Signing a loan in a dream means beingput under a court restraint. (Also see Borrowing | Lending money | Write)

…To dream of being injured in the knee, means that some of the obstacles and barriers will be made for you by your enemies, therefore you won’t be able to work your way. The knees that are swollen and giving pain, indicates grief, sickness, troubles, damage, bad success, or merely delay in business matters. To have them tired, illness. To bend upon knees, denotes devotion, humility, trouble, and embarrassment in business. Knees that are cut or withered that much as to be unable to walk, means poverty through lack of work. Drag knees along the ground in default of feet, means loss of goods, distress for the dreamer or because of the particular person, or his friends or relatives. Knees cured and placed in healthy condition for walking, misfortune and calumny will change into prosperity and contentment. Knees that are made to run fast, success in all sorts of…

Dreaming of staring at your own feet signifies self-resignation, and subjection to others, which the dreamer will be able to overcome. Dreaming of staring at the feet of other people could mean that the dreamer has the will to not be influenced by other people and is able to achieve important success. Dreaming of washing your own feet means that you are not applying enough power to defend your rights, letting others take advantage of that opportunity. Dreaming of having foot pain, announces difficulty in matters being handled and with family. Dreaming of having red or swollen feet suggests that soon there will be changes, perhaps family separations that may eventually become a serious conflict.

…or perhaps it could mean that a thief will enter his house to steal something, or to hide a stollen object, or that one may steal something and hide it from its true owner, or that he may get sick from eating spoiled food, or it could mean that he may bury a dear person, or that he is affected and a liar, or he may hide his real beliefs and show a better standing in public, or it may represent an accident or a fire. As for a woman, her pregnancy in a dream means losing her virginity before marriage, or that she will marry an unsuitable person. If a barren woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means a bad harvest for that year, or it could mean a robbery in her neighborhood. If an unmarried woman or a young virgin sees herself pregnant in a dream,…

…Dreaming of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. Dreaming of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer….

…In a dream, if a street vendor is selling woolen garments or golden jewelry, then one’s dream denotes benefits. If he is selling silk merchandise in the dream, then it denotes harm….

Jails announces a change in our style of life. If the prison guard is nice and smiling, or if the doors are open, the change is imminent. If the attitude of the prison guard is sullen and the jail is dark, we should reflect about our own behavior from now. If our feelings in the dream are violent, or desperate, it points out the change had been against our will.

…from jail and regain his dignity. Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown. Wearing a golden crown in a dream is also a bad omen. If a widow sees herself wearing a crown studded with gems in a dream, it means marriage to a wealthy person from another country. If the crown is made of gold in the dream, it means that she will marry an old man whom she will shortly inherit. If an unjust ruler sees himself wearing a golden crown in a dream, it means that he will lose his eyesight, while if he sees himself wearing a golden crown inlaid with gems in the dream, it means establishing trading interests with a foreign country. If a woman’s crown is stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Turban)…

Dreaming of hearing the gramophone, foretells the advent of some new and pleasing comrade who will lend himself willingly to advance your enjoyment. If it is broken, some fateful occurrence will thwart and defeat delights that you hold in anticipation.

…Dreaming of seeing your shoes ragged and soiled, denotes that you will make enemies by your unfeeling criticisms. To have them blacked in your dreams, foretells improvement in your affairs, and some important event will cause you satisfaction. New shoes, augur changes which will prove beneficial. If they pinch your feet, you will be uncomfortably exposed to the practical joking of the fun-loving companions of your sex. To find them untied, denotes losses, quarrels and ill-health. To lose them, is a sign of desertion and divorces. Dreaming that your shoes have been stolen during the night, but you have two pairs of hose, denotes you will have a loss, but will gain in some other pursuit. For a young woman Dreaming that her shoes are admired while on her feet, warns her to be cautious in allowing newly introduced people, and men of any kind, to approach her in…

The closet that is empty is interpreted as a sign to be careful while lending or borrowing. If the closet is linen, then great times are ahead of you.

…If you dream about any kind of the money, then it signifies the valuation for the things you get from people around you such as the favor, lending money, giving helps when it is needed. If you pay the bill, it shows that you feel that you owe something to someone because of the favor they did to you. You think you have to pay for what you got or the subconscious mind of yours is thinking that way. If you won the lottery or the other person gave you a great amount of the cash, you are feeling very lucky in some situation, however you know that you will have to pay for that in other way as well. If you dream that the other person must give you the money, because you borrowed it to him/her before, it means that you feel unappreciated and people should give…

…in the immensity of the distance, the water in some miraculous manner having disappeared altogether.I was deliberating what I had better do, when an enormously tall, nude figure — not unlike a human being — brushed past me, and, turning round, laid one of its long, gleaming fingers against its nose — and smiled knowingly. Fascinated beyond measure, I immediately followed this strange being, and, almost before I was aware of what was happening, found myself racing down the marble steps in close pursuit of it. The peculiarity of its antics increased the further we descended, and at length reached a climax. Suddenly halting on the very margin of a step, it stood on its head and revolved at such a terrific speed that, overcome with dizziness, I fell. I have a vague notion that the figure caught me in its arms as I whizzed past it, and then all…

…to face from any ‘Tec, she said, I want you” to commit a sham burglary at my house, and do your work in such a manner as will lead my husband to suppose that you have stolen the necklace. In reality you mustn’t touch anything, or else” — here a very ugly expression crept into the corners of her mouth — “or else,” she went on, “but there, I must take you on your honour, Mr. Bailey. You will promise to bide entirely by my instructions, won’t you? “”Certainly, ma’am,” I answered, “Especially if you make it worth my while.””What would you consider worth your while?” she asked.”Three hundred and fifty pounds, ma’am,” I hazarded, praying to heaven she would give it me; for that sum, don’t you see, Lil, would just make up our five hundred. To my surprise, the lady smiled. “That seems rather exorbitant,” she said; “but…

Dreaming that a demand for charity comes in upon you, denotes that you will be placed in embarrassing situations, but by your persistency you will fully restore your good standing. If the demand is unjust, you will become a leader in your profession. For a lover to command you adversely, implies his, or her, leniency.

If you are dreaming that you see the hole on the ground, then such dream indicates your secret activities. The hole in the ground could also show that you are feeling not fulfilled. Perhaps you have a feeling as being empty. The dream could be understood as the suggestion to do something in order to feel less lonely and empty inside. If you dream that you have fallen into the hole, then it shows some situation you have stuck in. Perhaps you do not know how to escape this position.

…An arch in a dream, denotes your rise to distinction and the gaining of wealth by persistent effort. To pass under one, foretells that many will seek you who formerly ignored your position. For a young woman to see a fallen arch, denotes the destruction of her hopes, and she will be miserable in her new situation….

…and pointed excitedly at my coat. Following his glance, the blood in my veins froze. My coat, which was buttoned, had swollen to an enormous size, and right across the back of it, was a huge, flabby-lipped mouth that was gulping down some nasty -looking, sticky mess as fast as it could. With an ejaculation of disgust I loosened my hold of it, and the next moment, caught up by a strong current of air, it was wafted away from me and borne at a great rate across the desert. Hanging on to it behind, I noticed (with the greatest sensation of relief) my tail! I now left the boy, and aiming for a clump of trees I saw in the distance, was rapidly advancing towards it, when a very tall and thin man, with a fiat rectangular face no thicker than a plank, rose out of a pit a…

Emaciated and disordered, the dream shows that you are trying to get rid of some unpleasant business. Larger than usual, increase in wealth and fortune proportionately to its augmentation. Swollen but empty and full of wind, misery, misfortunes concealed in secret. A hunger indicates industry, richness and wealth proportionate to your need. An aching stomach represents domestic trials, bitter pains and uncomfortable feeling.

…closing one’s business. Seeing a young man attaching a string to a bow in a dream represents one’s enemy. Attaching a string to a bow in a dream also means marriage, while detaching the string of a bow in a dream means divorce. Seeing oneself standing before a ruler with two bows length between them mean receiving an appointment. The two bows in a dream also represent one’s eye-brows. Shooting arrows with a bow in a dream means speaking wrong about something or backbiting someone. Carving a bow in a dream means preparing to get married or begetting a son. Shooting an arrow and hitting one’s target in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs, or attaining one’s goal. Selling one’s bow and arrows in a dream means giving priority to one’s religious life over that of his mundane one. Shooting hazelnuts in a town in a dream means backbiting people,…

…Dreaming of owning diamonds is a very propitious dream, signifying great honor and recognition from high places. For a young woman Dreaming of her lover presenting her with diamonds, foreshows that she will make a great and honorable marriage, which will fill her people with honest pride | but to lose diamonds, and not find them again, is the most unlucky of dreams, foretelling disgrace, want and death. For a sporting woman Dreaming of diamonds, foretells for her many prosperous days and magnificent presents. For a speculator, it denotes prosperous transactions. Dreaming of owning diamonds, portends the same for sporting men or women. Diamonds are omens of good luck, unless stolen from the bodies of dead persons, when they foretell that your own unfaithfulness will be discovered by your friends….

Dreaming of a ring means you will have steadfastness of purpose and strong will. To dream that someone give you a ring means you´re feeling strongly tied to the problems and circumstances of life. To dream that you are the person who gives the ring means you have confidence in your family. Seeing a ring on your finger in a dream means the prize for effort. It also indicates loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities and belief. Seeing a broken ring in a dream means an attack against your loyalty, it indicates disappointments and separation. To dream you lose a ring or that someone has stolen your ring suggests you’ll lose something or someone close to you. Receiving a ring in a dream denotes that your suspicions and concerns about your loved one will end.

…Dreaming of seeing good-looking and fat cattle contentedly grazing in green pastures, denotes prosperity and happiness through a congenial and pleasant companion. To see cattle lean and shaggy, and poorly fed, you will be likely to toil all your life because of misspent energy and dislike of details of work. Correct your habits after this dream. To see cattle stampeding, means that you will have to exert all the powers of command you have to keep your career in a profitable channel. To see a herd of cows at milking time, you will be the successful owner of wealth that many have worked to obtain. To a young woman this means that her affections will not suffer from the one of her choice. Dreaming of milking cows with udders well filled, great good fortune is in store for you. If the calf has stolen the milk, it signifies that…

…Horse’s tail, long and well supplied with hair, means assistance will be received from friends in an initial enterprise, happiness and success proportionate to the length of the tail, advantageous marriage. The tail that is cut and separated from the horse, signifies that you will be abandoned by friends, servants and companions, or brother soldiers, if the dreamer be in the military….

…in various charities. Eating a cat in a dream means learning about sorcery. If one sees himself transformed into a tomcat in a dream, it means that he lives from stealing and seeks what is harmful. A tomcat entering one’s house in a dream represents a robber. Whatever a tomcat takes from one’s house in the dream will be looted by such a thief. Killing or beating a tomcat in a dream means catching a thief or killing him. If one extracts fat from a cat in a dream, it means that he will receive stolen money or a share thereof. Fighting with a tomcat in a dream means an affliction with a long and a debilitating illness that will be followed by a complete recovery. If the tomcat loses the fight, and if the man is already sick, it means that he will recover from his illness shortly thereafter….

…(Interpreter | Pen | Speech writer | Stinger | Translator) In a dream, one’s tongue represents his translator or his business manager. One’s tongue in a dream also represents the chief cause of sin. Moving one’s tongue without speaking in a dream means committing a sin. Seeing an increase in size, width, or length of one’s tongue in a dream means strength and overcoming one’s enemy. If one’s tongue becomes elongated with no cause for dispute or argument in a dream, it means having a bad tongue, or backbiting others, speaking ill about others, or using base and despicable language. Having a long tongue in a dream also could mean clarity in one’s speech and eloquence in one’s expressions. Having two tongues in a dream means acquiring a second language or a second trade, using a proof other than one’s own in a court of justice, or winning victory…

…Dreaming of goggles, is a warning of disreputable companions who will wheedle you into lending your money foolishly. For a young woman Dreaming of goggles, means that she will listen to persuasion which will mar her fortune….

…life. If one sees himself forcefully pushing his tongue against his teeth in a dream, it means that he speaks ill of his own family, or it could mean problems in one’s house. If the crown or the enamel of one’s eyetooth is damaged, or if it falls in a dream, it means the death of one’s son. (5) Teeth in a dream represent one’s clan, close relatives, or distant cousins. The molar teeth represent the male members and the incisors represent the female members. Unnecessarily pulling out one’s teeth in a dream means paying a fine, losing one’s capital, or severing relationship with members of one’s family. Discovering one or two cavities in one’s teeth in a dream means that one may beget one or two sons. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream means belittling someone’s ideas, or it could mean a family dispute. Fallen teeth in a…

…A needle in a dream represents a wife for a bachelor, though for a poor person it means satisfaction. To hold a needle in a dream means to correct oneself. If the needle is threaded in the dream, it means finding a way to improve one’s life. A broken needle in a dream means difficulties and trials. If one’s needle is stolen in a dream, it means that one’s unfavorable conditions may last. (Also see Sacking needle)…

…(Fungus | Ringworm | Tetter) Suffering from herpes, or ringworm, or tetter in a dream means stinginess, or having resources to repay one’s debts and concealing such knowledge from the lenders and being afraid of their asking for their money….

…Gold jewelry warns us against pride. Silver is an omen of benefits. Fake jewels warn us against false vanity and presumption. Broken jewels foretell frustration. Worn or dirty jewels mean business problems. To lose them, means problems with our personal property. To find them, means dangerous temptations. To buy them, means loss of money. If we are given jewels as a gift it’s a warning not to lend or borrow. To wear them, means backbiting. In a much higher level jewels acquire the meaning of spiritual truths. Jewelries are symbols of a higher knowledge. Dreams in which the jewels are discovered in caves, symbolize a wisdom that lies hidden and ignored in our subconscious….

The dream about credit card represents the values and security. The situation in your waking life could give much more of the interpretation about dream, therefore you should reconsider if you owe something to someone and what duties you have. If you have lost the wallet with your credit cards, then such dream may suggests you to be more careful with your incomes and money, because the inattention can lead to bankrupt. If someone has stolen your credit card, then it shows the people around you should be aware , because they will take away lots of time, energy and even money from you.

…To dream that you pass across an orchard that’s in bloom accompanied by your loved one (girlfriend, spouse, mother, children) indicates that your dreams will come true, as long as it’s something reasonable and feasible to achieve. To dream that in this garden abounds ripe fruit, suggests gratification due to the faith put in what you’ve done, a near future reward that will bring peace and happiness into your home. To dream that you’re in an orchard and some animals arrive and start eating the fruit that has fallen to the ground suggests that you’ll lose in disputes and conflicts that are about to happen, because what you are claiming doesn’t belong to you. To dream that you pick up a ripe fruit of any kind is a sign of prosperity and many successes. To dream about an orchard that’s infested with worms indicates problems and tribulations of all…

…For a young woman Dreaming of a pebble-strewn walk, she will be vexed with many rivals and find that there are others with charms that attract besides her own. She who dreams of pebbles is selfish and should cultivate leniency towards others’ faults….

…(Daughter | Pulsate | Servant) In a dream, the human heart represents his awareness, diligence, intelligence, master, king of the human body and its governor. Seeing a heart in a dream also represents good conduct, good spiritual awareness, religious assiduity and clarity of speech. If one’s heart is stolen from him in a dream, it means fear, yearnings, bad religious practices, an accident, or a calamity. Seeing one’s heart blackened, or covered with an opaque seal in a dream, it means heedlessness, sinfulness and blindness of the heart. (Also see Body’ | Chest)…

Seeing yourself being dirty, foretells about moral or economic problems. Swollen or too large body indicates increase of goods or power. Thin or too small, loss of health or money. Dreaming of being in two places at the same time indicates that we will be paired with two people of the opposite sex at a time. With the body split in two pieces, means separation of our property.

Whether we are being abandoned or we are the ones that abandoned someone else, the fact is that this phenomenon is quite common in dreams, and lends itself to many nuances in interpretation. Being abandoned is often the subject of some nightmares but on closer analysis it can mean feeling liberated, especially if the one that leaves us means authority or power over us. These dreams usually indicate, in any case, fear and this should be taken into account in terms of our health, perhaps because we are receiving a notice of our unconscious. When we are the ones who abandon it could mean that we are prisoners of some idea, circumstance, person or group and we desire to get out of this situation, if only in dreams we dare to take that step.

The I.D. indicates your own identity and how you think about yourself. If you lost you I.D., it means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. If someone has stolen your I.D., it symbolizes your fear of being influenced by others in the negative way. If the driver’s license or I.D. was taken from you because of the your behavior, you will have to face the consequences for what you have done.

…It is a favorable dream to see birds of beautiful plumage. A wealthy and happy partner is near if a woman has dreams of this nature. Moulting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth. To see a wounded bird, is fateful of deep sorrow caused by erring offspring. To see flying birds, is a sign of prosperity to the dreamer. All disagreeable environments will vanish before the wave of prospective good. To catch birds, is not at all bad. To hear them speak, is owning one’s inability to perform tasks that demand great clearness of perception. To kill than with a gun, is disaster from dearth of harvest….

(Bankruptcy | Deceptive | Feigned | Misleading) Fraudu- lent bankruptcy in a dream represents income or suffering from an actual bankruptcy. If one is called fraudulent in a dream and there is a legitimate witness to such allegation, it means increase in his earnings. If the circumstances in the dream denote evil, it means that he will go into bankruptcy or become ill mannered, or that he will use vile language, or become filthy, or lose his integrity. (Also see Bankruptcy)