(See Sound of animals)

Sadness, vexation. 49.

To find one means profit. If the nest is without eggs, disappointment.

Loss, damage. 166.

Great gain. 16.

One must carefully consider before commencing an intended undertaking.

A long voyage.

(See Nest)

(Condom | Contraceptive device | Diaphragm) To use a contraceptive in a dream means throwing one’s money into the drain, wasting one’s wealth, depriving one’s children from their legitimate inheritance. Using a contracep- tive in a dream also signifies impeachment from office or losing the election or divorcing one’s wife or changing one’s trade….

To find one means gain. Empty one indicates termination of business. Nest of serpents, of crocodiles and other malignant animals, means demoralization of the mental energies.

Losing credit.

Luck and gain. 18.

Fast progress in business, good success.

Secured property.

Joy, luck with children, and seeing them happy.

…children. The right eye represents his son and the left eye represents his daughter. The forehead in a dream represents one’s beauty, son, power, honor, wealth, leadership or the point of prostration in one’s prayers. A wide forehead in a dream means prosperity, while a narrow forehead means tightness. The eyebrows represent one’s protection or spiritual guardianship. As for the human nose in a dream, it represents honor, longevity and respect. Whatever comes out of one’s nose in a dream is good and whatever goes into it in a dream may not be beneficial. A bleeding nose in a dream means receiving or giving money. If one’s nose is cut off in a dream, it means circumcision, falling in rank, or it could mean his death. Inhaling water and clearing one’s nose in a dream represents someone who deceives his wife. If a bird or an animal comes out of…

When the dreamer sees any kind of black bird, it represents misfortune and failings in the future. However, any of the troubles and uncomfortable situations you will have, will last only for temporarily period of time. The dream also symbolizes your laziness when dealing with the severities you have. Anyway, there is no question about your ability to be a productive person, but the only reason of your possible failures is your slackness. You’ve got to make it better than it actually is. Alternatively, the black bird symbolizes mercy, but only when you see it flying. Usually the birds represent happiness, joy and good life and only when the bird is black or dead it stands for disappointments and misfortune.

…her vagina in a dream, it means his death. A vagina in a dream also could represent a blood sucker, a murderer, or a deceitful person who portrays piety during the day, then shows his teeth at night. A vagina in a dream also represents a shameless and an insolent worker, or it could represent a bird’s nest. In this sense, capturing a bird, or looking inside a bird’s nest in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees water entering her vagina in a dream, it means that she will conceive a child. If a woman’s vagina turns into iron or into any metal in the dream, it means that she has lost all hope in accomplishing her aspirations, satisfying her desires or needs. (Also see Blowing into the va- gina | Looking at a sexual organ | Semen | Effeminate | Sexual intercourse | Sod- omy)…

…Dreaming of an empty bird nest indicates that the dreamer’s businesses are not going well and that currently there’s no way of having them improve. Dreaming of a nest with eggs suggests that affairs and businesses promise good dividends shortly, but the dreamer shouldn’t celebrate beforehand, and he or she should wait patiently. Dreaming of newborn birds in their nests indicates that the dreamer will soon make a trip as a consequence of successes that are leading to prosperity. It may also mean that soon the family will increase. Dreaming of sickly looking adult birds in their nest announces that there will be upcoming setbacks and material losses, or at least deterioration in the dreamer’s own health or in a family member. If the birds are black it could signify mourning. Clearly dreaming that it’s a swallow’s nest warns that the dreamer should not be overcome by certain memoires….

If one child was born joy and prosperity. If more than one child were born, the success is proportionately greater. If dreaming of a miscarriage, then it means failure in some projects. An unnatural childbirth indicates dangerous disorders. For a woman not in reality pregnant to dream of giving birth to a son, success will follow her in all enterprises. If a man has this dream, gain, riches and profit will be attained slowly. The dream of giving birth to a fish represents a child in poor health. To dream of childbirth or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the unsuccessful deals and poor health to the one who dreamed of it.

…The flying according to some dream interpreters foretells about our will to escape the reality, because there is a necessity for freedom. The flying could also show that we tend to think better about ourselves then the others, because we are above them while flying. The flying could also indicate our sexual wishes where we wish to reach the top of the pleasure. If you are flying really high where you see the earth and able to see the galaxy, it may show that you are not in touch with those around you. You feel very distant and have no idea what is going around you. If you have wings and flying like a bird, then it means you are incapable to agree that you are only human and limitations you’ve got since you were born. You are still in some kind of childish thinking, where you wish to…

…If you dream of seeing a very large hawk, it shows that you will soon begin a new enterprise; if the hawk darts down and takes a chicken, a bird, or a fish, you will probably be successful; if little birds attack the hawk and drive it away, you will have difficulties in your undertaking and may possibly fail in it. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 55….

…(New moon) If the new crescent appears in its correct position in a dream, it means begetting a blessed son or receiving an important appointment or profits from one’s business. Seeing the gathering of several crescents in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. A red crescent in a dream means a miscarriage. If a crescent falls to the earth in a dream, it means a newborn. Seeing the new crescent when everyone else is looking an failing to see it in a dream represents one’s death, or it could mean that one will be aberrant and corrupt during that year of his life. Seeing the new moon at a time other than the time of its birth in a dream means happy news, glad tidings, the home returning of a long awaited traveller or having a newborn. The birth of a new moon in a dream also…

Dreaming of a wing of a bird of prey warns you to prepare a defense against serious dangers. If you see a regular bird wing in your dream, it means peace.

…(Hunter’s snare | Hunting trap | Net | Snare) In a dream, a trap means deception, duplicity and fraud. If one falls victim to a hunting trap in a dream, it means that he will be victimized. If one sets a trap and catches an animal or a bird with it in the dream, it means that he earns his money through deception and fraud. In a dream, a trap also represents a man who fosters little moral standards, or one who does not prescribe to any religious code of conduct, and who is smart but deceitful. Setting a trap or a net to catch a bird in a dream means setting a trap to bring a powerful person to his knees. If a woman sees herself setting a trap in a dream, it means that she desires to bear a child from her husband, though if she does…

The starling is the bird that causes much of annoying voce. The dream could be an indicator that you feel disturbed by your life, because of the people or situations that make you feel this way. The starling is also a symbol of diseases and sickness. However, this explanation could only be applied to those who were attacked by starling. The bird won’t make much of the damage to your life, but be careful and look after yourself.

…(Grilled meat | Restaurant) To buy roasted or grilled meat from a restaurant in a dream means enrolling one’s children in a school and entrusting them to a good teacher to educate them and properly train them. The owner of such a restaurant represents an educator, a trainer or a shaikh. Buying from him in a dream also means hiring a worker who is trained at the hands of an experienced master. If one sees himself roasting or grilling meat in a dream, it means that he may become a tax collector, a physician, a jailer, a torturer, a thief, or a murderer. Seeing someone roasting meat on fire in a dream may denote a wedding, a picnic, or celebrating the birth of a new child. If the meat is well-cooked in a dream, it means good news. Otherwise, if the meat is still uncooked in the dream, it…

…a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream. If one sees himself delivering a baby from his mouth in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend. If a man gives birth to a baby boy in a dream, it means that he will carry a heavy burden then escape from it, or it could mean that he will vanquish his enemy, or it could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman. If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she…

…(Drinking cup | Goblet | Mug) In a dream, a drinking cup represents a woman or a son or a servant. Golden or silver cups in a dream are better than glass cups. A cup in a dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. A filled cup in a dream represents a pregnant woman, if the water disappears in the dream, it means that she will give birth to a new child. A broken glass in a dream means death. A broken glass in a dream also signifies the death of one’s wife. If one sees himself carrying a glass of water, then if the glass falls and breaks, while the water remains in his hand in the dream, it means that his wife may die soon after giving birth to a new son. If the glass does not break and the water is spilled in the dream, it means…

The tunnel in a dream is known as the symbol of birth. The process of giving the birth is very much associated with the way the tunnel looks. The dream in which you see yourself going through tunnel, symbolizes the new investigations you have done about yourself. Perhaps you are getting into something completely new and unknown at this time of your life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate narrow future. Many people dream of the light at the end of the tunnel, which is interpreted as the hope and expectance.

…I was wondering about the Order of the World, is it a dream or what else? Since we as humans have less rights than a bird. The birds do not need the Passports in order to move freely around the World. And how about the Humans? If one is without a passport, then he has less rights than any bird on the Planet. Why and who did this to us?…

…In a dream, a ring represents peace, tranquility, authority, a wife, a child, or a job, the reward of which will equal the value and size of the gemstone which is placed on it. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees himself wearing a golden ring in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a son. The king’s ring in a dream represents his kingdom. Cutting off a tight ring with a pair of pliers in a dream means the end to one’s authority. Any incrustations on one’s ring in a dream represent his goals. If the gemstone of one’s ring falls in a dream, it may mean the death of his child, or the loss of his business. A broken ring in a dream means divorce. Wearing a ring made of iron in a dream means that one will receive benefits though with…

…(Young boy) Seeing a young boy in a dream means receiving glad tidings. Begetting a boy in a dream means worries, burdens or sickness, while giving birth to a girl in a dream means relief from distress or easing of one’s difficulties. Carrying a young boy in a dream means carrying burdens. Giving birth to a boy in a dream also could mean having a helper. A beautiful looking young boy in a dream also signifies good luck and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing a beautiful looking boy in a dream means that beautiful and pleasant things will take place in one’s life, or it could mean satisfying one’s needs. If one is called a teenager in a dream, it signifies the necessity to take a ritual ablution, or that something good or bad may take place in wakefulness….

…A dragon in a dream represents a tyrant and an unjust ruler, or it could mean a killing fire. The more heads a dragon has in a dream, the greater is his danger. If a sick person sees a dragon in his dream, it means his death. If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a dragon in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a child who will be chronically ill. Giving birth to a dragon in a dream also represents a child who will be a great speaker or who will be known by two different names, or that he might become a fortuneteller, a monk, an evil person, a bandit or an insolent person who will be killed later. A dragon in a dream also connotes the stretch of time. If one sees a dragon coming his way without causing fear, and if the…

…(Hearing | Language | Listening | Talking | Words) Speaking different languages in a dream means richness. The words of a deceased person in a dream are always true. The same goes for birds speaking in a dream and their speech denotes glad tidings, prosperity, knowledge and understanding. If an animal talks with someone in his dream or tells him – “I saw a dream…” then if the animal refrains from relating such a dream, it means a fight, a battle, losses, or an argument. If a dog, a panther, or a falcon speaks to someone and tells him a dream in a dream, it means glad tidings, great earnings, benefits and joy. In general, birds talking to humans in a dream mean benefits and rising in rank. If a snake speaks gently with someone in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits from an enemy. If…

…Dreaming of a fig tree indicates abundance in many ways, especially of food. Dreaming of a beautiful green forest is a good sign, and if there are plenty of white or colored birds is much better because it indicates a successful end to the affairs you’re handling. But if you dream of plenty of dark or black birds, it indicates that someone envies the good fortune of the dreamer. Dreaming of admiring the beautiful foliage of a forest indicates deep satisfaction and appreciation for what has been achieved in life, which is like giving thanks to God, but in this case directly with the soul and without saying empty words. Among artists or intellectuals, dreaming of a beautiful forest indicates getting additional acknowledgement. Dreaming of just one green, leafy tree that is flowering indicates health and wellbeing. But if the tree seems like alone or abandoned, wilted or with…

…To dream that you find a bird’s nest with several eggs suggests upcoming successes including in the economic aspect, and consequently this will bring many satisfactions and pleasures. For married couples, this type of dream usually announces that they’ll have several children. To dream that you’re eating eggs suggests that something may cause difficulties at home or within your family. To dream about broken eggs suggests that you may get what you want, but this may happen if you act with caution to avoid tripping. To dream about bird eggs announces up coming good news from far away. To dream about rotten eggs suggests that you should not expect to be rewarded for what you’ve already done or for what you may do in the future, because some misunderstandings and losses are soon to come. To dream that someone throws eggs, and at the same time that person spots…

Symbol of material protection. If we see one or leafy and more strong trees, the better protection will be received. If the trees are weak, it is indication of being helpless. If they are full of flowers or out-of-season fruits, it indicates sorrow. If this occurs in the right season for it, then it signifies friendship and love. If they are dry, it indicates misfortune. With broken branches, illness. Full of green leaves trees will bring profits. Climbing one, honors and fortune. Falling from one, loss of favor from our superiors. If the fall is from a low height then it will bring funny situations. If the tree (walnut, palm) is nesting birds then it symbolizes success and fortune. If these birds are black, people want to hurt us because of envy.

…bright, then it denotes profit if the dreamer is a woman, if a man, joy and happiness. From clearness to pass to obscurity means loss to a woman, sadness and misfortune to a man. See two moons, increase in dignity and rank is possible. For a beautiful woman to see in a dream the moon at its full, predicts to her a high standing in fashion and in public admiration. To thieves, felons and murders means that their just will be rewarded. To invalids and mariners, danger of sickness or shipwreck. For a young girl or widow to see the moon full and its face of a dazzling brightness, indicates a quick marriage. If the dreamer is a married woman, then the birth of a beautiful daughter. To a married man – the birth of a son. To jewelers, goldsmiths and bankers this dream is best omen of all….

Seeing one being lighted means birth. Exhibit a lighted candle, salary and contentment. To fabricate candles, joy and satisfaction. See a candle burning perfectly promises prosperity to an enterprising human, health to sick ones, prompt marriage to those living in celibacy, honor and profit in business matters. See a candle burning dimly or extinct, sadness, sickness, distress, delay in business. See the candle that is lighted without a difficulty, promises a birth of great children, who will prove an honor to their mother. If the candle earner is a woman, this dream is a sign of pregnancy and a fortunate delivery of a handsome child.