…Every clock means time, and if the hands are moving, it means active time, therefore this doesn’t indicate death, like people in ancient times used to think. In contrast, today is thought it suggests activity, movement, life. Dreaming that you see the time on a clock suggests that you should be careful with the enemies you already know. Dreaming that a watch is broken is a threat that means that you’ll have several losses in business or any other affairs you’re handling. Dreaming that the crystal of a watch falls off your hands suggests enmities, false friends, and that your own carelessness will make you have losses. Dreaming that your watch is stolen suggests that dangerous enemies will attempt to do things against you from the dark, to damage your integrity and disturb the peacefulness of your house. Dreaming that you flatter a clock suggests that you’re trying to…

…(Collateral | Deposit | Hostage | Mortgage | Security) In a dream, a pawn represents goods that are deposited to secure a loan, or it could mean changes in one’s life for the better. To deposit something valuable as a security for something worthless in a dream means falling in love with an insolent man who will abuse the woman, take advantage of her, or use her for his own interests. Signing a collateral in a dream also represents the lack of trust between the lender and the borrower. Otherwise, a security deposit may denote a journey. (Also see Deposit | Hostage)…

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

…To dream of catching one of these animals, is a sign that you will be robbed, and that the thief will be detected: if you imagine you kill the woodchuck, you will probably recover your stolen property. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 19….

Dreaming about a camel with one hump is fortunate omen and means unpredicted achievements. Furthermore, to see a dromedary in dream indicates your hard working nature. This quality of yours is going to reward you with unexpected riches and increase your reputation. Alternatively, to dream about dromedary represents your caregiving personality. You are a generous person. You are always ready to lend a helping hand.

…It is bad Dreaming of seeing a swollen mortifying belly, it indicates desperate sickness. To see anything moving on the belly, prognosticates humiliation and hard labor. To see a healthy belly, denotes insane desires. See Abdomen….

To wear a skirt in a dream, denotes to the feminine aspects of your personality. Probably you are trying to express yourself more as the potential female. The length of the skirt also tells much more about a dream, for example the short skirt would send the sexual message while the long one shows the conservative views of the dreamer.

…The ladder symbolizes the means to move from one level to another. If it’s a hand ladder the prediction is of success or improvement of temporal position. Furthermore, each step is independent and each represents unrelated problems. If it is a fixed ladder that same success will be lengthy and of significance that will mark our lives. In this ladder the steps have continuity; it represents continuous difficulties and obstacles. The spiral staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. Often accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear and symbolizes that we are spending our energy on something that does not deserve our effort. The ladder can almost have a highly spiritual meaning, which we will know by the number of steps (should be a sacred number, almost always seven) and, for the atmosphere of the dream. In these cases it represents the rise of the soul to God or the…

…(Accolade | Hug) Embracing someone in a dream means longevity. Embracing a deceased person also means longevity. If a deceased person embraces the person seeing the dream and does not let go of him in a dream, it means his death. Embracing a known person in a dream means associating with him. Embracing one’s enemy in a dream means making peace with him. It is also said that an embrace in a dream signifies exchanging praises. An embrace in a dream also signifies kindness, liking for one another, travels, arriving from a journey and dispelling distress or anxiety. An embrace in a dream is also interpreted to mean having sexual intercourse. Embracing a woman in a dream means love for the world, and despair from receiving any reward in the hereafter. Embracing a man in a dream signifies lending him support and helping him. Embracing the trunk of a…

…Working a bellows, denotes a struggle, but a final triumph over poverty and fate by energy and perseverance. Dreaming of seeing a bellows, distant friends are longing to see you. To hear one, occult knowledge will be obtained by the help of powerful means. One fallen into disuse, portends you have wasted energies under misguiding impulses….

…Dreaming of someone else’s head, especially if it is the head of important person, it suggests that the dreamer is going to improve his social relationships. Dreaming of your own head and predominantly feeling discomfort, this dream indicates that you suffer in waking life from stress and perhaps changes in blood pressure, or that you’re experiencing serious concerns. Dreaming of washing your head indicates that pretty soon some important people will appreciate your work, giving to it the importance that it really has. Dreaming of human head disconnected from its body indicates that your business and affairs are bad, which will produce various difficulties. Dreaming of having two heads hints that you will soon be successful in your things, but it won’t be permanent. Dreaming of a swollen or/and deformed head means that you’re living in mediocrity, with inconsequential ups and downs. Dreaming about the heads of cheerful children…

Providing a service indicates that your qualities of seriousness and effectiveness will be appreciated. Receiving it announces that acquaintances will lend their help.

To dream that you have the right arm cut off, is significant of the death of a female relative; if both arms are cut off, captivity and sickness; an arm broken, or withered, sorrows, losses, and widowhood; an arm swollen, sudden fortune falling to a dear friend; to dream that you have strong arms, signifies health and happiness; dirty arms, misery; hairy arms, an increase of fortune and family.

…To dream that you are having some of the false teeth, means that someone will give you a hand when you will need it the most. You should rely on this person. If your teeth are rotten and looks disgusting, then it represents the disgusting side of your personality where you lied to someone or said the things that would make some situation favourable to you. If your teeth are falling out, it means that the bad things you said about others or did something awful to them made lots of damage and those people are suffering a lot. If you swallowed one of your rotten teeth, you will pay for your bad behaviour. To dream about healthy looking teeth, means that you will be the victim of other people’s lies. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, you have to know which tooth has fallen out exactly,…

To wear a mantle or blanket in dreams indicates protection, success, honors and satisfactions of self-esteem, proportional to the length and richness of the mantle. To give the mantle to someone else is a form of surrender to that person.

Symbolizes what is fleeting, the short length of what the dream symbolizes.

…If you dream that your hair is thick and bushy, it shows that you’ll grow rich or powerful; if you dream it is curly and kinky, when in fact it is not, it is a sign you’ll do something that you will afterward be ashamed of; if, in your dream, you imagine that your hair has fallen off, or that it has become extremely thin, it is a bad omen, as it shadows forth sickness, and perhaps death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 42….

…If they are dead, but in a dream are frustrated and angry, it signifies fights. If they’re happy, the event will be joyful and beneficial. If they are still alive, it is said that this dream lengthens life. It is also sign of longing better times from of the past….

If you dream about unhealthy or rotten teeth, it means that you have huge problems or worrying about something very much. The teeth that are clean, beautiful, straight and white signifies a happy domestic happiness and family affairs. The tooth that fallen out denotes something in your waking life that will be lost. You are afraid about something. To dream that somebody else is losing the teeth means that you are worrying about other people either.

This dream must be interpreted depending on the color of the tapestry because the rest lacks symbolic meaning, unless we are from Middle East or from a town that has it as ingrained as it. In the Middle East tapestry symbolizes the life and existence of the dreamer. Its length, thickness and strength promises us prosperity.

…a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or perhaps that he may become rich. Seeing a female of unknown species in a dream means loss of money. If one sees his wife getting married to someone else in a dream, it means that he may deviate from God’s path, then repent for his sin. A woman in a dream also represents wealth, the world, a farm, pleasures or authority, for a wife governs the needs of her husband and controls his life in one way or another. If a woman sees her crown stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or it could mean the death of her husband. (Also see Belt | Crown | Glass bottle | Glass | Gray hair | Ribs | Silver | Vat | Women)…

…When a man dreams of a flag that’s moving in the wind, it means that he’ll overcome all the difficulties that appear in his life and that he will soon receive good news. Dreaming that you wear a flag as a distinctive part of your clothes indicates that you’ll soon receive some of honor. Dreaming of a fallen and wrinkled flag indicates loss of honor and prestige, and in some cases, it also means material losses. Dreaming of a gray or black flag indicates that sad days are approaching due to not achieving the things you want. Dreaming that you proudly salute the national flag indicates pride because you are confident in your ability to succeed in life, which promises future welfare. Dreaming of a broken and dirty flag indicates failures and losses. Dreaming of only one flagpole indicates that you don’t know for sure what you want. For…

…Some strong legs indicates resolution of problems, happiness and health. Amputee or broken legs mean death or sickness of a relative or a close person. Weak legs are indications of afflictions, sorrows and economic problems. Swollen legs presage luck on random games, unexpected money or wealth….

…Dream of having a hand cut off, burned, or withered loss of a most valuable assets. If the dreamer has no important assets, then it foretells about misfortune and incapacity if he wish to continue his ordinary job. If the dreamer is a woman, loss of support from her husband. To have a hand hairy or shaggy, resentment and imprisonment of your own thoughts. To have a diminutive hand, means deliverance, disembarrassment. To wash the hands means toil and inquietude. To look at your own hands, infirmity. Swollen hands, riches and profit to others. Hands more beautiful and stronger than natural conclusion of an important affair, honorable as well as great, the affection of subordinates. Hands or fingers smaller than ordinarily, unfaithful people or abuse of confidence. Hands fresh and white, if the dreamer is rich, friendship and numerous companions, if he is poor, distress and few sympathizers. Have…

If you dream that you have lost your purse, then the subconscious mind of yours is sending you a signal that you should be more careful with your finances. The purse that is being stolen warns you to open your eyes, because there is someone in your waking life that is waiting to steal something from you.

…Dreaming that you are undressing, foretells, scandalous gossip will overshadow you. For a woman Dreaming that she sees the ruler of her country undressed, signifies sadness will overtake anticipated pleasures. She will suffer pain through the apprehension of evil to those dear to her. To see others undressed, is an omen of stolen pleasures, which will rebound with grief….

…(Softness | Support | Throw pillow) In a dream, a pillow represents money, a husband, a wife, a confidant, or children. A pillow in a dream also represents a women who knows another woman’s secret and who keeps it hidden from people’s knowledge. A stolen pillow in a dream means the death of one’s servant. The king’s pillow in a dream represents his deputies, ministers and administra- tors. As for most people, a pillow in a dream represents one’s intimate friends and brethren. The interpretation of a pillow in a dream is also similar to that of a mattress or a carpet. As for scholars, a pillow in a dream denotes their piety and righteousness. Carrying a pillow in a dream also represents earnings, a cushion, rest, or an illness….

Receiving some stolen goods back again.

…(Umbilicus) In a dream, one’s navel represents his mother, his father, or it could mean his earnings, wife, servant or a coffer. If one’s navel looks abnormal in a dream, it means that something bad may happen to his family. This also may affect any of the above members of his family or property. If a sick person sees his navel swollen in a dream, it means his death. To open one’s navel by hand in a dream means opening one’s coffer to get some spending money. One’s navel in a dream also means happiness, and could represent the wife’s lover, a beloved, or one’s will. Thus, if one’s navel looks beautiful in the dream, its beauty will show in his life | but if it looks ugly, it means that he may live a wretched life. A navel in a dream also represents one’s homeland. Any pain one…

(Bed cover | Cover | Lioncloth | Mexican blanket | Overlay | Overspread) In a dream, a blanket represents a woman. If one sees himself wearing a blanket over a wrapper, or a lioncloth in a dream, it means marriage. If he sees a blanket made of pearls in a dream, it means that his wife is a pious woman. Wrapping oneself with a blanket in a dream means marriage, comfort, peace, tranquility and strength. Wrapping oneself with a red blanket in a dream means a fight because of a woman. If a blanket is stolen or burned or taken away from someone in his dream, it means divorce or death of his wife.

…Dreaming of carrying an umbrella, denotes that trouble and annoyances will beset you. To see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity. To borrow one, you will have a misunderstanding, perhaps, with a warm friend. To lend one, portends injury from false friends. To lose one, denotes trouble with some one who holds your confidence. To see one torn to pieces, or broken, foretells that you will be misrepresented and maligned. To carry a leaky one, denotes that pain and displeasure will be felt by you towards your sweetheart or companions. To carry a new umbrella over you in a clear shower, or sunshine, omens exquisite pleasure and prosperity….

…They represent at the top, husband or wife and at the bottom, the family. To have them broken or forced in, means conjugal quarrels, soon made up, or with parents and relatives, depending to location of the injury or the sex of the dreamer. To have them stronger and larger than usual people have, means huge happiness, contentment, coming from the family or those taking an interest in the dreamer’s affairs. To have a side being swollen, riches for the husband or wife….

…If you dream that you are looking at old ruins, or castles, or buildings, it is a sign you will travel in distant countries: to dream of the ruins of a house that has been burnt down, foretells that you will experience a loss of property: if, in your dream, you see the ruins of a house that has fallen down, it denotes the death of a friend or acquaintance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 12, 60….

…(Grapes | Sugar cane | Wine) Pressing grapes to make wine in a dream means prosperity and a good harvest. The same interpretation is given for pressing sugar cane or other fruits. If a poor person sees himself pressing grapes to make wine in a dream, it means that he will prosper. If one sees everyone pressing grapes to make wine, or pressing olives for their eating oil in a dream when the economic conditions are down in one’s homeland, it means economic recovery. If a scholar or a student on the path, or a prisoner sees that, it means that they will escape from a potential danger. If a lender sees that, it means that he will recover his money from people. If a student on the path sees that, it means that he will succeed in his quest for knowledge. If a bachelor sees that, it means…

…To have shoulders larger and more plump than customary, if the dreamer is in prison means vexation, sadness, punishment, otherwise it could mean strength and prosperity. To have them swollen, indicates riches for the dreamer’s mistress and for all women of unpleasant repute. Have them being bruised, or if it has any of the tumors, then it symbolizes anger and the family’s displeasure….

…Dreaming of a torquoise,{sic} foretells you are soon to realize some desire which will greatly please your relatives. For a woman to have one stolen, foretells she will meet with crosses in love. If she comes by it dishonestly, she must suffer for yielding to hasty susceptibility in love….

…a good livelihood. A new and well made carpet in a dream also represents a long life to its owner, prosperity and decisiveness. Seeing a carpet spread for one to sit on it and whose owner is unknown in an unknown place in a dream means that one will emigrate to a foreign land and succeed in establishing a good livelihood for himself. If in such a place the carpet is thin in the dream, it means worldly gains and longevity. Sitting on a carpet in a dream also means associating with leaders and judges. If one’s carpet is stolen, burned or thinned in a dream, it means nearingthe term of his life in this world, afflictions, illness or emaciation. An old torn carpet in a dream means distress, or a man who boosts about himself, who exalts his status and consequently emerges to be a liar and false….

Buying goods indicates joy and happiness. If they are stolen, financial worries. Seeing them burn, waste of money.

Seeing a theft usually means loss, problems, worries, and obstacles. To dream that you have something stolen denotes that you are in a crisis and you are suffering a lot. Dreaming that you are stealing denotes fiscal or legal problems. Alternatively, it may mean unfulfilled goals.

(See Garden herbs | Lentil | Sprout)