Have them longer than ordinarily symbolizes great profits. See them cut, or the fingers that are cut means dishonor, loss, family quarrels. Have the nails torn out a deluge of miseries, of afflictions, danger of death, positive domestic ruin.

…a woman when gathered as a bouquet of flowers, while it means a calamity if seen cut and placed inside a flower pot, a vase , or in an inappropriate place. A hyacinth flower in a dream also represents a beautiful woman or blessings, its fragrance represents one’s love for his wife, and its tenderness represents one’s concern and support for his family. Seeing branches of hyacinth spread inside a house in a dream means lauding or commending someone. If one is offered a hyacinth flower but find that it carries no fragrance in the dream, it means an adversity. If one throws a hyacinth flower to another person in a dream, it means that the receiver will experience sorrow at his hand and that their friendship will be hampered. If one sees another person sitting inside a mosque and surrounded with hyacinth in a dream, it means that the…

…Dreaming that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes. To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect in marriage, and fruitless speculations. To see another face with your own in a mirror indicates that you are leading a double life. You will deceive your friends. To break a mirror, portends an early and accidental death. To break glass dishes, or windows, foretells the unfavorable termination to enterprises. To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for your brilliancy and talent. To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause…

To dream you cut your fingers, or see them cut by another, betokens damage.

It is a symbol of power and strength. If hair in dreams matches our real hair, then such dream is meaningless. If we are with long silky hair indicates that we have good capabilities to succeed. With little hair we will have loss and misfortune. If we are losing hair or it was cut, then it means complete ruin of some situation. If we cut it voluntarily, spiritual elevation. Dreaming we are bald, and we have hair in real life, then it signifies loss of friends. Frizzy hair brings difficulties. Untidy hair indicates embezzlement. Cared hair shows superficiality. Black hair indicates great capacity for love. Blonde hair is an omen of friendship. Brown hair shows your sincerity. Ginger hair symbolizes jealousy. White hair represents dignity and wisdom.

…In a dream, wild thyme means hoarding money, or it could mean virility and rejuvenation of one’s sexual appetite. In a dream, wild thyme also means continuous blessings, power, a good business, a woman or a child. Seeing wild thyme in the field is better than seeing it cut in a dream, for once any fragrant plant is cut in a dream, then it means distress and worries. (Also see Wild plants)…

…Dreaming of a fig tree indicates abundance in many ways, especially of food. Dreaming of a beautiful green forest is a good sign, and if there are plenty of white or colored birds is much better because it indicates a successful end to the affairs you’re handling. But if you dream of plenty of dark or black birds, it indicates that someone envies the good fortune of the dreamer. Dreaming of admiring the beautiful foliage of a forest indicates deep satisfaction and appreciation for what has been achieved in life, which is like giving thanks to God, but in this case directly with the soul and without saying empty words. Among artists or intellectuals, dreaming of a beautiful forest indicates getting additional acknowledgement. Dreaming of just one green, leafy tree that is flowering indicates health and wellbeing. But if the tree seems like alone or abandoned, wilted or with…

(Getting lost) If a man of knowledge sees himself lost in a dream, it means that he will benefit people with his knowledge, that his teachings will spread widely and that he will be remembered for a long time after he dies. Getting lost in a dream also means bad luck. If one loses a garment or a house in a dream, it means extra expenses, repairs, or taxes he will pay for his property. If one is stripped of his entire wardrobe in a dream, it means that he will avoid an evil and a costly incident. (Also see Wandering)

Dreaming of rough and violent seas indicates confusion, conflict and fear. A calm sea means friendly relationship with your superiors. A beautiful sea portends success in business or at work. Getting into the sea means abundance or wealth. Dream of drowning in the sea and not getting out of it is a sign of anguish and despair.

If you are getting the spiritual guide in your life, then it means you are getting on the right track in your waking life and also chose the right people to help you.

…Dreaming that you are on the roof, or in the highest part of a building, from where you can observe an airport with planes flying, indicates the desire for a change in your life, a change of residence, work or business, and you are finally getting some of that, thanks to the intervention of strangers. Dreaming of watching the top of a building from afar indicates that for the moment there is not likelihood of success in what you want, whether it is business, work or love. Dreaming of being on a roof suggests aspirations of self-improvement, to stand out where you live, with a good chance of getting it. Dreaming of being on a roof and feeling frightened of falling, suggests you are thinking that you will fail in your attempts to overcome yourself. To dream that a roof collapses, is an announcement of calamities at home, in…

…to pay debts. Dreaming of getting money without any apparent cause is a risk of falling into the wrong and dangerous behaviors. Dreaming of getting gold coins basically indicates that there will be joy in the dreamer’s life and perhaps prosperity. Dreaming of finding packages of legal money, but then having someone claim them, hints losses in the business and affairs being handled, due to the presence of unscrupulous women. This dream is usually associated with people who lead a dissipated and dishonorable life which explains the losses. Dreaming of staring at a lot of money, but not touching it, and even not wanting it, indicates self-confidence, and that once the dreamer makes an effort, wealth and prosperity will come. Dreaming of asking for money is a bad omen, because that could actually happen in real life, or it could mean that friends may start to withdraw their support….

…to be married but feeling uncomfortable, it could signify that soon there will be upcoming unpleasant situations in her love and family relationships. When a woman who is about to get married dreams that she’s repulsed by the man who will be her husband, it could signify that there will be problems soon after they get married. This dream is a warning. If the dreamer is kissing a bride who looks sick or uncomfortable, it could mean that the dreamer will soon see her interests damaged and that friendships will be lost. If a man has a dream of leaving his bride just before getting married, this could mean that in real life he’s losing human values of various kinds that he will not be able to recover, like friendships or family. The man who dreams of being dressed up as a groom and ready to be married, could mean…

If you dream that you are the bride and getting married soon, it means that you are looking forward for your wedding. If you are not getting married in your waking life, but dream of being the bride, it shows the desire that you wish to be the bride. Sometimes the bride indicates the new phase of the life, where the dreamer is thinking about becoming someone new.

…means a woman, it means that one may marry such a woman. Shooting a hyena with an arrow in a dream means corresponding with such a woman. Throwing a stone or a walnut at a hyena in a dream means slandering a woman. Hitting a hyena with a sword in a dream means lashing at such a woman with bad words. Drinking hyena’s milk in a dream means suffering losses at the hand of such a woman through betrayal. Stabbing a hyena in a dream means doing business with such a woman, or managing her business, or getting married to someone in her family. Getting hold of the skin, bones, or hair of a hyena in a dream means taking advantage of such a woman and using her for her money. If it is a male hyena in the dream, then it represents a criminal and a despised person….

…that was alternately jumping up and down, and rearing up, first on one end and then on the other, after the manner of a shying horse. The jumps eventually getting higher and higher, the engine at last jumped so high that it jumped out of sight, whereupon passengers and officials, with agonised shrieks and wails, climbed out of the doors and windows of the train, and, rushing across the fields, plunged all together into a muddy, roaring river. I now found myself the only passenger in a train that, without either engine or officials, was stranded in one of the wildest and weirdest spots imagination could conceive. Ghastly as was the appearance of the muddy, turbulent river, that of the hedges separating the railroad from the fields was even more so, for although at first sight they seemed ordinary enough, on closer inspection they proved to be no hedges at…

…you are feeling weak and defenceless. Dreaming that someone smells your hair indicates erotic curiosity, sexual interest and your need for some physical stimulation or sensual encouragement. Maybe you have a lot to learn about intimate relationship. The odour of yours or someone else’s hair smell may remind to you the smell of a particular person. To dream that you are reaching for someone’s hair represents that you are trying to join with that person on a physical, spiritual or intellectual level. It also refers to authority, sympathy, protectiveness, and brotherly love. To dream that the wind is blowing through your hair signifies freedom to express inhibited thought or abandoned feeling. To dream that your hair is white or turns from any other colour to white, indicates that something important is made for you. Maybe something is trying to take attention from you. Also, white hair is a symbol of…

The bride in a dream is very common for those women who are getting married soon in their waking lives. The other explanation brings joy and happiness, but only if the bride is happy while preparing for the wedding. If you are kissing the bride, then this woman who was kissed will become your wife in reality. If the bride has kissed you, but you felt uncomfortable about that, then this woman is not your sweetheart and you will suffer unhappiness if you stay with her forever. The bride who is sad, dirty or unhappy is an omen of sad times in your life with friends. If the bride who is getting married is feeling very bad, then she shouldn’t marry the man she is going to.

…Dreaming of oneself having difficulties getting dressed may mean that a person or unavoidable event is bothering you, preventing you from enjoying the fun or relaxation you seek. The impediment doesn’t need to be due to someone’s bad intentions, it could simply be beyond that person’s control. When you dream that you’re getting dressed and are late for a trip, it may mean that your neglect or carelessness for others is causing various problems and discomfort, which can also mean that you need to take care of yourself and attend to your own affairs. Dreaming of oneself wearing silk means that there are too many ambitions for money, power and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming about silkworms can mean that you’ll find a very advantageous work or business….

…is constantly barraged with accusations and blame because of the bird’s offensive smell. Seeing a hoopoe in a dream also means profits, honor and wealth. Eating a hoopoe in a dream means receiving news from the governor, or hosting a traveller. A hoopoe in a dream also represents the king’s advisor, the court’s seer, an astrologer, a writer, a scribe, or a critic. Holding a hoopoe in one’s hand in a dream means glad tidings, or profits from a business in another market or town. Owning a hoopoe in a dream means having influence over someone in authority, or it could represent a writer, or a perspicacious person but who has no religious commitment. Slaugh- tering a hoopoe in a dream means getting hold of such person. Owning a female hoopoe in a dream means getting married. Slaughtering a female hoopoe in a dream means deflowering a young girl….

The one who ate the charcoal in his dream is getting to explode the passion and sexuality very soon. Perhaps the dreamer is getting trough many changes in his life.

The dream in which you see the waste basket that you are throwing things in it, means that you are getting rid of the negative emotions and feelings or you are getting over with the old relationships.

To see diploma in the dream, means that you are working hard in order to achieve success. Dreaming about receiving or getting a diploma, symbolizes the recognition of your achievements in your hard work. If you lose diploma in your dream, then it is bad omen and it symbolizes that you are afraid of not getting the job done. Maybe you need more time in order to complete what you have started. If you see that others received diplomas, then it symbolizes that you think a lot about your competitors or adversaries. Maybe they are moving faster than you? To dream about destroying the diploma or to see diploma, that is burning or broken in pieces, means that you are worried about time wasting on something. Maybe it is because something in your life is truly worthless or you are not able to manage your day properly.

…To have interaction or to encounter or to see a hamster, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests underdeveloped emotions. You are distancing yourself from others so that you won’t end up getting hurt. It may also indicate that issues of sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity are trivial to you. You are able to separate sex and love….

Getting into dispute, being not especially lucky in love; marriage in advanced age. 280.

…Dreaming you have a rival, is a sign that you will be slow in asserting your rights, and will lose favor with people of prominence. For a young woman, this dream is a warning to cherish the love she already holds, as she might unfortunately make a mistake in seeking other bonds. If you find that a rival has outwitted you, it signifies that you will be negligent in your business, and that you love personal ease to your detriment. If you imagine that you are the successful rival, it is good for your advancement, and you will find congeniality in your choice of a companion….

Dreaming of carnations means love and passion. Almost all authors interpret that if carnations are yellow, the dream is announcing the appearance of jealousy in the relationship. If in the dream you see yourself giving carnations to others we must always consider their color. If they are red, means desires of a sexual relationship and if they are pink, you want to declare your love. White carnations are more related to family feelings.

…Dreaming of a miser, foretells you will be unfortunate in finding true happiness owing to selfishness, and love will disappoint you sorely. For a woman Dreaming that she is befriended by a miser, foretells she will gain love and wealth by her intelligence and tactful conduct. Dreaming that you are miserly, denotes that you will be obnoxious to others by your conceited bearing Dreaming that any of your friends are misers, foretells that you will be distressed by the importunities of others….

…Red currants announce a faithful and constant love. The white currants mean pure satisfactions of love. The black currants show loving carnal pleasures. If we dream of currants out of the season in which they mature it’s an omen of infidelity….

…To dream that a ram runs at you for butting purposes, shadows forth to a young man that his society will be coveted by the girls, and that he will be fortunate in love matters generally: if a girl dreams this, she will probably have her choice of lovers, as all the young fellows around there will fall in love with her: if the ram succeeds in butting her, she will surely be taken captive and brought as Cupid’s prisoner into the matrimonial ranks. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

Symbolize the intensity of live and love. It augurs an intense and passionate love that will give us happiness.

If you dream of seeing or using the heater in a dream, then such dream indicates the affection, love and comfort you are looking for. Perhaps you are ready to be in stable relationship where you are able to receive the domestic happiness and love from your significant other.

Passion or frustrated love. Platonic love.

…Dreaming of loaves of bread, denotes frugality. If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you. Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love. To see loaves multiply phenomenally, prognosticates great success. Lovers will be happy in their chosen ones….

To have eyebrows and eyelashes thicker and longer than usually people have, means happiness and public esteem, success in love, possible fortune. If the eyebrows fall off, then it means dishonor, betrayal in love matters or total ruin.

…Omen of hope and love. If we see it blooming in its own plant the love will be true. If it’s a bunch of these flowers, that announces a minor affair….

If you dream about the cracker, then such dream indicates the tendency of yours to look after the others more than yourself. The dream shows that you give lots of love and care to others instead of taking some time for yourself. The dream may be interpreted as the suggestion to start looking after yourself, because you must love not only the others, but yourself too.

Being lucky in love, earning esteem and love, marrying a handsome girl.

The dream in which you see your partner that you love such as your wife or your husband, signifies some cause why you dreamed about it. Make sure you know what is happening in your waking life, therefore you can interpreter your dream better. The dream in which you see some person being your partner, but in reality he is not, means that you like this particular person or wish to see the qualities he has in your partner. The dream may also signify that you wish to be with someone special, especially if you are single. Sometimes people who are in relationships dream about their dreams. If you dream that your ex-boyfriend or husband is your partner again, then it means you are longing for love and affection or simply missed the person you’ve been with for some time.

…To dream you are crossing over a bridge, denotes prosperity and success in love; but to dream you are passing under the bridge indicates difficulties in life, both in love and business; if you meet with obstructions, either on or under the bridge, it forebodes illness. To dream a bridge breaks down with you, denotes sudden death….