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Category: 1873
Arms, having short ones
Ass, braying
Bags, seeing one carrying
Barley, seeing
Bathing, with the dress on
Bears, seeing chained
Bed-chamber, having a nice one
Bell, having or using it
Birds with brilliant plumage, seeing
Blood, drinking
Books, burning
Brasier’s ware, seeing
Breeches, wearing torn ones
Brook in which blood flows
Buildings erected, seeing
Burning, seeing fire
Calves, seeing
Carriages, seeing
Cellar, walking in it
Chase of small game
Chocolate, having or drinking
City, seeing a, or walking in a large one
Clouds, seeing heavy and dark ones
Coffee, drinking
Company, with others riding on horseback, or in a carriage, in
Court, seeing a royal
Crocodile, seeing it
Cuffs of lace, wearing
Dancing in a hall
Dead persons, putting flowers on
Delivered of a girl, being
Dishes of metal, having
Dogs, being attacked by
Dresser, full of grapes, seeing it
Drink, preparing it
Ducks, catching
Eagle sitting on your head
Eel, skinned
Embroidering, or seeing embroidery
Eyes, having beautiful ones
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