…To see a promissory note, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion for liberation and relaxation. You need to give the necessary time or opportunity for yourself to do something. Don’t be so hard, strict or precise on yourself. Be more free! Give yourself freedom in your daily activities….

Transactions during the course of a future trip.

…Dreaming of finding money, denotes small worries, but much happiness. Changes will follow. To pay out money, denotes misfortune. To receive gold, great prosperity and unalloyed pleasures. To lose money, you will experience unhappy hours in the home and affairs will appear gloomy. To count your money and find a deficit, you will be worried in making payments. Dreaming that you steal money, denotes that you are in danger and should guard your actions. To save money, augurs wealth and comfort. Dreaming that you swallow money, portends that you are likely to become mercenary. To look upon a quantity of money, denotes that prosperity and happiness are within your reach. Dreaming you find a roll of currency, and a young woman claims it, foretells you will lose in some enterprise by the interference of some female friend. The dreamer will find that he is spending his money unwisely and…

To see roaches in your dream represents an unwanted quality of yourself in which you need to confront. Maybe this quality is created by undesirable situation of your life. Alternatively, it may be a clever remark of your subconscious mind for smoking marijuana. On a positive note, roaches may also represent quality of being able to grip something firmly. Additionally, it also means longevity. Please also see cockroach.

The magnet is mostly a very positive meaning dream. You are the person who is able to draw up the things you wish to have. The magnet is also a symbolism of your tendency to attach with things or people that are very dear to you. Perhaps the dream is only the reflection how important they are to you. On the negative note, the magnet shows that you attach people or situations that are not favourable to you. Beware of that.

…If you visit in your dreams, you will shortly have some pleasant occasion in your life. If your visit is unpleasant, your enjoyment will be marred by the action of malicious persons. For a friend to visit you, denotes that news of a favorable nature will soon reach you. If the friend appears sad and travel-worn, there will be a note of displeasure growing out of the visit, or other slight disappointments may follow. If she is dressed in black or white and looks pale or ghastly, serious illness or accidents are predicted….

…and which will give rise to many cares. For a woman Dreaming that she is displeased with her apparel, foretells that she will find many vexatious rivalries in her quest for social distinction. To admire the apparel of others, denotes that she will have jealous fears of her friends. Dreaming of the loss of any article of apparel, denotes disturbances in your business and love affairs. For a young woman Dreaming of being attired in a guazy black costume, foretells she will undergo chastening sorrow and disappointment. For a young woman Dreaming that she meets another attired in a crimson dress with a crepe mourning veil over her face, foretells she will be outrivaled by one she hardly considers her equal, and bitter disappointment will sour her against women generally. The dreamer interpreting the dream of apparel should be careful to note whether the objects are looking natural. If the…

…To dream that you’re contemplating a building symbolizes high ambitions, but that you’re the type of person that can’t always adhere to your own commitments, and this can cause you problems. To dream about a building, that you’re admiring and its details or note its beauty, suggests that what you are doing is going the right way. Dreaming about an old building that’s being destructed implies carelessness and/or negligence in your affairs; therefore, it is best to take control of your debts and commitments. To dream that you own an elegant house, symbolizes upcoming significant and favorable changes in your business that may force you to change your house. To dream about big and stately buildings that are surrounded by green and flowery gardens symbolizes a long and pleasant life, a fun and full of journeys life. To dream that you’re constructing a building or house suggests upcoming changes…

…To see a female ghost on your right in the sky and a male on your left, both of pleasing countenance, signifies a quick rise from obscurity to fame, but the honor and position will be filled only for a short space, as death will be a visitor and will bear you off. To see a female ghost in long, clinging robes floating calmly through the sky, indicates that you will make progression in scientific studies and acquire wealth almost miraculously, but there will be an under note of sadness in your life. Dreaming that you see the ghost of a living relative or friend, denotes that you are in danger of some friend’s malice, and you are warned to carefully keep your affairs under personal supervision. If the ghost appears to be haggard, it may be the intimation of the early death of that friend. See Death, Dead….

If we are living in a farm in the dream, then it represents the world of the administration of our goods, so we have to take note of the positive or negative connotations that appear around the dream farm.

If you see the entrails in a dream, then it is interpreted as the bad symbolism of the dream. The dream, in which you notice your own or other’s entrails signifies disappointments, anguish and distress. On the positive note, the dream about entrails could be interpreted as the good omen, but only is you see entrails of the animals. The dream shows that you will defeat the competitors in your waking life and will become the winner in some situation. When you are trying to take off the entrails from someone, then such dream shows the cruelty of your personality. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of intestines.

The number six is interpreted in some cultures as the number of devil. On the positive note, the number six is saying that you haven’t made your task to seven.

When the dreamer sees a trunk in his dream, then such dream symbolizes the past, old thoughts, undiscovered paths. Perhaps the dream shows the troubles that have not been solved in the past. If you saw the trunk of the vehicle, then such dream promises you the joyful trip you are going to have. If the dreamer saw the trunk of the tree, then such dream could represents the strong personality he has, but only when the trunk is firm and hard. On the negative note, the dream shows your weaknesses, but only if the trunk of the tree is lean and petty.

…In the dream to be in a rage and scolding and tearing up things generally, signifies quarrels, and injury to your friends. To see others in a rage while dreaming, is a sign of unfavorable conditions for business, and unhappiness in social life. For a young woman to see her lover in a rage, denotes that there will be some discordant note in their love, and misunderstandings will naturally occur….

…Dreaming of doves mating and building their nests, represents peacefulness of the world and joyous homes where children render obedience, and mercy is extended to all. In the dream to hear the lonely, mournful voice of a dove, portends sorrow and disappointment through the death of one to whom you looked for aid. Often it portends the death of a father. To see a dead dove in the dream, is ominous of a separation of husband and wife, either through death or infidelity. To see white doves, denotes bountiful harvests and the utmost confidence in the loyalty of friends. Dreaming of seeing a flock of white doves, denotes peaceful, innocent pleasures, and fortunate developments in the future. If one brings you a letter, tidings of a pleasant nature from absent friends is intimated, also a lovers’ reconciliation is denoted. If the dove seems exhausted, a note of sadness will…

(Bolter | Colander | Filter | Separate | Sift | Sort | Strainer) In a dream, a sieve represents knowledge, discerning, honor, rank and discriminating between truth and false. A sieve in a dream is like a detector of true banknotes from counterfeit, a person who chooses his words, a choosy person of the type of work he does, or a discriminating buyer, a pious person, or it could represent a comb. If a sieve is given as a collateral, or as a promissory note in a dream, it means that the depositor will flunk his promise, for a sieve does not retain water. (Also see Bolter | Strainer)

To dream that a man sees two or three children, shows he shall have cause of joy, and meet with good success in his business. When one dreams that he hath many small children, and that they seem to him to run about the house, and yet notwithstanding he hath none, it signifies it will be very difficult for him ever to have any, besides which, he that so dreams will have many cares and obstructions in his affairs. And here note that, among little children, it is better to dream that you see boys than girls. To dream of anything to befall little children, which is not proper to their age, is not good; as to dream that boys have beards and grey hairs, and that little girls should be married and have children, which betokens to them death.

If you dreamed of the strawberries, then such dream symbolizes the sexuality and suppressed desires you have. On the romantic note, the strawberries are associated with love and affection towards certain person. On the other hand, strawberries are the indication of progressing ideas that are fulfilling your needs.

When you see green fields in a dream, then such dream indicates nurturance, independence and joy. There is also a possibility that this time of your life you are entering the new stage of something important. The dream could also represent the connection the dreamer has with the nature and the natural world he is surrounded by. If you see the fields that are freshly plowed, then such dreams shows the new beginning of something important. On the negative note fields can represent the losses and unfulfilled dreams and wishes but only if the fields are not alive or they are barren.

If you dream of being on the ground, then it means you have a low self-esteem, especially if you are lying on the ground. On the positive note, the ground could represent the connection between the conscious mind of yours and the subliminal ones. Perhaps you started to realize what you really want from your life and what expectations you have from others. Maybe the dream shows how realistic and understanding you are about the world and issues that are happening around you.

The bondage in a dream, shows the factors of your personality that are made suppressed. Perhaps you are feeling that someone has made the boundaries and walls for you. Try to remove those negative barriers which have made you feel bad. On the sexual note, the dream indicates the unfounded sexual senses which you wish to know better. Try to listen to your inner body.

The dream, in which you see yourself cooking, denotes to your wish to control the surrounding and people around you. Perhaps you are the person who is willing to handle everything on your own. If the cooking is part of your daily routine, then it is very normal to have dreams about it. On the positive note, the cooking indicates the care you wish to give to others or be cared by others. You wish to be appreciated. If you dream of the failure while cooking, then such dream suggests you to become less serious.

If you were making the marmalade, then such dream promises happiness at home without any conflicts or disputes. On the negative note, if you ate the marmalade in your dream, then it shows the minor sickness you are going to suffer.

We must take note of this date because it usually has to do with some important event in our lives.

…robbery, or fear of a brutal thief. The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who ab andoned all hope . The sound of a pig in a dream means taking advantage of a stupid enemy and stripping him of his money. The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one’s business. Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone’s death. However, in dream, any ugly or coarse sound represents sorrow and distress while any pleasant sound in a dream represents happiness and joy. (Also see Invisible caller)…

To dream you see a rainbow in the sky, betokens your changing your present state and manner of life; to dream you see the rainbow in the east, is a good omen to the poor and sick, for the former will recover their estates, and the latter their health ;if you dream you see it in the west, to the rich it is good, to the poor a bad sign ; to dream you see a rainbow directly over your head, or near you, signifies a change of fortune, and most commonly the death of the dreamer, and ruin of his family. Note also, that in your dreams, the rainbow on your right hand is good, on the left ill, and you must judge the right and left by the sun.

Dreaming about murders means that soon you will be forced to take a trip. You will be intermixed in trouble and some other difficulty. To dream that you have committed a murder indicates you must put an end to an old habit and to your previous ways of thinking. This could also mean the end to an attachment. Alternatively, you may have some repressed aggression or anger. To dream that you witness a murder indicates deep-seated anger towards someone. Consider how the victim represents aspects of himself that you want to destroy or remove. To dream that you are killed suggests you are separated from some important and meaningful relationship and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unusual talents. Also note that these dreams of murder often occur during periods of depression.

…(Notebook | Record | Parchment) A sheet of paper in a dream represents an oath, a vow, or a pledge. Writing a note on a piece of paper in a dream means being ungrateful and perfidious toward others. A writer in a dream also represents someone who is burdened, pressured, doubtful and uncertain, whereby, writing has become his escape goat and a way out of his depression. If one’s boss gives him a paper to write something on it in a dream, it means that he will solicit something from his boss and eventually receive it. If one feels uncertain about some people then sees himself holding a pen and a piece of paper in a dream, it means that his obscurity will be replaced with clarity. Holding a piece of paper in a dream also means attaining one’s goal, or completing a project, or finalizing a program. A…

If you see a handle in a dream, then it shows your ability to manage your own life. The dream shows that the main decision maker in your life is you. On the negative note, the dream could show the lost control o your life, but only if the handle is broken. Make sure you fix it.

If you see a sunset in a dream, then it symbolizes the end of something very important in your life. On the positive note, consider that the end of something is always the beginning of something.

…Dreaming of ruins, signifies broken engagements to lovers, distressing conditions in business, destruction to crops, and failing health. Dreaming of ancient ruins, foretells that you will travel extensively, but there will be a note of sadness mixed with the pleasure in the realization of a long-cherished hope. You will feel the absence of some friend….

To dream that you are sweating foretells about your apprehension, fright and neurotic state of mind. The dream is an indicator about the unpleasant stages you have to pass in order to achieve the success. On the other note, the dreamer could go through the stage of his life, where he has lots of stress in his waking life, therefore he cannot let go this stress and dreams of sweating.

To dream that you are on the swing relates to nostalgia, freedom, childhood and longevity. The swings are also related to sexuality, where the dreamer is willing to experience some differences. On the other note, the childhood is being remembered, especially those times when you had lots of fun. The swings could also indicate the inability to make up your mind.

To dream that you are in some building that is build underground, means that you chose to separate yourself from the others. You will lose luck because of your choice. The underground could also indicate your desire for protection and shelter, because you do not feel safe while living the life. On the positive note, the underground indicates your ability to get away from all of the madness that is happening around you in everyday life.

To dream of yourself writing a letter, a note, a message, etc., indicates prosperity and great economic achievements. On the other hand, it means your some kind of communication with someone.

To dream of writing a letter means message, note, etc. It also indicates prosperity and great economic achievements.

Dream of a male statue means you’ll have honor and glory. A female statue means fertility. To dream that a statue is walking near you means a big problem is coming. Seeing people you know as statues in a dream means a lack of communication with these people and that those relations are inflexible. On a more positive note, it may represent someone you idealize and admire. To dream that you are a statue means you are out of touch with reality. Seeing the Statue of Liberty in a dream means personal or cultural freedom. You have found your own independence and you are starting to live again. On the other hand, means a symbol of free enterprise and good condition.

If you see a an empty throne, then it shows the lack of responsibility you are taking. On the positive note, if you were sitting on the throne, then it shows the strength, guidance, management and force.

To have a tail in your dream, indicates the past you are carrying with yourself and are unable to let go. Perhaps the present life has a lot of in common with the past, therefore you have a tail in a dream. On the positive note, the dream in which you have the tale indicates the balance you are able to keep in all aspects of your life.

If you see a teakettle in a dream, then such dream indicates unpleasant news you will discover. On the positive note, the teakettle denotes to domestic happiness.