The monastery in dream could indicate lonely lifestyle, promises, unconditional love and deep connection with God. If you see yourself living in the monastery, it means that you are trying to find your spirituality. The monastery could also represent the fact that you are feeling bonded and experiencing lots of restrictions, but only if you do not enjoy living there.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a larva when you are dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for a rebirth. You are undergoing some inner changes and change, transformation or alteration.

Dreaming about having premonitions suggests that the dreamer is restless and waiting for something important to happen that will supposedly help to satisfy his or her desires. It could be about love, business, or work projects. Depending on the premonition, if it’s a happy one or a sad one, it announces dislike for failures. Usually having premonitions in dreams is a warning that something is being plotted against the dreamer to harm him or her. This dream usually occurs in societies of any type and then reaches the dreamer because he or she already suspects it in real life. This dream, in some cases, is a memory of old suffering that has left deep resentment.

To dream that you see a crystal, means that you have a deep connection with your magical aspects.

…from the deep in a dream means regaining power. If the ship in one’s dream is interpreted as power, it means that he will lose his power or authority. If the ship is interpreted as burdens and difficulties, it means that he will overcome them through prayers or giving charity, or taking a medicine if he is ill. If one’s ship drown, and if he sees himself floating in the water holding to a panel or debris from the ship in the dream, it means that he will face the wrath of someone in authority. If he is holding a leadership position, it means that he may lose it. If he is a merchant, it means that he may go bankrupt. If he still dies from his trial in the dream, it means that he may be killed, and his death will still be an escape from something he feared…

…tears; coffee, severe criticism; robbery, illness; pale blue (in the eyes of the lady), impending trouble; diamonds, drowning. Money, minor ailments and surprise visits; murder, great danger; hanging, violent quarrels, separation and divorce.The realisation of these prognostications worked out thus: Within a week of the dream I was deeply grieved at the death of an old friend; one of my books came in for very severe criticism; a near relation fell ill; the wife of one of my old schoolfellows was drowned under very painful circumstances; I received a visit from a man I had not seen for twenty years, who told me he had just been divorced; and as I drove back with him to the railway station our taxi collided with another, and we had a remarkably narrow escape of being killed.I think it was about a year after I had this dream that I again dreamed a…

…If you dream of being an alien it represents part of you that’s haven’t been revealed yet. The other meaning of your dream is your wish to run away from certainty. This dream could also symbolize your fantasies and deep sensitivity. When you are dreaming of being kidnapped by aliens it represents your apprehension loosing the ones you love and it means you do not want to let see your soul by anyone. The other sign of seeing aliens could be your fear to face new people and to adopt into new environment, which you never been before. You are having problems while introducing yourself into new atmosphere. You are struggling dealing with new people or new job. This dream also could be a meaning of you forgetting yourself, not finding out what you are worrying about….

…The dreams about bullfights are generally an invitation to be bolder. It’s a clear indication that it’s time to make some brave and risky attempts in order to find a convenient and definitive solution to the relations that are disturbed by delicate and deep conflicts….

If you dream you are agonizing, then it is a sign that despite of enjoying of a very good health, you feel a deep fear of death and pain. You will receive unexpected money. If you dream about a stranger agonizing, it means you’ll be soon filled with unusual joy.

…happiness and comforts. The fourth heaven is the sphere of the Sun. If one sees himself in the fourth heaven in a dream, it means that he will reach leadership, gain authority and win respect, or that he will serve such people. The fifth heaven is the sphere of the planet Mars. If one sees himself in the fifth heaven in a dream, it means that he will preside or leads a police squadron, a mountain patrol, a small army, a band of thieves, or manage a brothel. The sixth heaven is the sphere of the planet Jupiter. If one sees himself in the sixth heaven in a dream, it means that he will acquire deep spiritual understanding, religious assiduousness, or become a judge, if he qualifies. He also could become an ascetic, or a true worshiper and he will have strong faith, good managerial ability, or he could become…

…To have cradle or to encounter or to see a cradle, when you’re dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for dependence. Cradle indicates that you’re relying on or requiring the aid of another for support. Maybe you are in dependent relationship. You may feel the demand to be protected and cared for by the person, which is very close to you. Maybe he or she is not paying enough attention to you. Alternative interpretation gives advice for you to be more independent. Maybe you are in the process of regaining some control in your life. On the other hand, there is third meaning of a cradle, and it has the symbolic significance of a new task, project, plan, scheme. A small low bed for an infant also symbolizes fresh start and new beginnings….

When a dreamer sees the beets (beetroot) in his dream it shows fortune ahead of you. Now is the time when you started receiving all the goods for the work you did. Beets also foretells about sweetness and sexiness and how much of that are dominating in your life. The deep red color of the beets shows the passion and desire to be satisfied in the most extraordinary way.

Dreaming of a deep state of distress means big surprises are coming.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see gasoline, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests energy and spirituality. Thus to dream that you run out of gas, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are wearing yourself out. Take a time out. Dreaming that you are filling your car with gasoline, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your need to take better care of your Self. You need to be filled with new energy and vitality.

…Perhaps you know deep inside that you’re leaving too much to chance and the dream talks to you about fear of losing for lack of foresight….

…To see an abyss, or deep hole, is a warning; avoid, after such a dream, taking a journey by land, or a voyage by sea, for eight and forty hours, because it forebodes accidents by travelling. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 19….

To have interaction or to encounter or to see crossbones, when you are dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for danger and poison. The symbol may also communicate as a sign of the life of a pirate.

…To see a weasel bent on a marauding expedition in your dreams, warns you to beware of the friendships of former enemies, as they will devour you at an unseemly time. If you destroy them, you will succeed in foiling deep schemes laid for your defeat….

The Spiritual light in your dream could be interpreted as the fact how deep thinker and how much connection with your spiritual aspects you have. The dream could also mean that you are looking the ways how to guide yourself through life.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a llama, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of the fact of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way. Llama is also a sign for deep trust, strength and endurance. It may also mean that you are worrying too much and carrying too many problems.

(See Boiler | Deep frying | Kettle)

Deep grief. 77.

The star of David signifies your religious views and connections. The dream could indicate your desire to find the spiritual connection within yourself and unknowingness. Sometimes the religious dream could simply represent the person in your life who believes a lot in God or have a very deep connection with religious aspects. Sometimes the dream could be interpreted as the suggestion to look better into yourself and understand what you like to have out of the life.

…raging rapids; and then, tearing past my hut with the thunder of hell, hurled every tree in the forest to the ground. The effect of the sky was now apparent in everything; the whole landscape — mountains, river, and sands, and even the prostrate forest — shone with a violet glow. So far the rain had held off, but presently a huge hand was thrust out of the sky and shaken menacingly, whereupon a great fissure opened, and a whole sea of bubbling, violet water descended with such terrific force that the earth gave way beneath it; and amidst an inferno of sand, rafters, and water I was borne down, down, till all became suffused in the blackness of hell — and I lost consciousness. On recovery, I was standing knee –deep in an ocean of violet water that seethed and hissed on all sides of me. From time to…

…fears are groundless, when, with an unexpectedness that makes my heart almost leap out of my body, every door opens simultaneously and scores of long, yellow feet appear, which, after striking the ground three times in unison, are hurriedly withdrawn. An interval of some seconds follows, after which the doors are once more opened and the most curious, long, thin, yellow faces, half human and half animal, are thrust through with a mechanical and mirthless ” Ha, ha, ha!”These also disappear from view, the doors shutting simultaneously as before. A vast number of footsteps are now heard ascending the staircase, and, almost before I have time to move aside, dozens of tall figures clad in the most fantastic of tight-fitting yellow garments come racing up, and, ranging themselves in two opposite rows right along the corridor, all stamp their feet to the tune of a deep intonated ” Hock, hock,…

Dreaming that you are resentful or angry due to rumors, criticism or defamation, may mean that you hold a deep grudge against a particular person or against something that has happened.

If you have a wound in the dream, this signifies deep sorrow, annoyance, displeasure and fear to lose your dear people. You want to heal from all these negative emotions.

…chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to make changes in your life without knowing the environment you’re trying to get into. Seeing people tied with chains implies that your affairs won’t go well while others are in charge of them. Dreaming of dragging chains in any way indicates that you live in a state of deep depression, anxiety, sadness, defeat and helplessness….

The dream in which you see the wood could show the spiritual and vital aspects of your personality. On the other hand, the wood may show the apathetic you feel in all aspects of your life. The dream may show the deep depression you are suffering from. Perhaps you should look for some advice or help in your waking life. The dreamer that was carving the wood is known as creative and imaginative person that is able to get the best from the simple things.

If you see your own eyes in the dream, it shows the deep connection you have with yourself and the fact that you are not afraid to face yourself and the fears you have. You are the person that is honest with himself/herself. The sick or red yes shows that you are suffering from sadness and feeling unhappy with your life.

…of fortune. Dreaming of going to visit an old home where the dreamer lived in during their childhood means that the dreamer will receive good news. Going inside the house indicates great satisfaction with the success achieved in certain activities. When an old home appears to be abandoned, neglected, and half-destroyed, it indicates that the dreamer will suffer from a painful disease if not treated in time. It may also indicate illness and even death of a relative or a friend. When the dreamer is a very young woman, it indicates deep sadness due to a friendship that will be lost. Dreaming about wanting to move to another house indicates the desire for a change of life, that will maybe occur soon enough. Depending on the conditions in which the house appears, this change will be good or bad (to prosperity or deterioration in both health and economic terms)….

When you dream of being in a basement it foretells deep thoughts, hidden secrets and anticipation. The condition of the basement reflects to your thoughts and emotions. Consider at the condition of the basement, how dark or big it is as it would give much more clue about your dream. If you see the basement that is untiddy, dirty it denotes the puzzlement you have to figure out. The state of the basement could also represent unfixed objects or questions.

To see, smell, or taste basil in your dream, can have symbolic meaning of goodness, kindness, gentleness. Basil also means new relationship or deep love in current phase of relationship.

The father in dreams could indicate the love you have for your dad. Sometimes it can have religious meaning, but only to those who have a very deep connection with their religion, in this case the father is interpreted as the God.

Reveals fear, anxiety, depression, inertia, indifference and pain. All those dreams that we see wrapped in a gray mist belong to the deep layers of the unconscious and reveal everything that refuses to come to light and which are our fears and anxieties.

…To dream of your complexion (general character, aspect, or appearance), has the symbolic significance of your social status. Complexion in the dream indicates your deep integrity into society. Alternative interpretation suggests that you may be the person, which is very interesting, but also there may be some persons, that can’t understand you. Maybe they don’t have such abilities to see your character clearly….

…Dreaming of your son, if you have one, as being handsome and dutiful, foretells that he will afford you proud satisfaction, and will aspire to high honors. If he is maimed, or suffering from illness or accident, there is trouble ahead for you. For a mother Dreaming that her son has fallen to the bottom of a well, and she hears cries, it is a sign of deep grief, losses and sickness. If she rescues him, threatened danger will pass away unexpectedly….

The fetus denotes to your love for another person. The dream shows the deep connection you have with this particular person. The dream in which you are pregnant shows your will to have children. Sometimes the pregnant women have these kind of dreams which is absolutely normal and doesn’t have any special meaning.

To dream of transfiguration, denotes to disappeared clearness and truthiness. The dream of transfiguration also implies to deep connection with deity.

To dream of being in hollow vaults, deep cellars, or at the bottom of coal pits signifies matching with a widow.