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Category: 1873
Barley, eating
Bathing in warm water
Bears, seeing
Bed-bugs, seeing
Birds sitting alone, seeing
Blood, collecting
Bones, seeing
Brandy, seeing or drinking
Breeches, wearing good ones
Broken legs, seeing or having
Buried, being
Cake, eating
Carriage, riding in it
Cellar, sweeping it
Ghase of great game
Chimney-sweeper, seeing or talking to it
City, seeing a small one
Clouds, falling down from
Cockchafers, seeing
Communion (Lord’s supper)
Court, being sentenced before the
Crimes, seeing
Cucumbers, seeing or eating
Dancing and falling
Dead persons, entombing
Delivered of a boy, being
Dishes, breaking
Dog, seeing a white one
Dresser, full of grapes, and not to be used
Dresses, yellow ones
Ducats, seeing
Eagle, seeing it
Eel, dead
Elephant, seeing one killed
Eye, losing one
Face, seeing an ugly one in the water
Feathers, seeing white
Field, seeing a green one
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