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Category: 1873
Soap, seeing
Spider, killing it
Squirrels, seeing
Steamboat, being on it
Stone-pit, working in it
Strawberries, seeing or eating
Sun shining on the water, seeing the
Swimming and getting into danger of life
Sword, wounding an unknown person with it
Teeth, cleaning
Thunder and lightning striking a house
Tobacco-pipe, smoking out of it
Tree, falling from it
Tulip, seeing it
Usury, practising
Villages, visiting poor
Visitors, reception of
Walk with friends, taking it
Washing one’s self
Waterspout, seeing it
Well, with beautiful ornaments, seeing it
Widowhood, being in
Wine, spilling
Wood squaring
Accused of theft
Alive, being buried
Animal, having or feeding it
Apron, finding it
Arthritic (gouty) pains, being afflicted with
Axe, splitting wood with it
Balm, having some
Beard, having a red one
Bed, lying in it
Beggar, being asked for alms by it
Billiards, seeing or playing it
Blind, being
Hoar, seeing a wild one destroying a field
Box-thorn, seeing
Breast, having a sound one
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