…a dream, it means that his father and mother are pleased with him. If the moon splits in two halves in a dream, it means that harm will befall a great person, or that a major sign will manifest to show the divine power in that locality. If one sees a lunar eclipse, or if the moon becomes opaque, or turns reddish in a dream, it means that major changes will take place in one’s life. The moon in a dream also represents one’s bosom friend, an unjust governor, his chief minister, his assistant, a gambler, an oath, recovering from an illness or suffering from eye irritation. Seeing a full moon during the early days of the lunar month, when it is supposed to be only a crescent in a dream means benefits while the opposite means harm. The moon in a dream also represents a scholar, an astrologer, an…

…Standing in the air in a dream means being honored or acknowledged by a governor, though it will not last. If one has exaggerated hopes, arrogance, pride, or if he is a self-centered individual, then his floating in the air represents mere disturbed dreams. Walking in the air without ascending or descending in a dream means receiving dignity, honor and earning lawful money. If one does not qualify for it, then walking in the air in his dream means travels. Hanging in the air between the heavens and the earth in a dream represents a concerned heart and uncertainty about what to do! Falling in the air in a dream means despair or loss of status in wakefulness. Falling in a dream also means relief from distress, wantonness, or satisfying one’s needs. Clear, fresh and pure air in a dream represents a good time to take a trip for…

If you dream that you are under the hypnosis, it shows that someone in your life has a very big influence. This person makes the decisions instead of you, or simply makes you think that you make a decision when you are actually making one. The dream suggests to take the responsibility for your own life.

Dreaming of a cane announces the probability of relationships with people who could help you to solve your problems, but that could also harm you. Dreaming of walking and using a cane is a warning that tells you that you should ask for advice and maybe even help from another person to solve the problems you have. Dreaming of beautiful canes and intending to keep them hints that you’re thinking of leaving your interests so other people can take care of them (partners or employees), but this will turn out badly.

If you dream that you cannot remember something or you forgot something, shows the actual situation you experienced and now you try to remember it. The dream suggests to take more attention to the problem you forgot and try to find the way to solve it.

…If your breath in a dream was hard, then it means you are suffering some negativity, fear or pressure depending on the circumstances in your waking life. If you saw yourself breathing while being under water, then such dream denotes to your connection with the mother and the times you were in the womb. Perhaps you are looking for some security, therefore you are hiding under the shelter. The dream of breathing under the water could indicate the lack of self trust, therefore you put all of the responsibilities to those around you. If you were holding your breath, then it means you are unable to make some certain decision. Probably you keep to our own opinion and do not let others to give the advice. If you dreamed of having difficulties while breathing, then it means you are emotionally wrecked and tired. Perhaps you need to take some…

Dreaming that you take olives from a jar and eat them suggests that you’ll have social success soon. Dreaming that you’re happily standing under the shadow of an olive tree plucking olives, means that you will succeed in what you’re doing or that you’ll obtain what you have been longing for. Dreaming of breaking a jar with olives suggests that you’re mixing work with pleasure, which will give you bad results.

Dreaming of one or more crosses is a warning that suffering is approaching for various reasons, not necessarily caused by the dreamer (natural disasters, fire, etc.). Dreaming of one or more people carrying a cross, perhaps to take it to a cemetery, suggests that soon someone will approach for help. Dreaming of a crucifix is a symbol of upcoming problems that affect several people, including the dreamer. Dreaming of kissing a crucifix with respect suggests that in the immediate future problems will arise but will be able to be tolerated. When a woman dreams of owning a crucifix it indicates that she accepts with serenity the life that she has, which attracts the understanding and affection of her friends.

To see or eat parsnips, is a favorable omen of successful business or trade, but love will take on unfavorable and gloomy aspects.

…If one sees himself struggling with death in a dream, it means arguing about his religion, or doubt about God’s revelations. Death rattling in a dream also signifies preparing to take a journey, marriage of an unmarried person, moving from one house to a new one, changing one’s trade or repaying one’s debt, or divorcing one’s wife. If one sees himself in agony in his deathbed, combating the throes and pangs of death in a dream, it means that he is unjust toward himself or others. (Also see Death)…

The train reflex your life and the path you’ve chosen to take. If you are the one who controls where this train is going, then you are controlling perfectly your life and going on the direction that you have chosen. The train according to some interpreters is the symbol of sexual intercourse, especially if it is going through the tunnel, therefore if you dream about it, you have sexual desires, wishes and urges either. The other explanation tells that if you miss the train, you miss some of the chances in your life either.

Clear and calm river is usually a lucky omen for every dreamer. Troubled river indicates personal problems. The dreamer should take the warning signs and do not indulge with his parents or employer, and pay no attention to threats that are used against him. To dream of a clear river entering into your apartment, indicates a visit from a person of distinction who will treat you liberally and to your advantage. If dreaming of the contrary, the water is troubled and soils the furniture, then dream means violence, quarrels and destruction on the part of evil to your house. The water that is going out of your chamber symbolizes outrages and danger to life and limb. To walk on the river means elevation.

When you dream of having the headache, then it could represent the internal stimulus your body is expressing, such as the actual pain of the head. The headache in a dream could also indicate the wrong path the dreamer chooses. Maybe you let the emotions take the advantage of the mind, therefore you are unable to think clearly and make the proper decisions.

Dreaming of running in the company of friends or competitors is a sign of struggle for self-improvement. Dreaming of running alone indicates self-sufficiency to achieve everything you want. Dreaming of running to escape from dangers hints the proximity of dangers and problems but they will be resolved eventually. Dreaming that competitors in the race are fleeing, hints to not take risks in matters or businesses that are unsafe or unknown.