If you are lazy in a dream, then such dream indicates the actual laziness you are suffering from in your waking life. Being lazy in a dream could also denote to the mistakes which will be done and the consequences will be very unpleasant. If your significant other is being lazy in a dream, then such dream denotes to the disputes and conflicts between you two.

…Any dream of agony or death is very painful and annoying for the dreamer, since the imagination makes the body to shake and the pulse to accelerate, however, in reality it rarely announces death, because it usually refers to significant material losses, depending on what is driving the dreamer, but always with a probable solution. Curiously, these types of dreams it often indicates great health, depending of the elements on the dream. This is because many of the dreams indicate precisely the opposite of what could be naturally understood. Dreaming that you’re in agony usually indicates that you’re living with uncertainties and, more or less, imaginary fears, but they are almost always unjustified. However, this usually announces an upcoming disease for you or for a loved one, but it won’t be serious. This dream is common in apprehensive people. Dreaming of a woman in agony insinuates that a good…

If you dream that you see a mistletoe, it could have several meanings. The Christmas time is on the way and the mistletoe is one of the symbols. The dream could also represent the fact that you missed the intimacy and tenderness with your significant other. If you do not have the partner, the dream indicates your desire to have one in your waking life. If some person kisses you under mistletoe, you have a special feeling towards that person and wish it was true.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see the Star Of David, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests the merging power of love, desire and passion and creativity. It also stands as a symbol and sign for the union of heaven and earth.

…To have interaction with a couple or to encounter a couple, when you’re dreaming, symbolizes marriage, your parents, or a relationship, friendship. Think about what the couple in the dream are doing for additional clues about this symbol significance. Couple may indicate emptiness in your life. Couple also can point to something that is lacking or missing from your life, like friendship or relationship. Maybe you’re longing for a person that was lost by separation….

The dream in which you see the page being completely normal and doing his thing, signifies your tough work which will be destroy by your significant other. When you see yourself working as a page, then it means you will become disappointed because of some serious matter.

Wearing a charm in a dream, means that you will make significant changes in your life. If someone gave you the charm, then you will face black and white in your life.

…To see a lantern in the dream, is an omen of the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. To carry a lantern, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of your ability to help others by very clever advices. Lantern is a symbol of the intelligence that are radiating from within you. Intellect will guide you and others through life’s journey….

…Dreaming of walnuts, is an omen significant of prolific joys and favors. Dreaming that you crack a decayed walnut, denotes that your expectations will end in bitterness and regretable collapse. For a young woman Dreaming that she has walnut stain on her hands, foretells that she will see her lover turn his attention to another, and she will entertain only regrets for her past indiscreet conduct….

…tones of the wildest grief, to let her die too!”I stood no chance. It was useless to protest my innocence. No one believed me. I had been have murdered him but I? The very idea of that delicate, heart-broken woman, that woman who was only too obviously almost out of her mind with grief, being the horrible monster I described her was ludicrous — so thin a story wouldn’t deceive a baby.”The lady therefore scored all along the line; whilst I — I, her poor deluded tool — was marched straight away to jail.’ “Here the girl from the park paused.”Well, I said gently,” and what is the sequel? Is Jim in prison still? “”No, the girl answered dreamily;” Jim, my Jim, is free. He was hanged at six o’clock this morning!” — And as she said this I awoke.The significant characteristics of this dream are as follows: Rain portends…

…insinuating to other men. When a woman dreams about her dead husband, it symbolizes that she’ll soon experience problems with his family. When a woman dreams that her husband seems gaunt and has a sickly appearance, it suggests that he or his family actually may actually suffer a disease. When a woman dreams that her husband is cheerful and festive, it indicates that everything is doing well at home, and it may also suggest that all that she desires may come true. When a woman dreams that her husband is unfaithful, it suggests that he’s actually walking in the wrong direction, and that is causing them problems at home. When a woman dreams that her husband is at a party, it suggests problems. If a woman dreams that her husband is killed because of another woman, it indicates that you are at risk of divorcing or experiencing significant losses….

…It is by no means uncommon to dream of the dead, and as a rule such dreams are of little or no significance. There are, however, exceptions, as, for example, dreams which are extraordinarily vivid and in which the dead appear with some specific purpose; and in these cases I fancy projections take place, and the immaterial body of the sleeper meets the phantasm of the dead on the super physical plane.For the following illustration of this kind of dream I am again indebted to News from theInvisible World. The events in the story, I am about to quote, happened about seventy years ago in the south of Scotland.”Mr. Reid, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the Vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accumulated arrears of tithes, for which he was said to be indebted to a noble family, the lay proprietors.”Mr….

…an eminent station of a very uncommon incident. He had occasion to correct with a few stripes a lad that lived with him at Rochester; and the lad, resenting the punishment, left. But sometime after, on the youth appearing to repent of his behaviour and humbling himself accordingly, he was received into the house again, when he behaved in a most becoming manner and was doubly diligent in his service.”One night his mistress dreamed that this lad” was going to cut her throat; and, as if the dream was not of sufficient significance in itself, she shortly afterwards had a letter from a sister stating that she, too, had dreamed the very same thing. The lady at once took the letter to her father, who lived not very far off, and was surprised to hear that he, likewise, on the same night, had a dream to the same effect. The…

To dream one sees a bath, is a sign of affliction or grief. If a person dreams he goes into or sees himself in a bath, and that he finds it too hot, he will be troubled and afflicted by those that belong to his family. If one dreams he has only pulled off his clothes, without going into the bath, he will have some disturbance, but of no long continuance. If one dreams he goes into an extremely cold bath, the same signification is to be given of it as when it is too hot. But if it be temperate, and as it ought to be, it is a good dream, presaging prosperity, joy and health.

Dreaming that you are at the kennel, is interpreted as a sign of being expelled. Are you feeling shut out of some situation or relationship in your waking life? Kennel in the dream may also has the symbolic significance of being undesirable and unwanted. Are you feeling of being unloved?

To play bass, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of balanced life. Playing with bass also suggests the beat and the rhythm of the passion. To sing bass, when you are dreaming, has meaning of concentration and motivation. Singing shows a solid preparation for what is waiting for you in the future.

The dream, in which you see yourself in the process of divorce, then such dream shows the necessity to make apart two completely different subjects within your personal life. On the other hand, the dream may indicate the apprehension you have to get split from your significant other. Perhaps you feel insecure about something while being in relationships. The dream suggests you to find the problem and solve it as soon as it is possible. The dream could also reflect the relationships you are in at the moment. Maybe you are thinking about divorce or separation? Or maybe you are simply not happy with what you have got at the moment? The divorce in dreams usually shows the huge changes you are ready to make, but not necessarily the personal ones.

To have interaction with a wine glass, when you are dreaming, is the symbolic significance of happiness. Are you in the state of being happy? Wine glass can be symbol of affluence, profuseness, rankness, fullness, impressiveness. It may also have symbolic importance that announces pregnancy. If you break the wine glass, then it may represent an unsuccessful outcome of something planned. Broken wine glass also stands as a sign of miscarriage.

Dreaming that you are at an intersection, has the symbolic significance of important decision. Intersection in your dream suggests a decision that is needed in order to move forward. You need to make a choice or decision, if you want to progress.

…In the dream to have interaction with a sorcerer, means blessings and fortunate outcomes in your dealings. To be a sorcerer in your dream, has the symbolic significance of your superior abilities. Dreaming that you’re sorcerer, represents your talents, your authority, your psychological and spiritual strengths, and extraordinary creativeness. The dream also indicates that your mind is directed toward achieving goals. You are prepared for complete success….

To have interaction with intruder in the dream, means that you have anxiety for to be offended. Alternatively, you should think about what unfamiliar feelings or ideas, thoughts and conceptions may be breaking into your peace of mind. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, an intruder has stands as an omen for self-indulgent behavior or unwanted sexual desires or attention. To be an intruder, when you are dreaming, is the symbolic significance for your feelings of guilt.

…Dreaming that you, or any of your friends, appear to be poor, is significant of worry and losses. See Pauper….

…Dreams that involve our grandparents or ancestors are significant when our grandparents have died and the dream does not go back to scenes of our past life. They are usually the premonition of some misfortune, almost always by our own fault, as if it were a punishment for our faults, often moral or spiritual. Let’s review our behavior and the strength of our moral principles, because maybe we are in time to avoid misfortunes….

To dream that you receive some kind of the award means that you feel appreciated and loved by others. The award ceremony in which you take a part could also show the significant meaning you have in other people lives. If you attend the ceremony, but haven’t received any of the awards, you are making too much pressure for yourself. You should let go and become easier on yourself. Sometimes the award ceremony could indicate your desire to be surrounded by the company such as your friends and family more.

…To have interaction with Christ in your dream, means rebirth of spirit. To see Christ, when you are dreaming, also has the symbolic significance of perfection. You are seeking for the new self and spiritual truth. Alternatively, Christ shows that you are going to achieve complete fulfilment through love. Christ as dream symbol has many individual associations, that depends on the dreamer’s belief. Overall, it is good dream and success omen for everyone….

…When you dream about the monkey, then such dream shows the impervious and stubborn aspects of your personality. Perhaps you are unable to collaborate with those around you. The dream, in which you see the donkey that is dead, denotes to disappointments because of the stubbornness you are carrying within yourself. If the donkey has pushed you or made any other kind of damage to you, then it shows the dishonest behavior from the significant other. Prepare yourself for deception or unfaithfulness. The dream shows that you will break up with this person. The dream in which you were kicked by the donkey could show the consequences you will have, because of dealing with dishonest people. This situation will bring much stress for you. If the donkey was lead by the halter, then such dream shows the victory you will reach while dealing with your components. The results will…

In the dream to have interaction with a rabbi, is a symbol of Judaism. To see a rabbi, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of your settled way of thinking or feeling about Judaism. Positive dream about rabbi, suggests your favorable attitudes about Judaism. The dream about rabbi may serve to reaffirm your true faith and strong beliefs.

…Without going into detail with regard to variety in shade, colour in dreams, especially when it is vivid and predominant, has much significance. The separate meaning of each separate colour in dreams is as follows:Light blue signifies impending trouble, particularly matrimonial and domestic troubles; serious quarrels between husband and wife, and parents and children; also suicide and murder.Dark blue, recovery from illness; reconciliation of husband and wife, relatives and friends; presents of animals.Brown, success in work and business.Black, illness; and death.Green, success in anything appertaining to the arts; also an impending visit from an occult presence.Gold, success in speculation, commerce, and courtship.Grey, trouble and even danger from unsuspected quarters.Mauve, death; and violent catastrophe, not infrequently with regard to the sight.Orange, illness; treachery.Pink, a wedding or engagement.Purple, accidents, more particularly on land.Red, quarrels, voyages, great changes; and accidents, chiefly by fire.Violet, success in the arts — viz. painting, music, literature.Yellow,…

The dream in which you see the river is a good dream, especially if it is clean and calm. The state of the water is the main important and significant thing about this dream, because if the water is muddy, dirty, or the river is very stormy, it shows your unstable mind and emotions. The river could also be interpreted as your tendency to go with the flow.

…To ride in a cab in dreams, is significant of pleasant avocations, and average prosperity you will enjoy. To ride in a cab at night, with others, indicates that you will have a secret that you will endeavor to keep from your friends. To ride in a cab with a woman, scandal will couple your name with others of bad repute. Dreaming of driving a public cab, denotes manual labor, with little chance of advancement….

…Dreaming that you are in a wine cellar, has the symbolic significance of all aspects of your personality. Wine cellar in the dream represents all sides of your character. Alternatively, it suggests all of your past experiences, situations, relationships – both positive and negative….

…To see a cupboard in your dream, is significant of pleasure and comfort, or penury and distress, according as the cupboard is clean and full of shining ware, or empty and dirty. See Safe….

…(See Mad Dog.) To dream of those animals, has very different significations; if they fawn and fondle upon you, it is a lucky omen; if you are in love, it portends marriage and happiness; but if they bark and snarl at you, it denotes that enemies are endeavouring to destroy your reputation and happiness; if in love, crosses. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

…To dream of your complexion (general character, aspect, or appearance), has the symbolic significance of your social status. Complexion in the dream indicates your deep integrity into society. Alternative interpretation suggests that you may be the person, which is very interesting, but also there may be some persons, that can’t understand you. Maybe they don’t have such abilities to see your character clearly….

Dreaming of metallic bronze, especially in the case of a worker dream, indicates rapidly improvement of all matters, though it will probably be with reduced effectiveness. Dreaming of working with bronze in a workshop indicates a significant increase in the previously mentioned thing.

…The significance of stones (precious and other-wise). Amethyst, success in courtship; blood-stones, legacies; coral, a birth; cornelian, treachery; diamonds, drowning; emeralds, great success in the arts; jasper, inconstancy; opal, separation, divorce, rapture in friendships; pearls, great sorrow; rubies, lover’s kisses; turquoise, the breaking off of an engagement; sapphires, a wedding; common pebbles, petty troubles; black rocks, illness and death; sand, a serious calamity; chalk, ailment or death of a child; granite, accident on land; marble, death.To dream of teeth coming out portends illness or death, but not necessarily of the dreamer. For example, a man told me that, on the night preceding the death of one of his brothers, he dreamed his teeth fell out, and that on one of them was a portrait of the brother who died….

In the dream to do something in a workshop, means the process of developing your skills. To see a workshop in your dream, has the symbolic significance of being developed and skillful. Alternatively, workshop in the dream represents your exploration of yourself. Maybe you are trying to understand what you have and who you are. Are you trying to find out these aspects?

…To dream of presents signifies coming losses usually of no great significance….

In the dream to have interaction with a spire is an omen of fortune. Alternatively, to see a spire when you are dreaming, may have the symbolic significance of penis. But most often, dreaming about spire represents your ambitious character, your goals and your achievements. Also it can indicate your hope to solve some problem or clear some situation. Spire as the symbol with phallic connotations, also indicates good outcomes in your intimate relationship.

…To have interaction with a satellite dish in the dream, is interpreted as knowledge or the ability for perception of a situation or fact. Dreaming about a satellite dish, has also the symbolic significance of universal awareness in the understanding about an important topic or problem for debate or discussion….