…Wearing a good quality garment in a dream means prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means renouncing the world and calling on people to do the same and to desire the benefits of the hereafter. Wearing a green robe in a dream brings benefits and no harm. If a living person sees himself or someone else wearing green in a dream, it denotes his religious devotion. As for a deceased person, it means a good state and acceptance before God Almighty. It is also said that wearing a green garment in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Wearing a white garment also means glad tidings. If a fabric merchant or a tailor sees himself wearing a white garment in a dream, it means lack of work. Wearing a black garment in a dream means a bad omen, but if one…

In a general meaning it brings honor, fortune, in heritance. Have one larger, thicker than ordinary people have, means dignity, wealth, influence, proportionately to the rank occupied in society. Have it smaller than usual, denotes the contrary. Have the neck bound or strangled by someone, subjection to the person seen in the dream. A swollen neck means riches for the dreamer. Neck swollen by tumor or abscess, signifies speedy sickness. Neck twisted or leaning aside, denotes shame, damage, and misfortune.

…shadows from the great, gaunt trees that stole out one by one to look at me. At length I came to an opening in the wood, in the centre of which was a fountain; and standing by it, with his back to me, I saw the figure of a man in a tight-fitting suit of Lincoln green, his head covered with a hood, a quiver full of arrows at his side, and a bow in his right hand. At the sight of him my heart leaped into my mouth, for I guessed, at once, he was the huntsman of whom I had so emphatically been told to beware. Had I not been prevented by one of those spells so common in dreams, I should have turned back, but try how I would I could not stir from the spot, and I had no choice other than to stand there, sick…

…If we are the ones who are swollen we will observe which part of us is swollen and we will apply that spot’s symbolism….

…got up and tried to stand, but my — I couldn’t. The port had got into my head, my back, my knees — all over me — and I’m blessed if I didn’t tumble into my chair with a thud. Ten times I made the attempt and ten times I failed, growing feebler and feebler, and drowsier and drowsier after each effort.”If ever anyone underwent the sufferings of the damned I did then, for muddled and fuddled as I was, I retained for some moments sufficient intelligence to depict what would happen, if I failed to meet the sergeant. At length, however, sleep overcame me, and realising with a groan what was happening, I sank deep down in the soft folds of the luxurious easy chair, and lost consciousness.”When I came to myself it was dawn. A few straggling beams of cold grey light, pouring in through the light blinds,…

…If you dream about any kind of the money, then it signifies the valuation for the things you get from people around you such as the favor, lending money, giving help when it is needed. If you pay the bill, it shows that you feel that you owe something to someone because of the favor they did to you. You think you have to pay for what you got or the subconscious mind of yours is thinking that way. If you won the lottery or the other person gave you a great amount of the cash, you are feeling very lucky in some situation, however you know that you will have to pay for that in other way as well. If you dream that the other person must give you the money, because you borrowed it to him/her before, it means that you feel unappreciated and people should give…

…To paddle a canoe on a calm stream, denotes your perfect confidence in your own ability to conduct your business in a profitable way. To row with a sweetheart, means an early marriage and fidelity. To row on rough waters you will have to tame a shrew before you attain connubial bliss. Affairs in the business world will prove disappointing after you dream of rowing in muddy waters. If the waters are shallow and swift, a hasty courtship or stolen pleasures, from which there can be no lasting good, are indicated. Shallow, clear and calm waters in rowing, signifies happiness of a pleasing character, but of short duration. Water is typical of futurity in the dream realms. If a pleasant immediate future awaits the dreamer he will come in close proximity with clear water. Or if he emerges from disturbed watery elements into waking life the near future is…

…Dreaming of making a political one, signifies your opposition to approved ways of conducting business, and you will set up original plans for yourself regardless of enemies’ working against you. Those in power will lose. If it is a religious people conducting a campaign against sin, it denotes that you will be called upon to contribute from your private means to sustain charitable institutions. For a woman Dreaming that she is interested in a campaign against fallen women, denotes that she will surmount obstacles and prove courageous in time of need….

If you dream that something has befallen or you demolished something, then it portends that you will have courage to overcome a big obstacle.

Dreaming one has fallen into a quagmire, show they shall be very difficult; to overcome or conquer.

…Dreaming of your son, if you have one, as being handsome and dutiful, foretells that he will afford you proud satisfaction, and will aspire to high honors. If he is maimed, or suffering from illness or accident, there is trouble ahead for you. For a mother Dreaming that her son has fallen to the bottom of a well, and she hears cries, it is a sign of deep grief, losses and sickness. If she rescues him, threatened danger will pass away unexpectedly….

If we see a big mouth, then it shows that we talk too much. A deformation in the mouth warns us of a possible disease. Swollen face refers to a selfishness. Face with a head turned upside down indicates preconceived ideas, prejudices.

Dream of weeping indicates comfort. On the other hand, it suggests that you will not ask someone to lend you money.

When the dreamer sees a hammock in his dream, then such dream signifies the necessity for relaxation. Perhaps you’ve been working lately too hard and had too many responsibilities, therefore the subconscious mind of yours is giving you a message to take the break ant think about your health. If you are lying in a hammock, then such dream could show the way you are isolating and separating yourself from others. If you have fallen from the hammock, then such dream expresses your appreciation for the people you love. You are not afraid to fell, because you know there will always be someone to pick you up.

…(Foot | Inch | Span | Spread | Width) In a dream, a measure or any of its related elements means travels. Measuring a wall with the span of one’s hand in a dream means that he may travel to a nearby town. If he measures the same distance on the ground in a dream, it means that he may travel to a distant place. If one measures the ground up to two arms length in a dream, it means that he will attend the pilgrimage in Mecca. If one measures a house or a shop with his thumb in a dream, it means that he may buy that place….

…To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations. To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death | in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion. Lovers hearing the voice of their affianced should heed the warning. If they have been negligent in attention they should make amends. Otherwise they may suffer separation from misunderstanding. To hear the voice of the dead may be a warning of your own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue. The voice is an echo thrown back from the future on the…

…I can fly. To substantiate my statement, I then climb on to the table or chair, spring off, and, with both feet together, rise to the ceiling, much to my own gratification and the edification of my audience.Bitter, indeed, is my chagrin when I awake and discover that I am as far off flying as ever. Again, many is the time I have dreamed I have been in a huge, empty house, pursued by some grotesque monstrosity that, after chasing me up endless staircases and along the most blood-curdling corridors, has at length cornered me in a gloomy top attic. All seems hopeless, and I am expecting to be caught every second, when, just as the dreadful creature bounds into the room, I leap on to the window-sill and, with a prodigious bound, spring into space. And then, joy of joys, instead of falling, I find I can fly —…

…To see your veins in a dream, insures you against slander, if they are normal. To see them bleeding, denotes that you will have a great sorrow from which there will be no escape. To see them swollen, you will rise hastily to distinction and places of trust….

Dreaming one has fallen into a quagmire, shows the party so dreaming shall meet with such obstructions in his affairs, as shall be very difficult to overcome.

…To dream one is drowning presages trouble, either domestic or financial, for the dreamer. To see someone else drowning portends misfortune, either from accidents (sometimes drowning, as actually seen in the vision), illness, or loss of money, but not always for the drowning person. This dream, I find, is a very common one. I have often seen in dreams friends of mine struggling desperately in some deep pool or river. Frantically I have plunged in to their rescue, but always too late, and, on sinking down, down, down, have at length come in contact with their cold, clammy corpses. Quite recently I dreamed I saw a near and dear friend fall shrieking into a seething, hissing pool of muddy water. In an agony of mind I tried to go to his rescue, but was held back by one of those cruel, invisible forces that ever haunt dreams. Desperately I…

In a dream, distilled water represents beautiful children or noble children. Seeing distilled water in a dream also may signify acquiring knowl- edge from learned people who practice what they teach. It also means learning wisdom from wise people. Smelling rose-water or orange-blossom water or distilled water from jonquil or from any species of the narcissus flower in a dream means joy, happiness, cheers, eulogies and prosperity. In a dream, distilled water also may represent bringing out confiscated or stolen merchan- dise or discovering hidden goods. As for distilled farm water or from water lily or distilled water from similar flowers in a dream, they represent medicinal remedies, profits, celebrations or weddings. (Also see Water)

To see a vat in your dreams, foretells anguish and suffering from the hands of cruel persons, into which you have unwittingly fallen.

…Dreaming of a vase, denotes that you will enjoy sweetest pleasure and contentment in the home life. To drink from a vase, you will soon thrill with the delights of stolen love. To see a broken vase, foretells early sorrow. For a young woman to receive one, signifies that she will soon obtain her dearest wish….

…with joy. If one sees himself gathering a bunch of green sprouts in a dream, it denotes a warning. If one recognizes its substance in his dream, interpreting the element then goes back to its innate quality. Entering into a field of sprouts in a dream means a marriage into the family who owns that farmland, or it could mean a business partnership. If one sees himself bartering green sprouts for bread in a dream, it means aversion to poverty. Eating cooked sprouts in a dream means benefits in every respect. If one sees himself in a dream exchanging quails and manna (See Manna) for green sprouts and garlic, it means that he will be subjugated to poverty and humiliation. Purslane in a dream represents someone who has exaggerated hopes. This is why this type of sprout is also called – ‘Stupid sprout.’ (Also see Garden herbs | Lentil)…

…(See Domestics.) To dream that you are robbed by your servants, is a sign that someone among them that you think the most of is deceiving you: if, in your dream, you imagine you have had your silver stolen by a servant, it shows that you will have a difficulty, and discharge one who will be replaced by a dishonest person. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 71, 40, 11….

…Have one without body, freedom. Wash your own head, the finish of all the danger. Have another person head, a distant voyage or commercial expedition. Have the head that is small, means light or pointed weakness of spirits, servitude and dishonor. To feel that someone is bathing your head, damage. To have the head larger or more elevated than people usually have, professional dignity according to the estate of the dreamer, gain of a lawsuit, triumph over adversaries. If the dreamer, or whoever he sees in the dream, is engaged in commerce or any other trade marketing, and his head is off, then it shows disappointments with his business. Have the head swollen, riches and profit for the dreamer’s employers or children. Have the head of a wolf or other savage beast means complete success in all undertakings, competitors vanquished, the respect of fellow citizens. To have the headache,…

Folders in a dream symbolize financial resources or proper identification. Dreaming that your folder has been stolen indicates that someone tries to take advantage of you. Dreaming that you lost your folder suggests you should be more cautious with expenses. You should be more responsible with your money.

…Dreaming of having an umbrella in hand announces problems and unpleasant situations for which the dreamer should prepare. Dreaming of other people carrying umbrellas in their hands hints that someone will approach the dreamer for help. Dreaming of asking to borrow an umbrella announces negative and unpleasant moments that will make the dreamer to ask for help. Dreaming of lending an umbrella suggests that soon people will show ingratitude towards the dreamer. Dreaming of losing an umbrella suggests that there might be a fight with someone who the dreamer trusted and believed in. Dreaming of a broken and useless umbrella, suggests that surprisingly the dreamer will be affected negatively in his or her job, business, etc. Dreaming of having a beautiful umbrella during the rain is announcement of prosperity and good luck. Dreaming of hiding an umbrella usually refers to love affairs or hidden businesses. This dream is about…

The dream in which you see the automobile indicates the movement of your life. The automobile that is technically good shaped, indicates the peace of your mind. You are going through life perfectly without any distractions. If your car is damaged or broken in any other way, it foretells about the difficulties you will have to deal with. The car that has been stolen means that you are feeling betrayed by those you trusted. Somebody wants to use you for their goodness.

(See Pollen)

…In a dream, a spool means keeping one’s secrets, or it could represent a gracious man, or a trustworthy person who lends his help to others and benefits them in their worldly affairs. If one sees himself carrying a spool while taking his ritual ablution in a dream, it means that he will seek the help of a righteous believer who holds fast to the rope of God Almighty. In that sense, a spool represents the element of religious life and the rope in a dream signifies religion, which is one’s connection to his Lord. Carrying a spool when performing one’s ablution in a dream means that one will be permanently cured from ills and become free from debts. A spool in a dream also means an active servant, or a talkative son. (Also see Ball of thread | Rope)…

…Dreaming of an arm, if it’s strong and muscular, indicates that you have to work hard. If it is weak and scrawny, it indicates you’ll have economic difficulties and will feel sad. An amputee’s arm indicates you’ll have losses or diseases. If the arm is swollen, it is a sign of wealth and fortune. If it’s hairy, means problems and difficulties….

…Taylor.”Mr. Fox, in order to attend the House of Commons, had taken an apartment in St. Anne’s Churchyard, Westminster. On the evening when he took possession, he was struck with something that appeared to him mysterious in the manner of the maid-servant, who looked like a man dis- guised, and he felt a very unpleasant emotion. This feeling was strengthened by a similar deportment in the mistress of the house, who soon after entered his room and asked if he wanted anything before he retired to rest. Disliking her manner, he soon dismissed her and went to bed, but the disagreeable impression made on his mind by the maid and the mistress kept him long awake. At length, however, he fell asleep. During his sleep he dreamed that the corpse of a gentleman, who had been murdered, was deposited in the cellar of the house. This dream, co-operating with the…

…(See Eye.) If a girl dreams of seeing a good-looking young man who squints, it is a sign that someone has fallen in love with her, and only waits an opportunity to demonstrate his passion: if a gentleman dreams that his sweetheart squints, it foretells that she is thinking about someone else rather than him, and would not break her heart if he refused to ” come to tea.” Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49….

Yourself falling is bad, but others, elevating. Fruit dropping from trees show ill-luck and vexation. Fallen trees and wood is honour, while you draw breathy, but if you dream you fall this is sure sign of death.

…(Detergent | Discards | Filth | Loan | Tithe) Charity in a dream means repelling calamities, recovering from illness, profits or truthfulness. This is also true when it comes to earning one’s money lawfully, but if one gives a dead animal or alcohol or a stolen or mismanaged money in charity, then his charity is not acceptable and it means that he will pursue evil and indulge in sin. If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed. If one donates his charities to a rich person in a dream, it means that he may suffer from tight financial circumstances, or that he may come to be in need of such a person. If one gives a charitable donation to a prostitute in…

Dreaming of quinine, denotes you will soon be possessed of great happiness, though your prospects for much wealth may be meager. To take some, foretells improvement in health and energy. You will also make new friends, who will lend you commercial aid.

(See Garden herbs | Lentil | Sprouts)

To dream that you are stealing something means that you are jealous for someone in your life. Sometimes the stealing could be an indicator of your desire to have more material things in life. The stealing is also a negative dream, because it shows that you envy other people. If something has been stolen from you, you will face disappointment and frustration by those you are surrounded by. Sometimes the stealing has a positive meaning, it shows that you take something that belongs to you, but unfairly was taken away.

To dream we lose teeth is a symbol of frustration, castration or failure. To a man the dream of lacking teeth, especially because the teeth have decayed and fallen out, reflects fear of losing his virility or a defeat in life. To a woman it also means fear of growing old and in the case of being pregnant, fear of a difficult birth. It also depends on which teeth are lost. The incisors are figurative teeth. They symbolize external appearance, fame, celebrity and beauty. The canine tooth symbolizes rage and aggression. The molar tooth symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance.