…Dreaming of working in your office indicates that you like your job and you don’t want to leave it. Alternatively, it symbolizes the state of your accomplishments and your place in the world. Dreaming about holding a public office suggests that you accept the consequences of your actions and take responsibility for what you do….

If you dreamed that you are the bookkeeper, then it shows your desire to get your life sorted. On the other hand, the dream may signify the necessity to take some duties or responsibilities in your life.

…It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives as the clock, so its meaning is the same. To see a stopped clock in a dream means our evolution has finished or the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, his lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If…

…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

When you tell a joke to someone while dreaming, then such dream symbolizes the negative attitude you receive from other people. People do not take seriously in what you are saying, therefore you are telling jokes in this dream. Alternatively, the dream could symbolize how funny and lovable you are by others. If you heard a joke that was told by somebody else in a dream, then it foretells about some situation which is pointless and you shouldn’t put effort while dealing with it. The joke that was told by someone else could also indicate some stress that is released by now.

Dreaming of a pendulum suggests confusion, doubts and problems to take an important decision in your life.

The object which drives our attention symbolizes the option we must take. (You can see name and color).

…To see lion means that the inner power in you is ready to take some important action in order to obtain some goals. See lion that is chained, captivity or surprise of an enemy of the dreamer, whoever this enemy may be. To eat lion’s flesh, signifies riches, honors, powers, and authority emanating from the surroundings. To mount upon a lion’s back, favor of the people or of some influential man will be received. Be frightened by a lion, peril or danger jumping from a powerful source, however this will not have a disastrous termination. Fight with one means that a very dangerous quarrel or discussion waits for you. To triumph over one means complete success. To find a lion’s skin or some part of his body, signifies ease for an ordinary dreamer, but for a powerful man, considerable treasure will be taken from an enemy. See many lions…

…Power and solidity in a situation to be envied, of which you’ll take advantage….

…This dream usually implies that there’s a yearning to travel in the dreamer and to change the routine in which he lives (take a vacation, change of address or employment, and find other businesses or even other affections and love). The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted…

…dream signifies earnings from a local business. A bowl in a dream also repre- sents one’s condition, state, or the management of his affairs. Licking a bowl, or licking one’s fingers after cleaning the bowl with one’s hand in a dream means consuming one’s share in this world and the nearing of one’s death. A wooden bowl in a dream also represents a woman, a housekeeper, the workplace, or one’s shop. If one sees a gathering of people or scholars partaking in a sweet meal from a large wooden bowl in a dream, it represents a community project that unites people’s hearts and allows them to share their knowledge. If one sees a group of people gathering to eat a fish or a piece of rotten meat in a dream, it means that a group of evil people are gathered to take advantage of a prostitute. (Also see Bowl)…

The thigh in dreams indicate your ability to go through life and much able you are to manage it. The healthy and strong thigh shows that you go through everything with no worries, but the thighs that are weak or injured, represents the fact that you should take things easier and do not rush.

When they are really old, it represents wisdom. It is a beneficial and protective dream. Whether male or female, it puts us in our rightful place. They take care of us. These dreams are always transcendental and impressionable. It is a good dream. If the old man is evil, our hidden evil is reflected in the dream.

Dreaming that we took a shortcut is usually a manifestation of our desire to succeed and our predisposed spirits to leave conventionalism behind in order to succeed. We should take into account the difficulties in the shortcut, because it may indicate problems that we intuit internally.

Dreaming of one or more squirrels is a sign that you’ll soon get money from a very thrifty person. It is also a warning that means that you should be careful with money, and not spending it on trivial and unnecessary things. A great opportunity might be coming and you will take advantage of it, you should save money.

…one sees himself committing adultery with the wife of a close friend in a dream it means that he will take some money from him. If one reads the ruling of the divine ordinance concerning the punishment of adulterers in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer. If one deals with an adulteress or with a woman who has committed adultery in a dream, then such a woman represents the world and its seekers. If a student on the path of God Almighty, who is known to have piety, good conduct and who has the look of a believer sees himself dealing with an adulteress or a woman who has committed adultery in a dream, it means that he will join the company of a gnostic and learn wisdom at his hand. If one sees a man and a woman sitting alone in an intimate setting in his…

…Dreaming of embracing your husband or wife, as the case may be, in a sorrowing or indifferent way, denotes that you will have dissensions and accusations in your family, also that sickness is threatened. To embrace relatives, signifies their sickness and unhappiness. For lovers Dreaming of embracing, foretells quarrels and disagreements arising from infidelity. If these dreams take place under auspicious conditions, the reverse may be expected. If you embrace a stranger, it signifies that you will have an unwelcome guest….

…Dreaming of a hermit, denotes sadness and loneliness caused by the unfaithfulness of friends. If you are a hermit yourself, you will pursue researches into intricate subjects, and will take great interest in the discussions of the hour. To find yourself in the abode of a hermit, denotes unselfishness toward enemies and friends alike….

Dreaming about becoming bald indicates problems and suffering. Dreaming about a bald man indicates that someone is trying to defraud the dreamer through seemingly legitimate propositions. This is a warning to carefully analyze future propositions. A woman who dreams of a bald man must take precautions when it comes to love propositions, since they could be false, and come from a dishonest and selfish person. Dreaming of bald children suggests that the dreamer desires to live in a happy home as a result of marriage. Baldness has for a long time been a symbol of virile energy loss in men and infertility in women, and casually in some cases it indicates the same in dreams, but usually they are just unfounded fears caused by a certain mood.

If you see the sunrise in your dream, then such dream symbolizes the renewal, new ideas, rebirth, new day and all other things that start from the very beginning. It could also indicate the new project or journey you are willing to take.

If you are jumping in a dream, then such dream indicates some kind of the risk you must take. You shouldn’t be afraid of the new challenges, because the result of it will be only satisfaction and happiness. If you are afraid to jump in your dream, then it shows your fears of the changes.

…To dream of calling in one, gives confidence: to see a person taken to prison by a watchman, shows that you must be careful in conducting your business. If the watchman take hold of you, it is a very good sign. To see many watchmen together, signifies the loss of money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67, 52….

Seeing old people in dreams is a sign of great adversities at work or in daily life. If the old man gives you advice in your dream, you better take it into account, since it’s your voice of experience who is talking to you.

If you dream of shoulders, then such dream shows the strength, power and balance of the dreamer, especially if they are straight ones. Alternatively, the dream could indicate how tired you are because of the responsibility and duty you have to carry on. Maybe you should take it easy and absorb less of the charges.

To dream that you are the thief, means that you are trying to take something that doesn’t belong to you. If the thief was stealing from you, you are feeling disrespected because of something in your life.

Take precautions in managing your budget.

Going to a bank means you have to take care of your economy and savings as much as possible. Avoid spending on superfluous things.

To see one, indicates deception, craftiness. To take part in one, indicates success, prosperity.

If you saw or ride yourself a surfboard, then it denotes to your way to continue with the present without changes the circumstances you are in. The dream suggests you to take more enterprise and motivation instead of being nonchalant. If there is something you wish to get in this life, you must put the effort to achieve the result you wish for.

The parasites such as worms or any other kind of, indicates the fact that you are hurt by some situation or some person in your waking life. The worms are also symbols of tiredness. Perhaps you need to take a break.

…means devastation. If one sees a destroyed house standing erect anew in a dream, it means spiritual awakening of its owner. If one is awaiting the return of a member of his family, or if he is awaiting a guest to arrive, and if a part of his house caves in, it means the near arrival of such a traveller. If a daughter or a sister or another woman live in that house, it means that the guest will seek her hand for marriage. If a hurricane destroys his entire house in a dream, it means that death will take locality in that place at the hands of a tyrant. If one sees himself demolishing an old house or edifice in a dream, it means evil. If a woman sees her walls caving in on her in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Destruction)…

…For a young man to dream of admiring a pretty girl, is a sign he will marry a simpleton: if a girl dreams she has a nice and pretty-looking lover, she will be apt to take up with a putty-head. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4,13….

The dream about credit card represents the values and security. The situation in your waking life could give much more of the interpretation about dream, therefore you should reconsider if you owe something to someone and what duties you have. If you have lost the wallet with your credit cards, then such dream may suggests you to be more careful with your incomes and money, because the inattention can lead to bankrupt. If someone has stolen your credit card, then it shows the people around you should be aware , because they will take away lots of time, energy and even money from you.

…To dream of a map means that you’ll walk down a path that will bring you satisfaction and will also help you make your dreams come true. If in your dream you’re consulting a map, it means that you’ll probably experience some minor economic problems. If you dream that you’re analyzing a map it suggests that in the future you’ll take a path that will lead you to achieving your goals….

When you dream of Armageddon, it means that you feel confused and do not know which direction you should move on. The main meaning of the dream is telling you that you are hiding your emotions deep down inside your mind and this is a sign that you must take a break. Make sure you are taking a holidays and having a rest.

If you dream of coworkers, then such dream indicates the communications you have with those people around you. The dream shows the wishes and targets you have made for yourself and desire to take part of leaderships in some aspects of your waking life. If you see the coworkers you don’t have relationships with, then it means you are going to struggle while dealing with your professional life. Perhaps you do not know what path to choose. If you were teaching someone to become the coworker, then it shows your tendency in giving others the features you have learned through life. If you are the coworker, then it means you are adapting the new surrounding in your live and accepting the rules you have been given. To get more detailed ream interpretation, please also see the meaning of Office.

The events will take place according to the atmosphere that reigns in it.

To have interaction with a swab in the dream, means unclean spirituality. To see a swab when you are dreaming, indicates emotional problems. Alternatively, swab in the dream can represent health issues. If you are using swab in your dream, then this dream has the importance of being more careful. It suggests for you to take all possible chances in healing and cleansing yourself.

Symbolically stair is a passage from one level to another, and we must take into account the kind of ladder, the shape of the steps, and if we are rising or falling when interpreting the dream. Sometimes, when a spiral staircase appears in the dream it’s accompanied by some anguish that indicates a waste of time and energy by achieving a goal that seems to have little value. Many authors also attend the spiritual meaning of the rise.

Sometimes when we dream of fire we are foreseeing some kind of danger even though in reality it might manifest itself in a very different way. It is also interpreted as violent passions that take over us and if the fire in the dream is in the form of a bonfire, it could mean that there is an intense desire to end past issues. There are also interpretations that categorize it as a symbol of purification and instincts of destruction.