…Dreaming of manuscript in an unfinished state, forebodes disappointment. If finished and clearly written, great hopes will be realized. If you are at work on manuscript, you will have many fears for some cherished hope, but if you keep the blurs out of your work you will succeed in your undertakings. If it is rejected by the publishers, you will be hopeless for a time, but eventually your most sanguine desires will become a reality. If you lose it, you will be subjected to disappointment. If you see it burn, some work of your own will bring you profit and much elevation….

To blow the fire express the hope to keep alive the flame of love, an ideal or a friendship. To blow it off denotes to desire and the need to finish a relationship that is being untenable.

Momentary pleasure. Dried, festivity; green, hope; to eat them, reverses.

In general, it is not a good omen and it’s usually a sign that after a time of hope in which you had all the support of others and good luck, an ominous period is arriving, which almost certainly will only bring drawbacks. This dream is also a sign that it is quite possible that serious economic losses will soon arise….

Hope for better times.

…Omen of hope and love. If we see it blooming in its own plant the love will be true. If it’s a bunch of these flowers, that announces a minor affair….

Dream of seeing a roasted beef, means light of the hope. If you are eating it, gain, security.

To find it foretells that new relationships are not as beneficial as we expected. To be one of them in dreams is a sign of hope of success soon.

Dreaming you see anchor signifies great assurance, and certain hope to all men.

If the eggs are whole that symbolizes fertility, marital hope, wealth and prosperity. If they’re broken that reveals the fear that our hopes will not come true. Fear of sterility, loss of a pregnancy, sexual failure and unwanted fatherhood….

It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives as the clock, so its meaning is the same. To see a stopped clock in a dream means our evolution has finished or the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, his lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If…

…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…

On foot traveling, denotes embarrassments and delays in what you undertake or hope for; on horseback, good fortune; in a wagon, change of fortune for the better.

Dreaming of judges or justice reveals anxiety about our situation. To dream about judge reflects our hope that someone will help us overcome a fearful or underestimated situation. If we are being judged that indicates that we believe ourselves in the hands of chance. No matter if the verdict of trial is favorable or not. If we dream we are the judge or jury that reveals that we must make a decision we think important and we do not know which side to favor.

The any kind of the light in the dark usually indicates the hope the dreamer has. It is also the symbol of understanding the true and finding the answers to your questions.

…restored later on, or he could through cheating, marry a rich woman. If the one who sees God’s prophet Solomon in a dream practices sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, or invoking jinn or evil spirits, it means that he will profit from his trade and become wealthy after having lost hope in attaining such benefits, or he could triumph over his enemy. Whoever sees God’s prophet Solomon (uwbp) in his dream will receive God’s favors, including clear visions, clarity of religious interpretations, the ability to learn many languages, or he could become a translator, or perhaps could master the Arabic language. Seeing Solomon in a dream also means that one will recover from an illness. If one gets hold of Solomon’s staff in a dream, it means that he will engage in slander or calumny, and if he is sick, it means his death. Seeing or finding Solomon’s ring in a…

…Light always symbolizes knowledge, revelation, and clarity. If there is good lighting in our dreams that indicates confidence in ourselves. If the light gives us a sense of discomfort it’s an evident lack of confidence in ourselves. Feelings of inferiority. If in the darkness there’s a flicker, a light spot, then that means a hope will appear. If suddenly the light comes on. that means we will know things that were hidden. If it goes out, the opposite is true….

Dreaming of a hole or simply stumbling with a crack means, despite the problems and difficulties at the time, you should be filled with hope and faith because it will help you move forward.

Huge lightning means new Hope. Low lightning means disease and unrest.

…Dreaming of iron, is a harsh omen of distress. To feel an iron weight bearing you down, signifies mental perplexities and material losses. To strike with iron, denotes selfishness and cruelty to those dependent upon you. Dreaming that you manufacture iron, denotes that you will use unjust means to accumulate wealth. To sell iron, you will have doubtful success, and your friends will not be of noble character. To see old, rusty iron, signifies poverty and disappointment. Dreaming that the price of iron goes down, you will realize that fortune is a very unsafe factor in your life. If iron advances, you will see a gleam of hope in a dark prospectus. To see red-hot iron in your dreams, denotes failure for you by misapplied energy….

Olive branches and Palm Sunday palms are the ones who symbolizes the triumph of life and love. Dreaming with a burning and flaming green branch, means the permanence of love, even though we had lost hope.

…Dreaming that you seek adulation, foretells that you will pompously fill unmerited positions of honor. If you offer adulation, you will expressly part with some dear belonging in the hope of furthering material interests….

…To dream of a dagger, you may expect news of absent persons, and your dearest hope will be fulfilled. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9….

Denotes disappointed hope, parting of friends, trouble in love. 76.

…To dream that you receive a package represents a pleasant surprise and the hope of receiving an unexpected and providential help to resolve your difficulties. If we do not get to open it, that reveals our doubts and hesitations. If we open it and it’s empty or contains something that has no value for us it means that our doubts and fears are confirmed and the providential help we expected will never come….

…To find a pocketbook filled with bills and money in your dreams, you will be quite lucky, gaining in nearly every instance your desire. If empty, you will be disappointed in some big hope. If you lose your pocketbook, you will unfortunately disagree with your best friend, and thereby lose much comfort and real gain….

…(Emergence | Manifestation | Visibility) In a dream, if one sees something that is kept away from him as a secret, it means experiencing comfort after suffering from trials, receiving compensation after suffering from injus- tice, conceiving a child after having given up hope or the like examples. A revealed secret on time in a dream means fulfillment of a promise, satisfying one’s needs, repayment of one’s debts, arriving of a long awaited person from a journey, release of a prisoner from his jail, and for a woman, it could mean becoming pregnant. If something emerges at the wrong time in a dream, it means debts….

…To see empty shelves in dreams, indicates losses and consequent gloom. Full shelves, augurs happy contentment through the fulfillment of hope and exertions. See Store….

…Dreaming of Adam and Eve, foretells that some eventful occasion will rob you of the hope of success in your affairs. To see them in the garden, Adam dressed in his fig leaf, but Eve perfectly nude save for an Oriental colored serpent ornamenting her waist and abdomen, signifies that treachery and ill faith will combine to overthrow your fortune. To see or hear Eve conversing with the serpent, foretells that artful women will reduce you to the loss of fortune and reputation….

Happiness will come. To take your shirt off, deceived hope. The shirt that is torn, good luck.

Dreaming you see a mother-in-law, dead or alive, is ill; especially if you dream she uses violence or threatening. To dream she uses gentle speech, and gives good entertainment, implies vain hope and deceit.

In a dream, exclamation of God’s sovereignty, i.e., uttering the formula ‘La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Ilia Billah’ (There is no will or power except that of God’s Almighty) means constant repentance in wakefulness and hope for salvation. It also means conquering one’s enemies. (Also see Exalting God’s oneness)…

Perhaps this dream is revealing an unconscious bridge between different states of consciousness and our desire for transcendence. In any case it is interpreted as hope after calamities and good future prospects.

If empty, loss of time or of credit. Full one, hope of success. To gather them, merrymaking sport.

In a dream to pull out the nails from something means hope of healthy and balanced conditions.

…her vagina in a dream, it means his death. A vagina in a dream also could represent a blood sucker, a murderer, or a deceitful person who portrays piety during the day, then shows his teeth at night. A vagina in a dream also represents a shameless and an insolent worker, or it could represent a bird’s nest. In this sense, capturing a bird, or looking inside a bird’s nest in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees water entering her vagina in a dream, it means that she will conceive a child. If a woman’s vagina turns into iron or into any metal in the dream, it means that she has lost all hope in accomplishing her aspirations, satisfying her desires or needs. (Also see Blowing into the va- gina | Looking at a sexual organ | Semen | Effeminate | Sexual intercourse | Sod- omy)…

Any article, book, newspaper, etc. means new horizons will be presented as a great hope, short and pleasant journey.

…To dream that you are present at a christening, is a good sign, you will get what you hope for; to a maid, it signifies that she will soon be married. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70, 50, 1….

Dream of reading an article, book, newspaper, etc., indicates new horizons will be presented to you as great hope.

To the man who smokes cigar, success; if it be not lit, it signifies misfortune; if he lights it, he may hope.