…When a man dreams that his wife is mopping, washing floors or walls, then it announces that he will suffer shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which will put him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. It is the same meaning in the case if it’s the man who handles the mop. In both cases, if the mop appears broken, then it represents approaching hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….

Dream of deftly swinging a loop denotes joy, love and happiness in your family affairs. Dream of working with a loop means you will succeed in love.

…Dreaming of a shop being ruined is a threat of disaster in real life. The closed shop ensures that serious problems lie ahead. A well-organized and carefully packed store is an excellent omen of material and spiritual wealth. – If we see ourselves being exposed in the window, then such dream reveals a strong inferiority complex….

The cop in a dream, represents the power, control and obligations. The more interpreted dream of the cop is explained in the dream police.

…Dreaming of seeing an archbishop, foretells you will have many obstacles to resist in your attempt to master fortune or rise to public honor. To see one in the every day dress of a common citizen, denotes you will have aid and encouragement from those in prominent positions and will succeed in your enterprises. For a young woman Dreaming that an archbishop is kindly directing her, foretells she will be fortunate in forming her friendships….

Seeing a workshop where people are working usually means that your own desires won’t take long to come true. On the contrary, if you dream of an empty and deserted workshop, it’s a warning and it calls you to improve your own behavior at work, thus avoiding being fired or sanctioned. If, in the dream, you’re working there yourself, this is a sign of stability and improvement in current conditions.

The poop which you dreamed about represents some unpleasant features in your personality that you don’t like. In some cultures the poop is interpreted as the omen of good luck. If the poo is not yours, you should be careful of people you are in touch. There is a possibility that you will not be understood very well.

To dream that you are in the talk show of the Oprah means that you like to be surrounded by people. The dream could also represent the admiration you have towards this celebrity. If you watched TV before you went to bed, it is completely normal to have these kind of dreams. The Oprah is also a symbol of strong and powerful woman.

…See one, means disorder, stress in business. Opera buffer – disturbance, noise, useless riot….

…A business person who dreams of being in a pottery shop or in a glassware shop where all the goods are empty, is a warning for bad business. On the other hand, when shelves are full of pieces that are ready to be sold it insinuates good business in the near future. Dreaming of calmly walking around and staring at objects in a glassware shop indicates that the dreamer should be carefully analyzing any affairs that the dreamer might have in order to avoid complications or losses. When a woman dreams of calmly walking through a glassware shop or pottery shop it indicates that she aspires to have a good home with efficient staff at her service. When a woman dreams about a glassware shop employee who is cleaning and rearranging objects on the shelves it indicates that she desires that her husband (in the future or present) is…

When you see a workshop in your dream, this denotes the ability to develop and to improve your personal qualities. Now it is a period when you try to know who you are, what do you want or what kind of abilities do you have.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a scallop shell when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol and sign for female sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity.

To dream of scallop shell signifies the feminine side of the dreamer. It could also simply indicate the sexual desires or the attitude about women.

In a dream, the Bishop signifies playfulness, distraction or a chronic illness. (Also see Chess | Chessboard | Chessmen)

…To dream of this drug foretells sickness and poverty: if you imagine that you see someone under the influence of opium, and in danger of dying, it foretells a misfortune either to yourself or some near relative. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64….

…In a dream, a shop represents one’s wife, child, life, death, property, pride, servant, vehicle, or personal secrets….

When you dream of the truck stop, then such dream marks the need of rest. Probably you are overtired and need some time to get some energy again.

Dreaming of attending an opera, denotes that you will be entertained by congenial friends, and find that your immediate affairs will be favorable.

Dreaming of opium, signifies strangers will obstruct your chances of improving your fortune, by sly and seductive means.

…For a young woman Dreaming that she lives in fairy like opulence, denotes that she will be deceived, and will live for a time in luxurious ease and splendor, to find later that she is mated with shame and poverty. When young women dream that they are enjoying solid and real wealth and comforts, they will always wake to find some real pleasure, but when abnormal or fairy-like dreams of luxury and joy seem to encompass them, their waking moments will be filled with disappointments | as the dreams are warnings, superinduced by their practicality being supplanted by their excitable imagination and lazy desires, which should be overcome with energy, and the replacing of practicality on her base. No young woman should fill her mind with idle day dreams, but energetically strive to carry forward noble ideals and thoughts, and promising and helpful dreams will come to her while…

…When a man dreams that his wife is mopping floors or cleaning walls, it announces that he’ll experience shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which puts him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. In case the man is the one who is mopping, the dream will mean the same. In both cases, if the mop appears broken, it usually suggests upcoming hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….

If you dreamed of the thrift shop, then it foretells about your past where you did not learn all of the lessons. Perhaps the dream wants you to remember some matters and include them in this time of your life. Maybe you just simply forgot what you learned, only now you are trying to get back to your past and remember all of those things.

If you see stop sign, it means that you are going through life too fast. It also indicates that you getting from one phase of your life to another one.

If you see the crop in a dream, then such dream represents the prosperity, plenitude and approval. The dream shows that the effort you have put will bring great results.

…Dreaming of a shop, denotes that you will be opposed in every attempt you make for advancement by scheming and jealous friends. See Store….

Seeing an opening in a dream indicates a new influence or a new inspiration that is arriving to your life. To dream that you open something denotes that you are developing your potential. It can also mean new opportunities.

Seeing a workshop in a dream represents that you will develop your skills and try to understand new things.

When you dream that you see an archbishop, it means that you will face lots of difficulties and discomfort while trying to achieve the proper results. Make sure you work hard and do not give up, because if you keep fighting for something you really want, you will be able to get anything you want and none of the barriers you will have will stop you.

Seeing or using a hop in a dream indicates sincere love and faithfulness. Also it means a happy home and marriage.

To dream that you are in a shop means a change in your daily routine. Shops in the dreams can symbolize instability and insecurity in situations.

Dream of a bishop, signifies meeting with some great and influential person that you admire.

…Dreaming of a hoop, foretells you will form influential friendships. Many will seek counsel of you. To jump through, or see others jumping through hoops, denotes you will have discouraging outlooks, but you will overcome them with decisive victory….

Seeing an opal in a dream refers to your libido and sexual desire. The dream indicates that you need to be more passionate in your life and in love.

In a dream, a sweets shop represents faith in God Almighty and submission to His will.

If an opening appears to us in dreams, it is always a sign of hope and a clear indication that there is an exit for the problems afflicting the dreamer or their relative ones. The aperture size is directly related to the speed or effectiveness of the solution that is going to be presented.

Dreaming that an opening appears is a sign of hope, there is a way out of our troubles.

Dreaming of an archbishop is a sign of death.

(See Chess bishop)

…A jeweler’s shop in a dream means happiness, celebrations, a wedding, ornaments, Adam’s apple, or a Qur’an study circle. (Also see Jeweler)…

…(Amenity | Extravagance) Luxuries salesman in a dream means enriching oneself at people’s expense. Luxuries shop owner in a dream means enslaving others, or he could represent a cattle merchant, or celebrating happy or sad anniversaries….