…that the dreamer should analyze his or her behavior. Dreaming that dogs are chasing a fox or are hunting another animal announces good luck and happiness in the immediate future. When a woman dreams of being the owner of a cute dog, it could signify that she’s selfish and possessive. If this same woman has a lover or at least a suitor, it could signify that the man is a fool, liar, and very vain. Dreaming of being in front of a fierce-looking dog and being really scared of, it could mean that there are internal doubts concerning business due to receiving high offers that the dreamer didn’t have before. If a woman, who is of age and planning to get married, dreams of what has been said previously, then this could signify that she pretends to get married to a very distinguished man with a high level in society…

…Dreaming that some of your hair turns gray and falls, it indicates troubles and even health problems and diseases. Dreaming that you start getting gray hairs indicates joy, pleasure and even fortune for all of your future life. Dreaming that you see tangled, messy, uncombed hair, it indicates upcoming difficulties in your marriage or with family and friends. Dreaming that your own hair is weakening indicates the death of someone close to you; it can be a relative or a friend. Dreaming that your hair grows soft, nice and rich, announces significant success and happiness, but this shouldn’t be interpreted in a strictly economic sense. Dreaming that you get your hair cut really short, close to the scalp, indicates excessive generosity towards a friendship that can end up badly. Dreaming that someone cuts your hair indicates various problems and difficulties in the immediate future. Dreaming of flowers as if…

…talking birds suggests that the dreamer lacks skill and ability to manage his or her affairs. Dreaming of the singing of birds is a good omen, since it announces peace, happiness, awards, sympathy, and success. This applies particularly in the case of people who work in the artistic or intellectual field. Dreaming of a dead singing bird in one’s own hands, symbolizes that there will be failures in what’s most desired, and even more so, if the dreamer is an artist. Dreaming of freeing a singing bird, symbolizes that the dreamer is wasting opportunities. Dreaming that a singing bird enters the dreamer’s bedroom suggests that long-awaited success is coming and that it will allow the dreamer to live a comfortable and distinguished life, which will ultimately be detrimental to the dreamer. This dream is a warning, particularly for women, in the sense that they shouldn’t get their hopes up….

…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…

…To dream that you’re watching pictures announces disappointments, frustrations and deteriorating relations, particularly sentimental relations. To dream about a picture of your beloved one implies infidelity, and so it makes you feel disappointed. To dream that others are shooting pictures announces upcoming unpleasant visits. To dream that you’re watching your own picture suggests that your misconduct is hurting other people who deserve your respect and esteem….

…leading you to make mistakes and to failure. When superstitious people dream about the moon, it generally means that a distant person is cursing them. This interpretation is only a consequence of their superstition and perhaps because they fear the dark. To dream about a full moon in a calm sky announces that your plans will be successful if you work with determination. To dream that the moon is somewhat opaque and surrounded with clouds suggests difficulties, particularly sentimental ones, at home or with others. Dreaming about an eclipsed moon announces diseases, perhaps epidemic ones. When a woman dreams with two moons, it suggests that soon she’ll break up with her lover because she’ll find out that there is another woman in his life. When a woman dreams about a red moon, a bloody moon, it suggests that she’ll lose her lover at war, a fight or an accident….

Dreaming of putting on a shirt is a symbol that because of bad behavior, the dreamer is losing the affection and respect of others. Dreaming of losing a shirt announces setbacks in business and in sentimental affairs. Dreaming about squeezing a shirt announces business difficulties that will end up in losses and debts. Dreaming of a dirty shirt, stained or torn indicates a disease that will happen soon.

…two boats crashing or a shipwreck, suggests that your issues are bad because you neglected them, and perhaps because of the intervention of women (when the dreamer is a man) or men (in the case of women). Dreaming of dying in a boat that is anchored in the port indicates damage due to rumors and gossip. However, if the boat is in motion, all problems will be solved and the future will be less uncertain. Dreaming of being aboard on a boat in a storm hints that you’re getting involved in some dangerous situations that will have negative results. Dreaming of sailing on a boat in calm waters is an announcement of important achievements at work, business, or sentimental issues. Dreaming of several large ships sailing in convoy or formation, hints that soon there will be major changes in your life. It can also indicate news of international conflicts….

…the news she is bringing must be treated carefully. If the woman is wearing perfume, then one could expect good news and a commendation for his work. If one sees himself holding a closed book in a dream, it means the end of his life in this world. If one sees a flyer or a public announcement in display by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will gain leadership, happiness and income. If one sends a sealed letter to someone, which is returned to him unopened in the dream, it means losing a war to one’s enemy. If he is a merchant, it means that he will suffer losses in his business. If he is seeking marriage, it means the denial of his request. If one sees himself carrying a book, a record, or a letter in his right hand in a dream, and if he had…

…Personal experience as a boy scout will definitely affect subconscious activity and provide the dreamer with the boy scout as a symbol of the dream. But if the dreamer never was a boy scout and he/she dreams that he/she is a boy scout, then such dream stands as an alert to seek for discipline. Maybe the dreamer need to finish some task and he/she must act quickly with deep commitment and discipline toward rules. The dream may give special importance to a sense of belonging to community, and feeling of helpfulness. To have interaction with a boy scout or just to see boy scout in the dream, represents perfect model of functioning. Maybe the dreamer or someone else has displayed exemplary way in which one acts or conducts oneself. The dream also announces successful accomplishment of project, plans. For female to dream boy scout, represents happiness in relationship. Gains…

To see hay in your dream embodies the hard work. Maybe you are working hard right now. Alternatively, hay announces the necessity of hard work. You should know that nothing in life comes easy. Third meaning is about being the desperation. Maybe you are feeling hopeless about a situation. This is why you need to do a lot of work. Your worries will go away after job will become done. On the other hand, hay shows the need to develop your maternal instincts. If you are man, then maybe you need to increase your masculine energy. Also, hay may be the symbol of your sexual impulses. Instead of various interpretations, dreaming about hay might be induced by your subconscious mind, which is trying to send you a message. Your mind may be trying to call your attention to something.

…To dream that you’re always sick indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they’ll continue to worsen; also this type of dream usually refers to your health. To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that will also affect you. To dream that any person is suffering any kind of disease, or if you’re the patient, announces complicated problems for you, so you should review all your matters before taking action, without neglecting your health. To dream that a nurse is staying at your house, suggests upcoming diseases and other problems, for example: the visit of unpleasant people. To dream that a nurse leaves your house suggests that everything is doing well, including your health. If a young woman dreams that she is a nurse, it suggests that her friends appreciate her….