Dreaming of an entertainment where there is music and dancing, you will have pleasant tidings of the absent, and enjoy health and prosperity. To the young, this is a dream of many and varied pleasures and the high regard of friends.

…Dreaming of a holiday, foretells interesting strangers will soon partake of your hospitality. For a young woman Dreaming that she is displeased with a holiday, denotes she will be fearful of her own attractions in winning a friend back from a rival….

…To dream of wearing a wig is a good omen to a bald bachelor, as it foretells that some lady has a design to catch the poor fellow, and win not scruple as to the means she uses to accomplish it: if a young man dreams of wearing a wig, it is a sign that he will sleep with his sweetheart before he marries her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 6, 69….

Dreaming that you see or travel on a macadamized road, is significant of pleasant journeys, from which you will derive much benefit. For young people, this dream foretells noble aspirations.

…Dreaming of a collision, you will meet with an accident of a serious type and disappointments in business. For a young woman to see a collision, denotes she will be unable to decide between lovers, and will be the cause of wrangles….

…Parrots chattering in your dreams, signifies frivolous employments and idle gossip among your friends. To see them in repose, denotes a peaceful intermission of family broils. For a young woman Dreaming that she owns a parrot, denotes that her lover will believe her to be quarrelsome. To teach a parrot, you will have trouble in your private affairs. A dead parrot, foretells the loss of social friends….

Candles have symbolic meanings in dreams. Lit candle: life; Unlit candle: death. Dreaming of lit candles with a firm and bright flame signify emotional stability and strength of character and it’s also announcing success. Dreaming of candles with a smoky and movable flame symbolize an uncertain future and perhaps a disease that has already begun to manifest. Dreaming of lit candles whose wax trickles down, signifies closeness of hypocrites who intend to harm you. When the wick is falling to a side and the wax or paraffin is melting, then it announces the death of someone close. If a young person dreams of himself or herself lighting a candle, then it is a symbol of marriage, or at least of looking for someone to share his or her life with.

(Collar | Neckband | Neckwear) In a dream, a collarband represents the pleasure and pride of a mother or a wife to see her sons or daughter having a jewelry business. If an unmarried woman sees herself in a dream wearing a neckband, a necklace or a collarband made from pearls, peridot or chrysolite, it means that she will marry a noble and a high ranking man, beget children from him and find her ultimate pleasure and love in such a marriage. If the collarband is made from alum, then it means marrying a young eastern man. If the collarband is made from beads in the dream, it means that her husband is a mean and a contemptible person. If a man sees himself wearing a collarband in a dream, it means suffocation, distress or a quarrel. (Also see Neckband | Necklace)

…Dreaming of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode….

…(See Milk.) To dream of breasts, denotes great gain and profit to man; but to a woman, losses. If a young woman dream that her breasts are full of milk, it signifies she is near her marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6….

…Dreaming of engaging in combat, you will find yourself seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love of some one whom you know to be another’s, and you will run great risks of losing your good reputation in business. It denotes struggles to keep on firm ground. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing combatants, signifies that she will have choice between lovers, both of whom love her and would face death for her….

…Dreaming of listening to the music of a lyre, foretells chaste pleasures and congenial companionship. Business will run smoothly. For a young woman Dreaming of playing on one, denotes that she will enjoy the undivided affection of a worthy man….

…To see an empty bird’s nest, denotes gloom and a dull outlook for business. With eggs in the nest, good results will follow all engagements. If young ones are in the nest, it denotes successful journeys and satisfactory dealings. If they are lonely and deserted, sorrow, and folly of yours will cause you anxiety….