…To understand the difference in appearance between the bull and the ox is that the bull is brave, agile and fast, while the ox appears meek, docile and slow. The bull is traditionally a symbol of passion. To dream of seeing yourself chased by a bull (the more ferocious the worse), suggests that issues being handled will be complicated by your own carelessness and the intervention of hypocrites and envious people who want to do harm to you. If the bull is black, you should be very careful what you do and say, because the enemies are dangerous. If the bull is white, it suggests that eventually everything will be resolved favorably and your business will improve. If the black bull stops without attacking, that suggests that the dreamer has full control over his affairs. When a woman dreams of being chased by a bull, especially if it is…

…(Cow | Ox | Steer) A bull in a dream represents the chief of the council or the mayor of the town or village. Seeing a bull in a dream also means winning the mayoral seat for a term or losing it after one year. If one sees himself owning a herd of steers in a dream, it means receiving a governmental office and a vast authority should he qualify for it. His employees’ support depends on how manageable is his herd. If a man sees himself riding a steer in a dream, it means dealing with a government employee. It also means that he will acquire what he intends. Seeing a bull in a dream also means fame. If one sees himself eating the head of a steer or a bull in a dream, it also means winning a leadership seat in the government, except if the bull

The bull signifies some kind of race that will bring you much stress. The white bull always is a good omen, because it is a symbol of great fortune. When you are chased by a bull, then it shows you will achieve great results, but only if you escape it.

Dream of a bull indicates some great personage from whom the dreamer will receive good or evil according to the bull, and the way he is acting in the dream. Seeing a mad bull, a struggle in which the dreamer will come out not on his best. Finding the liver and lungs of a bull, succession to an inheritance.

To dream you own a bull is a sign of gain. To dream you see a bull killed is a sign of affliction. To drive a bull signifies gayety. A black bull signifies deception and cheating; running, a secret divulged; at work, a fortune; drinking, a theft; without horns, peculation; fighting with another, fraternal affection. Please also see the meaning of Cattle.

If you dream you were chased by a bull and run away from him, it is a sign that someone will offer you a present, or propose to benefit you in some way, and that you will either decline, or from some action of your own will not receive the present or the benefit. If you do not run away from the bull, but stand your ground and dodge him, you will then have a piece of good luck of some kind.

…To see one pursuing you, business trouble, through envious and jealous competitors, will harass you. If a young woman meets a bull, she will have an offer of marriage, but, by declining this offer, she will better her fortune. To see a bull goring a person, misfortune from unwisely using another’s possessions will overtake you. Dreaming of a white bull, denotes that you will lift yourself up to a higher plane of life than those who persist in making material things their God. It usually denotes gain….

To dream about the bull means that you got yourself into very dangerous and risky situation. Sometimes the bull could indicate you as the person who is strong, masculine and powerful. Consider that these qualities could be applied to another person who was seen together with the bull, or the one who is taking important part in your life.

…Red snake attack in a dream can be triggered by external stimulus. For anyone, recently in waking life encountered an intensive movement of a thing in a red color can be a source of dreaming about attack by red snake. A movement of a red car, or a bike, a burning cigarette, or a seeing of a red colored sunset can be an inspiration for your dream. For a woman, a sudden start of a monthly period can be an external stimulus of dreaming about an attack of red colored snake. For a man, a sharp feeling of spontaneous erection induced by blood flow into a body part is a cause for the dreams about the red long limbless reptiles attacks. And these feelings can be felt up to few times per sleep. Also, if closed eyes suddenly being touched by red colored light rays of rising sun early…

…To dream that you have been gored, or received some hurt from bull shows you are likely to receive some harm from a great man. To dream you are pursued by a bull, denotes loss of friends and ill reports; if in love, your sweetheart will be in danger, and you will narrowly escape some misfortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 7….

A dream about the bulls is the most primitive symbol of instinctual forces and is severe in all its aspects, both as creator and destroyer. Seeing a majestic and challenging bull can be a favorable dream, because it signifies a creative energy. If the bull is chasing us, is ready to tear us apart, then it means that our inner primitive instincts are about to explode.

The dreamer who is having a heart attack in his dream is seen as the person who is worrying a lot about some issues. The dream shows that he or she is feeling afraid and is feeling frustrated because of the stress he/she is suffering from. Sometimes the heart attack in dreams could indicate the actual heart problems the dreamer has.

When you dream of having a heart attack, then it shows the lack of love you are suffering from. Perhaps you feel unnoticed and unneeded especially for those you care. The heart attack could also indicate the actual fear of dying.

If you have a heart attack it could indicate the actual health problems you are suffering from. Make sure you check your health and the way your organism is functioning. The heart attack could also signify the fact that you are unable to manage your own life.

Dreaming of a bull means power and force. Bulls also can mean romantic relationships. On the other hand, it can mean difficulties in negotiations or an important loss.

Being hit by a bull: obstacles and difficult problems to overcome. Fight bulls indicates the opposite.

If you are struggling while attacking someone, you feel that you do not have enough power to control your life such as your relationships or certain situations. The struggling in attack could also denote to your inability to express your emotions. You keep the tension and aggression to yourself instead of letting it go.

Dreaming of having an attack suggests you need to make a better use of your time. You feel it’s not the time to do everything you want. This dream also represents the pressure on yourself.

Dream of suffering a heart attack means lack of support and good advice. It may also mean a bad time in your love life.

…To dream of being chased by a bull portends some accident, such as breakage or loss, seldom anything more serious. For example, I see in one of my letters that a gentleman dreamed he was chased along the Marine Parade at Worthing by a bull, the day before one of his most valuable china ornaments was broken; and, referring to another letter, I see that a lady in Grifton dreamed a bull ran after her in Guthrie Road, and tossed her over the railings of Emmanuel Church, the day before one of her servants fell downstairs and broke the larger part of a valuable tea-set of Worcester china….

Danger, losing a friend, trouble from members of the family.

(Charge against | Comeback) Charging against one’s enemy in a dream means victory in wakefulness, or it could mean disturbance, anxiety, concern, going through a mental conflict or having doubt, and it may mean regret, repentance and correcting the course of one’s actions and thoughts….

To dream that you are being attacked by someone means that you are afraid of something. The dream in which you are the one who is beating the other person means that you have anger issues that causes many problems to you. You shouldn’t keep the negative emotions, because it shows that you are going to become an angry person.

…When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. This dream about producing an aggressive and violent action against a person or a place is the sign that you are trying to let go your bad emotions. Also, dream of attacking or assaulting is better and easier way to feel that your behaviour disappointed you. If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself. At this moment of your life, you are feeling like no one cares about you and you want to be understood and looking out for help. If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by. Make sure you pay attention to someone in your life that have the same features just like the animal you dreamed of…

If someone has attacked you in the dream, then such dream means that you are feeling out of control with your life. Sometimes these kinds of dreams indicate your fear of being actually attacked by someone in your waking life, especially if this person has threatened you before. To be hit could also mean that there are huge changes that are happening in your life and causes lots of stress.

…Dreaming of scorpions suggests that the dreamer has one or more people around him interested in causing problems and make him have either material losses, or lose values or prestige. If you dream of killing the scorpions, it indicates triumphing over enemies. If you don’t kill the scorpions, it means that there are several risks you’ll have to face and fight. If you only see them and you don’t feel worried because they don’t attack you, it suggests that there are latent enmities that come from envy, or from selfish feelings that you must be aware of. Dreaming of being surrounded by scorpions is a warning of passive enemies, which means that they won’t attack from the front or violently, but with hypocrisy, pretending being friends with you and waiting for the opportunity to attack. The number of scorpions in the dream suggests the number of adversaries, or at…

Dreaming about dinosaur denotes expired outlook into old situations. To encounter a dinosaur, when you are dreaming, is suggestion that you may need to discard your old ways of thinking. Do you have old habits, that you want to get rid off? Dreaming that you are being chased by a dinosaur, shows the way to or the direction of your fears of no longer being needed or useful. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old problems that are still coming back. Are you haunted by old issues?

In the interpretation of dreams, the difference between the ox and the bull is that the ox seems meek, docile, slow and sometimes old, while the bull is brave, agile and fast. When a woman is haunted by an (meek) ox in dreams, it probably implies an unmet sexuality desire, which is why she wants to relate to any man. Dreaming of oxen and cows that are malnourished because the pasture is very scarce, it indicates that bad times are coming: losses, damages, etc. This is a warning dream, and it means you should be properly prepared. Dreaming of oxen in the country, when some of them are fighting and others are grazing peacefully, suggests that the dreamer will be involved in various problems because of nosy people, but it’s also due to negligence of his own actions.

…an illness. Dreaming of an angry dog that’s trying to attack the dreamer without achieving it, could mean that the dreamer’s effort and work are not producing the expected benefits, and that he or she is also exposed to a serious illness. Dreaming of being bitten by an angry dog signifies problems at work, bad relationships, disadvantages in business and the likelihood of an unfortunate event. Dreaming of being followed everywhere by a dog indicates that the dreamer has the protection of superior forces, and that he or she counts with good friendships and that the dreamer will succeed in matters that are being handled. Dreaming that the dog that’s following you is swimming in water, indicates future success, fortune, and happiness. Dreaming of a sleeping dog indicates that there’s internal peace in the dreamer due to having a clear conscience. Dreaming of an angry dog killing a cat announces…

If you attack bandits, rely upon your own judgment and vigour; if they attack you, beware of accidents; if you only see them, it denotes prosperity in your business.

…A battle between spearmen in a dream represents a blow of fate, a mishap, or a calamity. The way to avoid such a mishap is by spending money and efforts on God’s path. Such a battle also could mean an attack against one’s religion, a calumny, or mocking another person’s faith, or speaking ill of righteous people, or being sarcastic about religion, or it could mean slander, defamation, confuting someone, defaming him, vilification, or making libelous statements against someone. If one sees himself stabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libelous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. If one stabs, wounds, or threatens someone with any of the above weapons, or if he points…

To dream that you are attacking someone denotes to your aggression, anger, frustration and desperation that haven’t been expressed in waking life. If you attack a certain person you know, it means that you have some unsolved problems with him or her. If you attack in order to protect yourself, you will have to deal with unpleasant people or situations in your waking life.

To dream that you see the lion of the mountain, indicates power, strength, sense of family and aggression. If you see the lion being surrounded by its family, it also shows the special bond you have with your relatives. If the lion is trying to attack you, you are going to face your enemies, however, if you escaped the attack of the lion, you will escape the evil in your waking life. The mountain lion could indicate the devotion to the loved ones. As it is known the lion is the king of the jungles, therefore the dream could indicate the fact that you like being in the center of the attention.

Dreaming of rabbits indicates favorable changes in life. For people who manage business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for single people, indicate upcoming satisfactions, and for women it hints promises of love. For married people it indicates peace at home. Dreaming of being surrounded by rabbits that run happily suggests that children will bring happiness to the home. Dreaming of a rabbit that is fleeing insinuates that there is a risk of mysteriously losing valuable objects, but that the dreamer will be able to recuperate everything. Dreaming of making a good luck charm with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming of people being chased by a rabbit indicates that the dreamer will have difficulties with friendships. Dreaming of shooting or hitting a rabbit hints that all that energy should be applied against others who are creating problems for the dreamer.

…To dream of being chased by one of these animals, foretells that you will be cheated in a trade or bargain, if a girl dreaming of being frightened by a wolf, it shows that her lover (if she has one) is a bad man, and she had better discard him; if she has no lover, some black-hearted fellow will try to make her acquaintance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45….

The dogs in dreams are always the symbolism of friendship especially if the dreamer plays with them. If you are chased by an angry dog, then such dream represents deception from your friends or your relatives.

…some time to arrive. The donkey is a symbol of patience, which can be related to the dreamer himself, or maybe he is exaggerating in his own patience with problems that require dynamism. In women, this dream is usually a warning which tells that they shouldn’t exhaust the patience of those around them. Dreaming of one or more donkeys loaded with food suggests that, even if it takes time, the news and expected recognition will eventually come. Dreaming of being chased by a donkey and being afraid of it announces that the dreamer will soon be victim of defamation. Dreaming of riding a donkey suggests that soon there will be fights and this is a warning to avoid them. Falling off a donkey indicates losses in business. Dreaming of a donkey running for no reason suggests that soon there will be failures, if the dreamer tries to stop it, then…

…If the donkey is strong and healthy, it is a symbol of success and wealth. A weak or sickly donkey brings losses. If it is dead, it tells us that we are ruined. If we buy a donkey, our means will increase. Seeing some donkeys portends altercations with colleagues or subordinates. Violence against a donkey are affronts we receive or do to ourselves. If the donkey is loaded is a symbol of success and fortune. Being chased by one, rebellion or treason. Seeing us being as a donkey means we are already victims of our lower personality. If we mount a donkey, we are on the right path. We will accomplish the things we intend to achieve. If the donkey is white, it indicates joy and optimism. If it’s red, passion and anger. Gray, sadness and betrayal. Black, funeral and pessimistic….

…Rams in dreams denote quarrels of a more violent nature than do sheep. For example, I remember, when I was a boy, prior to a quarrel (which ended in a fight) with a schoolfellow, dreaming I was attacked in a field by a big black ram with red eyes, that chased me persistently over hedges and ditches, and through water, and when, in some miraculous fashion, I took to the air, it sprang up after me, never desisting from its fierce butting still I was reduced to a hopeless state of jelly, when I was permitted to awake. In after years, before quarrelling with a venomous attorney, I dreamed I was fishing in a weir, when a grey ram, catching me unawares, butted me in the back and precipitated me head first into the water, where I found myself attacked on all sides by slimy, yellow snakes….

The wolf is the symbol of wisdom, therefore if there is one seen in the dream, it indicates protection and smartness. The dream in which you are chased by the wolf signifies the psychological problems you have. The wolf that attacks you shows the problems and enemies you will have to face. The dream in which you are fighting the wolf means that you are able to confront your enemies,