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Category: 1873
City, seeing a well-known one
Clouds, seeing light ones
Coffee, grinding
Compliment, paying it
Cross on one’s head, having it
Cuffs, wearing
Dancing on the water
Dead soldiers on a battle-field, seeing
Delivering, seeing a womit
Dishes, seeing
Dogs chasing, seeing
Dress, having a nice one
Ducks, seeing nice ones
Eagle, standing or sitting upon it
Eel, taken out of the water
Emperors and kings, seeing
Eyes, having sharp ones
Fair, being at it
Feathers, writing with
Field, seeing a ploughed one
Fire, being troubled in kindling it
Fish, catching
Flax-finch singing, seeing or hearing it
Flowers, plucking
Forehead, having a high and broad
Friend, seeing a deceased
Frying pan, seeing it
Garden with high fence, seeing it
Gifts, distributing
Glass, seeing
God, adoring
Gold-thread, seeing or having it
Grapes, receiving a present of
Ground, seeing black
Hair, having entangled
Hands, having dirty or wounded
Hat, wearing a new one
Head with entangled hair
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