…with golden hair and great, deep blue eyes, who was evidently waiting for me and who beckoned me with arms that, white as ivory, gleamed against the blackness of everything around her. Only a few feet separated us. I gathered up my limbs to take a final spring and — with a sigh of satisfaction, I felt her soft arms encircle me. It was a moment of infinite paradise.Then a hot, pitiless hand was laid upon my neck and I was hurled backward from her clasp — my head struck the ground, and blankness swallowed me again. When consciousness returned, all was changed. A wonderful sensation of liberty, as it were of transition from the material to the ethereal, possessed me. At my feet lay the thing of flesh and blood which had served me as a body, and, to my horror, I saw bending over it a creature of…

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with hot pepper, when you are dreaming, has meaning of passionate characteristics of your personality. Is your temper hot like these peppers? Alternatively, hot red pepper may represent an overheated debate or argument, which is becoming very hot. On the other hand, there can be third explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that your relationship must be more spicy. Try to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.

The color blue could indicate the sadness you are feeling because of the saying: feeling blue. The color blue could also represent the goodness in your life, summer days and happiness overall.

…(Bathhouse | Boiling water | Hot pepper | Pungent) Eating hot food, or drinking a hot drink in a dream may represent arduous earnings, or abundance that becomes a burden. It may also represent unlawful earnings, illegal profits, losses, or losing any blessing which maybe contained in one’s deeds. Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that he is destined for hell-fire….

…Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream means benefits. Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression, or a scare by evil spirits. (Also see Bathhouse | Drink | Hot)…

The blue sky represents the opportunities the life is giving to you and it depends on you if you will chose to take them or not. The blue sky with clouds represents minor problems. See the meaning of clouds also.

If you see the blue jay in a dream, then it means you have too much trust in yourself. Perhaps you are very arrogant person. On the other hand, a blue jay could suggest you to look closer at things you didn’t notice.

The blue jay in dreams indicates the strength and power the dreamer has. If you dream about this kind of bird, it shows these qualities in your personality. It also indicates how you are going through the life, which means that you deal with everything easily and being confident. The blue jay could be interpreted as someone in your waking life who has these features.

The dream may be talking to you about your desire for harmony and spirituality. Also about a stage of good health as when you look at the clear sky and you breathe deeply and you feel full of energy. However, some authors say that if the dreamer is a materialistic person a dream with the color blue may be a warning to the person of a danger or threat to their hopes of economic stability. Blue is considered the color of devotion.

Feeling hot in a dream means joy and satisfaction of your achievements. Also, something hot or warm is symbolizing hope and unconditional love.

If you are taking the hot tub, then such dream shows the necessity for relaxation. Perhaps you are trying to get away from your troubles and various issues in your waking life. The hot tub in a dream could also indicate the issues of your subliminal mind that has been opened.

When you dream about something being hot, then such dream points the dangers and menace that is lurking for you. The hotness could also indicate the fact that you feel attractive and sexy. If you see someone being very hot in a dream, then it show your sexual attraction towards that particular person.

Dreaming of India rubber, denotes unfavorable changes in your affairs. If you stretch it, you will try to establish a greater business than you can support.

…Dreaming that you’re watching a movie indicates that you’re in a phase of analyzing your life….

(Color) In a dream, the color blue represents distress, depression, enmity, or a calamity. (Also see Colors)

Dreaming of blue dream is a warning against false hopes that won’t lead you anywhere. You should examine your environment and find out who’s who.

If you are in hot air balloon, then such dream suggests you to get over with all of the negative past. It’s time to move on. The dream could also show that you are not feeling the ground at certain aspects of your life. Perhaps you should stop being frivolous and start acting like an adult. On the other hand, the dream may symbolize the state of your mind where you feel lifted by some relationships, love or any other success.

If you eat a hot dog in a dream, then it could indicate your desire for sexuality or/and intercourse. The hotdog could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping.

What we mainly have to analyze is what happens in the scene. If we are spectators, it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing the film, then it indicates our tendency to dominate others. If we are shooting, it indicates that sometimes we act suspiciously.

If the dreamer is spiritual in nature, it indicates a greater openness to the spiritual. If we are more materialistic or worldly, this dream poses a threat to our hopes.

Misfortune, bad success in undertakings

Shows that the merit of your work is appreciated especial if you don’t want to be condemned to anonymity.

Having much pleasure, being successful in undertakings, leading your beloved one to the altar. 233.

Luck, good circumstances, happiness, faithful friends.

To follow a treatment signifies hope of upcoming improvement in your conditions after distressing circumstances.

Glowing with love, excitement.

Becoming prodigal.

Getting arrested and held for trial.

It warns you to be careful with fire.

…need to work even harder. Alternatively, dragon is a fictional creature and can be induced by external stimuli, like movie or book. On psychological level, dragon is interpreted as a trigger, which shows that you allowing yourself to get carried away by your fantasies. And such dream is a reminder that such behaviour may give you some problems. Maybe you need to exercise more self-control. In the eastern cultures, dragons are seen as spiritual creatures and symbolizing superior fertility, huge wealth and good fortune. As internal stimuli dragon can be interpreted on emotional level. In such way, dreaming about yourself being a dragon and breathing fire, suggests that you are having emotional brake, you are full of various feelings. You’re letting these feelings out in your dream. Alternatively, fire refers to your anger induced by solving troubles or finding solutions or being in a particular relationship. This dream shows also…

…he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities. If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying a jar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people…

…as I beat and prodded it against the jagged edges of my teeth. But all to no purpose; my head remained full and my stomach empty.”A whole lifetime seemed to pass in this tantalising, agonising manner, and then into the room, in Indian file, stalked all my friends and relations, each carrying in their hands a champagne glass. My uncle, who had been dead and buried at the very least thirty years, headed the procession. Walking solemnly up to me, he took hold of my nose, twisted it round like a tap, and down through my foaming mouth poured the whiskey. As soon as his glass was full he raised it above his head, and exclaimed in a sepulchral voice, ‘ Health! Health! Health!’ to which all the company in chorus responded ‘ Amen! Amen! Amen!’ One after another my relatives and friends followed his example, and twisted my nose…

…(Sauna | Steam room | Sweat room | Rest room) Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream brings benefits. If one builds a bathhouse in his dream, it means committing a sin or searching for a woman to partake in it, then suffering its consequence. If the bathhouse is heated and the water is lukewarm in the dream, it represents his family’s compassion toward him, trying to help him out of his breach. If the bathhouse is cold and if its water is cold in the dream, it means that his family has ostracized or banished him. If one witness the hot water pipes breaking, whereby he could not control the flow of water in the dream, it means that someone will betray him with his wife, though he will keep trying to control the situation, but to no avail. A water leak from the boiler that…

…What we have to analyze is the principal that is going on the screen. If we are spectators, then it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing a movie, then it indicates our tendency to overpower everybody else. If we are shooting, the movie indicates sometimes we act with suspicion. Storm is a manifestation that fate is testing us. Portends a moved period in our lives with the possibility of important changes that can be good or bad. The phenomena accompanying the storm will clarify if the final result is positive or negative….

…To dream the object of one’s affections is clothed in light blue or yellow signifies they are fickle; in dark blue or gold, that they are constant. To present to or receive from the object of one’s affections, or to see him or her wearing a convolvulus, yellow rose, poppy, or daffodil means he or she is inconstant. On the other hand, if in the place of these flowers are buttercups, white roses, or sweet peas, it means he or she is true. To dream one is kissing one’s sweetheart portends inconstancy on the part of the dreamer; to dream one sees one’s sweetheart kissing, or being kissed, by someone else, foretells the inconstancy of the one dreamed about:To dream one is dancing with the object of one’s affection means that the latter is, or will be, guilty of carrying on a flirtation with someone else. To dream of…

…(Black | Blond | Bluish-black | Green | Maroon | Purple | Red | Reddish-brown | White | Yellow) The color black in a dream means prosperity, happiness or sickness. The color blond in a dream means war, sickness, piety, honor or a religious person. In a dream, the color blond also means contemptibleness, vileness, meanness or depravity. Black colored eyes in a dream represent a religious person. A bluish -black colored eyes in a dream connote opposing one’s religion. Blue eyes in a dream entail religious innovations. Green eyes in a dream represent a religion that is different from all religions. The color green in a dream also represents a good harvest or prosperity. Green in a dream also means youth or fear of wrongdoing. In a dream, the color blue represents distress, depression, enmity, or it could mean a calamity. The color red in a dream denotes…

The blue bird could have either good meaning, either bad one. The good meaning represents happiness and joy. The dream also shows the freedom and power the dreamer has and the fact that he is enjoying it. The color blue is also an indicator of sadness the dreamer feels, because of the waking life problems or relationships he is not happy being into.

…heal one’s heart. Lips in a dream also represent a door attendant, boys, guards, locks, knowledge, guidance, food, drinks, marriage, happiness, sadness, or keeping secrets. Having no lips in a dream means loosing any of the above, or one’s dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one’s keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one’s parents, husband or wife. Lips in a dream also represent the livelihood of singers or musicians who play wind instruments for a living, or the livelihood of a glass blower. If one’s lips look thin and rosy in a dream, they denote clarity of speech, guidance, good food, good drink and happiness. Thick lips with black or blue color in a dream represent laziness, languor, failure to present a verifiable proof or to bring a strong witness, or they could mean discomfort, or difficulty in earning one’s livelihood. If a sick person…

…I have, over and over again in my dreams, visited a certain district when the weather has been fine; but the other night I was there during a storm, and the experience, though interesting, was not too agreeable. I was in a hut on a wide, vast desert traversed by a broad river, and bounded by a long chain of mountains on the one side, and on the other by a forest of pines. On my arrival all was hushed and still; the air soft and sweet; the sky clear and blue; typical in every respect of an ideal summer day. The change was brought about in a totally unprecedented manner. The blue of the heavens was suddenly metamorphosed into a vivid violet, and the wind from the mountain tops, shrieking and roaring like ten million devils across the plain, converted the hitherto placid waters of the rivers into…

…the face. “Do I look like a missionary, Mr. Bailey?” she said; “if so, you are the first person who has ever noted the likeness. Look!””Look! Why, I couldn’t help looking, Lil; and with every respect to you, Lil, she was worth a good stare. She had golden hair, parted in the middle and brought low over her ears in the newest of angled fashion. Her eyebrows all but met over her nose, and she had a pair of the loveliest but hardest blue eyes I have ever seen. Lord save you!’ Jim said, striking the palm of one of his hands with the fist of his other, ‘ they were hard — flint wasn’t in it with them! And her mouth! That was cruel too — real downright cruel, with thin, tightly shut lips and sharp white teeth that glittered like a wolf’s.”But for all that she was beautiful…