…(Fruit) In season, seeing an apricot in a dream means money. Seeing apricot out of season in a dream means illness. A fruitbearing apricot tree in a dream represents a rich man. However, it is said that an apricot tree in a dream also represents someone who suffers from a serious illness, and is of little or no use to others. On the other hand, it is said that an apricot tree in a dream represents someone with a cheerful face, who is courageous in defends himself, but who is stingy with his own family. When the apricot is still green and unripened in the dream, it represents little money. When it ripens and becomes yellow in adream, it denotes greater profits. Eating a ripened apricot in a dream means being generous and charitable, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Breaking a branch from an apricot tree…

…(Alertness | Keenness of mind | Vigilance) Wakefulness in a dream signifies keenness of mind, perseverance in one’s objective, completion of one’s work, retracting one’s steps to reverse an act of wrongdoing, or it could mean longevity. Waking up someone from his sleep in a dream means guiding him or showing him the road….

(Humiliation | Submissiveness) If learned people, scholars, or leaders show meekness, or if they are humiliated in a dream, it represents weakness in their faith, and submissiveness to the demands of their enemy. (Also see Humiliation)

…(Dagger | Kitchen knife) In a dream, a knife represents the servant of the house or its sire who strives to serve and benefit his family and friends. Its sharpness represents the effectiveness of his commands, the force by which they are carried, or one’s magnanimity and distinct personality. If a woman sees herself carrying a knife, or if she gives someone a knife in a dream, it represents her love for a famous person. A pencil sharpening knife in a dream represents an author or a writer. A slaughtering knife in a dream represents a butcher, while a soldier’s knife means strength and service. If a kindergarten teacher is seen stealing a knife in a dream, it means that he is tempted by one of his children, and that he may abuse him. A table knife in a dream represents a lazy person who does not like to…

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

…(Inebriety) Drunkenness in a dream represents unhappiness, stress, depression, worries, vanity, arrogance, wantonness and abuse of riches. Wine in a dream represents the king of drinks. If one gets drunk from wine, then tears off his shirt in the dream, it means that he has put his life in order and has it harmoniously organized. It also means that he has abused his privileges by indulging in vain pleasures of living to such a degree that he could not bear to live with such comfort or control his passions and wants. If one is seen drinking wine to inebriety in a dream, it means that he earns unlawful money. It also means that such earnings will seem to have power over him in the way of spending them. To become drunk in a dream without drinking alcohol means feeblemindedness or childishness of an old man. Drunkenness in a dream…

To have a colorless dream, can represent depression and sadness. Colorless dream can also be interpreted as symbolism of a depressed feelings, mood. Do you feel sadness in your life? Perhaps you are shutting yourself off from others. Try to change your negative thinking in more positive. It will help you to reach your goals faster and without troubles.

It symbolizes the inner refuge, the castle of the soul. It represents security, protection and resolution of problems. Seeing a fortress means that soon we will find the solution to a problem. If we enter the fortress soon we acquire confidence in ourselves and our possibilities.

…To dream that you are naked in public and feeling absolutely fine and comfortable about it, shows that you are the person who trusts himself very much. If you feel ashamed of your nakedness or feel uncomfortable in your own skin, it means that you are really feeling very bad being yourself. The man that is naked, but only the top part of his body is uncovered shows that some death of the person you know is coming on its way. The death doesn’t have to be like real death, it could mean that someone is not the person you knew before, or is simply depressed in is dead in his personality aspects. The nakedness as the sexual symbol is also known and it could mean that you have some unfulfilled desires, but simply don’t know how to express it. Or you do not release your sexual energy, therefore…

Dreaming about the press suggests that there are the messages that must be spread to others. You should pay more attention to the outside world. Dreaming that you are being followed by the press suggests a lack of privacy in your life. You may feel like someone or something is taking up your personal space.

…Weakness in a dream means strength. However, of one sees himself debilitated or emaciated, then it means weakness of his faith, failure to perform one’s religious obligations, sterility, impotence, or sorrow and depression….

Dreaming that you are a princess indicates that you recognize your maximum potential, your growth, and development of your character. When a man dreams about a princess, she represents a woman who is very important in his life. On the other hand, it also signifies his desire to find his ideal woman.

Being a witness in a dream represents your need to carefully observe something close. To dream that you confirm something as a witness indicates that you should be more responsible for your actions.

(Desire | Thirst) Body dryness or lack of humidity whether it affects the human being or even tree leaves in a dream means discomfort, poverty or living a wretched life. In a dream, feeling dry means stagnation of businesses, dullness of the real estate markets and unsalableness of farm products. Dryness in a dream also means poverty, slump, recession or yearning for a beloved, desiring and missing him.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a goddess, when you are dreaming, shows importance of your gentleness, womanhood, fertility and feminine side. For a man to dream of a goddess, shows the way of his thinking and feeling about the female. Maybe he has fear of the female, but subconsciousness is trying to fix this issue.

…(Instinct | Nature | Profits) In a dream, milk represents nature, instinct, or easy and lawful money. However, curdled milk in a dream represents unlawful money. If a man or a woman discover that they are carrying milk in their breast in a dream, it means building of one’s savings. If a man sees milk flowing from his breast in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and that new opportunities will rise from every direction. Woman’s milk in a dream means recovering from an illness. If a woman sees herself carrying milk in her breast in a dream, when in reality she does not have it, it means that she will breast feed a new born. If a woman sees herself breast-feeding a baby, a man, or another woman in her dream, it means that the source of earnings will be hampered or restricted to both the suckling person…

…Dreaming of playing chess, denotes stagnation of business, dull companions, and poor health. Dreaming that you lose at chess, worries from mean sources will ensue | but if you win, disagreeable influences may be surmounted….

…To dream that you’re in a state of madness suggests that your affairs are going the wrong way and will tend to worsen. It is also a warning of illness and other problems. To dream that other people are suffering mental disorders indicates misunderstandings in the matters being handled by the dreamer. When a young woman dreams that she or others are in a state of madness, suggests that she isn’t feeling safe in her relationship….

Dream of losing your mind or making incoherent acts in public indicates big hidden feelings of sadness and subsequent disgrace. Dream of being diagnosed with madness means you’re troubled by a plight or loss. Also indicates you’re behaving inappropriately in a new situation. Dream of other people suffering from madness means a melancholy end to prospects and hope.

…(Alopecia | Baldheadedness | Balding | Hairless) In a dream, baldness means loss of job or falling in rank. If one sees himself bald-headed in a dream, it means that his superior will lose money in business to the authorities or by a fire that will eat up his property. It also can be interpreted as becoming needy, or if he is indebted, it means that he will pay off his loan. If one sees his hair thinned until it reaches baldness in a dream, it means that he may lose his wealth or perhaps it could mean losing face with the people. If one sees himself sitting with a bald-headed woman in a dream, it means that he is engaging in a project that is tainted with suspicion, or it could mean that he will become a victim to temptation. Seeing a baldheaded woman in a dream also…

Future welfare. Take off a dress, disappointed hopes, unfulfilled desire. Broken or dirty dress, failure, loss, lack of resources.

…Dreaming that you are topless, stands as a symbol of love. Being topless in the dream is also a sign of showing love to someone. Alternatively, if you do not wear clothes that cover your breasts in the dream, then it is an indication of the invitation of love, desire and passion. Are you inviting these feelings toward your direction?…

If you are the one who is toothless in a dream, then it means that you are incapable in achieving your targets and goals. Probably the illness, bad attitude leads to disappointments. If you dream of other people being toothless, then it indicates the badness in those around you and the damage they are willing to do.

The madness in dreams is always a bad omen, however to get it interpreted better we must look into it much deeper. The madness you are suffering from in your waking life has brought those feelings into your dreams. You are keeping some of the emotions to yourself, and find it hard to release them. If the other people such as your friends or family members are feeling mad, it means that you are making stress to them.

If you dream about the abbess that is nice and smiling to you, then it shows you will be surrounded by good people. Your friends will not deceive you. If the young women dreams about herself being an abbess, then such dream foretells about some situation she will be forced to perform and won’t enjoy it at all.

To dream that you have some kind of the illness, means that you are very vulnerable at this time of your life. Your body could also send the message about the actual illness you’ve got, but haven’t realized that have one. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of vomiting.

When you dream of the cypress tree, then such dream foretells about the tree of the cypress, then such dream indicates the unconscious mind of the dreamer, life after death and unknown aspects. The dream could also represent the melancholy and sorrow.

…To dream of being into of business, is significant of some unexpected good fortune; to finish it, marriage; if the business appears to be bad, it is a good sign. 41….

To see the fortress in a dream means that you will be protected and cured. On the other hand, the fortress could symbolize your tendency to put yourself aside from others. You are the person who doesn’t like people being too close to you.

…(Daring | Courage) In a dream, forwardness means a battle between good and evil and it could be interpreted according to one’s standing in that case. Forwardness in a dream also means lack of determination and disdaining to serve one’s true needs….

…Dreaming of an empress, denotes that you will be exalted to high honors, but you will let pride make you very unpopular. Dreaming of an empress and an emperor is not particularly bad, but brings one no substantial good….

…Dreaming that your friends are faithless, denotes that they will hold you in worthy esteem. For a lover Dreaming that his sweetheart is faithless, signifies a happy marriage….

…Dreaming that you are toothless, denotes your inability to advance your interests, and ill health will cast goom{sic} over your prospects. To see others toothless, foretells that enemies are trying in vain to calumniate you….

To dream of being full of business, is significant of some unexpected good fortune; to finish it, marriage; if the business appears to be bad, it is good sign.

When you dream that you’re getting an abscess, you must fear any little obstacle that appears in your life. If the abscess grows in your dreams, it means that, after many difficulties, you’ll finally achieve your goals.

If you bless someone or someone blesses you, then it means you must get closer to the spiritual aspects of your personality in order to have a quieter soul. If you bless someone, then it means you´ll have the opportunity to give advice or an opinion to a very special person in your life that will help a lot.

To dream that you have an abscess and is growing means that you’ll get something you have been longing for a lot of time, but you’ll have to overcome some obstacles before getting it. If you dream that you’re starting to get an abscess, it means that you’ll face some difficulties.

If you dream that you are being in darkness, it shows some situation you are feeling out of control. Perhaps you are not feeling the controller of the situation and do not know what will happen in the future. The darkness is also a symbol of unknown people or places that came into your life.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see an enchantress when you are dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for feminine energy. Enchantress shows the ability to influence, affect and persuade.

If you feel ill while dreaming, then this dream could indicate the actual illness you are suffering from. You should look after yourself more careful. If there is another person who is ill and you know him, then it means that you will have to give some help for him or simple advice. The illness also predicts some changes in the life.