(astr. See Moon)

…position of Virgo in a dream is good for health and fitness oriented people. Seeing the moon in the position of Libra in a dream means water loss for a pregnant woman. Seeing the moon in the position of Scorpio in a dream means benefits for health oriented people, or for buying new clothing, though it also could connote negative results for travellers. Seeing the moon in the position of Sagittarius in a dream means bad time for planting or seedling. Seeing it coupled with Capricorn in a dream is a bad sign for construction or laying a foundation to a structure, or for starting a business. Seeing the moon in the position of Aquarius in a dream means bad time for sending messages or engaging in any enterprise. Seeing the moon in the position of Pisces in a dream is good for contracts and receiving a leadership position. If…

(Apiculturist | Apiarist) In a dream, a beekeeper represents a struggle, a caprice, taking the short road, wearing a mask, or it could mean hardships. (Also see Beehive)

…Seeing the accursed one in a dream means evil, sin, lying, stealing, jealousy, sorcery, separation between husband and wife, disdain from performing one’s prayers, or it could mean preaching falsehood. Seeing the accursed one in a dream also means propagation of an invented world or ideas. If in a dream one becomes Satan, it is interpreted as loosing one’s sight. If one kills Satan in a dream, it means that he will deceive and conquer a deceiver and an evil person. In a dream, the accursed Satan also represents an enemy of the body and the soul. He deceives, cheats, disbelieves, as well as he is ungrateful, jealous, capricious, arrogant, heedless, impetuous, or he could represent a leader, a minister, a judge, a policeman, a man of knowledge, a preacher, a hypocrite, or one’s own family and children. Seeing Satan in a dream also means villainy, dirt, passion and…

…Dreaming of seeing naked shoulders, foretells that happy changes will make you look upon the world in a different light than formerly. To see your own shoulders appearing thin, denotes that you will depend upon the caprices of others for entertainment and pleasure….

…tale-dream, the introductory scene of which was also in Hyde Park. I thought I was sauntering down one of the quietest and least -frequented of the side-walks that converge, and, meeting, form an angle atHyde Park Corner, when I saw, sitting on a bench, a man whose mere outline instantly arrested my attention and enlisted my sympathy. As I approached, the gaslight caught his face and threw his features into such strong relief that I paused to look at him; and if ever I saw real, honest resentment at Fortune’s capricious behaviour deep-rooted in a human countenance, I saw it in this man’s. Here was no mere idler, no miserable whiner; here was a man who was up in arms against Providence, because he felt he had justifiable grounds of complaint.He had a strong, massive frame, which, had it been decently nourished, would undoubtedly have marked him for a fine…

…Dreaming of a chandelier, portends that unhoped-for success will make it possible for you to enjoy pleasure and luxury at your caprice. To see a broken or ill-kept one, denotes that unfortunate speculation will depress your seemingly substantial fortune. To see the light in one go out, foretells that sickness and distress will cloud a promising future….

The chimera is a mythological monster with lion´s head, goat´s body and dragon´s tail. Its head symbolizes domineering tendencies that damages all of human relationships. Its body symbolizes capricious and perverse sexuality. Its dragon tail symbolizes the spiritual perversion of vanity. This dream denotes that we have an unmeasured and uncontrolled imagination that can be dangerous.

Chimera is a mythological monster that has a lion’s head, goat’s body and the tail of a dragon. Chimera’s head symbolizes the tendencies of domination that breaks relationships. Monster’s body symbolizes capricious and perverse sexuality. And the dragon tail means spiritual perversion of vanity. This dream denotes that you have excessive and uncontrolled imagination that can be dangerous

(Caprice | Distinguishing quality | Temper) In a dream, a trait represents someone who is impulsive, or who has an arbitrary change of mind, or someone who does not know rest in his work, or someone who does not know an end to his pursuit of success, or it could represent an argumentative person. The good or bad of such a character may show depending of the place, circumstance, or temper of the moment in the dream.