Significant of good, in games of chance; success in amours and pleasures.

(See Games)

When you dream of playing the game, then such dream indicates your ability to be childish. On the other hand, the different games could have completely different meanings depending on the kind of the game.

Fear of losing, change of character. Although dreams whit strategy games traditionally presage joy and friendship, if we dream that we play chess that could mean that we are involved in a problem and we are afraid to take some resolution that we are repeatedly weighing.

If you dreamed of seeing a sprinkling, then such dream symbolizes the new beginning. What has been growing for a while now will give the results you hope for.

Hope to regain happiness in a short period of time.

In the dream to have interaction with a spire is an omen of fortune. Alternatively, to see a spire when you are dreaming, may have the symbolic significance of penis. But most often, dreaming about spire represents your ambitious character, your goals and your achievements. Also it can indicate your hope to solve some problem or clear some situation. Spire as the symbol with phallic connotations, also indicates good outcomes in your intimate relationship.

Unexpected solutions will allow you reactivate projects condemned to inertia. Hope for the next success.

Dreaming of snow plough (snow plow) means some unexpected solutions will permit you to continue projects previously destined to doom. It is the hope of coming success.

Moments of great hope and wonderful projects.

Hope of success, fortune in love and marriage, wealth and honour, prospect of receiving a good office. 123.

To dream you see anchor, signifies great assurance and certain hope.

…Dreaming of a Pandora’s Box indicates hope and that soon you’ll experience a positive change. It also symbolizes curiosity, unconscious thoughts and needs to express them….

The helicopter is dreams is known as the good omen, because it symbolizes your desires and wishes. If you are flying with the helicopter, then such dream shows the great ambitious you have while leading your life. You are not afraid to take the risks and you know how to deal with any of the obstacles that are coming your way. Alternatively, if you are in the helicopter, then such dream shows the very high expectations you have for yourself or for the others. Perhaps you hope too much. Do not be so demanding on yourself or the others, because sometimes it is enough to have less in life.

…Seeing Pandora’s box indicates hope. You will soon experience a change for the better. Alternatively, it symbolizes your curiosity, your unconscious thoughts and the need to express them….

Symbolizes hope and regeneration. For those engaged in literature it can be interpreted as a harbinger of a period of inspiration, and for traders, good business. In any case, green needs to be taken as a color that indicates something uncertain, not yet mature, that’s why it’s important to remain alert and not just assume good results, you should have good attitude to work on achieving what you want.

…(Burial ground | Grave | Graveyard) Seeing a cemetery or a graveyard in a dream means appeasement and comfort for a terrified person, and dismay to a comfortable and a relaxed person. A graveyard represents the elements of fear, hope and return to guidance after heedlessness. A cemetery represents the hereafter, because it is its vehicle. A cemetery in a dream also represents the prison of the body, but in a dream, it also means seclusion, devotion, abstinence, asceticism or admonition. A cemetery also can be interpreted as the dead looking drunkard in a bar, a man laying flat in a prostitution house, the home of a heedless person who often sleeps rather than pray or a hypocrite whose deeds are not subject to receiving a heavenly reward, etcetera. If a sick person walks into a funeral procession in a dream, it means that his illness will culminate in…

Dreaming of New Year means prosperity and hope. It is a new beginning in a new spiritual level that suggest clarification or finding a new understanding.

…The green color, in dreams, as in everyday life, is a symbol of hope and continual nature regeneration, indicating happiness and prosperity. However, we must be cautious when associating it to a jungle, as it means that serious dangers of an unknown nature are approaching. It can also be a warning that you need to be patient if you’re awaiting a resolution, this dream indicates that it’s not the right time yet….

Dream of a running factory means hope of success, sure winnings, and triumph. Dream of a factory in poor condition, or about to collapse, means obstacles, difficulties, concerns, failure, and misery.

To see a house, you may hope for a fortunate change in your affairs; to dream of possessing one, bids you expect misfortune and sickness.

…Time or clock in a dream symbolizes the rhythm and the course of our lives. To see a stopped clock in a dream is an omen that our evolution has finished or that the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, our lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work, if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it, then it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock, then it reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning depends on the context and the marked time….

To follow a treatment signifies hope of upcoming improvement in your conditions after distressing circumstances.

…To see this beast of burden, signifies that you will entertain great patience and fortitude in time of almost unbearable anguish and failures that will seemingly sweep every vestige of hope from you. To own a camel, is a sign that you will possess rich mining property. To see a herd of camels on the desert, denotes assistance when all human aid seems at a low ebb, and of sickness from which you will arise, contrary to all expectations….

Dream about thunders means that personal matters are not going well and will get worse if they are not given immediate and wise attention. Problems will get worse if one receives water from the storm with nothing to cover. Dreams with thunder presage troubles and events which will disrupt our plans, making us doubt about the resolutions we have to make, especially in business. It is possible to have hard times regarding family relations. The good news is that, as in real life, thunders are fast and all these problems will be overcome in a short time. There’s no reason to lose hope.

…To see a potter’s field in your dreams, denotes you will have poverty and misery to distress you. For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will give up the one she loves in the hope of mercenary gain….

Feeling hot in a dream means joy and satisfaction of your achievements. Also, something hot or warm is symbolizing hope and unconditional love.

Dreaming of being entangled in the meshes of a net, denotes that your rivals will succeed in getting the best of you during the times of promising hope and prosperity.

Good hope and consolation. 243.

…struggled, but with no avail; and all the while I watched the ghastly, hideous terror in my friend’s upturned eyes and the increasing pallor in his cheeks. I saw him clutch and unclutched his fingers as he threw them wildly above his head and clawed the air; and then I beheld him sink — sink with one final, blood curdling scream for help that rang and re-rang through my brain as I awoke. The following day, I received a letter from this friend to say that he was in the greatest trouble owing to the illness of his youngest child; the doctors gave no hope of her complete recovery; they had unhesitatingly pronounced her a cripple for life. Often have I been drowning in dreams. The Thames has claimed my immaterial body times without number, and my frantic death-struggles have aroused the sympathy of scores of limb-tied spectators on Waterloo…

Hope of a great gain. 233.

Steadiness in hope.

Usually the moon indicates the features of your personality such as mystery. Sometimes the changing moon could symbolize the changing characteristics of your moods. The moon is also a symbol of hope.

…Dreaming about a season symbolizes your emotional state of mind. Stormy or windy weather implies conflict and aggression. Rain and hail represent depression and sadness. Sun and rays represent hope and happiness. Dreaming about not having time to do things means stress, anxiety and fear. Dreaming about seasons may represent your fears of daily life. Dreaming about reading weather information can mean that you will change your place of residency and the current season. To dream that you don’t have time to do something may represent stress, anxiety and fear about resolving a difficult situation. Dreaming about time means you may feel discouraged and have difficulty with a business or person. This dream may also indicate doing something useless….

Dream of a lamp symbolizes direction, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reinsurance. Dream of a broken lamp suggests that you’re closing yourself from those who are trying to help you; it is also a symbol of misfortune and upcoming bad luck. Dream of an exploding lamp suggests that some of your friends will become enemies. Dream of a lit lamp means some emotional issues are overwhelming you. You have lost your ability to find your own way. Dream of a dull lamp indicates weakness of character, illness or bereavement.

Hope for the future.

…To dream that you’re receiving an inheritance suggests that a long-awaited success is near. Moreover, this dream is usually an extension of your everyday thinking, so this means, that you hope to receive an inheritance from a rich relative that will imminently die or that you yearn to receive it due to a difficult economic situation you’re experiencing….

When we dream of such dogs as belong to us, it signifies fidelity, courage and affection; but if we dream of those which belong to strangers, it means infamous enemies. To dream that a dog barks and tears our garments, betokens some enemy of mean condition slanders us, or endeavours to deprive us of our livelihood. To play with a dog, denotes you will suffer for former extravagance; to hunt with one, hope; one running, loss of a law-suit; to hear one howling, great danger; to lose one, want of success; one frisking about, loss of a friend; two fighting, a warning to beware of false friends.

Dreaming that you are in a boardinghouse, indicates spiritual and emotional difficulties. Boardinghouse also stands as a symbol for past hardships. However, if you are now severe suffering, do not lose hope. These hard times will not last long and go into past.

Dreaming of being in the Garden of Eden is a chimerical dream and hope. Dreaming of being in the Garden of Eden, indicates that you are or want to be surrounded by sincere friendships. It is a dream that reveals confidence in the future no matter what difficulties the dreamer has to go through. A married woman who dreams of being in an Eden indicates that she trusts her husband and she trusts their children will grow up to be healthy, smart, etc., and reach high levels in society. Dreaming of an Eden when you are sick in bed or in very bad economic condition indicates that the dreamer has confidence that better times will arrive.