…a journalist in search of suitable material for my pen. It is wretchedly wet and cold out here; let us go to the nearest restaurant and have some- thing nice and warm, and perhaps you will then tell me all about — him.”Him! She cried, with such a fierceness in her voice that I quailed. “Him! What do you know about him? He would have made two of such as you! But ” — and the scorn in her tones died away — ” I see you mean it kindly. Perhaps you are unlike the rest. Yes, I will trust you!Take me to some shop where I can thaw, and I will tell you about — Mm.”I dreamed we crossed the park and, taking a taxi to Victoria, found a restaurant where, for a moderate sum, I was able to procure her a solid meal — a meal that was…

Ungratefulness, incomprehension, maliciousness in your circle.

(Flee | Run away) If one sees himself turning and running away in the face of a battle in a dream, it means that he may contract a venereal disease, or suffer from syphilis. Taking flight in a dream also may mean reverting to what is proper. On the other hand, it may mean falling into sin to earn God’s wrath and the despise of the common people. If one sees himself taking refuge in a group of people, enticing them to fight in a dream, it means that he is adventuring with his head by walking the path of evil, or by backbiting others. (Also see Escape from danger | Running away | Turning)…

…bird life, or a heavy rainstorm with limited damages. If the sound of thunder is heard during the first ten days of December in a dream, it means the death of famous people within the Western hemisphere, inflation, rising prices, degradation of social behavior, decrease in harvest, inflation, or playing dirty politics. Hearing the sound of thunder during the last seven days of December in a dream means that the winter will be cold and dry, though the forthcoming spring will be cool and wet. Hearing the sound of thunder in the first six days of the month of January in a dream means that a major event will take place, such as an earthquake, death, destruction, or a war in Iraq. If this dream is witnessed during the last week of the month of January, then it represents a solar eclipse, or the death of a Western leader, a…

…means givingcharities in secret, or askingfor employment from unjust people. Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people. If one sees himself laughing during his prayers in a dream, it means that he oft-forgets his prayers and that he is delinquent about performing them properly and on time. If one sees himself praying while drunk in a dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in court. If one sees himself praying without the required ablution in a dream, it means that his religious performance is worthless and that his adherence is despicable. If one sees himself standing in prayers toward the wrong direction in a dream, it means that he does the opposite of what he is required to do, or…

…Dreaming that you’re taking a bath in clean and transparent water is an announcement of success, joy, fun, etc. On the contrary, if the water is dirty, or worse, muddy, is at least an announcement of diseases or bad news. Dreaming of children playing with clean water is a sign of future success and happiness in the family, but if they are playing with dirty water, it indicates the opposite. Dreaming of a young woman bathing in clean water suggests that the relationships she has or her honest desires are likely to be materialized and reach a successful end. Bathing involves using water, and water in dreams, since ancient times, has well known meanings: Crystal clear water indicates health, happiness and joy. Turbid water indicates discomfort, unpleasantness and disappointments. The muddy water indicates illness, misfortune, poverty and hate. Dreaming of wanting to take a bath can indicate that the…

…(Young boy) Seeing a young boy in a dream means receiving glad tidings. Begetting a boy in a dream means worries, burdens or sickness, while giving birth to a girl in a dream means relief from distress or easing of one’s difficulties. Carrying a young boy in a dream means carrying burdens. Giving birth to a boy in a dream also could mean having a helper. A beautiful looking young boy in a dream also signifies good luck and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing a beautiful looking boy in a dream means that beautiful and pleasant things will take place in one’s life, or it could mean satisfying one’s needs. If one is called a teenager in a dream, it signifies the necessity to take a ritual ablution, or that something good or bad may take place in wakefulness….

…(Ablution | Ghusul | Ritual ablution | Wash) A ritual bath (arb. Ghusul. Islamic Law) is customarily performed on a festival day, or before the Friday congregational prayers, before starting a pilgrimage, after recovering from an illness, or is necessitated by the emission of sperms either during one’s sleep or following a marital intercourse. A ritual ablution is also given to a deceased person before his funeral and burial, or otherwise is taken by the undertaker himself after washing the dead. To take a ritual ablution in a dream before the Friday congregational prayers means purifying oneself, washing oneself from sin, repenting from sin, serving one’s parents, or being true to one’s friends. Taking a ritual ablution for any of the above reason during the wintertime and using cold water in the dream means distress, trouble or a sickness. If hot water is used, then it means profits, benefits…

…(1) Teeth in a dream represent one’s identity, age , clan, a boy, a girl, his family, money, servants, domestic animals, employees, weapons, life, death, unity, separation, trusts, or savings. In a dream, male’s or female’s upper teeth represent the male members of one’s family from the father’s side, and the teeth of the lower jaw represent the female members of one’s family from the mother’s side. The closer the teeth are to the incisor, the closer is the relative. Divided in two sections, the upper right incisor represents the father, and the upper left incisor represents the paternal uncle, or it could represent one’s sisters, sons, or a close friend. The upper canines represent one’s cousin, or two friends who are as close as cousins. The bicuspids represent one’s uncles from the mother’s side and their children, while the molars represent the grandparents and the grand children. The…

When a woman dreams that she becomes a nun or that she lives just like a nun, it indicates that she is adopting a resisting attitude, perhaps of rebellion consequence of being forced to perform certain acts and tasks that she doesn’t like. When a woman dreams of a nun smiling at her and getting closer, it indicates that there are probabilities in achieving her goals, in part due to the intervention of good friends. In a way, this dream indicates introversion, meaning, a reproach of your own conscience and also the desire to get closer to a supreme being or superior forces in order to receive help.

Whether we are being abandoned or we are the ones that abandoned someone else, the fact is that this phenomenon is quite common in dreams, and lends itself to many nuances in interpretation. Being abandoned is often the subject of some nightmares but on closer analysis it can mean feeling liberated, especially if the one that leaves us means authority or power over us. These dreams usually indicate, in any case, fear and this should be taken into account in terms of our health, perhaps because we are receiving a notice of our unconscious. When we are the ones who abandon it could mean that we are prisoners of some idea, circumstance, person or group and we desire to get out of this situation, if only in dreams we dare to take that step.

To dream that you bathe in clear water, is a sign that you will enjoy good health; if muddy, the death of relatives or friends. To see a bath, anger; to take a warm bath denotes happiness; if you take one either too hot or too cold, domestic troubles. If you undress, without going into the water, you may expect trouble, but it will soon pass away; a sea bath is a sign of honour, and increase of fortune.

If you are dreaming about compass, then such dream signifies the direction you should take. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is trying to show you the direction that you should start following. Try to look back at your past, present and make a decision what you wish to do and what path to take in the future.

To dream that you are using some kind of illegal narcotics, means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. Probably there is something that makes you feel dizzy, angry or even sad. Make sure you change the situation or whatever makes you feel that way. If someone is trying to give you the illegal drugs, it means that there is someone in your waking life that gives you a bad influence. If you are using some kind of prescript drugs and forgot to take them while dreaming, it shows that you do not take enough of the responsibility of your life.

If you dream of an anesthesia it is a sign that you are not dealing with the problems you have , but instead putting them aside. This dream could also tell you that there is something in your life you are trying to escape and afraid to take responsibility for it. Make sure you take the obligation for something that has to be done without trying to avoid it. You should grow up and understand that problems do not solve if you do not put any effort in it.

Dream of being a leader indicates your need to affirm your ideas and/or provide your direction to others. This dream also means you’re feeling too passive and you need to take a more active role in a particular situation. You need to take more control over your life and behavior.

When the dreamer hears an annoying buzz in his dreams, then it tends to be a warning that he should be careful of someone who is attempting to take the advantage of his good faith and he should take the necessary precautions in order to avoid unpleasant or uncomfortable situations.

…Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’a prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions. It is a guard, a clemency, assurance of the divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear. It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace – “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to wash…

…(Fire stone | Hard | Siliceous rock | Steel) In a dream, a flint stone means searching for something that could bring profits or hoping for something to happen, and both will take place. If one sees himself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel to produce fire for cooking or for light, and if he sees the sparks coming from them in a dream, it means that he will take advantage of his friendship with someone in authority who is rock hearted to help him overcome his poverty and to make his life more manageable. The flint stone in a dream also represents the rock hearted man, and the steel represents his might. On the other hand, if one strikes a flint stone with a piece of steel and produces sparks from them in his dream, it means that he will witness an awesome fight between…

To take a walk in a dream indicates that you will alter the course of your life. It may also mean that you have taken a decision or a wrong choice. To dream that you can’t take a walk suggests that you can’t change what you did.

…a fugitive sees himself grabbing to his own long and lanky horse like hair in a dream, it means that he will be captured. If one sees himself having hair like that of a hog in a dream, it connotes major calamities. If an unhappy person sees himself hairy in a dream, it means aggravation of his depression and unhappiness, while if a happy person sees himself hairy in a dream, it means increase of his happiness. The black hair of a woman in a dream represents her husband’s love for her. If a woman sees herself wearing a veil, or putting on a head piece in a dream, it means a journey that will take her husband away from her from sometime, or a journey from which he may never return. If she sees people looking at her hair in a dream, it means that she will suffer slander…

To have interaction or to encounter or to see gasoline, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests energy and spirituality. Thus to dream that you run out of gas, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are wearing yourself out. Take a time out. Dreaming that you are filling your car with gasoline, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your need to take better care of your Self. You need to be filled with new energy and vitality.

…Dreaming about an obsession suggests that you need to take some time from working with a certain difficulty. You can’t potentially take control of your daily life and prevent it from moving forward….

To dream of the vacation, denotes to the tiredness and frustration one is suffering from. Perhaps you are over tired and overwhelmed by the lifestyle you are living at the moment. The dream suggests you to take a break and relax as much as it is needed. On the other hand, the dream could only be a reflection of your actual trip or holidays you are going to take in your waking life.

…the people in authority who do others favors and ask for no reward. If one hears a human sound calling him from behind a cloud in a dream, it means that God willing he will attend a pilgrimage. (See Invisible caller). A black cloud in a dream also represents a just judge, while a white cloud represents a blessed and a noble justice. Clouds in season in a dream represent benefits, profits and prosperity. A mass of black clouds carrying no rain in a dream mean benefits, extreme cold, sadness or sorrow. Red clouds in a dream mean distress, adversities or a sickness. A cloud covering a town in a dream means blessings. If the person who sees such black clouds in his dream is intending to take a trip, it will take place, though his safety cannot be insured. On the other hand, if he is unhappy about something,…

Usually dreams about frogs symbolize the dreamer’s ability to adapt in various situations or change the behavior if it’s needed. The frog could also symbolize something disgusting and unclean. If you see the frogs that are leaping, then such dream shows the insecurities the dreamer has and things or people he is unable to take responsibility for. There is also a possibility that you are the person who is unable to be stable. Perhaps you are jumping from one thing to another or from one person to another. The frog could also show that you have made a decision for something very important and big. Perhaps you are ready to take the first step. If you caught the frog, then you should start looking after yourself. To hear the frogs quacking denotes to people who will make you feel disappointed and frustrated.

…The dream about vampires can be caused by the fear of death and unknowingness. The vampire is something out of this world that doesn’t exist, therefore the dream could indicate the dreamer’s creativity. Very often in our waking life we call some people vampires, because of their manner to take as much as you can. Maybe there are some people around you who make you feel frustrated and the unconscious mind of yours letting you know it. The vampires in dreams also are associated with the harsh sexuality you are having or wishing to have. The vampires may also denote to your emotional wreckage. If you have an addiction to something such as alcohol or drugs, then the dream could be a warning for you to start looking for help. If you are the one who has became a vampire in a dream, then it shows the tendency of…

…(Escape | Fear | Take flight) Running away from something in a dream means turning to God Almighty and seeking refuge in Him for safety and protection. Running away in a dream also could meanreceivingan appointment, or it could mean repentance from a sin, or it could mean one’s death. If one sees himself running away to escape from an enemy he fears in a dream, it means that he will be safe. If a man of knowledge or a scholar sees himself running away from an enemy in fear in a dream, it means that he will be asked to sit as a judge, or to govern. If one sees himself running away but has no fear in the dream, it means his death. (Also see Escape from danger | Take a flight)…

…it means that a great plague will befall that town. If one sees a deceased person die, then if he walks in his funeral in the dream, it means that someone among his children or in the family of that person will shortly die. If no crying or sorrow follows his death, then it means that someone in his progeny will get married. What a deceased person says about himself in a dream is true, for he has reached the abode of truth and he can exercise no falsehood in that abode. If a deceased person tells something in a dream, and if it does not take place, then it means that one is experiencing confused dreams. If one sees a deceased person well dressed in a white or a green garment, smiling and happy in a dream, it means that he is in that state one witnessed in his…

It symbolizes something related to the ideas or behavior of the dreamer. Seeing hats but not wearing them, announces that you need to take some precautions. Wearing a hat, without wanting to take it off, means that you’re trying to keep a secret that you don’t want to share. Dreaming of wearing a ridiculous hat, could be a warning of some personal attitude that others see as ridiculous but we do not realize that we have it.

…For a boy to dream of chewing tobacco, is a sign of poverty, as rum and tobacco-chewing go together: to dream of smoking foretells waste, but is not exactly an omen of poverty, though waste always precedes that state. The best way is not to dream of using tobacco at all. If you dream of seeing large piles of tobacco, it is a sign of bad luck and loss in some speculation. To dream you take snuff is a bad omen in love affairs, but if you dream you sneeze when you take it, it is a sign of long life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7, 55….

…If you dream of an erupting volcano, then such dream indicates the lack of control of your potential and your energy. You are living beyond your psychic possibilities and, from one moment to another, you can break out. You should take precautions, because your health and your body will be in danger if you do not submit to certain controls. Your goals are good, but the way that you hold is not right, it is really explosive. Control your aggression. If the volcano is off, it indicates that you are in full regression. Let out your inner what you wear too hiding for fear of failure, that others will not take you seriously or your intentions scoff time, they are all the same emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas or projects. You have immense power that must be shown properly. And now is the time to put it up, please use…

…Dreaming that a relative, who is still alive, dies, it is an announcement for future setbacks and sorrows. This type of dream is common in people who have suffered failures in real life, for example the frustration of their illusions, hopes, passions business, etc. Those feelings of defeat are the ones that take the shape of a corpse, indicating that the hopes and dreams are dead. In these cases, what you should do is to find a solution to your problems instead than assuming that a family member will die. Dreaming of the dead body of a known person indicates that the dreamer is blaming the other person for his own problems, and that he has a hidden desire for revenge. Dreaming of corpses is also the result of negative influences in everyday life, such as abundant news of wars, crimes, assaults or reading things about terror or revenge,…

To dream that you are using some kind of illegal drugs, means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. Perhaps something makes you feel dizzy, angry or even sad. Make sure you change the situation or whatever makes you feel that way. If someone is trying to give you the illegal drugs, it means that there is someone in your waking life that gives you a bad influence. If you are using some kind of prescript drugs and forgot to take them while dreaming, it shows that you do not take enough of the responsibility of your life.

To take it without difficulty means distress. To take it cheerfully means lack of care. Give it to someone, profit. To throw it up means bankruptcy. To feel pleasant after taking noxious drugs means good trade.

Buy or sell a market means certain wily and smart person will try to take advantage of you. Take care.

…If you dream of seeing God, you will be domineered over by a tyrannical woman masquerading under the cloak of Christianity. No good accrues from this dream. If God speaks to you, beware that you do not fall into condemnation. Business of all sorts will take an unfavorable turn. It is the forerunner of the weakening of health and may mean early dissolution. If you dream of worshiping God, you will have cause to repent of an error of your own making. Look well to observing the ten commandments after this dream. Dreaming that God confers distinct favors upon you, you will become the favorite of a cautious and prominent person who will use his position to advance yours. Dreaming that God sends his spirit upon you, great changes in your beliefs will take place. Views concerning dogmatic Christianity should broaden after this dream, or you may be severely…

To dream of seeing an infant means that you need to look after yourself or have an urge to take care of someone. The dream in which you see yourself being pregnant, shows that you should look after yourself more and take care of your health. Sometimes the infant can represent some person in your waking life that is being taken care of by you a lot. In some dreams the infant could simply indicate your desire to have children. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of pregnant and baby.

You should take precautions in the management of your interests or people will take advantage of you.

If you dream that you put something in the vault, then such dream indicates your fear and apprehension of being used by other people. You feel insecure, therefore you think you must hide not only yourself, but things that belong to you. The dream suggests to be less paranoid and start trusting people. If you took something out of vault, it means that you are relaxed person who is capable of taking care not only of himself/herself, but others too. If you are trying to get into vault in which you shouldn’t, because it doesn’t belong to you, you should stay away from other people’s business. If you are unable to get into vault in order to take whatever belongs to you, then such dream indicates the necessity to work harder and take what is supposed to be yours.