming of navigating, indicates the probability of starting a new business or something new and attractive, but since it will be unknown for the dreamer, he could put himself at risk. Dreaming of sailing in raft or canoe and happily getting to your destiny suggests that, even though you’ll face a lot of obstacles, you will come up triumphant at the end. Dreaming of being in broken and useless boat is warning so you should stop acting in the way you have been acting, because your attitude will lead you to failure….

To make a sketch or see one, indicates the dreamer’s new look into the same situation. It could also show the beginning of something new that requires lots of effort.

…If you use a thimble in your dreams, you will have many others to please besides yourself. If a woman, you will have your own position to make. To lose one, foretells poverty and trouble. To see an old or broken one, denotes that you are about to act unwisely in some momentous affair. To receive or buy a new thimble, portends new associations in which you will find contentment. Dreaming that you use an open end thimble, but find that it is closed, denotes that you will have trouble, but friends will aid you in escaping its disastrous consequences….

If you have a visitor in a dream, then it indicates the new messages that are coming up your way. The dream also represents the new love affairs one is getting to start. If you are the one who is visiting, then it shows the need of looking into things closer.

…Dreaming of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks….

…To dream of the bats signifies dirtiness, villainy, evil and irritation. Consider that seeing the bats in your dream could also show your features that do not let you go further or no longer adjust to your image. The bats symbolizes the revival and the new beggining. The bats could also represent naivety when dealing with new surroundings. Make sure you do not fall into anything without firstly thinking of the consequences. The bats could also represent the unstable or insane state of your mind. If you dream of a white it could be a bad sign of loosing someone you love. If you dream of a blank bat it symbolizes some sort of misfortune in your personal life. If you dream of vampyre bat, it denotes to your exhaustion . There might be someone in your life that takes all your energy and leaves you without any reserves….

It may be the desire to discover new horizons, a change of life. Also, dreaming about embarking is the omen that we will embark on a new project or business.

The fountain in dreams is known as the symbol of joy, happiness, new activities and childishness. There is also a possibility that you are getting into new relationship. If the fountain doesn’t work or is completely dry, then the dream shows the reality you have faced after great and joyful time that you have had.

When you dream of the mold, then such dream represents the things in your life that you are not using anymore. Perhaps you do not need them or think there is no space for them. The mold in a dream could also indicate your spiritual incensement. If the mold is broken in a dream, then such dream suggests you to take new advantages of the life and prepare yourself for new proficiencies.

…If you dream of the morning, then such dream shows the new beginning of something important. Pay attention to the state of the morning as if it was bright sunny day or was it the cloudy and muddy day? If the morning was nice and bright, then everything you will start to do will go according to plan, but if the morning was cloudy, then it means you will have minor troubles when starting something new….

To dream that you see some kind of the door, means that you are entering the new chapter of your waking life. If you dream that you open the door, then such dream indicates the new opportunities that are ahead of you. The doors that are closed signifies the obstacles and barriers you will face while reaching your goals. The dream shows that you are unable to control your life anymore, because of the circumstances or the influence of other people.

Many authors agree in interpreting this dream as the harbinger of a new stage in our life, as if points out an important change of situations, whether on the sentimental or professional level. It can also be referred to a change in our expectations and desires, for the acquisition of new spiritual knowledge.

To dream that you have a facelift means that you are in the hunt for a new appearance. Maybe your old self-identity is not useful anymore. Are you seeking for new self-image? Maybe you have something to hide. Furthermore, you may have experienced huge growth in the levels of your self-assurance and self-confidence. Alternatively, dream about a facelift symbolizes narcissism, egoism and your concerns about your exteriors side rather than what is inside you. Maybe you are not advanced spiritually.

If you dream about the keg, then such dream indicates disputes in your family. The band that is lose signifies the break up between two individuals and it is not possible to avoid. The new future is coming on your way. To dream of seeing many kegs foretells that you will have difficulties against some disaster. The kegs that are empty, foretells about new beginning that must start immediately.

…To have interaction with a terrarium in the dream, indicates secrets. To see a terrarium when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are hiding from others. It means that you are keeping some qualities of yourself as a secret. Are you hiding and protecting something about yourself from others? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. The terrarium in the dream, has meaning of something very fresh and new. It can symbolize birth of new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods. Dreaming of the terrarium also stands as an omen for fertility, activity, creativity….

To dream you are making a casserole, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods or a new phase in your life.

See a mattress in a dream means that you will have new responsibilities and duties that will occupy you for a while. To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress symbolizes happiness in your life.

The dream in which you see the wash bowl denotes to the new activity that will bring lots of joy and happiness. The dream, in which you washed the face with the water from the washing bowl, denotes to new unseen feelings. If the washing bowl was broken, then it means you will receive the satisfaction by hurting the others.

When you dream of having an awakening it shows you will face new concepts. This dream represents that you do not struggle when realizing your dreams. Alternatively, you are having a new understanding that is revealing in your life. Dreaming of awakening also represent the edge of transparent dreaming.

The gate in the dream may represent the new chapter of your life. There is a possibility that you will face new chances and times in your waking life. Alternatively, the gate could show the end of something or inability to control your life, especially if the dreamer sees the gate being closed. If the dreamer is unable to open the gate, then he should reconsider the situations and activities in his waking life that he is not happy about. The dream could also indicate that you are not ready to take some important action in your waking life.

…Dreaming of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities will shortly be assumed. To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings. Dreaming of a mattress factory, denotes that you will be connected in business with thrifty partners and will soon amass wealth….

When you dream of one of the seasons autumn it represents the end of old days and new begining of diferent life. This dream also tells, that life is like for seasons: everything is repeating from time to time. It means that you will face the new period of that cycle.

…Dreaming of seeing the masts of ships, denotes long and pleasant voyages, the making of many new friends, and the gaining of new possessions. To see the masts of wrecked ships, denotes sudden changes in your circumstances which will necessitate giving over anticipated pleasures. If a sailor dreams of a mast, he will soon sail on an eventful trip….

…(Crocodile | Guardian | Mercury | Thunder | Watchman) A policeman in a dream represents security and peace, prayers, a secret friendship, a hidden love, protection against Satan or his party, or perhaps he may represent one’s guardian dog. A policeman in a dream also represents the angel of death, a fright, or distress. If a policeman brings his helpers with him in a dream, it means a scare, sorrows, sufferings, punishment, or a danger. He also may represent an evil person, a perfidious and a harmful beast or a lion. If someone in authority sees himself befriending a policeman in a dream, it means that he will make a new covenant, or introduce an amendment to the law, or draft a new constitution which he will sign. If one sees himself putting a policeman in prison in a dream, it means that he will engage in a political…

Dreaming of a site represents a particular aspect of yourself in a particular relationship. The dreams in which we are at several sites are often associated with hidden areas of the conscious mind and the various aspects of our personalities. Dreaming that you find or discover new places suggests that you develop new strength. You can also grow emotionally. Seeing a nice place in a dream means you feel satisfied with your life. Seeing a dark mysterious place denotes that you feel stuck or repressed in a situation.

Dreaming about an embryo signifies the appearance of a new idea or new plan. Also, your subconscious feelings may be surfacing your conscious mind. Alternatively, it may refer to your feelings of vulnerability and your need to be defended. However if you are pregnant, it is reasonably common to see the embryo in your dream.