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Category: 1873
Silk dresses, having or wearing
Skating, seeing
Sleeping in a wagon
Smoking, seeing somebody
Snuff-box, losing it
Soup, eating
Spring, seeing a pure
Stars, seeing many
Stomach, seeing it
Straw, seeing some burning
Sun rising, seeing the
Swan, seeing it
Sword in hand
Tassels of gold, wearing
Thistles, seeing
Tobacco, getting
Treasure, finding a hidden one of great value
Trees, stripping of leaves or fruit
Urinating in bed
Viper-snake, seeing it
Wagon, sitting behind it
Walnuts, seeing
Water, some pure offered to one in a glass
Weeping, in general
Wheelbarrow, pushing it
Wind, strong
Women, being in favour with
Writing-room, being in it
Advice, giving
Anchovies, seeing or eating
Apparition, seeing it
Army, standing before it
Ass, seeing it
Bold-head, seeing it
Barriers, breaking
Beans, seeing or eating
Beating one’s servants
Bees, stung by
Belly, having a corpulent one
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