…Dancing in a dream means a calamity. If one sees himself dancing for someone else in a dream, it means that he will share his problems with him. Dancing alone in one’s house in a dream signifies joy and satisfaction. If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it denotes his anxiety. If one is pulled to a dancing circle in a dream, it means that he will be saved from tribulation or be declared innocent from false allegations. If a child is seen dancing in a dream, then it means that he may lose his speech or become dumb, because when a child dances, he mostly moves his hands to express himself. If a prisoner sees himself dancing in a dream, it means that he will be set free. Dancing on top of a table, a raised stage or on top of a hill in a…
Dream dictionary: dan doro dream meanings
…The dream, in which you see yourself dancing, indicates the freedom, and peace within your life. This time of your life you are getting to the point where you trying to meet the agreements with yourself. The dancing also indicates the celebration, positive attitude and sexual needs. If you are dancing with someone, then it means you have a special bond with that certain person or having the sexual desire that includes him. The dancing in circles could indicate the necessity to make some changes in your life, because you are getting to the same point as always. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the point you are getting yourself into, because of the circles you were making. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward while dancing, then it means you should reconsider the confidence, because there is a possibility that you have lost it. If you are the dancer in…
…Dreaming that you are in a dance announces upcoming holidays, fun, joy, sentimental conquests and material achievements. Dreaming of being in a dance with clothes from the beginning of the century, with soft and romantic music like waltzes, suggests that you are living very restlessly and you long for regaining your mental and emotional balance. Dreaming that you are in a costume ball or wearing carnival masks indicates that you are looking for pleasure, fun, and you’ll soon find it, but as a natural consequence, it will end in headaches and other problems, especially if the dreamer is a woman; in a man it indicates problems in the affairs hes handling. The costumes and masks have always indicated lies, deception, fraud and losses. Dreaming that you are in a modern dance party, with loud music and peculiar clothes, suggests that you live or work in an unpleasant environment that…
If you dream of seeing yourself or somebody else being in a danger, then such dream indicates your fears you have about particular things. It could also represent frustration with love relationships and disappointments within professional life, especially if you have been injured or killed in that danger. Perhaps the dream suggests you to pay more attention to the surroundings you are in. If somehow you avoided the danger that was following you, then it means you will escape from all the negativities.
If we dance then it indicates that if we wish to be successful with our partner we must be honest. If we dance with our loved one, it indicates a strong connection. If we fall while we dance, it warns us not to be so arrogant. If the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes to fear about your relationship.
…To dream of dancing with any one in particular signifies that person is contemplating doing you an injury; if your partner be your sweetheart or lover, then the dream is intended to prove he or she, is inconstant and has been carrying on a flirtation with someone else. If you dream you are dancing by yourself, or you are merely a spectator at a dance, or you are dancing in a crowd of complete strangers, or with a stranger, then the dream portends trouble, usually of a domestic and petty nature….
…(Armor | Protection) Fasting in a dream represents vows and offerings. Interrupting the fast in a dream means an illness, a journey or backbiting someone. If one interrupts his obligatory fast through forgetfulness in a dream, it means that he will receive a pleasing gift or money. Fasting in a dream also means honor, rising in station, or it could mean repentance from sin, repayment of a debt, penitence for a sinner or begetting a son. Observing the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan in a dream means understanding something about which one has doubt or recognizing the truth without falsification or distortion. If one finds that he is the only person observing the obligatory fast in the dream, and if he is unlettered, it means that he will memorize the Holy Qur’an, attain a spiritual maturity and receive glad tidings. This dream also indicates that he is…
If you dream that you are in danger, then it means that your mind is sending you a message. Make sure you look after your family, relationships and business, because it tells more than you think. If you are in danger while dreaming it could also be interpreted as the very good symbol, which shows how strong you are. If your life is in danger, then you might become very influential and important person in front of the others. If someone killed you in a dream, then it shows that you may be facing some losses.
(The prophet Daniel, upon whom be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will become a great scholar in interpreting the divine revelations. It is also said, that one who sees him (uwbp) in a dream may become a leader, a minister, acquire extensive knowledge, but yet suffers a painful persecution which he will later defeat. If one sees himself carrying the prophet Daniel, upon whom be peace, over his shoulders, sitting him beside a wall or talking to him, or if he sees the prophet Daniel talking to him, delivering glad tidings to him or feeding him honey with his own hand, it means that the person in the dream will become a great scholar or a commentator in religious interpretations.
If you are dancing the maypole dance, then it shows your happiness in which you are saying good bye to old days and welcoming the new one. The maypole dance could also indicate the manhood and its sexual factors.
…Dreaming of seeing a crowd of merry children dancing, signifies to the married, loving, obedient and intelligent children and a cheerful and comfortable home. To young people, it denotes easy tasks and many pleasures. To see older people dancing, denotes a brighter outlook for business. Dreaming of dancing yourself, some unexpected good fortune will come to you. See Ball….
If it is a costume dance, it indicates that to be successful with our partner we must be honest. If we dance with a loved one, it indicates a strong connection. If we fall while we dance, it warns us not to be so arrogant. If the dream is unpleasant denotes to fears about our relationship.
(Hoofer | Show | Soft-shoe dancer) A hoofer in a dream represents a man in trouble if he dances for himself. If so, his parable is like that of seeds pupping on top of a fire. If a hoofer dances for someone, then the host will be struck by a calamity that will affect both of them. (Also see Dancing)
If you had dandruff in a dream, then it could show the complexes you have about your looks. Perhaps the surrounding you are in gives that abnormal pressure to look good. The dandruff could also indicate the wasted energy. Make sure you think twice before making any final decision.
For a man to dream that he sees himself dance alone, or in the presence of his household, also to see his wife, children, or either of his parents dance, is good; for it shows abundance of mirth; but to him that is sick, or hath any disease about him, it is evil. Please also see Ball.
Dreaming of being in a very dangerous situation at risk of dying but escaping it, suggests that the dreamer is acting and thinking big, which will provoke jealousy and attacks to the dreamers aspirations of conquering honors and power, even if its only economic. Dreaming of being injured or killed in dangerous situations announces that most likely every attempt of acquiring wealth and power will fail. This dream concerning romantic relationships announces disappointments and failures.
The dandelion that are glowing perfectly represents great days. If you are drinking tea that is made of dandelion, then you must check on your health, because your body is sending some signals through the dream.
…Dreaming of a dancing master, foretells you will neglect important affairs to pursue frivolities. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover is a dancing master, portends that she will have a friend in accordance with her views of pleasure and life….
See dancing means infirmities. Dance yourself with your own will means success in enterprises. When you dance in the presence of a sick or decrepit person then it shows that your life will bring calamities.
To be at a dance, shows success in love and friendship. To dream that you see yourself dance, is good, but to him that is sick, or has any disease, it is evil.
If you dream of seeing the dance recital, then it means you are going to change the place you live at the moment. Perhaps the dream suggests you to prepare for these changes. If you have attended the recital of dance, then it means you are going to have many misunderstanding and disputes with your friends or colleagues.
…(Boat | Human being | Might | Mother | Prison | Star | Salvation | Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought. If one who is experiencing adversities sees a ship or a boat anchored in a harbor in his dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted shortly. If one sees himself pulling it, or driving it on dry land in a dream, it means that he is a hypocrite or a pimp. If he rides a ship along with righteous people in a dream, it means that he is guided on the straight path and that his sins will be forgiven. If one reaches the shore and leaves the boat in a dream, it means that he will live in safety and happiness, and he will escape…
To see us dancing has sentimental connotations so it is important to remember our feeling. If it was nice it will be a good omen for our amorous successes, and much more if you share the dance with the person you love. But if we fall during the dance, or we stumbled, we must take it as a warning to wrong attitudes in our relationship. If the dream as a whole is unpleasant, it means conflict between what we want and what we have.
…Dream of danger indicates anguish, desperation and fear. Also means temporary losses in the economy or in your businesses….
The dancing is always a good omen in dreams because it promises happy times, rich life and great health, therefore you should enjoy it, because it will be for a very long time.
To dream of danger is fortunate for you. In business it means success and profit.
To see dancing is a good omen.
Dreaming of being in a perilous situation, and death seems iminent,{sic} denotes that you will emerge from obscurity into places of distinction and honor | but if you should not escape the impending danger, and suffer death or a wound, you will lose in business and be annoyed in your home, and by others. If you are in love, your prospects will grow discouraging.
To dream of dancing denotes weariness and strife.
…If we avoid some danger in dreams it’s an omen of improvement, renewed luck and future success….
To dream of being in danger, shows success in life; to shun it, misfortune.
…Escaping from danger or surviving a would be fatal accident in a dream denotes one’s devotion, religious awareness, fasting, charities and good deeds. (Also see Escape | Running away | Take a flight | Turning)…
If you see the dandelion in a dream, then it means you will have wonderful experiences with your significant other. The great times are ahead of you. If you are eating dandelions, then it means you should reconsider your own health and make big changes in order to avoid the bad consequences.
…To dream of being in danger, shows success in life; to shun it, misfortune. (See Difficulty.) Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 17….
(See Dancer | Tap)
To dream that you are dancing, and enjoying all the pleasures of the in quick succession, denotes grief, poverty, and despair, after great enjoyment.
Rescue from great danger.
If we are dancing, or if we are watching a dance with the desire to participate, many authors interpret that as a sign of our desire to establish new directions, or move some aspects of our lives that are stagnant. It may be the intuition of new possibilities in the immediate future.
A sedan chair in a dream means moving from one place to another, activities, travels, business, or a noble and a well respected woman. (Also see Palanquin | Litter)
Dreaming that you are attending a dance indicates you´ll receive a big surprise, joy and wonderful news.