…(Striking) Slapping someone on his cheek in a dream means cautioning him or warning him about his heedlessness. If a woman gently slaps her own cheeks in a dream, it means glad tiding of a son she will conceive at an advanced age, or after having lost hope in conceiving children. However, slapping someone’s face in a dream also could mean injustice, an illness, or cold. (Also see Slapping on the cheek)…

To dream that you put the light on, means that you’ve got a new idea. The dream about the light being on could also indicate the hope the one has.

To dream of a dagger, foretells that your dearest hope will be fulfilled.

Dreaming of judges or justice reveals anxiety about our situation. To dream with a judge reflects our hope that someone helps us overcome a fearful or underrated situation. If we are being judged that indicates that we find ourselves in the hands of chance. It doesn’t matter whether the result of the judgment is favorable or not. If we dream of ourselves as judge or jury that reveals that we must make a decision we think important and we do not know how to make it.

For a man to dream of singing, brings hope; to a woman, sorrow.

To have interaction with unicorn in the dream, is a sign of positive outcome in current deals. To encounter or to see a unicorn when you are dreaming, has meaning of superior qualities. Unicorn in the dreams stands as an omen for high ideals, hope and insights with wisdom. Additionally, unicorn also is interpreted as an omen for power, authority, gentleness, spirituality and purity. On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Dreaming about unicorn, may indicate your egoism and communicate as sign of stubbornness or symbol of your one-sided views.

Hope and fortune at work and at home.

Dream of losing your mind or making incoherent acts in public indicates big hidden feelings of sadness and subsequent disgrace. Dream of being diagnosed with madness means you’re troubled by a plight or loss. Also indicates you’re behaving inappropriately in a new situation. Dream of other people suffering from madness means a melancholy end to prospects and hope.

Seeing a productive cow indicates prosperity in all of your projects, but a watch out for your personal affairs. Cows represent realization of hope and desire.

Green, hope; shattered by a storm, domestic quarrels; withered, grief; leafless, deceit; in bud, success; cut down, a robbery; to climb one, change of employment. See Plants, Orchard and Fall.

…Dreaming about being in a random alley indicates that any affairs, business, etc., have stagnated, and haven’t been functioning as planned, which means that they will require more attention. Dreaming about being in an alley with a lot of trash and dirt warns that if the dreamer doesn’t carefully take care of certain affairs, the dreamer will soon have legal problems. Dreaming about being in a clean and lit alley indicates that current problems will soon pass, leaving the dreamer in satisfactory conditions. This is a dream of hope. Dreaming about being in an alley and not finding an exit even though the dreamer might be able to fly, indicates anguish and incomprehension about the dreamer’s current situation in life, and the desire to escape from certain problems. When a woman dreams of an alley, and worse if it’s during night time, it indicates that she’s losing prestige among

If acquired justly, you may hope for wealth; if by injustice, you will lose your fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 14….

In a dream, a fishing net represents trickery, deception, profits, knowledge, realizing one’s hope, and victory over one’s enemies if one owns a fishing net. If one sees himself entrapped inside a fishing net, it means that he may be jailed or fall to sickness or marry a rebellious wife, or it could mean money, or a child that will preoccupy him. A fishing net in a dream also represents a harsh employer, hard working laborers, or an adversity they may suffer. As for a clear minded fisherman who earns his livelihood from a fishing net, seeing a fishing net in a dream represents trials, imprisonment, short breath, or it could mean profits or good news. As for a traveller, seeing a fishing net in his dream means his return home. A fishing net in a dream also means increasing difficulties for a worried person. If one who has…

…Foreshadows changes in our situation and work. If we’re in a foreign country and we do not move from there it reveals that our mind is unstable. If we go to or return from a foreign country: If we visualize the events of the trip it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends the dream, or suddenly we are in the place of diversion, that indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream that others are going to a foreign country such dream foreshadows that our competitors will leave the fight, the will give up….

To dream that you see something glowing means that you are having hope for something you thought will never be fixed again.

The tunnel in a dream is known as the symbol of birth. The process of giving the birth is very much associated with the way the tunnel looks. The dream in which you see yourself going through tunnel, symbolizes the new investigations you have done about yourself. Perhaps you are getting into something completely new and unknown at this time of your life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate narrow future. Many people dream of the light at the end of the tunnel, which is interpreted as the hope and expectance.

This is a very good dream. Hope of immortality and entrance into Paradise. Cessation of sorrows. Happy and healthy life.

Denotes sickness and poverty, disgrace and sorrow. After dreaming of an owl, one need not have any hope of prosperity in life.

Dreaming of flipping pages of a photo album indicates that in real life, you’re having fond memories associated with places and loved ones. This dream reveals peace of mind, peace in the soul. A young woman, who dreams of flipping through a photo album, suggests that she will soon meet a man who will seem friendly and nice and that will provide her with hope for their future.

Denotes the last beam of hope, utter disappointment in all undertakings. 77.

…robbery, or fear of a brutal thief. The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who ab andoned all hope . The sound of a pig in a dream means taking advantage of a stupid enemy and stripping him of his money. The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one’s business. Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone’s death. However, in dream, any ugly or coarse sound represents sorrow and distress while any pleasant sound in a dream represents happiness and joy. (Also see Invisible caller)…

In a dream, an old woman represents the ending of one’s life in this world, sorrows, the hereafter, wine, or bearing children after having lost hope in one’s fertility. An old woman in a dream also could represent deceit, cunningness, duplicity, backbiting, or slander. Seeing an old and sick woman in a dream may mean impotence, weakness, or disability. Seeing a thirsty old woman in a dream means drought. If she turns a young girl in the dream, then she represents rain. If an unknown old woman visits a sick person in a dream, it means his death. Otherwise, if an unknown old woman visits a pregnant woman in a dream, it means giving her the glad tidings of a son. If one is engaged in an important project and sees himself sleeping with an old woman in a dream, it means that his project will not succeed. An…

If you see yourself a beggar you may hope for wealth. To see many means sickness.

It is a symbol of spirituality and power of sublimation. Also, dove is a symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity. Associated with the olive branch symbolizes peace, harmony, hope and newfound happiness, and if it is white dove add candor and purity. If we see a couple of dove’s chicks its symbolism is amorous. If we see doves are flying in the dream, this brings us news of a loved one. If they are perched before us that means this news will be as expected. If we try to pick it up and the dove flees before we get to touch it it’s an omen of a love that will not get to enjoy….

Dreaming of receiving a package represents hope of a providential help that will resolve our difficulties.

The light which you see in the dream represents the hope the dreamer has. The light could also indicate the new ideas that came into your mind during the dream. Sometimes the light could indicate the feeling of being in the spotlight.

…Dreaming that you are taking part in the Holy Communion, warns you that you will resign your independent opinions to gain some frivolous desire. If you dream that there is neither bread nor wine for the supper, you will find that you have suffered your ideas to be proselytized in vain, as you are no nearer your goal. If you are refused the right of communion and feel worthy, there is hope for your obtaining some prominent position which has appeared extremely doubtful, as your opponents are popular and powerful. If you feel unworthy, you will meet with much discomfort. Dreaming that you are in a body of Baptists who are taking communion, denotes that you will find that your friends are growing uncongenial, and you will look to strangers for harmony….

…When a woman is looking through a glass in her dream, at several men who aren’t her husband or lover, it suggest that her behavior isn’t very honest which will lead to disrepute. Dreaming of oneself looking through a crystal, usually means that bad times and loss of hope are coming. To dream that there’s another face next to yourself in a glass or mirror, suggests that the dreamer is leading a double life, which will lead him to trouble. Dreaming of smashing glasses, for example doors or windows, may suggest that your plans, intentions or projects will fail. If there’s broken glass in the dream, it almost always means that we’ll receive sad news. Dreaming about receiving cut glass objects shows the upcoming success, and in some cases the honor if you’re involved in artistic activities. Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to…

Dreaming that an opening appears is a sign of hope, there is a way out of our troubles.

It is a sign of hope.

…This dream is fairly common and frequent and has vast hues. First we must distinguish from seeing ourselves being abandoned or if we abandon someone or something. When the abandoned is oneself, it’s typically a bad dream, unless we are abandoned by powerful people, indicating the possibility of being free from their domain, which gives hope for a better life. Also when in our dream we are abandoned by a lover it may mean that we are being freed. In other cases, it always predicts problems and difficulties. If our mother leaves us, it signifies material difficulties, if it’s the father, it means lack of the necessary willpower to carry out what you want, if it’s the spouse, then it means difficult material circumstances that are occurring because of our own actions. When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles…

To be a beggar, you may hope for wealth; to see many, sickness.

…Foreshadows changes in our situation and job. If we go to or return from abroad and we visualize the events of the trip it refers to a change in our situation, to a stage in our life. When the trip starts and ends the dream, or suddenly we are in the place of diversion, that indicates hope that something changes in our life (accompanied by feeling of relief and joy) or fear that something changes in our lives (accompanied by sad and melancholy feeling). If we dream that it’s others who are going to a foreign country, then that foreshadows that our competitors will leave the fight….

Dream of being weeping crying indicates adversity and misfortune. Dream of someone else crying indicates hope and sadness.

Dreaming that you are crying, it is a sign of adversity and misfortune. To dream of someone else crying means hope and joy.

To see it, means the chance of hope. To eat it, means gain, safety, good health.

…Dreaming of ruins, signifies broken engagements to lovers, distressing conditions in business, destruction to crops, and failing health. Dreaming of ancient ruins, foretells that you will travel extensively, but there will be a note of sadness mixed with the pleasure in the realization of a long-cherished hope. You will feel the absence of some friend….

…we tend to think better about ourselves then the others, because we are above them while flying. The flying could also indicate our sexual wishes where we wish to reach the top of the pleasure. If you are flying really high where you see the earth and able to see the galaxy, it may show that you are not in touch with those around you. You feel very distant and have no idea what is going around you. If you have wings and flying like a bird, then it means you are incapable to agree that you are only human and limitations you’ve got since you were born. You are still in some kind of childish thinking, where you wish to escape this world and become one of those birds. Overall, the flying is good dream, which gives you hope to achieve more than you thought you could achieve….

Seeing or eating olives symbolizes joy and faithful friends. It also refers to immortality. Watching a green olive branch means reconciliation, peace and hope. You can also find a solution to your conflicts and can remove any problems you carry on your shoulders.

…Dreaming of the human entrails, denotes horrible misery and despair, shutting out all hope of happiness. Dreaming of the entrails of a wild beast, signifies the overthrow of your mortal enemy. To tear the entrails of another, signifies cruel persecutions to further your own interests. Dreaming of your own entrails, the deepest despair will overwhelm you. Dreaming of the entrails of your own child, denotes that the child’s, or your own, dissolution is at hand. See Intestines….