It warns us that our projects are still not thought enough to achieve what we want, and we cannot count on our friends.

Wistfully contemplating old photographs reveals that we are anchored in the past. If we are photographing a person indicates that we have a particular interest in them. If we look at a photograph of ourselves that reveals how we are or how we want to be.

It portends welfare and wealth to be acquired with effort. If the candles go out during sleep, then it portends that our work will be in vain. We will interpreter this to the meaning of candle. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with a flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke, indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, that means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, then it indicates that we will undertake preparation to the spiritual journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not ready for this trip yet.

…To dream that you’re a mountaineer or alpinist and are hiking through difficult slopes, but you finally reach the top, suggests that you have a great capacity to overcome obstacles and will soon achieve success, but if you fail to reach the top, the dream suggests the opposite. To dream that you’re climbing a ladder to reach the top indicates success in your affairs, but if for any reason you can’t reach the top or if the ladder breaks, it suggests the opposite and the risks will be greater. To dream that you’re climbing a wall or other means to enter a house through a window suggests that you want to experiment, usually in illegal matters, like stealing or having dishonest, dangerous and adventurous love relationships. Dreaming that you’re climbing a slope indicates that to achieve your goals you must make a greater effort. The higher you climb during…

To dream of the swamp, foretells about insecurity and unknowns you are thinking of. Probably there is a fear of being stuck in something you do not like, such as being in certain relationship or working at the same job. If you were walking in a swampy area, then it denotes to unfavorable situation you will get in. Consider that the dream could be seen as a good omen, but only in those cases where you will have to face the hardships and huge work to reach what you want to.

When you see the microphone in a dream, then such dream shows that you want to be heard. Perhaps you feel like no one is listening to you. Alternatively, the microphone in a dream could suggest you to be braver and express of what you are thinking. Don’t be afraid to show your opinions.

Very often people who have a physical need to go to toilet during their sleep dream about the toilet, because they simply want it. The toilet could also be interpreted as the place you get rid of the negativities in your waking life. The toilet is the symbol of your patience that is going away. You are no longer able to cope with some things, but only if the toilet is overflowing. If you are unable to flush the toilet in your dream, this means that you are trying very hard to finish some part of your life, but the circumstances doesn’t let you to do it. If you dropped something in the toilet and it drowned, it means that due to your silliness you will lose important things or people in your life.

Shows that the merit of your work is appreciated especial if you don’t want to be condemned to anonymity.

…To dream that you are driving a vehicle shows your voyage throughout life. Driving fast is like living fast. So dreaming about fast driving shows how you moving on path in life. Are you always in rush? The dream is also telling of how you are navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates pointless phase in your life. Maybe you do not have any goal or you not know where you are headed and what you really want to do with your life. Are you missing direction? Try to create first goal. Make a plan and move toward your target. If you are driving on a curvy road, then it directs your eyes to obstacles. Maybe you have complications in achieving your goals or finishing your plans. Also, it means that the changes are ahead and waiting for…

Look for the name of the animal you want to know.

When a person, man or woman, dreams of using blush on their face, it suggests that through lies he or she will try to get what they want. Dreaming of other people with blush on their faces is a sign that someone wants to deceive the dreamer. Dreaming of blush in the dreamer’s own hands or stains on clothes warns that the dreamer is at risk of being embarrassed or criticism. Dreaming that someone tells you that you’re wearing blush on your face is a warning that you’ll suffer from humiliation and lose friendships.

If you dream that you are in art gallery it means that you will be disappointed, when facing the truth. You are someone, who is having problems when trying to pretend as being a happy person, when you are not the one. It is hard for you to be someone you are not when you want completely different things.

…Dreaming that you wear this beautiful and costly raiment, denotes exaltation, lofty character and wealth forming a barrier to want and misery. To see others thus clothed, you will be associated with wealthy people, polished in literature and art. For a lover to see his sweetheart clothed in ermine, is an omen of purity and faithfulness. If the ermine is soiled, the reverse is indicated….

…As in everyday life, the sidewalk is an area of relative safety, although in a dream this security is always provisional and depends on what we see ourselves doing. If we dream that we get on the sidewalk it means that we have gained some certainty in life or a career step that we must consolidate as soon as possible if we do not want to lose it. If we walked down the sidewalk it means that we feel very confident in our current position, regardless of what could happen if everything came crashing down in a moment of carelessness. But if we go down the sidewalk, then it indicates that even though everything looks the same as always, we are about to lose that position that gave us confidence and we must strive to think that it’s still in us, or about what we have done or not…

…To dream that you’re inventing something implies that you want to do something important to provide yourself with satisfaction and prestige….

Symbol of material protection. If we see one or leafy and more strong trees, the better protection will be received. If the trees are weak, it is indication of being helpless. If they are full of flowers or out-of-season fruits, it indicates sorrow. If this occurs in the right season for it, then it signifies friendship and love. If they are dry, it indicates misfortune. With broken branches, illness. Full of green leaves trees will bring profits. Climbing one, honors and fortune. Falling from one, loss of favor from our superiors. If the fall is from a low height then it will bring funny situations. If the tree (walnut, palm) is nesting birds then it symbolizes success and fortune. If these birds are black, people want to hurt us because of envy.

Dreaming you cut your fingers, or see them cut by another, betokens damage. To dream you lose some or all of your fingers, implies either the hurt or loss of servants. To scriveners, orators, and attorneys, it is a sign they shall want employment; to debtors, that they shall pay more than they owe; to usurers, loss by interest.

Dreaming that you are in a broadcast, shows your strong feeling of wanting to have your voice heard. Do you want to translate some message out there to the public? Maybe you need to speak out more in order to achieve some goal. Are you expressive enough?

To dream that you are arrested, or that you are taken late by a constable, signifies want of wit, and that the party dreaming shall love fiddlers.

When you dream of smoking and then using an ashtray it means that you want to get rid of your old sentiments and approaches. In other words this dream represents your wish to forget the things that happened in the past and requirement to move on. Alternatively, this dream represents relationships you have been into and now are not anymore, because they were too tough to stay on the track. The other possible meaning of this dream is your wish and attempt to quit smoking.

When you see mining in a dream, then such dream indicates your components that want to harm you by remembering you the negative past.

To dream of being a singer, indicates the desire to be accomplishes and known for things you have done. The dream may also show that you want to express the emotions you have through your voice. The famous singer that was seen in a dream indicates the desire to have some of those qualities in your own personality.

To dream of marijuana suggests illegal activities, problems, and poor health situations. To see, smell or use marijuana in your dream suggests that you may want to expand your knowledge and to take some advantages. This dream may also indicate that you need to see your inner strength, so you can stimulate your real strength.

If you reached the very high height of something, then such dream promises the magnificent achievements you are going to get. The dream, in which you are afraid of the heights, denotes to the lack of courage to go and get what you really want.

Dressed as a woman shows want, hidden enemies and lies. But to kiss one, much luck and gain it signifies. To only see a woman is talk, false and sly. And separation from friends when you see one die.

…Symbolically equivalent to reason that what we cannot see doesn’t exist, simply because we do not want it to. When a person or object becomes invisible in dreams, it means that we have reasons for wanting them to disappear from our lives….

When you dream of being at the helm of the ship, then such dream foretells about your strength and stimulation to move on and get what you want. The dream shows that you will be appreciated for what you are able to achieve. If you saw the other person being at the helm, then it means that there is some person in your life which makes a huge impact to your life and decisions you make.

Leeches, lentils, or locusts, famine, want, and sorrow.

…Dreaming that you have patches upon your clothing, denotes that you will show no false pride in the discharge of obligations. To see others wearing patches, denotes want and misery are near. If a young woman discovers a patch on her new dress, it indicates that she will find trouble facing her when she imagines her happiest moments are approaching near. If she tries to hide the patches, she will endeavor to keep some ugly trait in her character from her lover. If she is patching, she will assume duties for which she has no liking. For a woman to do family patching, denotes close and loving bonds in the family, but a scarcity of means is portended….

Dreaming of anything somehow related to making an announcement indicates that you’re being careless with your personal affairs, because you’re paying more attention to unimportant things, which will obviously cause damages and losses. Dreaming of announcing something in the dream means that there is a deep concern that something is wrong, and you don’t know how to correct it to avoid probable losses and diseases for you or your relatives. Dreaming of placing ads of any kind implies that, deep in your heart, you’re not satisfied with what you have, and you want to make a change, taking the risk of making everything worse. Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news. Dreaming of taking ads from some places anticipates that you suspect of someone cheating on you, or backstabbing you in business.

Dreaming of running in the company of friends or competitors is a sign of struggle for self-improvement. Dreaming of running alone indicates self-sufficiency to achieve everything you want. Dreaming of running to escape from dangers hints the proximity of dangers and problems but they will be resolved eventually. Dreaming that competitors in the race are fleeing, hints to not take risks in matters or businesses that are unsafe or unknown.

When you hate something or someone then such dream indicates the anger that is lurking in you. You need to express those negative emotions. Alternatively, the dream of the hate represents your tendency to make other people do what you want them to do, which is not always a good behavior. Make sure you do not give too much of the pressure to those around you, otherwise people won’t like you.

The dream, in which you help someone, shows the goodness, and honesty of your personality. The dream also shows the energy you put in, in order to achieve the success not only for your own goodness, but others too. If you helped for the person that you do not like in your waking life, then such dream suggests you to be less polite to those that want to harm you. If you are the one who is looking for help in his dream, then it means you are feeling abandoned, shocked and unsuitable.

If it appears a ball or a big pimple on any part of your body, it means that, even if you want to you cannot hide the truth of things.

…To dream that you find a bird’s nest with several eggs suggests upcoming successes including in the economic aspect, and consequently this will bring many satisfactions and pleasures. For married couples, this type of dream usually announces that they’ll have several children. To dream that you’re eating eggs suggests that something may cause difficulties at home or within your family. To dream about broken eggs suggests that you may get what you want, but this may happen if you act with caution to avoid tripping. To dream about bird eggs announces up coming good news from far away. To dream about rotten eggs suggests that you should not expect to be rewarded for what you’ve already done or for what you may do in the future, because some misunderstandings and losses are soon to come. To dream that someone throws eggs, and at the same time that person spots…

…Dreaming of working in your office indicates that you like your job and you don’t want to leave it. Alternatively, it symbolizes the state of your accomplishments and your place in the world. Dreaming about holding a public office suggests that you accept the consequences of your actions and take responsibility for what you do….

It symbolizes something related to the ideas or behavior of the dreamer. Seeing hats but not wearing them, announces that you need to take some precautions. Wearing a hat, without wanting to take it off, means that you’re trying to keep a secret that you don’t want to share. Dreaming of wearing a ridiculous hat, could be a warning of some personal attitude that others see as ridiculous but we do not realize that we have it.

Dreaming about dinosaur denotes expired outlook into old situations. To encounter a dinosaur, when you are dreaming, is suggestion that you may need to discard your old ways of thinking. Do you have old habits, that you want to get rid off? Dreaming that you are being chased by a dinosaur, shows the way to or the direction of your fears of no longer being needed or useful. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old problems that are still coming back. Are you haunted by old issues?

To dream that alms are begged of you, and you deny them shows want and misery to the dreamer, but to dream you give them freely is a sign of joy and long life.

If you dream of an aquarium it means that you realized your feelings, but have not encountered them. The other meaning of this dream could be, that you have hidden feelings and emotions or unexpressed sexual intentions. Maybe you do not know how to feel about your life, you have no idea where you are at the moment, and if this is the life you want. You keep finding yourself at the same place over and over again. Keep in mind, that dreaming of an aquarium could represent how tired and exhausted you are, so try to ease up.