Best dreams' dictionary online
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Category: 1873
Shrubs or bushes, being hurt by
Silk dresses, tearing
Skeleton, seeing it
Sleeping with a handsome girl
Snails, seeing
Snuff-box, seeing it
Sowing seed or grain, or seeing it done
Spurs of silver, wearing
Stars shining bright, seeing
Stone, eating it
Straw, seeing some scattered around
Sun, seeing an eclipse of the
Swans, seeing
Sword, losing it
Tavern, going in it
Thorn, pricked by it
Tobacco, giving some away
Treasure, finding a hidden one of small value
Trimmings, wearing
Urine, drinking
Viands, having burnt
Visit of a physician
Wagons, seeing handsome
War, going to
Water, treading or walking on the
Weeping, seeing one
Wheelbarrow, seeing it
Window, climbing into it
Wood, drifting on a river, seeing
Yard, seeing an unclean
Afflicted, being
Angel, being it
Apples, eating sour
Arrested, getting
Ass, striking it
Bald-headed, being one
Basin, seeing one of brass or copper
Beans, seeing some in flower
Beating one’s wife
Bees gathering honey
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