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Category: 1873
Sea, being on a stormy
Sheaves, housing
Ship, seeing one lying at anchor
Shoes, mending
Shovel, seeing or working with it
Silk, seeing some raw
Singing in a bath
Sleeping in a bower
Smoke ascending from a chimney, seeing
Snuff, using
Soot in meals, finding
Spring running over green meadows, seeing it
Stars falling or shooting, seeing
Stockings, pulling off
Stove-pipes, seeing
Sun obscured, seeing the
Swallows, seeing
Sword, coming in danger of life by it
Tallow-candles, seeing or making
Thirsty, being, without ability to quench one’s thirst
Toads, killing
Traps, seeing
Trees, leafless
Uniform, seeing or wearing a new
Vengeance, taking
Violets, seeing double
Wagon, riding in a
Wall surrounded by water, seeing it
Water, seeing still, but pure
Wedding with a wife whose husband is living yet
Wheels turning, seeing
Wind, low
Woman with brown hair, seeing it
Wrestling with an animal
Advice, getting
Anchor, seeing it
Apothecary’s shop, seeing or being in it
Arms, seeing or having dirty ones
Ass, riding on it
Baker or bakery, seeing it
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