(See Rupture of relations)

The dream of speaking with difficulty, or that you try to say something and cannot, means difficulties and problems hard to bear. Talking with someone with a sweet and pleasant voice means help and support from this person.

If we reach it, it indicates that we will achieve our goals in real life. If we just arrived there, we fall or we don’t reach it, we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character….

It symbolizes protection or the power of our own strength that will facilitate success. If we see it being a large size and with a lot of foliage, then it indicates that the benefits and quality of protection will be great and plentiful. If it’s puny, without foliage or dead, then it indicates the loss of a protector or weakness of our character.

You will become happy again after the pain that you have suffered for a very long time.

(arb. See Toothbrush)

Good fortune in everything you undertake. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6,7….

To dream about any type of brake, either a horse’s or a vehicle’s brake is a warning in the sense that you should think carefully before deciding about a new relationship, business, etc. To dream about a broken, old or useless brake suggests that you should not intervene in some matters. To dream that you’re using a brake and it feels very soft or that it is easy to handle is a warning that you may be victim of deception or fraud….

Indicates that you will go through painful moments. Conflicts with family, friends or coworkers.

You’re at a stage where you want to hit rock-bottom in order to free yourself from your burdens but you have to pay attention to your health and your mind so they won’t fall apart.

If something is leaking in a dream, it shows that you are no longer in control of your own emotions.

Clue threats against your intimate life.

Gossip and backbiting.

Loss or further distanced of the beloved one.

In dreams, water that leaks through where it shouldn’t symbolizes uncontrolled emotions and a background of emotional problems.

(See Pinch)

Profit, riches, long life. 60.

Death of a relative or acquaintance,

Getting into need, want.

Cessation of sorrows.


Becoming honoured.


Loss of all kinds, pressure for money. 9.


…An apple tree in a dream represents a good man who serves and cares about his community. A crack in a tree in a dream represents members of one’s family who will brace against him. A palmyra tree in a dream represents a wise man, a poet, or an astronomer. Seeing one, or sitting under it in a dream means meeting such a person. An oak tree in a dream means profits, prosperity, honor, associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could mean visiting righteous people or a renunciate who lives in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins. A mimosa tree in a dream represents stinginess, evil, or pursuing the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. A buckthorn tree that grows datelike fruit in a dream represents a noble and a generous woman, or it could represent a noble and a generous man. The…

…(Insect) In a dream, a fly represents a weak, lowly and a slanderous person. If he ever benefits anyone, it will be someone of his own kind. Eating flies in a dream means earning loathsome money. Seeing flies ruminating inside one’s stomach in a dream means earning money from a loathsome and a despicable man. Seeing flies inside one’s body in a dream means mixing with loathsome people. Whatever profits one may gain through them will not last. A large size fly in a dream represents a great enemy who will bring harm to the people and to the economy of the land. Flies flying over one’s head in a dream represent a weak enemy who is desiring to triumph over him. It could also mean that someone in a high ranking position is influencing their moves or forcing them to do what he wants. If someone who intends…

…gets married in a dream, it means that he will shortly die. If a married person dies and gets buried in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife or break a business partnership or separates from his brothers, sisters and friends, or it could mean that he may emigrate to another country. Otherwise, if he has already migrated from his homeland, it means that he will return to it. Death in a dream has positive connotation for someone in fear of something or a sad person or a sick person. The death of one’s brothers in a dream means the death of one’s enemies, or it could mean saving one’s capital. Walking amidst dead people in a dream means befriending some hypocrites. Walking in the company of a deceased person in a dream means undertaking a long journey, or it could mean profits from one’s travels. Eating…

…(zool. Bird) A crane in a dream represents a poor, meek and a weak person. Catching a crane in a dream means marrying a girl from a family of despicable characters. Cranes in a dream also represent sociable people who like to share. Seeing a crane in a dream also could mean undertaking a distant journey or returning home safely from a distant trip. Seeing cranes flying over a town in a dream denotes a cold winter, rain storms and floods. Eating the flesh of a crane in a dream means receiving money from a thief or a servant. A flock of cranes flying in a dream represents thieves, bandits, highway robbers, pollution or a hurricane. Seeing dispersed cranes flying in a dream means profits and benefits for a traveller, marriage, or a son. Riding on a crane in a dream means becoming poor. Owning a large flock of…

…in a dream, it means that he will marry a woman from the governing family, or that he may spend from his own money for the sake of a woman in that palace. If the bed is in the palace though unknown in the dream, it means that he will become a member of that government. If a kinghears his subjects praising him in a dream, it means that he will show good qualities. If his subjects shower him with money in a dream, it means that they speak ill of him or cast blame at him. If they shower him with sugar in the dream, it means they speak nicely of him, and if they shower him with stones in the dream, it means that they will speak harshly of him. If one sees the people paying obeisance and bowing to him in a dream, it means that they…

…Chains are a symbol of slavery in every aspect, like the psychological and mental auto- limitations that stop the self-improvement of spirit. In the religious area, it means to undergo religious concepts and beliefs even against your own thinking. And all this is somehow manifested in dreams, especially when there is repression. Dreaming of being chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to…

…of his status. Destroying or wasting garments in a dream brings glad tidings, unless if the person seeing the dream is incarcerated, or if he is a poor person, or if he is in debt. If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s outfit in the dream, and if in his consciousness he intended to act effeminately, it means that he will face a calamity and carry a great burden. If he thinks in his dream that he is a woman, then his humiliation will be greater. Heceiving used garments but in a good condition as a gift in a dream means money, though if they are in bad condition, they mean trouble. A dog wearing a woolen cloak in a dream represents a just ruler. If one sees a lion wearing a cotton or a linen cloak in a dream, it represents a ruler who confiscates people’s properties and…

…form usually implies that the dreamer is surrounded by limitations and problems, especially moral situations that makes the dreamer constantly crave a release and at the same time shift away from himself or herself. Limitations and problems may be real or just mental, that is something that the dreamer must analyze and decide on. Dreaming of being in prison indicates that the dreamer might have problems with associating with dishonest people. Dreaming of escaping prison indicates the desire to break away from certain matters and that the dreamer will finally achieve it. Dreaming of a prison guard insinuates that something bad is being plotted against the dreamer, with the intervention of women. Dreaming of a riot caused by inmates who try to break the bars down in order to escape is a symbol of evil against the dreamer. Perhaps it’s the case of maneuvers to try to satisfy it….

…Dreaming that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes. To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect in marriage, and fruitless speculations. To see another face with your own in a mirror indicates that you are leading a double life. You will deceive your friends. To break a mirror, portends an early and accidental death. To break glass dishes, or windows, foretells the unfavorable termination to enterprises. To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for your brilliancy and talent. To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause…

…Any leaping bloodsucking insect when seen in a dream represents a weak person who uselessly occupies himself at defaming others. Fleas in a dream also represent God’s soldiers. If one sees an army of fleas stinging him in a dream, it means threats and distress caused by a rubbish type of people. A flea bite in a dream also means earnings. A wounded flea in a dream represents a weak enemy and its blood represents receiving money from a lowly person….

…Dreaming of facing a huge and hideous spider indicates the end of a bad streak and the beginning of better times. However, if the spider manages to bite you, the bad streak will continue. Dreaming of running away from a big spider suggests that there will be losses and discomfort as a result of lack of energy and character to address your problems. Dreaming of killing a spider indicates that you have chances of being successful, but if the spider revives and attacks, (but it doesn’t sting you) it announces the presence of dangerous enemies. Dreaming of one or more spiders indicates that if you are careful enough while doing your things, you will achieve significant benefits. Dreaming of spiders weaving its spider web indicates that you are in safe and happy environment. Dreaming of killing one or more spiders indicates that some business you have, a family member,…

…it could mean that he will offer her a good financial arrangement. Receiving a ring that is inlaid with a precious stone from one’s son in a dream represents the good character and qualities of such a son. A stone which is made from worthless glass beads in the dream denotes a weak authority. A ring that is inlaid with a green sapphire in the dream means begetting an intelligent son who will become a great man of knowledge. A wooden ring in a dream represents a hypocritical woman. If a woman is offered a ring in a dream, it means that she will get married, and for a married woman, it means that she will give birth to a son. If the ring in one’s dream is interpreted to mean money or clothing, then it represents one’s status and high esteem his field. Receiving a ring as a gift…

…Dream of kissing a dead person indicates a long life. When you make someone die, then it shows loss or damage. When you see a corpse in a coffin, then it means indigestion. See someone dead who is alive and in good health indicates annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see someone die who is already dead in reality, means approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak in a dream, represents to the dreamer that he/she has the same passions and the same destiny like the person he dreamed of. To see or to speak to dead person, means that you should be aware with the situation in your business, especially if the dead one is someone from your friends or relatives. See one dead whom you know is living, means…

…with a leap, he was gone. I shouted out to him, ” Why not ask that tree?” (There was a poplar growing near) but he did not hear me, and was out of sight before I could speak again. I walked on, but had not gone very far, before I came across a boy standing on a big stone, and blowing out his cheeks. There was a look of the most exquisite joy in his round, gooseberry eyes, as if he found his occupation the most delightful in the world. ”Why, what on earth are you doing?”I asked. He opened his mouth and out flew a swarm of bees. “Oh! Isn’t it Paradise?” he said. ”Paradise! They make their honey in my stomach!” “But don’t they sting you?” I asked. “Well, now you come to speak of it, I believe they do” the boy responded, “but what is that compared…

…lose his status, rank and the benefits of his knowledge. If one sees himself inwardly talking with Satan in a dream, it means that he will join hands with his own enemy, and his strike will be against the righteous people, though he will ultimately fail. If one sees Satan teaching him something in a dream, it means that he will fabricate a story, speak falsehood, or recite poems filled with lies. If one sees that Satan has descended upon him in a dream, it means that he engages in falsehood and sin. If one sees himself presiding over a band of satans, controlling them, commanding them, and if they obey him in the dream, it means that he will receive a seat of honor and he will be feared by his friend and foes. If one ties Satan with chains in a dream, it means that he will win…