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Tag: F
Fire, seeing a blazing one
Fitchet (pole-cat), seeing it
Flour, burning
Fog obscuring the sun, seeing it
Forging, seeing
Fruits, making a present with
Face, meeting a pale one
Father, seeing one’s dead
Festivals, being at
Figs as a present, receiving
Fire, seeing a destructive one, but surrounded by smoke
Flag, carrying it
Flour, having
Fog moving, seeing
Fork, having or seeing it
Fruits on trees, seeing
Face, painting the
Feasting, giving or being at it
Fever, having it
Fine, paying it
Fire, seeing a destructive one in one or more houses
Flag, seeing it
Flour, seeing
Fog, seeing a blasting one
Fortress, seeing it
Fruits, seeing
Face, seeing a beautiful one in the looking-glass
Feathers, possessing white
Fever, seeing another afflicted with
Fingers, burnt
Fire-arms, shooting with
Flag, seeing a black
Flowers, carrying a bunch of
Fog, seeing it
Fortune told, having one’s
Fruits, seeing sour
Face, seeing a handsome one in the water
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